markham ph 2943355 rom f markham ph 2943355 tiurs fbi sat soy 1 5 5 the yellow rolls royce in wmescreen technicolor ingrtll bkrcmav siiirikv marlaink arailmiiv awanl winner kkx harrison omar sharif alain dfxon admlvlnn adult 100 liildrn 3v- adult rntertainiiwiil i matinkk satirhav 300 pm out at 00 elvis presley in blue hawaii color arton mov tuks wki1 nov 8910 iffnni n the skull opiikr lkk iktkk clsiiisc horror castle world vision korean orphanage choir on monday oct istii twenty i fiv members of the ge club j iravpllwi to varehy stadium to aiieml the korean choirs con cert bossavna ioijksta ihristophkk ikb adult entertainment canada savings bonds canada best investment the new 1065 series are now on sale and have these important investment considerations attractive yield 50 if held to maturitv in 1977 he roamei the lonlv streis un til he caught pneumonia and was taken to world vision from then until today he has devoted his beautiful voire to the choir consists of twenty- 1 he orphanase choir almost five iris thirteen bovs and 8 i pv member of the choir has chaperone the conductor is wiineed such an experience mr joe hoon paik the accom- umle tn choir the chil- panist is chihve paik and hvo d tend to foraet their mt-e- jook pak is the assistant direc- 1 j bring cheer and com fort to the children in the or- i grant wells wins local bank trophy the stoufrville triue thr54y koreber 4 5j f if tions abroad it was a wonderful experience to see these children perform never have 1 heaid such a ter rific quality after watching these lonely tour the choir has a repertoire of two hundred hymns spiritu als korean folk songs chil- drens songs operas and christ mas songs in different langu ages instrumentals are per- 1 formed bv their chaperons a eliitdpn perform it makes you few of their numerous pieces realize now lucky you are to live are the lords pi aver i am a sj nourishing country as happy wanderer how great immediate liquidity cashable at face value any time plus earned interest excellent security easy to buy a direct obligation of the government of canada cash or on ihe con venient monthly sav ings plan place your order through russell beare 261 main street markham telephone 2941523 subagent mooti gundy company limited riiou art hes got the whole woild in his hands saraioo who spoonful of sugar and from the opera morning prayer from cavaleria rusticana an outstanding opportunity to j train for a musical centred ca- 1 reer is offered to an orphan of j exceptional musical ability through the world vision kore an choir children are chosen from all the orphanages in 1 every korean ciiy the children i who finally qualify aie ihe i-hil- dren with the most talents as i out of numerous groups of s only one is chosen the child who qualifies must he able to follow mr paik when he plays a scale on the piano be able to sing a hymn and folk song vocal times sense of rhythm physical health school records and disposition are carefully considered it is also impressed with the ministry as well as being a mu sical group the children are all asked to memorize 240 verses from the bible when the fust 70 verses have been perfectly memorized the child is given a pencil for a gift when the next 70 are learned the child receives a toothbrush and when the child has successfully repealed 210 lines they receive a gold pin as you see the items appear very common and inexpensive here but they are very precious to the people of korea the individual child before going to world vision has ex perienced a very cruel life one very such case is that of a small 8 year old boy chang woo chul his father was a drunkard of ten he used to spend his pay from previous days fishing on liquor leaving his family starv ing and unclothed one day his father came home drunk and started to beat the boy immedi ately his mother picked up a butchers knife and struck him this in itself would be a terri fying experience the boy would never forget then one day the boys father hastened him on deck of his iunk and took him to a strange port where he gave him some money and told him to buy some meat the boy happy that his family would once again he together saunter- i ed off to buy the meat when he returned his father had gone hutti parson 10b now false teeth fit beautifully relined and marfa snug as a dentists mold with cushion grip unique dental dis covery cushion grip coats rough spots with a clear pliable rsliner odorless and tasteless cushion grip matches mouth contours exactly restores plates natural holding power stops irri tation one simple application lasts for weeks even with nightly clean ing no mixing no measuring- ask your druggist for cushion grip c tu save73ftrialtube bt vlitiim only r juit cmptt ccudot enclol ttt mall to cushion grip phwmaco dflpl u point clalrqu nm ddr townordisblct for office supplies business machines its the tribune good reasons for voting progressive 1 deduction up to 500 municipal property tax for federal income tax purposes 2 old age pensions increased immediately to 100 per month 3 national plan for education canadas first 4 lower rates on instalment buying 5 national plan for health including medicare 6 nha mortgages for older homes 7 western prosperity for eastern farmers 8 a united canada under a government of integrity and purpose good reasons for electing on november 8 for cars and information call aurora 7279495 markham 2941344 newmarket 8954597 richmond hill 8841122 published by york north progressive conservative assn grant well added still an other silver trophy to his col lection on saturday