pi 6 the stouffviue tribune tju5r odow 28 m3 buy sell trade hire rent find through the phon5 6402100 6402101 miscellaneous aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements thone 6101891 3stf articles for sale articles for sale wedding gown for sale size 14 phone 6103230 space heater for sale with oil tank phone 6402648 phone knitting for sale stouffville 64cm397 custom home and industrial electric wiring elect rlral home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6102033 32tt sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drain clenned nml repaired c stundkn lstf richmond hill ph to 41245 stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every joo guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6103311 38 tf wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile 29tf thone 8875337 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- stonltville 6402826 6103803 gormley 8875525 unionville 2071 186 36 tf gormley 8875240 electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner slouffvillo 6102252 tf painting paperhanging flooring rec rooms built alterations additions 3 years written guarantee the lang service phone 8881028 40tf radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 3 technicians to serve you 2 complete rublie address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west stotiftvillc phone 6102440 51tf carter sand gravel all types of material for all your needs we specialize in grading and graveling lanes parking lots concrete floors farm barnyards bulldozing loading avlmer carter sloult 6103781 47tf mcclary coal wood rook stove for sale phone 6101748 rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture v appliances 31 main st w stouftvillc used tires whitchurch tire sales good used passenger tires all sizes some farm and truck tires new tires all sizes available residence fhone 6101687 it mi n of aurora sideroad on 7th cone w of hwy 48 16 tf edward pkgg howard murphy decorators expert interior painting wallpaper vinyl burlap murals free estimates ph 6105020 2fll pet stock poodle pup for sale choco late brown registered and in oculated phone 2912796 maltese puppies and long and short eoat chihuahua pup pies for sale reasonable ph sss170s baled shavings for sale nigh bros 6101680 6402006 5tf frigidaire refrigerator for sale large in good condition phone 6102755 babys crib for sale white enamel in good condition phone 6101374 2 750 x 14 white wall snow tires with 6000 miles on them phone 6402175 orders taken for dressed capons 350 ea tom cough- ian phone 6102588 new williams drop head sewing machine motor at tached mrs clarence doner phone 6102195 floor furnace and space heater for sale in good con dition phone 6102211 or 640- 2481 used bicycles two boys bicycles your choice s2000 each hendricks hardware fefd for sale cob corn by the ton place your order now for well matured corn murray crone ph 4735350 mt albert 184 used deer rifle remington model 760 3006 slightly used priced right to clear hendricks hardware pumps pressure systems shallow well and deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction phone stouff ville 6401424 26 tf for sale 1 continental bed with headboard 15 studio couch with 3back cushions 15 settee 2 chairs rubber cushions 20 1 table and 4 chairs arborite 15 phone 6492337 after 5 pm office equip typewriters adders cashiers duplicators cheque writers files furni ture we buy sell rent ser vice largest stock budget terms new and used low overhead low prices bill hamilton raglan north of oshawa 6tf television antenna do it yourself kits chimney an tennas 1495 roof antennas 1995 30ft tower 3995 40- ft tower 4995 above items contain all necessary material herb kring furniture and appliances 23 main st west phone 6402092 40tf markhams oldest skate exchange new pleasure hockey figure and speeder skates in stock we buy and sell used skates lawton shoes and repairs 21tt 76 main si n mnrkham phone 2911512 trees for sale devines nursery has some beautiful cedars 2 ft to 6 ft high 65c to 175 each colorado spruce 3 ft to 10 ft high some blue also large mugho pines 3 ft to 4 ft spread very reasonable cedar posts 65c to s5c poles 20 ft at s195 and fireplace wood s700 single cord on cherrv st 2 miles north of ballantrae off hwy 48 open fri sat and sun only 202 ratcliff lumber sfnuftville gormley unlonvillc 6102351 8881901 2071661 open fri til 9 kitchen cupboards windows ceiling tile floor tile paint 1tf arborite plywoods metro wrecking lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new used lumber and plumbing 20 tons of used pipe steel and angle iron 3 and 4 soil pipe steel sash plywoods 4 and 8 fluorescent lights new and used sash doors electrical supplies