Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 14, 1965, p. 8

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ptg 8 te stouffvlue twrw ussvlsr octob p ww buy sell trade hire rent find through the phone 6402100 6402101 miscellaneous aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6101891 3stl custom home avd industrial electric wiring electrical rome heating ross hetherington rnne stouffville 6102033 32tl sanitary contractor septic tanks pnmped drains cleaned and repaired a 8tunden lstf klchroond hill ph ttj 1243 stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6103311 38tf wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile 29ti thone 8875337 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call stouffvuie 6102826 6403803 gormley 8875525 unionville 2971186 36- gormley 8875240 electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouffville 6102252 tf painting paperhanging flooring rec rooms built alterations additions s years written guarantee the lang service phone 8881928 40tf radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 3 technicians to serve you 2 complete fnlillc address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 68 main west stouffville fhone 6102440 51tf carter sand gravel all types of material for all your needs we specialize in grading and graveling lanes parking lots concrete floors farm barnyards bulldozing loading aylmer carter stouff 6403734 47tf rapid tv service fully experienced tv a rndln repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture a appliances si main st xv stouffville bert h allison whitewashing and barn painting phone b426401 before s am or after 730 pm dsvtlme lawrle bros markham ph 2942072 173 used tires whitchurch tire sales good used passenger tires all sizes some farm and truck tires new tires all sizes available residence phone 6101687 h nil n of aurora slderoad on 7th cone w of hwy 48 16tf transportation transportation available leaving rlngwood 7 am leav ing downtown toronto 450 pm phone 84010s7 transportation wanted to scarborough arriving between 630 ard 645 am phone 640- 1702 articles for sale articles for sale 4piece bedroom set map le finish phone 6401337 tractor trailers for sale phone 6101773 baled shavings for sale nigh bros 6401680 6402006 5tf wood cut split and well sea soned for sale for fireplace range or furnace ph 6492009 girls red laminated winter coat size 12 good as new mrs howard mantle phone 6402812 quaker space heater with circulating fan and boos ter also wolf river apples ph 6102816 feed for sale cob corn by the ton place your order now for well matured corn murray crone ph 4735350 mt albert 184 skates for sale 1 pair girls figure skates size 104 2 pairs boys skates size 2 and size 4 phone mrs j rennie 640- 2143 deepwell pump duro com plete with motor 42 gal tank and fittings all in good condi tion interested persons call dr l saunders res ss94271 or 4858651 ext 397 surge milking machine two units pipes for 20 cows also electric cream separator milking machine and separa tor lust one year old phone 2942759 pumps pressure systems shallow well and deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call bete construction phone stouff ville 6401424 26tf see our zenith sewing ma chines straight sew semiau tomatic and dialamatic porta ble and console models 6995 and up twenty year parts warranty trades accepted crest hardware ph 6402771 office equip typewriters adders cashiers duplicators cheque writers files furni ture we buy sell rent ser vice largest stock budget terms new and used low overhead low prices bill hamilton raglan north of oshawa 6tf television antenna do it yourself kits chimney an tennas 1495 roof antennas 1995 30ft tower 3995 40- ft tower 4995 above items contain all necessary material herb kring furniture and appliances 23 main st west phone 6402092 40ti trees for sale devines nursery has some beautiful cedars 2 ft to 6 ft high 65c to 175 each colorado spruce 3 ft to 10 ft high some blue also large mugho pines 3 ft to 4 ft spread very reasonable on cherry st 2 mi north of ballantrae off hwy 48 open fri sat and sun only 182 ratcliff lumber stouffville gormley uninnvillc 6402351 8881991 2971661 open fri til 9 kitchen cupboards windows ceiling tile floor tile paint 1tf arborite plywoods metro wrecking ft lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new used lumber and plumbing 20 tons of used pipe steel and angle iron 3 and 4 soil pipe steel sash plywoods 4 and 8 fluorescent lights new and used sash doors electrical supplies new specials 2x4 6c per hn ft 2x6 9c per lin ft 2x8 12c per lin ft 2x10 15c per lin ft rolled roofing 150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects j mile east of yonge street south off markham road open dailv until 6 pm 8893912 161 f snow tires whitchurch tire sales used snow tires original tread most sizes 1800 to 2500 a pair new tires all sizes available phone 6101687 h mi north of aurora slderoad on 7th con first west of 48 hwy 16tf emsteel roofing and sheet metal 224c toryork drive weston mnrsden steel prop beat the snow and ice have your flatroofing repairs done now free estimates two year personal written guar antee on flat roofs and one year guarantee on sheet metal work phone 6401 984 or 7491994 23 cu it woods chest type freezer 1 yr old