Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 12, 1965, p. 2

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hl th slousysii twhw pwny fagst h 3 editorial police action producing results it is now quite apparent that the direct action by police in whit church township is slowly but surely stamping out the seasonal element of troublemakers at wilcox lake to gain the upper hand over these ruffians has been no easy chore for chief mason and his men only recently one of the officers was assaulted by a group of these punks and suffered minor injuries chief mason has indicated that vacant lots last week a comment was made in town council concerning the un sightly condition of the westend park according to the report some residents in the area who take pride in their properties resent the daily deluge of dandelion fuzz that per meates their premises with every gust of west wind we certainly appreciate this problem and until the town acquires some piece of weedspraying equip ment that it can call its own the condition will remain unchanged his department is now receiving closer cooperation from residents in the lake area since the fear of gang reprisals is now diminished the whitchurch force has used direct methods in its cleanup cam paign many charges have been laid resulting in court convictions and sentences the police may indeed hav taken the first step toward making this resort centre a decent place for decent people a disgrace as far as weed infestation is concerned the west town park is proverbial bowling green as com pared to many of the vacant lots in the village the majority are knee- high in everything from sweet clover to sow thistle and no attempt has been made by the owners to clean them up its time the town took some immediate action in this matter and charged the work back on the prop erties taxes where has our summer gone where has our warm summer gone do you realize that this year before you realized it we were on the other side of the hill so to speak sliding down into falls cool weather again weve passed the halfway mark and how many evenings did you enjoy sitting out of doors this summer two or three have bpen about all those who make a study of such matter say this summer will go down as a record for coolness how ever it seems to us that the fre quency of shirtsleeve evenings has been increasingly rare for some years now as one who enjoys the cool crisp air best we have not been too concerned but for the thousands of cottagers it has been dismal having had only the mere scattering of balmy days suddenly they are con fronted with signs about the tor onto exhibition this is first sign that summer is all but over next comes school and its done for an other year th steadily rising cost of car insurance in canada suggests to us that the government would do well to giv heed to the removal com pletely from the highways thosa drivers who are notorious for caus ing accidents surely the renewal of a licence should depend on some thing more than the ability to pay a get them off the road few dollars it seems obvious by the records that a driver has abused his privil eges or is accidentprone and th renewal of his licence allowing him to get out and spread more carnage on the highway is nothing short of an antisocial act mower accidents continue to soar while wo have spoken about this matter before the seriounesss has made us believe it bears soma repetition now that the rotary power mower has become a common garden tool the number of accidents con tinues to mount this was to be ex pected however with any machine that has a blade whirling at 4000 revolutions per minute and can hurl an object with the speed of a bullet the ontario safety league has just issued a bulletin again on the subject which states that seven to ten thousand canadians will have their toes and fingers mangled by these mowers this summer thrown objects either picked up by the blade or fragments broken off the blade itself are causing over half the injuries small bits of wire are the most frequent missile and while the operator is the one most often injured sometimes a small child standing at quite some dist ance or a passerby on the sidewalk has been a victim efforts are being made to re duce this hazard but no mower is foolproof at the moment so that the owner has a responsibility to see that his lawn is clear of loose ob jects before he starts to mow mangled feet are next in fre quency caused most often when the operator loses his footing and the machine slides back on him another practice to avoid is adding gasoline to a mower that is running or still hot since it can lead to a flash fire children are the frequent vic tims because they so often stand nearby obviously no child should be permitted to operate such a potenti ally dangerous piece of machinery and the parent who permits it is simply not facing the facts about this machines real power until a perfectly accidentproof mower is produced the power mower particularly the rotary type must be regarded as a potentially dangerous machine that requires careful handl ing by an adult its a yellowing clipping in a bible telling the birth of a baby who smiled but a little while otherwise remembered only by the parents and god its your life history and the life history of those you know its your joys and sorrows and those of your neighbours recorded by the only news medium in the world that cares about you its your conscience joined with others to form a guard against in justice by government its the difference between you and being an tininformed animal or a human being knowing and forming judgement based on facts made available to you easily quickly and truthfully its the support from which you ask and get the strength of many in furthering the welfare of your own world your community its the only medium that shows the future that your footprints were once made on the shifting sands of time its the bell ringer at your birth jwir marriage and the birth of your this is a weekly newspaper children and it tolls the bell for you ax you begin the last long journey its your servant waiting for your pleasure to be read today tomorrow or next week its a record for you io read to keep to read again or to discard not a voice or a picture for an in stant and then gone forever its the bringing of news tidings not merely a carrier only of the commercialism or the market place its the record of the day when a fleeting moment of glory descended on your house for all to remember and those who come after to know its the handful of clippings that brings tears and fond smiles of remembrance to your children and your childrens children when on that eventful day they must shar what once was you and yours its you on your first day of school and at your graduation its you as a little boy a bride groom and as a