new specials 2x4 6c per lin ft 2x6 tic per lin ft 2xs 12c per lin ft 2x10 15o per lin ft rolled roofing 150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects i mile east of yonge street south on markham road open dailv until 6 pm 8803912 16tf snow tires whitchurch tire sales used snow tires original tread most sizes s1s00 to s2500 a pair new tires all sizes available pnone 6101687 1 ml north of aurora sideroad on 7th con first west of hwy 16 ti 2 snow tires 60 65013 ph 6402976 after 7 pm a 3piece winter outfit red size 5 vr 1 pair of snow boots size ioi phone 6102741 2 surge breaker cups and trap like new phone 610- 2191 one small size office type writer desk good condition 35 phone 6101583 boys hockey skates sizes 6 and 4 girls figure skates size 2 like new phone 610- 1513 26 clarke st good used timbers all sizes and lengths also lumber good for rec rooms or what have you phone 8s75s16 woods freezers 16 cubic foot model only 18900 22 cubic foot model only 21900 hendricks hardware television used rca television 17 incli model reconditioned with stand only 6900 at hendricks hardware for sale hunting jacket sport chief nylon green size 44 3piece hunting outfit cap jacket and pants red plaid size about 44 mrs gordon phone 6101846 evenings used appliances several excellent refrigerators ranges and wringer washers excellent condition bargain prices we need room hendricks hardware wanted someone to take over payments on singer automatic zig zag makes patterns button holes and blind hems guaranteed bal ance 8 payments of 700 dealer write box 39 co the tribune 202 turquoise appliances refrigerator general electric with bottom freezer 14 cu ft turn out shelves range 40 inch with oven timer storage com partments a lovely pair priced right you will love this colour hendricks hardware assssssssassssssssssssi typewriters adding machines saxes and rentals standards and electrics option to purchase r b t a i r s to all makes office furniture general office supplies tribune office supplies 54 slain st w stouftville phone 4tf 6402100 produce brussels sprouts for the freezer m baker phone 640- 3323 202 apples macintosh court- land delicious 250 bushel snows 200 norman smith 6403787 unpasteurized honey for sale last chance to get from the b kavs apiary don mills rd gormley phone 88s1770 no 2 potatoes table stock 75 lbs 150 also feed potatoes 10 per ton john bosworth potatoes ltd rr 3 new market 20tf apples for sale mac intosh snows courtlands talman sweets and spys j m nighswander phone 640- 1536 202 oboyles abattoir beef tork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6101343 1820 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schelis meat market stouftvillo ph 6101942 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fret bros a harper bus 6103125 ros lee 6102008 norm 6101816 13ti cuff harper 6402813 for rent personal i transportation 6 room farm house to rent 3 piece bath oil furnace ph 2910198 adding machines type- 1 writers for rent call tribune office supplies phone 64 34tf jjtoom apartment for rent east end light heat and pow er supplied self contained im mediate occupancy write box 41 co the tribune i glenn nirrter will not be responsible for any bills incurred by mv wife after october 20 1965 213 stand available in the york farmers market at 7501 yonge st at thornhill home baking farm and garden pro ducts etc phone w e glad ding 8875435 or e leek 881- 3054 214 we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in vour home by the week or month your rent mav be applied to purchase if desired herb kring furni ture and appliances 23 main st w phone 6102092 40tf live stock 1 bob calf for sale bruce foote phone 640286s 2 beef cows 2 hereford hei fers 500600 pounds each ph 6102976 after 7 pm yearling shropshire rams registered great for crossing on any breed phone 294049s holstein heifer due feb ruary 1st calf jersey cow due april both from registered stock polled hereford heifer calf six months phone 655- 4662 evenings or weekends 18tf dairy cows if you are planning to increase or improve your dairy herd check this new low cost plan no down payment necessary immediate delivery up to 3 years to re pay for more details write allied farm services local representative terry lamping 800 jane st toronto 9 4167660401 215 help wanted help wanted to harvest cabbages paul otter phone 6401067 driver wanted neat appear ance for steady job salary apply feathercrest farms mt albert 4732420 truck drivers wanted for sand and gravel company apply in person to commer cial sand and gravel ltd hwy 48 2 miles north of ringwood ont 6tf farm salesman if you have any farming back ground you may just be suited to the very highly paid business of farm sales