ph 640- 2440 beatty washing machine electric good as new phone 6102193 spinning wheel table loom fi oak dining room chairs phone 4735843 markhams oldest skate exchange new pleasure hockey figur and speeder skates in stock we buv and sell used skates lawton shoes and repairs 76 main st n markham phone 2911542 typewriters adding machines sales and rentals standards and electrics option to purchase repairs to all makes office furniture general office supplies tribune office supplies 64 main st w stouffville phone 4ti 6402100 produce macintosh apples for sale can be delivered ph 6401490 brussels sprouts for the freezer m baker phone 640- 3323 182 sebago cooking potatoes for sale les ogden phone 6401827 192 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fretz bros ft harper bus 6403125 res lee 6402098 norm 6401876 19tf cliff harper 6402813 oboyles abattoir beef ft tork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6401343 1820 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouffvuie ph 6401942 live stock one suffolk ewe lamb for sale phone 6402196 suffolk rams ewes purebred for sale w d creighlon steeles ave phone 2935131 192 sheep north country chev iot young breeding ewes some good rams priced to sell ken fallis brougham phone ajax 9120733 182 purebred yorkshire sows and boars large while bred gilts and mature sows from imported stock queensville 4784383 50 leghorn hens 8 pups 7 weeks old mother is purebred german shepherd and father is collie also electric bench saw phone 6102367 holste1n heifer due feb ruary 1st calf jersey cow due april both from registered stock polled hereford heifer calf six months phone 655- 4662 evenings or weekends lstf dairy cows if you are planning lo increase or improve your dairy herd check this new low cost plan no down payment necessary immediate delivery up to 3 years to re pay for more details write allied farm services local representative terrv lamping 800 lane st toronto 9 416 766fum help wanted help wanted for harvesting turnips ph 2940397 brussel sprout pickers wan ted male or female full or parttime piece work basis paid the same day phone married man wanted for general farm work good sal ary and house apply manag er beasley thoroughhred breeding farm myrtle on help wanted cntd accommodation man wanted for work on i golf course 7th line mark ham twp south of 7 hwy phone 2910621 1s2 i experienced real estate salesman or saleslady for stouffville office call floyd marlatt at margaret iilaid realtor 104 main st stouffville 6103822 192 room and board available mrs miler 99 edward street stouffville 6102156 truck driver required for year round position exper ience necessary good wages call bluegrass turf farms ltd phone 61023s3 young men wanted for full- time work in modern grocery store apply in poison to rat- cliffs 1ga foodliner stouff ville truck drivers wanted for sand and gravel company apply in person to commer cial sand and gravel ltd hwy 48 2 miles north of ringwood ont 6tf cook wanted mostly short orders 4 to 11 pm good wages pleasant working con ditions steady employment year round call 8875411 15tf jobs available for land- reapers and drivers interested in general landscape work wages from 175 up applv vics nursery ltd phone 640- 2344 whitchurch public school board needs 1 teacher for principal relief halftime send application to john c wvle sect v rr 2 stouffville ph 6401701 farm salesman if you have any farming back ground you may just be suited to the very highly paid business of farm sales with a long estab lished company we will train and assist you call mr d mclean 8891176 david mclean ltd realtors head office 74 steeles ave west at yonge st opposite sayvette plaza men and women wanted for toultry processing plant good working conditions for further information call king cole duck farms 8959161 corner of 5th cone and aurora sideroad attention men we are looking for men who are willing to accept responsibil ity and follow instructions men who can meet and get along with people if you qualify you will become a career insurance agent income for the rigiit man 400 monthly with possible in crease in three months previous sales experience not necessary please reply to box 37 co the tribune giving age marital sta tus and educational background all replys will be held strictly confidential all replys will he contacted 174 white rodgers ltd have openings for experienced female assemblers on electrical assembly male assemblers and shipper general factory help applv white rodgers ltd hwy 48 north of markham ssssss3ssssssssssssssss earn executives income we train you supply all leads and offer an opportunity to earn while you learn many of our representatives earn top executive incomes yet came to us from completely un related jobs dont be backward come forward cash in on the unprecedented booming real estate market our expansion in this area requires men or women we have the past knowledge and experience to provide all the assistance you will require you alone deter mine your income potential be master of your own destiny call now for appointment no obligation see how you can double your present income in your own area sears real estate limited member of the toronto real estate board call our inlonville office a 2971956 9tf horse ranch fort perry area wanted married couple