f9 i the stouffvlue t8iiwe twwfcy september 7 1965 iliiillimi you are invited to attend a crusade for christ sept 519 in the tent beside the dicksons hill church l milks south ok kingwood services sunday evenings at 730 pm week nights except saturday 8 pm with evangelist rev q j everest ratlin pastor vour worship hour musically rev jim reese baritone soloist and othits this crusade sponsored hy the united missionary churches of altona dicksons jlill gormley markham stouffville see horsepower threshing at pioneer village visitors to black creek pion eer vjliaje in metro this com ing saturday sept 4 will have an opportunity to witness two j prcconfederation crafts being plied threshing by horsepower and cooperage the threshing of grain dem onstration will bi held between 2 and 330 pm and the art of making and repairing barrels and buckets known as cooper- erage will be shown between 10 and 12 noon and from 1 to 430 pm horsepower threshing was ex tensively carried out on pioneer farms during the first half of the 19th century being sup planted by steam power during the 1860s the horsepower threshing machine used at black creek pioneer village is regard ed as one of the earlies of its type in canada used between 18351840 the same method was also employed for welldig ging chopping and many other farm chores the cooperage demonstrations will be given by william klees of downsview in a temporary coopers shop set up on the grounds mr klees has been a cooper for 57 years and now plies his trade at pioneer vil lage the unique crossroads com munity is being developed by the metro toronto and region living village of the pre-confed- eration era for the interest and conservation authority as an education of the public as well as a means to conserve and re create early canadian pioneer life black creek pioneer village is open weekends and holidays weekends and holidays from from 10 to 8 pm buy your office supplies from tribune office supplies york north mp opens mt albert post office john addison member of parliament for york north officiated at the opening of the new 23546 post office at mount albert on friday even ing measuring 37 feet by 31 feet the onestorey structure faces centre street it has a concrete foundation and frame construc tion with an exterior finished in brick interior finishes con sist of exposed decking on the ceiling plywood walls and vinyl asbestos tile on the floors heating is supplied by an oil- fired furnace there is a truck yard and loading platform at the rear of the building provid ing 800 square feet of working space plans and specifications were prepared in the toronto dis trict architects office of the department of public works im saunders district archi tect was responsible for super vision of the work for softer cleaner wash st0uffville coin laundry main st w stoultville 8s888s888888g888gsgs883 best buy save t2c coloured llb packages tre r save 6c 2c off pack maple leaf tenderfiake lard lib tkcs 2 s 49c icioe llfiitrcjiiril ss 1 feature mape leaf 8oz best m w i2 cheese slices 31c liam lnndi meat 2e i pork shoulders d4lb tin bbst bvy save 45c 2c off pack 15oz tins 0 o llj save 4c pink seal fancy tall tins jim salmon 63c best buy svc 10c wagslaffe or 24oz jar with pectin 111 raspberry or strawberry il11 save sako n chum dog food best boy svc 10c wafistaffe or i raspberry or strawberry aylmer jams best boy save 13c reconstituted saico orange juice ipm i f 0m at0es 69 best buy save 4c kvp 100koot roll is i wbwb fl vfcrf w m dp a ib baff b w sunripened ont save all wax paper 2c plums produce f ffifb ill flavourful homegrown no 1 6qt sunripened ont no 1 6qt basket 79c best buy save 10c free steak knife with 60 to pk ii g jfrfgul cfftfftniltc oo aa b w p tea tf iossel sprouts 33c mot bier parker s b lis swcei mud i best buy save 19c while or coloured 1 spanish onions 33c j- ji ii juicy california roiisltoc lemons 6 for 29c grade a specially selected choice plump broiler maple leaf assorted mpl lf fully cooked smoked picnics 55 matle leaf family pack xlb foil wi skinless wieners 99 luncheon meats 59 ah 3 fo 99 maple leaf combination ah 3 for rindlcss bacon 8oz pkg ffiipr bologna 6o pkg bjuv skinless sausage b pkg holiday biscuit feature supreme brand fancy assorted biscuits flyk yar1ktiks iv rnio bags 3 r 89 reic 39c weston or sunbeam cinnamon buns 12 u rk 35c frozen foods ker 4 for 49c sunkist 60 tin c lemonade 335 kre 2 for 47el 120 pk birds eye peas 3 for 63 schells red white stouffville fall tree planting possible but risky zone forester john griffiths at maple offers some advice to landowners who rrzy be plann ing to plant trees on their pro perty this fall fall tree planting is best res tricted to well sheltered sites and light dry sandy soils hea vy clay soils or exposed locat ions are not suited for fall planting early spring is actually the preerred time for ii planting and the two weeks period or longer before the buds comm ence growth is best- at this time of year the root growth is active and the young trees be come established quickly it ij especially important to plant the broadleaved trees before the buds swell as otherwise the newlyformed leaves may with er and fall off subsequent lea ves formed from secondary buds will be poor mr griffiths stated that the best period for spring planting only lasts for 2 to 4 weeks involving concentrated activity and if enough time is not available fall planting may be necessary hazards which should be con sidered in fall planting are threefold 1 there is a danger of frost heaving especially on hea vy clay soils freezing and thawing of the soil causes expansion and contraction and literally squeezes new ly planted seedlings out of the soil in the spring you may well discover your seedlings lying m top of the ground while light sandy soils are not normal ly subject to frost heaving this condition can occur drying by wind