9 th5 stouffylue twnjh tvory fcoiesw 23 ws5 buy sell trade hire rent find through the phoni 6402100 or 640210 miscellaneous aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffviue home improvements phone 6101891 38u custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6102033 32tl articles for sale baled shavings for sale nigh bros 6101680 6102006 5tf 2 snow tires for sale size 640v x 13 almost new ph 6403273 gas furnace for sale forced air new reasonable phone 495036 pumps pressure systems shallow well and deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz constructioa phone stouff- ville 6401421 26tf sanitary contractor septic tnk pnmped drains cleaned and repaired c stuxden 15tf richmond hill ph tu 4i24s stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6403311 38tf wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile 29tf phone 8875337 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call stouflvuie 640282s 6103803 gormley 8875525 unionvule 2971186 36tf gormley 8875210 electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouflville 6402252 painting paperhanging flooring rec rooms built alterations additions 3 years written guarantee the lang service phone 8881928 40tf office equi p typewriters adders cashiers duplicators cheque writers files furni- tuie we buy sell rent ser vice largest stock budget terms new and used low- overhead low prices bill hamilton raglan north of oshawa 6tf television antenna do it yourself kits chimney an tennas 1495 roof antennas 1995 30ft tower 3995 40- ft tower 54995 above items contain all necessary material herb kring furniture and appliances 23 main st west phone 6102092 40tf articles for sale roys clothing size 14 ph 6101375 frincetti accordion 120 base black and white best offer call after 530 6401653 suit for sale dark brown tailormade suit in excellent condition size 33 2000 john nolan ph 640- 1375 barbie skipper and ken clothes for sale if interested these can be seen at mrs ed- gar lapeers 97 church st n phone 6101108 a used standard typewrit er with elite type is being offered at a real bargain smith corona 85 tribune office supplies 5456 main st phone fi 102100 attention farmers feed finns product and cut down on concentrates finns cattle and hog mineral vitamin feed contains the highest 1007- soluble phosphate on the mar ket for best results correct amounts daily local j migh- ton phone evenings 2613589 scarhoro duro twin cylinder 750 gal per hour water pump for sale never used one year guaran tee brantford anthony tail gate loader 2000 lbs capac ity one double action cylin der raises from ground level to tailgate position in excel lent condition complete with pump lines and all controls idea for loading barrels furniture crates etc john m reesor 2943240 152 ratcliff lumber slouffville gormley unionvillc 6402351 8881091 2971661 open fri til 9 kitchen cupboards windows ceiling tile floor tile paint 1tf arborite plywoods radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 3 technicians to serve you 2 complete public address systems for bent svdth radio electronic service 58 main west stouflvuie phone 6102440 51tf carter sand gravel all types of material for all your needs we specialize in grading and graveling lanes parking lots concrete floors farm barnyards bulldozing loading aylmer carter stoilff 6403784 47tf rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture appliances 31 main st w stouffville backhoe service septic tanks trenching free estimates h j jansin call 735489 or 7735616 snow removal 24 hrs a dav metro wrecking lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new used lumber and plumbing 20 ions of used pipe steel and angle iron 3 and 4 soil pipe steel sash plywoods 4 and s fluorescent lights new and used sash doors electrical supplies new specials 2x4 6c per lin ft 2x6 9c per lin ft 2x8 12c per lin ft 2x10 15c per lin ft rolled roofing s150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects vi mile east of yonge street south off markham road open daily until 6 pm 8893912 16tf for sale contents of home including chesterfield suite stereo set television broad- loom odd chairs dining room suite dinette suite frig cook er lamps pots and pans pressure cooker sewing ma chine cabinet 3 bedroom suites rugs antique dresser lawn mower garden tools etc phone 6553106 help wanted truck driver wanted rat- cliff lumber 6402351 help wanted for horse farm in bloomington area phone 2971774 parts handler for retail automotive business phone 6402500 brusskl sprout pickers wanted male or female full or part time pay same dav piece work basis ph 6102707 single man wanted for dairy farm year round emplovment to start oct 1st phone 640- 3237 truck drivers wanted for sand and gravel company apply in person to commer cial sand and gravel ltd hwv 48 2 miles north of ringwoori ont 6tf cook wanted mostly short orders 4 to 11 pm good wages pleasant working con ditions steady employment year round call 8875411 15to real estate real estate cntd 25 acres cleared land suit- di- d i j able for home site small farm i ooskett t fegg ltd or tree farm some good pasj real estate ture very low down payment ftvt needed balance to one first j bktn ai mortgage frontage on 2526 whitchurch township side- road phone 610257 11tf claremnni a greenwood area very charming immaculate old er type white clapboard home scenic location overlooking