father its you as a little girl a bride and a radiant mother its you of you by you and for you they call that hearsepower son anp spice by bill smiley now back to work some people say to me jt must be quite a chore writin that there column every week the only difficulty is gelling started tonight is column night midnight is the deadline i sat down at the type writer at 630 so id have lots of lime to watch tv after i wrote the column i worked quietly until 830 very quietly no noisy typewriter peeled out pristine sheet with interesting lines sugar and spice by bill smiley at the top threw it in waste- basket decided to mow lawn to relieve mental constipation then had a beer bundling magazines for tomorrows garb age came across fascinating article on procrastination in the middleage male helped kim get valves unstuck in french horn moved water sprinkler on lawn whipped up tea and grub for television room gang the fugitive is still running or rerunnlng its now 1030 time lo get cracking but maybe ijv just answer a few letters to get in the writing mood theres nothing that cheers me up and inspires me like reading the warm and friendly notes from column readers heres a nice fat one six pages small writing from miss edna wcgman dear mr smiley oh you poor little pygmy my heart bleeds for you whoops lets try the next paragraph now after feeling sorry for yourself and your fellow males for males they are and not men wake up and face reality uh maybe well leave that one till tomorrow heres one that looks friendlier from a lady who says roamiit around we were quite impressed with the ottawa report brochure received through the mail last week from yc 1 north mp john addison although many of us this writer included may feel at times that the government at ottawa is not a government of action it is interesting to note the list of achievements that have been recorded by the liberal party since it took office these as well as other proposed programs are outlined by mr addison on the back of the pamphlet is a questionnaire on capital punishment and the electorate is asked to fill out the form cither for oil against or no opinion here is an opportunity to speak your mind on a most important matter and we would commend mr addison for allowing his constituents this privilege replies are lo be sent to 40 yonge st south in richmond hill one of stouffville best known and most highly respected senior residents will mark a birthday this month mr ernie button obrien avenue will be v on aug 17th congratulations the lions kinsmen club waler ballet in the local pool on july 27th proved to he a rather costly performance for two kinsmen members eddie sanders had 80 removed from his wallet and jack pollard lost 600 stouffville police were later notified of the theft but so far no arrests have been made the recent policy at pickering dist high school not to make public any of the june promotions from grade 9 to grade 12 this year has irritated some of the students in the claremontbrougham area they of course were the ones who posted high per ccntage averages and were pleased to let everyone know about it and rightlv so to date we have not learned the reason behind the pollcv change but no doubt the decision was reached following some discussion between the board and the principal the price of hair cuts in stouffville markham andl unionville has been raised effective as of august 1st an adult 12 yrs and overt will now pay 51 25 or 150 if he wants anything fancy like a bcatle or a brush children under 12 years may have their top cropped for 85c from monday through friday before six oclock after 6 pm and all day saturday they will pay the regular adult fee in toronto the hair cut price is now 175 for adults and 125 for kids locally might we suggest that messrs snowball keeping and mcabry consider the addition of a little barbershop harmony to their tonsorial parlours to ease the pain of the price hike we think that the foursome of lome boadwav jim rehill chuck harrott and jerry waite could fill the bill quite efficiently on a sort of revolving voluntary monetary basis if you know what we mean personally we feel that the increase is not out of line and weve heard no complaints from the public either we dont intend to bore you with a descriptive trave logue of our holiday ventures except to say that we paid a visit with the children to santas village at bracebrldge what we found there far surpassed our imagination and we would recommend it to any parent with sons and daughters in the age range from 4 to 10 years we dont feel that this tourist attraction is advertised on a broad enough scale in fact we had to ask directions from a local by stander right in the heart of the town stouffvilles fire truck a water tank truck police cruisers from whitchurch and stouffville plus the st john ambulance converged on a reported serious fire last week at musselmans lake only to learn that someone had casually tossed a rubber boot into a minor backyard blaze this bit of foolishness cost the taxpayers of whit church an even 100 plus a good deal of inconvenience to fire and police personnel who answered the call we cant believe it on our last trip down the brock car safest spot in electric storm where should you take refuge from lightning during a sum mer thunderstorm one of the best spots to seek shelter is in your automobile because of its metal shell when lightning stikes an auto it spreads all over the metal travelling through the springs axles and bearings to the wheels and then jumps past the rubber tires to the ground atkinson points out only if you are in direct contact with the metal would you get even a slight burn in fact it is hard to find cases of lightning even hitting a car a thunderstorm is a signal to take care particularly if you are working in the fields golf ing swimming or in some other open area every year in north america nearly 1000 persons are hurt or killed by lightning in addition to an annual prop- road near lhe 4h conc ot weltering t it actually erty loss of more than 100 appeared as if some attempt was being made to level off million lightning seeks out the high est object in the immediate vi cinity because it strives to make the shortest possible con tact between earth and sky if youre caught in the open your best bet is to sit down or get in to a depression such as a ditch do anything to avoid being the tallest object in the area atkinson emphasizes the need for lightning rods and conduct ors to protect homes and other buildings a system of rods and conductors is the most ef fective way to protect property against lightning he says the rods dont repel the light t tu ning attacks but they do carry its not for publication just a quote i here s not a woman charge harmlessly into the in the world who doesnt consider that her old man is the dope of