and sun may cause winter lulling root decay may occur on heavy or wet soils should the decision be made to carry on fall planting the op eration should be carried out just before the fall period of root activity begins this means that the landowner should plant in late september so that the tiny roots can grew and es tablish contact with the soil in the month of october broad- leaved trees because of their greater root growth in the fall are more adapted to fall plant ing than evergreens also decid uous conifers such as larch are more adaptable to fall planting the ontario department of lands and forests sells tree seedlings for reforestation or windbreak planting to eligible property owners who have land of 2 acres or more in size ex clusive of buildings persons interested in planting either this fall or next spring should place their orders for trees now this can be done by contacting the nearest department of lands office drove while licence suspended fined 200 ronald glentworth who had been convicted of impaired driving on august 16th was back in court monday charged with driving a veh icle while his license was under suspension the gormley area man was fined 200 and costs and given an additional six month suspension glentworth was arrested by the ontario provincial police in markham township august 26th 10 days after his license had been taken away for the former charge he had been involved in a minor property damage accident because glentworth was not the registered owner magis trate russel pearse could not impound the automobile a 90 day jail term was offer ed as an alternative to the fine 2 3 cutivate good habits the bad ones grow wild all fall time table effective september 7th 1965 buses leave stouffville to uxbridge 1215 pm sun hoi 2 so pm saturdays only 655 pm daily to toronto 658 ain exe sun ft hoi 940 am exe sun v hoi j20 pm sun hoi 355 pm exe sun hoi 825 pm sun hoi daylight time tickets and information at barber shop telephone 6403293 mr r snowball ajrenl 38s88s83888sgss8sssfe complete onestop service en all makes of cars and trucks day and night service well check ond adjust the vital points for you engine brakes steering and suspen sion electrical system get set now for troublefree driving all work guaranteed see snd drive cumtysjljejrs lowest priced car 5 year or 50010 mile warranty herron motors ltd international sales and service 374 main st e stouffville phone 6402500 or 2501 business directory auctioneers w d atkinson rhone stouffville 6101134 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales contucted anywhere specializing in the preparation and scllinc of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser- 1 vice really pays off and means money in your pocket rhone stouffville 6101491 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario markham po ph 2913161 or 6101686 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york onlario farm stork furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 8875311 address gormley po accountants jackson christison chartered accountants si kin rlchnrd court markham ontario tel 2040532 to box 848 resident partner- k spenrer jackson ba cantab ca john c wylie fi a licensed public accountant auihtok office residence wylin acres mussclmans lake road rr2 stouffville phone 6103141 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nova scolia building aurora telephone pa 70151 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sat nights wed and fri for appointment call 6402472 margarets beauty lounge days tues thru sat nights tues tiuirs frl for appointment call 6402932 45a main st w stouffville chiropractors wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray by appointment 327 main st n markham out telephone 2910701 j s delaurier dc 201 main si reel west stouffville onlario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6103562 dental neil c smith lds dds office over canadian imperial bank of commerce telephone 6103083 stoufrville graduate of university of toronto funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 6102835 insurance thos hirkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable eompanlea at reasonable rates trompt service telephone 6102000 evenings gordon r birkett 6103715 ies clarke 6402144 bob hassard 6403585 willis taylor 6401a78 legal ii reginald button qc barrister and solicitor notary publle 31 main st w stouffville ont telephone stoultville 6403530 lawrence cohen ba llh barrister solicitor rh no 2 slouftville ontario telephone 610 2680 david a coon ra barrister solicitor notary public 33 main si reef west stonttvlllo 6103530 evenings 6102103 paul w j mingay ba barrister solicitor gl main street markham out phone markham 2041123 2936161 william g parsons llb barrister a solicitor 157 muin st w po box 820 phone 6402211 stoultville kennedy kennedy 67 richmond st w toronto barristers solicitors notaries ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 2941c32 cattanach hindson barristers solicitor stouffville by appointment anytime main street markham phono 2940660 robert w mcvey qc barrister solicitor suite 300 67 richmond st w toronto markham toronto phone 2942371 phone 363 0389 opticians noward g mills ro dispensing optician 286 main street west stouffville prescriptions filled appointments made phone 6103465 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre phono 6103722 for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday rest homes parkview home stouffvilles new home for senior citizens operated by mcnnnnlto itome association chartered as a nonprofit organization guest applicallons now being received office open daily 2 to 5 pm box 910 slouftville rupert ave phone 6101911 evenings call 8875690 or 6101536 surveyors d h black onlario land surveyor 310 painted post or corner of markham rd scarborough ont phone atlantlc 25283 res 2821508