duf- fin creek valley 7 bedrooms kitchen dining and living room for sale 3642500 first moitgage on oshawa bunga low for sale to settle estate repayable 6500 per month including principal interest j garage and other buildings suit able for large family lovely lawn and shade trees garden and 13 acres of land situated near greenwood just off no 7 highwav call w pegg 9420931 evgs stouffville 6401303 at 6t- balance due 1971 a real sound investment for more particulars write claude kerr ringwood po execu tor for estate houses wanted an investor desires to pur chase homes in this area for renting will pay all cash and prepared to purchase home in need of repairs sears real flstale ltd unionville 2971956 10tf jobs available for land- scapers and drivers interested in general landscape work wages from 175 up apply vies nursery ltd phone 610- 23 ti 162 used tires whitchurch tire sales good used passenger tires all sizes some farm and truck tires new tires all sizes available residence phone 6101687 h mi n of aurora sideroad on 7th cone w of hvy 48 16tf pontings music centre don mills road east of newmarket phone 8956311 you have seen the conn lowery and electrohome organs at the crowded ex now drop out any day or evening in our quiet showroom we welcome your inquiries and will gladly demonstrate each make we also give 152 private organ lessons for children and adults male help required for aquar ium glazing will train start ing rate 115 per hour reg ular increases company henefits apply goldfish supply company 39 albert st south stouffville married man for year round farm work with horse breed ing good wages home with indoor conveniences and elec tricity provided write box 35 co the stouffville tri bune lots wanted a toronto builder requites lots in this area at once will also consider acreage suitable for subdivision phone 2971956 10tf property wanted high school teacher requires 111 lo 50 acres on good road in the stouffville uxbridge area for weekend retreat will pay cash if necessary 143 contact mr todorolt 4873333 ii keith ltd realtor 181 egliliton ave e toronto 12 i am looking tor an unusual man i want a man who is not satisfied with just a job but who wants something in which he can take a personal interest and help build it this man will have prestige and must have ability to in still confidence if you be lieve you can qualify for this opportunity write box office box 801 stouffville buffer experienced on aluminum and stainless steel unionville 2971196 snow tires whitehurch tire sales used snow tires original tread most sizes s1800 to s2500 a pair new tires all sizes available phone 6401687 4 ml north of aurora sideroad on 71h con first west of 48 hwy 16tf end of summer specials at herb krings lower price tradein store 23 main st w stouffville phone 6103110 hd electric ranges fully guaranteed from 3995 1 only 21 moffatt range timed oven excellent cond s9995 144 for rent room to rent lady room er wanted phone 6402743 6room farm house for rent 3piece bath oil furnace phone 2944m9s adding machines type writers for vent call tribune office supplies phone 6402100 31tf 1 only rangette with oven control s1695 all sizes and types of refriger ators some across top freez ers guaranteed from s2495 1 only beatty dryer guaranteed j4995 new chrome chair 398 1 only office size desk with chair s2995 assorted sizes of new unfinished chests of drawers from 1595 sssssssssassssasssssssi typewriters adding machines sales and rentals standards and electrics option to purchase repairs to all makes office furniture general office supplies tribune office supplies 51 main st w stouflville phone 4tf 6402100 punch press set up man required at kent tools ltd 26 main st markham farm salesman if you have any farming back ground you may just be suited to the very highly paid business of farm sales with a long estab lished company we will train and assist you call mr d mclean 8891176 david melean ltd realtors head office 74 sieeles ave west at yonge st opposite sayvelte plaza wmmmmm properly needed all typos our motto service with courtesy our aim clients in heroine satisfied friends 10900 kingwood south on 48 2 storey home with double garage new style oil furnace large hwy fronting lot terms available builders we have nha approved lots in town several locations stouffville 11500 full price financed to suit your monthly payment abil ity 4 bedroom home central location forced air oil furnace property in good condition produce st lawrence wealthies and macintosh apples lor sale j m nighswander phone 640- 1536 large assortment of chester field suites and occasional chairs assorted lamps to clear house for rent in clare- la selection of mattresses 5- mont all conveniences and furnace possession nov 1 phone 619 2242 we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in your home by the week or month your rent may be applied to purchase if desired herb krmg furni ture and appliances 23 main st w phong 6402092 40u beds all sizes to clear an excellent selection of recon ditioned television sets fullv guaranteed from 4995 terms for reliable tv and radio service phone 6403110 beef pork by quarter or side rut and wrapped for ireezer we also do custom killing 4tf fast freezer sendee fretz bros t harper bus 6403125 res lee 6402098 norm 6101876 oboyles slaughter house beef fork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6101313 4920 