evening at a banquet held a victoria square under the auspices of the north york east york king and vaughan plowmens association mr todd manager of the bank of commerce stouffvillc presented giant with a beautiful silver rose bowl given each year for the best plowed land in stubble congratulations grant lemon ville the uvv will hold their meeting wed nesday nov 10 at 8 pm in the home of mrs hoy ash- bridge 0th line mrs h nauta and mrs r gibbins are in charge of the program spvctal guest will be mrs honsberger and music provided by the quintette everyone is extend ed an invitation to join with us the lemom hie church will celebrate the fourth annivers ary of their rcorgan7ed church fellowship sunday nov h at 10 am and 730 pm at the morning service the cub tack will receive their own flag special guest for evening wor ship is rev bailey associate secretary world board of missions we hope all members and friends will make plans to be with us on this occasion the sunday school will again this year participate in the mission mitten tree we hope everyone will find it possible to contribute a pair of mittens be fore dec 5 the busy bee bank will also collect pennies for our special white gift project this week is bee thoughtful an old fashioned barn rais ing on a small scale took place on friday when neighbours and friends gathered at wells to raise the heavy framework for a new shed miss pat othbins spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs r gibbins pat is presently attending lectures in the final year of her nurses training where oh where has my little dog gone if it was mon day morning you were looking for him i expect he was enjoy ing a feast on the sidcroad the markham motel catering truck met with a slight misfor tune the lunch van on the truck landed in the ditch with hot dogs butter tarts dorrts etc spread all over the road the browncs were guests of gormley guides and brownies at a halloween party friday night margaret nauta and helen hrebik received prizes for their original costumes wendy clec and suzanne ram say are now the proud sixer and seconder of the fairy six congratulations to mr and mrs jim lloyd who welcomed a new baby daughter this week dont forget parents night at tcmonville school monday november 8 from 7 oclock on lcmonville welcomes mr and mrs ian munro and 2 year old daughter fiona and dr and mrs i brown both families have now settled into their lovely modern homes on the 7th mr and mrs b burton and friends attended the early per formance of mr wally ko at the francis room on satur day and later attended a hal loween bowling dance ladies enjoying the adult education programmes at night schools are mrs r bsackwell mrs a macfartane mrs b cook mrs c hood and mrs d clee mr and mrs peter thornton streeisville were sunday visi tors at the turners monday evening the official board met at the manse mr cunningham representing cap ital investments was present to present the new york presby tery plan to be carried over the next three years he explained charts and graph asking for a pledge the board voted to paticipate on a voluntary basis only with no set amount pledg ed a garage for the new manse also came up for discussion it is hoped to put up some portion before freeze up mr and mrs e crawford cindy and johnny disposed of their property and moved on the weekend takins up resid ence in downs view a large group of friend held a surprise party for miss shar- ron flewell on the occasion of her sixteenth birthday recently many happy returns sharron opening soon christian supply center formerly stouffvule book nook 170 main street west stouffville books bibles gifts sunday school supplies records scripture cards watch for opening specials quality spend less gel more for your money picnic hams average 5 lbs lb 55 pork chops lb 90 lem hamburg 3 lbs 100 sirloin tbone steaks lb 95 halves of be el cut wrapped frozen lb 49 and meat mauket rr3 claremont phone 6403125 1964 pontiac pnrisicnne convertible vs auto matic power brakes power steer ing radio whitewalls and discs beautiful misi blue finish with black lop 1964 corvair mnna automatic radio white- walls discs and washers while with black interior 1963 envoy station wagon 1 cylinder stand ard transmission very economical transportation white with red in terior 1962 ford gnlaxie 500 model 1hr hardtop s automatic push button radio whitewalls discs 2 tone brown and while wilh matching interior 1965 viva demonstrator cylinder standard transmission a real gas saver drop in and try it now 1963 pontiac strato chief sedan automatic 6 cylinder radio whitewalls discs white with beige interior 1962 pontiac 4dr sedan standard transmission radio washers whitewalls discs dark blue matching interior 1962 rambler 6cylindcr 4door sedan with auto matic transmission smart black finish with blue interior a one- owner low mileage 1961 pontiac tdr sedan standard transmission 6 cylinder washers green wilh matching interior 1959 chevrolet belair 4dr hardtop fi cylinder automatic radio whitewalls and discs 2 lone green and white with matching interior 1964 international 1300 series 1 ion dual wheels steel platform one owner truck 1961 volkswagen van a real truck a real buy iow mileage 1959 gmc 3ton truck with hoist steel plat form and racks good tires 1953 vi ton pickup in real good condition if youre been on the hunt for a vi ton dont miss seeing this one 965 p0ntiacs trade your car for an all new pontiac 1 year warranty on all cars neil patrick motors ltd main st w at the tracks stouffville phone 6403452 gmac ttmf paymfmt plan