with a long estab lished company we will train and assist you call mr d mclean 8801176 david mclean ltd realtors head office 74 stccles ave west at yonge st opposite sayvctte plaza wanted sales staff earn a better than average in come full training and all assistance given openings for several pleasant honest people not afraid to work let us advise you on an inter view of your earning potential we arc expanding wc will need future office managers call mr thompson harold wood real estate stouffville 6102323 toronto 2935751 earn executives income we train you supply all leads and offer an opportunity to earn while you learn many of our representatives earn top executive incomes yet came to us from completely un related jobs dont be backward come forward cash in on the unprecedented booming real estate market our expansion in this area requires men or women we have the past knowledge and experience to provide all the assistance you will require you alone deter mine your income potential be master of your own destiny call now for appointment no obligaiion see how you can double your present income in your own area sears real estate limited member of the toronto real estate board call our unionville office at 2971956 9u wanted 4furrow international plow wanted phone 6102567 wanted to rent house in stouffville area two children phone 6192400 evenings tf 34 bedroom home urgently required phone 4853075 coll ect 202 thornhill auction buys furnishings dishes silverware antiques or sells liquidates or auctions for you on commis sion call 9122011 1111 edison cothmbia etc cylinder phonographs and rec ords also regina polyphone etc music boxes box 40 co the stouffville tribune cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19tf margwill fur farm tyrone license 389c65 i wanted horses 1 and j cattle dead crippled old highest prices paid according to sue condition small animals removed free phone 7rnith 32800 no toll charge dial 6401641 power equipped trucks call anytime 37tf ed pkconi son ltd rr 2 woodville collectors licence 302c64 nicks dead stock service highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbrldge ul 23319 collect 24 hours a day 7 days a week service nick montague license 172c62 44tf township of whitchurch tender for screened sand sealed tenders marked tend ers for sand will be received by the undersigned until 5 five oclock pm tuesday november 9th 1965 for the supply of approximately 3000 tens of coarse screened sand 1 price per ton loaded on town ship trucks ai pit 2 price per ton delivered to stock pile at township yard vandorf out lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ross farquharson reeve 212 ernest davis road superintendent rr no 1 gormley ont township of whitchurch tender for the rental of equipment for snow plowing sealed tenders plainly marked tender will be received by the undersigned until 5 oclock pm tuesday november 9th 1065 1 for the hiring of a heavy duty truck with 29000 gvw rating equipped with a v type snow plow and levelling wing 2 for the hiring of a motor grader of 100 fc equipped with a v type snow plow and level ling wing for plowing snow in the town ship of whitchurch east of no 48 highway or anywhere else in the townshid if required from december 15th 1965 to march 15th 1966 the tenderer shall supply drivers for equipment tendered on also fuel oil grease etc township tender forms must be used for tendering and may be obtained at township office vandorf ont lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ross ftouharson reeve 212 ernest davis road superintendent rr no u gormley ont ride wanted from surround ing area to bathurst at lake- shore before s am return after 5 pm phone 6492393 transportation wanted from markham to oshawa east plant of general motors starting night shift phone 29116s6 sale register auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouftvllle 6401491 a s farmer phone gormley 8876311 real estate lots wanted a toronto builder requires lots in this area at once will also consider acreage suitable for subdivision phone 2971956 10tf houses wanted an investor desires to pur chase homes in this area for renting will pay all cash and prepared to purchase home in need of repairs sears real estate ltd unionville 2971956 10tf your property needed business is good waiting buyers free appraisals new custom built electric heat 3500 down one open mort gage for balance 3 bedroom brick bungalow with open stone fireplace attached garage many extras including storms and screens nice lot on sewers east stouffville constructed to be builders own home market value reserved to advertise your property that nice home in stouffville or area that is just too small or too large or too far