mancare of horses general farm repairs no heavy farming car necessary wifegeneral housekeeping room and hoard excellent sal ary with increases phone collect toronto evenings 4171491 davsl 7573291 i mrs metcalfe weekends 9s5220o female help wanled women for light factory work in markham steady work ph 2912627 woman wanted for part- time general housework mon day to friday 900 to approx imately 12 noon own trans portation phone 6403477 waitresses wanted full or part time uniforms supplied good wages pleasant work ing conditions stey em ployment year round phone 8875411 15tf wanted immediately a girl or woman to care for two children in their own home while mother teaches live in weekends free phone 473- 5745 after 530 pm christmas shopping is no longer a problem when the avon representative calls those earnings can take care of your christmas shopping too for interview write miss ziegler box 141 guelph giv ing phone don mills female help required by electronic component manufacture for assembly work good working conditions contact mr r m bur land phone 6102083 evenings permanent or temporary or parttime registered nurses the to for grcenacres home tor aged salary range 36900 42600 graduale nurses also required apply greenacres home for the aged or 387 bloor st e toronto 194 eagle st newmarket 183 vanted wanted to rent house in stouffville area two children phone 6192100 evenings tf lost found found tan pvp altona district phone 6403248 pet stock wanted good country home for pair of samoyeds ph 473- 5s43 evenings thornhill auction buys furnishings dishes silverware antiques or sells liquidates or auctions for vou on commis sion call 9122011 1111 tenders wanted for con struction claremont legion hall plans may he picked up from a i samarillo 649- 2013 claremont cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19tf margwill fur farm tvrono license 389c65 wanted dead l fy horses crippled 1 and old i 1 cattle highest trices paid according to size condition small animals removed free monk zenith 32800 no toll charge dial 6101611 power equipped trucks call anytime 37tf ed teconi son ltd rr 2 woodville collectors licence 302c64 real estate cards of thanks we wish to sincerely thank all our friends neighbours and rel atives for the many flowers and cards received during the be reavement of the loss of our dear hrother allan bill and linda sharron steve linda cathie and johnny bell we sincerely thank our family and many fi iends for their love and kindness expressed in ver bal and written congratulations host wishes and beautiful gifts on the happy occasion of our fiftieth wedding anniversary mr and mrs rov mover farm fi miles northwest of lindsav in victoria countv township of mariposa 200 acres good clay loam 180 workable highly productive 40 acres new seeding balance hay and pasture mixture two never failing spring fed ponds barn 100x41 implement shed and garage a good red brick house 10 rooms recently dec orated tile floors upstairs tile and oak down bathroom full basement with newly installed oil furnace also a nursery of ornamental trees terms ap ply owner john tamlin rri woodville telephone camhrav 26j2 1s3 i wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their many kindnesses flora tributes gifts of money and food in the loss of my heloved l husband and father ronald warriner everything was deep ly appreciated shirley and family i would like to thank all those who remembered me with pray ers gifts cards and flowers while in uxbridge hospital and since returning home a special thank you to dr mclntyre and staff also to dr smith and our relatives for help again at this time all is greatly appreciated isaac smith lots wanted a toronto builder requires lots in this area at once will also consider acreage suitable for subdivision phone 2971956 10tf houses wanted an investor desires to pur chase homes in this area for renting will pay all cash and prepared to purchase home in need of repairs scars real estate ltd unionville 2971956 10tf nicks dead stock service for sale 11900 4 bedroom 2storey brick home with bath and al most new oil furnace located on wide lot on quiet street in stouffville terms call floyd marlatt highest prices paid tor dead and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbridge ul 23319 collect 24 hours a day 7 days a week service nick montague license 172c62 44tf hay grain 5000 bales good quality hay phone 9857495 184 2000 bales of hay for sale phone 2942759 clearance sale of fresh pea and corn ensilage stokely van camp of can ltd phone 6686301 mr cappe whitby ont 415 10 acres standing corn for sale 2 miles east of clare mont paul wellman phone 6495511 fresh corn ensilage de livered reasonable price contact ed stcinfield at 723- 4376 or at stokclyvan camp whitby ont 6683500 156 for rent 6 room farm house to rent 3 piece bath oil furnace ph 2940498 farm for rent large house barn 25 acres good wood area phone 61033c3 adding machines type writers for rent call tribune office supplies phone 6402100 34tf we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in your home by the week or month your rent may be applied to purchase if desired herb kring furni ture and appliances 23 main st w phone 6402092 40tf adults only goodwood area comfortable 3 room selfcontained apartment on second floor of warm farm