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a special tv schells meat market stouffvula ph 6401912 real estate salesmen we have immediate openings for two local residents in either the mount albert pine orchard vivian area or the gormley don mills area the men we are looking for can work either full or parttime and could be a semiretired farmer or village resident who enjoys meeting people we provide a full training program our company employs twenty sales men and receives a tremendous number of enquiries for farms and small properties in this area for more details call or write tom shea at markham 2941372 153 thos n shea ltd realtors earn executives income we train you supply all lead and offer an opportunity to earn while you learn many of our representatives earn top executive incomes yet came to us from completely un related jobs dont be backward come forward cash in on the unprecedented booming real estate market our expansion in this area requires men or women we have the past knowledge and experience lo provide all the assistance you will require you alone deter mine your income potential be master of your own destiny gall now for appointment no obligation see how you can double your present income in your own area sears real estate limited member of the toronto real estate board call our unionville office al 2971956 9 tf ballantrae 22900 large 8 room almost new brick home immaculate throughout large modern holly- wood type kitchen natural finish cupboards two bathrooms at tached garage beautiful location on lot 100 x 500 terms if re quired harold wood real estate 280 main st west slouffvilles progressive real estate office attention solid brick home on 100 acres of fine farmland beside rolling hills golf course only minutes from metro poss ibilities unlimited two creeks and barn on this corner proper ty call w pegg 9120931 evgs stouffville 6101303 extra good 100 acre farm at brougham on no 7 highway good buildings plenty of water 80 rods frontage on highway 20o rods on sideroad could be divided call v pegg 9120931 evgs stouffville 6101303 high scenic corner farm south of no 7 highway at greenwood rd 108 acres overlooks duffin creek valley high producing land 8 acres hardwood bush good barn comfortable home reasonably priced call w pegg 9420931 evgs stouffville 610- 1303 100 acres in pickering township with wide fast flowing duffin creek running the length of the farm could be divided first time offered call w pegg 912- 0931 evgs stouffville 6401303 several 10 acre lots real estate cntd 1 cottage 3 rooms approx 700 sq feet also 1 garage 14x 24 aluminum roof and siding to be moved awav phone 649- 5120 excellent income proper ty suitable for nursing home or two family dwelling 10 room house large lot all con veniences in quiet village shopping schools and church es nearby phone 4269151 live stock rob calf for sale phone 640- 2159 2 choice young hereford hulls about 1000 lbs phona 6495222 accommodation room and board available mrs rerishaw 77 mill st stouffville phone 6402491 room and board availahle at valcv rd mussulmans lake phone 6103165 margaret ballard realtor brook lin area 4 bedroom brick home with bathroom oil furnace full base ment in no 1 condition large barn garage and other build ings very long hwy frontage pond on property a real invest ment 10 acres with a 5 room brick home north of toronto just off don mills large barn and other buildings a very nice set up surrounded by tall maple trees the best place for a big family reasonable price with low down payment board a room available school teachers wanted ladies or men phone 6103072 wanted house wanted to tent ph 6 101203 162 6 black heifers approxi mately 650 lbs 23c per lb live phone 6492043 shavers starcross pulletj for sale ready to lav phon sss1733 800 dekalb pullets ready to lay in a month vaccinated and debeaked phone 8s75460 162 registered jersey cow for sale due to freshen oct 13 2nd calf j k cowan phone 640306s 5 year old standaard bred gelding broke to harness and saddle 3 year old sorrel half arab gelding quiet childs pony phone 2911820 rullets for sale 400 dekalb pullets 20 weeks old vaccinated and dehraked start ing to lay apply mrs lloyd pogue uxbririge ont phone uxbridge 8526669 set of wooden bunk beds wanted phone 6103593 thornh1ll auction buys furnishings dishes silverware antiques or sells liquidates or auctions for you on commis sion call 9122014 1111 4room apartment or small bungalow wanted immediately in stouffville or goodwood area adults write box 28 co stouffville tribune 32tf wanted to rent 3 or 4 bedroom house in stouffville possession as soon as possible abstainers write box 34 co the tribune looking for a real investment 11 acres with steel barn in good condition on 48 hwy north of ringwood reasonable price with low down payment and easy terms have you noticed that people who run to tell you the latest gossip never arrive out of breath 7 photo mls multiple llstin sendee peace privacy unionville village all the seclusion you demand plus value is offered in this 2 bedroom modern storey and a half brick home minutes from toronto situated on a large well treed lot dont miss this one being offered at 16900 with 2000 down mr prue 2971936 enquire about our guarantee to purchase your home sydney sears real estate ltd for this area kam of the bank of nova scotia lots of parking klghl on no 7 highway al umo