from your work for which we would be able to get you all cash or any terms suitable to you try us were nice people and the operation is painless approved building lots acre lots on 48 highway just north of stouffville and suitable for vla approval build your own home we have builders available to give you a contract price on completed home or just outside wall basement and roof many plans available industrial and commercial lots reasonable priced approved lo cations this is a growing town looking for and keeping bal anced residential industrial and commercial growth keswick at the lake 7500 full price and open to offers this can be your oppor tunity for comfortable inexpen sive living 7 rooms on 2 floors very reasonable down payment one open mortgage on your terms for balance low taxes and located steps from the lake on one of keswicks nicest resi dential streets just north of musselmans executive type home on 500 ft lot 8 large beautiful rooms and attached garage only 4 years old if you need to entertain if you wanl something better in a home if you wish nice sur roundings then this home may be for you see it and decide asking only 23000 financing available let us be of service to you stoiiffviiies own ical broker 280 main st west baskett pegg ltd real estate brougham ontario 9420931 evenings 6401303 1 corner farm south of no 7 in pickering township 48 acre property very scenic about 10 acres hardwood bush spring excellent marketgar den soil 2 greenhouses mod ernized house barn new driv ing shed many possibilities contact wm pegg 2 large family home on 1 i acres of land at scenic glen major ne claremont spring creek natural pond site on treed lot double garage and workshop very reasonably priced for the discriminating buyer 3 two building lots in clare mont one wtth trees and a creek 4 iywking for 100 acres of good farm land in pickering town ship we have 2 of these properties fronting on no 7 hwy both are corner farms with future subdividing poss ibilities within commuting distance of toronto ken clarke prentice phone markham 2043161 or stouffville 6103686 reg johnson sunderland ont friday october 29 auc- titon sale of farm implements ford tractor tractor plow etc furniture and appliances many articles loo numerous to mention at lot 29 con 6 king twp i mile west of hwy 400 the property of mrs carl proctor no reserve farm is sold terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner and son clerks a s farmer auction eer saturday october 30 clearing auction of house and lot also household furniture including tv good i refriger ator rangette antique clocks 3 pe chesterfield suite china cabinet odd dishes 2 stoves bedding organ bench sev eral antique articles also a 7 room house built in cup boards hardwood floors hy dro good well m acre good garden garage in the village of goodwood formerly the property of the late george rowe terms on property made known time of sale chattels cash no reserve sale at 1 pm atkinson wilson auctioneers saturday oct 30 auction sale of 75 registered and high grade shorthorn cattle 60 hogs pony hens two tractors combine baler full line of im plements hay grain straw the property of leek bros lot 2 cone 1 scott twp 3 miles southeast of mount albert terms cash sale at 11 am cattle sale at 2 pm ted jackson ted spenccley reg johnson auctioneers monday nov 1 auction sale of 40 registered holsteins vaccinated 2 tractors baler full line of implements grain and straw property of corliss ashenhurst lot 5 cone 9 reach twp 3 miles west of highway 12 4 miles north of manchester terms cash sam gough on pedigrees sale at 3 pm ted jackson ted spenceley and reg johnson auctioneers tuesday november 2 auction sale of farm stock and implements hay straw and grain property of alfred english lot 25 cone 4 east gwillimbury twp 3 miles north of sharon sideroad on don mills rd 32 head high grade shorthorn and holstein cattle no of good pigs 1st class line nearly new power machinery no reserve as ow ner is giving up due to ill health terms cash sale at 130 reg johnson auctioneer tuesday nov 2 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments hay straw and grain the property of alfred eng lish lot 25 con 4 east gwill imbury twp approx 3 miles north of sharon sideroad on don mills rd 36 head of shorthorn and holstein cattle 2 sows with pigs ready to wean 38 good chunks 2500 hu of grain hay and straw mf 50 gas tractor manure loader good mf pto man ure spreader tandem wheels 140 bu new mf power seed drill on rubber nearly new mckee forage harvester wa gon and box surge milking machine nearly new full line of good power machinery note this is a good herd of milk cows and nearly new machinery no reserve as owner is giving up farming due