ftit 2 tuf stoufviu5 tfjsiwe ttjyjy h 4 v355 yvftwvom sheridan jewellers diamonds watches l3l2s custom made jewellery guakameed 38 main st e slouftville phone fiio1650 d p sheridan certified watchmaker for office supplies its the tribune chain saws jn this yearpioneer line of chain sa oiieis a model for cery need from occa sional use around the cottage to big timber lotting opera- lions youll find hat you want with pioneer th rti dluie tight tliq m thai saw with 450 uonomtcally priced the compact chain saw proven by professionals on the farm front cty milk committee to be formed in york aa wall agricultural repr- fcntative for york county with the nw milk act pro claimed the new authority for the marketing of all milk besin to take shape practically al of the func tion beins looked after up to now by the milk industry board the whole milk pro ducers league the concen trated producer marketing board and our producers ass ociations will be taken over by new agencies the ontario milk com mission headed by georo mc- caue is at the top of the heap it will be responsible for govern ins the entire dairy industry in ontario by far the bisest and most difficult job it has is in milk marketing so a marketing board has been set up under the commission to look afirr thp entire marketing job this 14 man board head ed by george mclaughlin it takes over the job of negotiat ing prices setting quotas and has the authority to set up a pooling operation for all milk producers in ontario these two bodies hold virtu ally all the power in the new setup however there will be a county milk committee organized in each county it will be the voice of all producers and the comhined opinion of these county units will certain ly influence the decision of both the commission and the marketing board it is expected too that eventually members of the marketing board will be elected by county committee we will be starting to organ ize our committee in york county very soon it will be made up of not more than fifteen members to be elected by a ballot vote of all pro ducers 1 hope we can arrange to have this vote within the next few weeks it will be well advertised when the time comes so that all dairy farmers will be assured of a vote in my opinion the new county milk committee will be an improvement over our pre vious setup our producers were divided before by differ ent markets and different dis tricts communication between groups was not the best in addition with two different group involved in the market ing end there was always some confusion in the minds of ordin ary producers as to each groups responsibility a county committee of course cant do anything basically to solve the marketing problem but if it can contribute to better knowledge and understanding for producers and give them a stronger voice with those who have the authority then it will be a good step forward vandals blamed for closed hooting lands altona feed and supplies qgj rr3 chremont 64q1621 ess3 rumble equipment gormley 8875851 maple irresponsible hunters are frequently the major factor in causing the posting of no trespassing signs on private property and according to c k liveimore a conservation offi cer a person has only to drive down a township road to sec evi dence which cannot help but produce prejudice against a sportsman traffic signs rail road signs public utility and no trespassing signs are bullet- scarred some so damaged as to be almost unrecognizable mr livermore says that al though this damage is the work of a minority of individuals it is unfortunately blamed on most hunters in general he of- fers the following suggestions as to what the honest sportsman can do to protest the dwindling area in which he may hunt hp should go out of his way to seek permission to hunt on the farmers land many farm ers will let him hunt on posted land providing they know who the hunter is and that he is a responsible person teach young hunters the va lue of good relations with the landowners and teach them to strive for a better image than that which has been presented by hunters before their time when a sportsman sees someone poaching or causing damage he should go out of his way to tell the person that he is wrong and explain why he is wrong the irresponsible indivi dual would he set at a psycho logical disadvantage if reason ing with the offender is of no value the sportsman should contact the enforcement agency responsible for dealing with the situation and be prepared to spent a few hours of his time in court a small amount of effort by each sportsman would produce worthwhile dividends of better hunting and better relations in the future- of course there is discipline in modern family life how many parents do you know who would dare to disobey their children near deficiency in dairy products claims minister preliminary plans for th in auguraiion of ontarios com prehensive milk plan passed at the iat session of the i-egisla- i ture have proceeded so well that the act is likely to he pro claimed in xovcrrwvi iln wm a stewart minister of agricul- tuie told the waterloo hotoin bieeders association at kitche ner recently the minister indicated that this was at least two months earlier than had been thought possible at the conclusion of the last session of the legislature it would appear hkey that as soon as possible after the pro da mat ion of the act that see- i ondary milk prices of fluid shippers will be brought more in line with established manu facturing prices said the min ister adding that present prices would seem to be inconsistent in many cases mr stewart said that during the preparation of the gisa- j lion he had kept in clpe touch with the top dairy officials of his department and with the oftlci als of both the ottawa n que bec governments we were assured by the fed eral minister vf agrieuuoc that a national dairy commission would be established to work with the provincial marketing hoards or any regional agencies that might be established said the minister i may add that that was welcome news mr stewart said thai it was his belief that there must be a national dairy commission to provide for a long term policy for the country as a whole a dairy policy on a yearly basis could no longer he tolerated under a national policy re sponsibility would he assumed for the removal from the domes tic market of the comparatively small surplus which in effect established the price or the do mestic market whether we realize it or not canada is dangerously close to being a dairy products deficit nation said the minister this may seem to be an incredible situation in 1961 we produced only 27 per cent more dairy products than we consumed in canada rearing this figure in mind there seems little justifi cation that the export or world market price for such a comparatively small amount of our production should have