n v l l e or drop in phone 2971956 or 2971959 95 acres on lake scugog with frame house large barn and other buildings in good condi tion creek on property frontage on paved road bush lots on lake owner will consider taking a small house in the country as a down payment just 1 mile north of no 7 hwy 44 acres with 7 acres of orchard creek on property 7 room stucco house full basement oil heating bathroom large barn and other buildings near ashburn 60 acres 3 bed room insul stone bungalow bath room full basement coal fur nace barn and garage drilled well spring and creek on pro perty stouffville area 5 room bungalow on k of an acre a very nice set up near a lake a handymans chance it is worth seeing tenders for township of pickering fleet insurance will be received by the under signed until friday october 1 1965 schedule of coverage may be obtained from d j pliiz clerk township of pickering brougham ont cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19tf makgwill fur farm tyrone license 389c65 white leghorn pullets immediate delivery 1500 twenty weeks old 200 twelve weeks old these are the out standing babcock b300 ph one today fleming farms limited beamsville 5637712 goose breeder flock for sale mostly yearlings 2 gray fanders 2 gray geese 8 white imhden ganders and twenty white embden geese laid 823 eggs this year good hatch- ability reason for selling farm sold mrs freeman bar ker phone 8813001 work wanted eavestroughing flashing caulking roof repairs 640- 3074 152 day care available hourly or weekly monday thru friday phone 6402386 wanted head fy horses crippled 1 and old i 1 cattle highest prices paid according to size condition small animals removed free phone zenith 32800 no toll charge dial 6401641 power equipped trucks call anytime 37tf ed peconi son ltd rr 2 woodvllle collectors licence 302c64 nicks dead stock service for sale builders opportunity several lots in central stouffville terms handymans chance iarge 2- storey building with many poss ibilities make offer one acre close to stouffville brick house ib rooms with 3 self contained apartments in good condition throughout hot water oil healing small barn suitable for horses or 3car gar age margaret ballard realtor 104 main st w stouffville phone 6103822 anytime choice 10 acre lots also other properties for particulars call mina mitterer ballantrae phone stouffville 6401758 photo mls multiple listing servled 1000 down this immaculate 4 bedroom home offers all the privacy one desires on a large treed lot at goodwood spacious kitchen large living room two wash rooms nearly new gas furnace new gas stove and many other extras all for the price of 11500 with easy terms for the balance sydney sears real estate ltd for this a real kal of the bank of nova scotia lot of parking rlghl on no 7 highway at u n i o n v i l i e or drop in phone 2971956 or 2971353 will baby sit in my home monday thru friday phone mrs w richards 6102813 for hire sedan delivery i ruck with driver hourly or weekly phone 2943443 ladies chesterfields sham pooed in your home 2 pieces 11 phone 2943443 piano tuning tuning and re pairing all work guaranteed write h cave brougham ont or phone 9425547 144 young man with knowledge of welding and carpentry me chanically inclined phone 852- 6456 will care for children in my home by day or week mon to friday any age valley rd musselmans lake phone 6403165 custom backhoe work septic tanks installed trenching back filling and grading 14tf frank webb sons pickering 9423417 or 9125967 cars trucks highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbridge ul 23319 collect 24 hours a day 7 davs a week service nick montague license i72c62 44lf notice of tender tenders for the construction of a new municipal building for pickering township will he re ceived not later than 400 pm thursday october 14th at the offices of the architects craig zeiriler v strong 901 yonge street toronto 5 ontario or the pickering township offices applications in writing for plans specifications and forms of tender may he submitted by the general contractors to the architects on or after septem ber 23rd applications shall he accompanied by a ertified cheque in the amount of fifty dollars 15000 plans will be on display al ihe builders exchange in toronto suhtrades on plumbing and draigage heating and electrical shall be delivered by hand to the toronto bid depository by 400 pm wednesday octoher 13th with copy of tenders forwarded to the architects the lowest or any lender will not necessarily be accepted craig zeidler a- strong architects 14ton pickup 1953 ford in good condition ph 6403924 1958 chevrolet sedan in ex cellent condition phone 888- 1107 trucks cars wanted for wrecking highest price paid 1 hour pickup phone 291- 2133 47tf 55 international r180 truck with 17ft low platform good condition throughout phone 8s75635 1957 ford fairlane 500 v3 automatic radio asking price 300 private sale phone 640- 8875659 1961 ford galaxie 500 power equipped automatic transmis sion two door hardtop red black still on warranty must he sold best cash offer phone after 6 pm 2913399 eric molyneaux body fender repairs and painting tow truck service 7h concession whitchurch ballantrae phone 6103916 42tf attention truckers if you are looking for used trucks pans lires or accessor ies see ihe truck wrecker first moore truck parts a sales old 11 hwy- holland landing 8951c66 37u