to ill health terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer tuesday nov 2 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments hay and grain 3 hol stein cows 6 veal calves case tractor model s with live power ii ic 2furrow ace bottom plow ihc cultivator cockshutt 13 fertilizer drill power lift and full line of im plements 1000 bus oats 250 bus wheat and quantity of household furniture at lot 11 con 5 pickering 1 mile south of greenwood school the property of howard ormerod no reserve farm sold terms rash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner son clerks owner and auctioneer not responsible if any accident should occur during sale day on premises alvin s farmer auctioneer thursday november 4 auction sale of farm stock implements including 40 head of catttle cows with calves by side and pasture bred also ih no 300 tractor good man ure spreader seed drill mow er side rake number of pigs chickens hay grain straw furniture etc the property of gordon jones at lot 9 con 4 uxbridgde twp 2 miles north of uxbrldge pickering town- line or 2 miles south of hwy 47 on the 4th con terms cash no reserve as owner quitting farming the good wood wmc will serve lunch r e faulkner clerk sale at 1 pm norm faulkner aue uoneer 194 thursday nov 4 special twilight auction sale of spring er and fresh dairy type cows for export or domestic pur poses for consignment please contact frank bennett union- ville ss75570 or norm faulk ner stouffville 6403s13 sale to be held in cow palace at stouffville stockyards ltd hwy 47 j mile north of stouffville sale at 730 pm 203 saturday nov 6 combin ation extensive auction sale of modern choice household fur niture electrical appliances suites dishes utensils glass ware ornaments pictures paintings rugs antique ar ticles garden and handymans tools with numerous other useful effects etc at pren tices new idea farm part lot 21 concession 8 mark ham twp on 4s highway 1 i miles north of markham village being the consigned properties of blake johnston little mckendry peters somers woods yakley and others sale at 1230 pm terms cash without reserves see posters for full listings clarke prentice auctioneer saturday nov 6 auction sale of antiques and house hold effects desk clocks pine chairs rockers dressers dish es over 100 years old nippon and iron stone brass tea wa gon glass lamps brass beds chest of drawers and numer ous other items in antiques and modern not listed pro perty of mrs g smith take the north road at oak ridges one block north of stoplights at yonge king sideroad to bayvlew ave 2 blocks north on bayview ave on west side in tasc of rain sale will be held indoors at 12 noon auc tioneer llovd wilson ux brldge 8523524 wednesday nov 17 clear- ing auction of dual purpose shorthorns all registered ac credited and vaccinated herd established in 1909 also trac tor implements including a mh selfpropelled combine like new tractor mc grain drill 2 tractor plows spread er baler power mower hy duty cultivator cultipacker bale elevator grain auger with motor 30ft pigs hay grain straw etc the property of a a andrews selling at the farm located on the first line w in toronto township being south of brampton to steeles ave 1 mile west of hy 10 turn left m mile farm sold no reserve terms cash sale 1 pm clerks- faulkner woods atkinson wilson sale mgrs and auc tioneers lost found lost gray cat with white markings childs pet 640- 2172 lost yellow and green bud gie vicinity of cone 7 pick ering and brock rd north of brougham answers to the name of ricky phone 649- 5052 female help wanted practical nurse or nurses aid and kitchen help green gables manor phone 6403061 ontario hydro rural office requires female help for gen eral office work such as typ ing filing and rural billing apply box 170 markham ont or phone 2943300 christmas shopping is no longer a problem when the avon representative calls those earnings can take care of your christmas shopping too for interview write miss zicgler box 141 guelph giv ing phone cars trucks 58 lincoln sedan for sale cheap phone 6103000 203 1956 ford victoria very reasonable phone 6403496 1958 ford pickup good con dition 350 phone 6401533 1959 meteor for sale 6 cylin der standard 2 door al best offer 2943196 trucks cars wanted for wrecking highest price paid 1 hour pickup phone 294- 2133 47tf 1956 meteor black in good condition 4 new whitewall tires new shock absorbers 170 phone 6192504 eric molyneaux body ti fender repairs and painting tow truck service lib concession whitchurch ballantrae phono 6j03946 42 tf attention truckers if you are looking for used trucks parts tires or accessor ies see the truck wrecker first moore truck parts sales old til hwy holland landing 8954668 37tf