heen allowed to determine the price for our entire manufactur ed production mr stewart pointed out that western grain growers recog nized the value of a national agency to strengthen their posi tion is it not time that cana dian dairy farmers followed suit with a similar agency such as a national dairy commission he asked the minister said there should be a unified approach to smithcorona electra 120 with a broadshouldered carriage for big jobs superb electric typing with a portable has all the features you need for school and many officesize extras for after its graduation is2 easy terms jl come try one f tribune office supplies phone stouffville 6402100 plus jeweled main bearing insures longlasting factorynew precision and performance plus changeable type 40 optional snapon characters add a new dimension to typingl strengthening the position of i dairy farmers in both ontario and quehec ontario and quebec must work more closely together not only in thp interests of na tional unity hut also in the in- 1 torests of selfpreservation as i canadas two largest dairy prov- 1 incos the minister slated that he had heen interested to note that both liberal and conservative party spokesmen have proposed j sloo per evvt for manufactured milk used on the domestic market 1 endorse this announce- j merit said mr stewart it is evident that the leaders of our federal parties recognize the need of pricing at this level and lhat they recognize it as a natio nal responsibility 1 believe in a two pi ice sys tem based on domestic market requirements with the export able surplus selling at world prices he said it is the only satisfactory wav to resolve the worsening financial position of canadian industrial milk pro ducers mr stewart said that the members of rhe milk marketing board had been appointed after careful consideration and that it was his hope as soon as it was practical rhai the board be elected from producers across the province a loaded firearm in a vehicle is the cause of many shooting accidents and the reason for many convictions under the game and fish act s23ssgs3s2s3s333s3 typewriters for rent standards st a month 3 months for 18 portables 56 a month 3 months for la tribune offiee supplies main st slouftville phone 6402100 dont wait for winter j protect your car against rust by an application of unda spray special a special grease formula used and recommended bj lame fleet accounts call our service dept for appointment sssscsaks3ewarsssc per car plus leaning tint neil patrick motors ltd main st w stouffville phone 6403450 prosperity is contagious canadians today arc more prosperous than ever before labour income has grown 95 a year since the liberal government look office and taxes have been cur by 10 haifa million new jobs have been created by liberal economic policies as much in two jcars as all six diefenbakcr vcars record wheal export sales arranged by the liberal government boost our economy and help all canadians unemployment under the liberal goernmcnt is at a 9yeat low 25 compared to 112 under diefenbakcr in february 1961 industrial production has grown at the rate of s3 a year since 1963 but only 32 a year for the six previous years our standard of living has greatly improved since the last clcclion if national production per person increases the average man is belter ort the amount of our national production per capita is rising live times as fast as it did during the diefenbakcr vcars a fact thai takes inio account population and price changes but prosperity docs not yet ex tend to every canadian a majority liberal government will mount a massive war on poverty and keep canada moving ahead with increas ing prosperity medicare everyone must have access o medical care whenever needed and without fear of crippling bills john addison maintains a majority liberal government in ottawa will introduce a national medicare plan prime minister pearson has set a largct date of july 1st 1967 it will provide comprehensive physicians services including specialists be universally available without means tests be portable anywhere in canada and be publicly administered by the provinces the 300 million federal share will be financed through general revenues from our expanding economy no increase in federal taxation will he required a liberal government will also assure expanded health training and research facilities and more trained medical people through a special 500 million health resources fund the fund will provide for construc tion renovation and equipment for health training facilities education my goal is free education for all canadians with ability and free education immediately for post grad uate students said john addison recently educational facilities will be greatly expanded under a majority liberal government federal aid for university education alone amounting to 330 million next fiscal year will be provided this amount is almost equal to the iotal expenditures in 196465 by the ten provinces and the federal government combined the bladen report on higher education also called for 17 billion of federal aid over the next ten years a liberal government ill ensure this support agricultural education for young farmers will be expanded and federal aid will be provided by a majority liberal government in ottawa training programs for people threatened by un employment automation or presently unemployed will be enlarged and vastly improved by a liberal government no increase in federal taxation is required to meet these objectives our expanding economy can readily afford these measures they are necessary lo ensure a prosperous and secure future for all canadians for continued progress and prosperity addison majority government three elections in f hree years is loo much canada needs a majority parliament that can govern for a full four- year term a majority liberal government will attack the important long range problems with decisiveness medicare national unity educational aid transporta tion water resources and poverty to deal with these canada needs a strong central government with repre sentation from every region a clear majority as in all 10 provincial capitals the smaller parties have no chance of forming a government or of becoming the official opposition a vote for ihcm is in effect either a vote for dicfenbaker or another unstable minority government the balance of power in a minority house rests in the hands of a few who use it for political advantage rather than the national good this can be dangerous at worst crippling at best the liberal party is the only party in this election which can elect a majority w iih representation from all parts of canada you owe it to your countrys future lo vote liberal vole for john addison since 1962 john addison mp has served york north well wmm jf inserted by the york north liberal association