lhe earth well really this one sounds belter dear bill ill call you bill instead of mr smiley seeing i always thought of you as a friend that is until your recent column in which you were lambasting women by george a bad week heres linda alton taking me down a few pegs for knocking the beatles she has me ail wrong i love the beatles i have to in seifpreservatlon or id go slavering mad every time i drive the car with my kids in it lets see heres a letter addressed lo me by gwen sa ret sky good old gwen she must really like iy column shes written about 1000 words hey this is pretty good shes commenting or a recent column in which i suggested that modern women had gone to pot while men are the same steadfast gallant chaps they were in julius caesars day gwen says i wonder if cleopatra ever had lo drive one of her gladiators home in a chariot alter one of those roman parlies there would be an advantage to a chariot the overzealous partygoer would get more air while sprawled in an open chariot than the modern male does when his wife is driving home from a parly and he has to relax with his head out the window hmmm talk about lambasting a few others picked at random i agree that man hasnt changed much since caesars day i really dont believe that its possible its against their moral code to pick up or hang up a piece of clothing this species of human manages to contradict itself more than any other of gods creatures nobody is was or ever could be as sick as a man with a cold theres a lot more in lhe same vein so well written its like listening to my own wife but i havent time to sym pathize with mr saretsky right now i have a column to write ground lightning rods should be in stalled and maintained by ex perts if they do not have prop er ground connections they not only are useless but could be harmful by increasing the height ot the building and mak ing it more vulnerable to light ning a television antenna on your home even a grounded an tenna is not equipped with a conductor of adequate size to ground a lightning bolt and give overall protection to a house the allstate insurance co of canada recommends the follow ing precautions be taken during thunderstorms 1 stay in doors and avoid be ing near screens windows or metal exterior doors avoid touching electric lighl circuits radio and television sels tele phones or plumbing 2 if ouuiouis avoid isolated trees wire fences hilltops lare open spaces such as golf fair ways seek slieker in a cave a ravine or at the foot of a cliff 3 never stand under or near a tall tree or other object which may be lhe highest point in the immediate area 4 stay away from beaches and out of water during a thunderstorm your greatest safeguard against lightning is to keep from becoming the best electri cal path available a bolt will never strike you if it can find a more conductive and direct route to the ground brighten your kitchen with one of our recipe boxes see them in the window at tribune office supplies mite tauffttilu friinut kstariisiiku jt member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association authorial aonlib mail potoffic papt ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 400 elsewhere 5600 c h nolan publisher jas thomas erfitjr ja8 mekean advertisirf or fill in a gravel pit excavation on the west side of the highway it would be good news to the residents in that community if something was done lo cover up the excava tion scars that have marred the scenery in that area for years and while on lhe subject of pickering it would appear that new teeth in the townships wrecking yard bylaw are already producing results a real cleanup cam- j paign is underway and the transformation at two sites is pleasantly apparent it was great fun while it lasted but children pocketing balls on the golf course at unionville were finally spotted it seems that young boys would hide at the bottom of the driving range and gather up any balls that rolled within reaching distance police perhaps reluctantly put an end lo their game oh to be young again when we announced publically that the post office strike in toronto had just ended one lady was heard to comment oh heck and the telephone bill is just due set aside the evening of wednesday august is for the big chicken barbecue at the home of dr and mrs crouch conc 7 whitchurch the proceeds from this event will go to the lemonvllle united church the town lawn bowling green has made a marvellous comeback after a large porlion of the grounds fell prey to winterkill caretaker donald bacon has done a wonderful job in restoring the velvetgreen surface summer hockey schools are becoming increasingly popular with boys in stouffville five local lads have al ready spent one week at tamoshanter including tody holden robl and bill thornhlll jim wllklns and geo hodglns instruction was provided by jim pappln harry watson and kent douglas kevin and keith acton have enrolled for the month of september for 2 nights a week this week four oilier stouffville boys are at the jane street arena to attend a hockey school under the direction of probilly harris they are terry wilson donnle rennle and billy and frank roberts as if a man doesnt pay enough for the privilege of matrimonial bliss after the walk clown the aisle we now learn that the licence lee has been hiked by a lull 100 per cent from 500 lo 1000 as of july 1st pure inflation we call it three dollars of ihis amount is retained by the clerks office for services rendered and the remainder goes io the ontario government its enough to make a fellow think twice before he accepts the challenge york county has always been noted for its productivity in agriculture recently a pig at udora really went over board in this department when on the farm of richard mehl she produced a healthy litter of i not content with this effort she walled five more days then produced a second family of 11 such fertility docs have its problems however mamma pig finds that her mammary system is overtaxed and theres just no more room at the breakfast able it seems like everyone is driving a honda these davs but jane and raymond rioux 9th line north in stouffville are using their machine more for business than pleasure during the month of june raymond worked as a waiter at sleepy hollow while sister jane was employed as a lifeguard at cedar beach together they earned enough money for a liberal down payment on the bike they now travel together every day to unionville to provide instruc tion at the swimming classes there raymond claims that his sister is quite a proficient driver cither on the back seat or the front although no definite dale has been revealed by the dept of education it is quite possible that the grade 13 results could come through by the end of the week possibly on friday

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