home private entrance free garage available nov 1st 6500 monthly will leas call 6401336 the corporation of the village of stouffville tender for snowplowing sealed tenders will he received by the undersigned until 1200 o noon thursday october 21st 1965 for the furnishing of equipment and drivers for the plowing of snow from the vill age streets during the season 196566 tenders will state equipment being supplied and an hourly rale for he use and operation of the said equipment lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r e corner clerk po box 419 stouffville ont the corporation of the village of stouffville tender for sanding sealed lenders will be received by the undersigned until 1200 oclock noon thursday october 21st 1965 for the furnishing of equipment and driver for the sanding of streets in the village of stouffville during the winter season 196566 tenders will stale equipmenl being supplied and an hourly rate for the wp and operation of the said equipment lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r e corner clerk po box 419 stouffville ont poultry or small game farm 10 acres with barn and process ing plant refrigeration etc good 6 room house with all conven iences 11500 with vi cash call floyd marlatt margaret ballard realtor 104 main st w stouffvuie thone 6403822 anytime uxbridge 100 acres choice farm land good buildings 24900 less for cash stouffville 12 i acres excellent horse farm 6 room house overlooking pond barns and sheds 23500 terms goodwood little 6 room bungalow barn lots of trees real hideaway 1 4 acres small tractor all attach ments snow plow must sell 9500 low down payment implements keesok farm service your dealer for 39ti cockshutt oliver gehl rri unionville 8875265 husky liquid manure handling equipment for sale built by raymond grose welding alma ontario high capacity 1000 gpm pump which also provides agitation in the big gest tank 1000 gal spreader tank call 2943210 for in formation or to arrange frea demonstration on your farm 12tf hutchinson farm supply stouffville rk4 dealer for john deere and papec farm machinery for repairs parls and service phone 6402ga9 13ti cars trucks 1936 plymouth good motor and tires good transporlation 50 phone evenings 8875391 trucks cars wanted for wrecking highest price pajd 1 hour pickup phone 291- 2133 47tf 10 acre lots choice ones caii- lrene armstrong uxbridge 8526849 if no answer 8526516 margaret ballard realtor trf corporation of the village of stouffville tender for sand sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 ovlock noon october 21st 1965 for 1000 tons more or less of sand for winter use on streets separate prices to he quoted as follows 1 price per ton delivered to yard at stouffville 2 price per ton delivered to yard mixed with salt and stockpiled price of salt not to be included in tender lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted r e corner clerk po box 119 stouffville ont for sale near sunderland 100 acres choice clay loam excellent farm buildings good water supply nice large farm home with all conveniences full price asking 25000 terms or cash im old and lonely but clean and tidy i consist of 4 rooms and a path little old barn darn good garden lot hydro town water the price and terms are right why dontcha come up and see me sometime 10000 down 10 acres wooded with stream full price 2000 150 rolling picturesque acres full set goon farm buildings hydro etc nice creek runs through property full price 21500 terms 40 acres garden soil modern bungalow with all conveniences garage no barn full price ask ing 10500 with terms i acre on highway 4 room bun galow with conveniences fur nished work shop water on firessure hydro full price ask- ng 5900 open to cash offers margaret ballard realtor sunderland 303 1957 volkswagen deluxe 200 1957 dodge v8 best offer phone 8526161 after 6 pm 1958 morris minor 1000 good condition also 1931 chev rolet phone newmarket 895- 5519 1959 chrysler windsor a- door white sedan for sale hy original owner high school principal i automatic radio very good condition 575 ph thornhill 8895650 eric molyneaux body fender repairs and painting tow truck service 7lh concession whitchurch ilallaulrae phone 6103916 42tf attention truckers if you are looking for used trucks parls tires or accessor- ies sec the truck wrecker first moore truck parts sales old 11 hwy holland landing 8951666 37tf work wanted kavkstroughinn flashing roof repairs caulking phone 6103074 very unusual property and business for 19500 opportunity bp station and modern farm supplies outlet hwy corner lot in uxbridgdc area village 2 bays washrooms showroom of fice steady gallonage and repair business terrific bargain for someone mr wagg 8523671 or 8875247 j m farquharson ladies chesterfields sham pooed in your home 2 pieces 11 rugs and broadloom rea sonable rates phone 2913443 day care available will look after children in my own home five days a week caiol mcconnell phone 6103558 plastering expert ly done free estimates given ted harada plasterers phone 444- 2s01 custom backhoe work septic tanks installed trenching back filling and grading 14tf realty limited frank webb cr sons pickering 9423117 shop your ard keep ip 2871191 8875247 1 own pocketoook newspaper adi avinjs in your

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