ttf 1 thl st ttttub tturvuy my m mi editorial um church is moving ahead the united missionary church is moving ahead everywhere we look throughout this community united missionary congregations and sun day schools are outgrowing their present facilities only this week the oduirning ceremony was performed at gormley lo begin a 40000 expan sion project there something simi lar is proposed for the um church at altona and an enlargement of the building at dicksons hill is already underway north markham has a beautifully renovated sanctuary and the accommodation at the um church here in stouffville is one again inadequate this is a marvellous aign es pecially since the shortage of space is being felt as much or even more in the sunday school we believe that united missionary parents are set ting the example and their children are following close behind the youth of today are the congregations of tomorrow a difficult low to enforce we are in complete agreement with police chief orland keating recommmendation that some controls should be placed on the sale and use of fireworks in town anyone who attended the public fireworks display in the memorial park last may must surely have been shocked over the complete disregard for persons and property within the grounds parents allowed their child ren to run wild and although one minor fire was started it was only good fortune that someone wasnt injured we feel that a bylaw is only as good as the ability to enforce it we feel that restrictions to be practical must be provincewide a merchant here in town could refuse a sale to 14 year old but this doesnt mean that he couldnt buy it at ringwood or claremont what is to stop a 17 year old from buying them by tha hundreds and then distributing them to his friends regardless of age how do the police propose to nab tha offenders it could drive them crazy it seems to me that there is also a law that prohibits the sale of cigar ettes to minors it is flouted every day and right here in stouffville we still think that the onus lies with the parents if they arent con cerned for the safety of their own children and the property of others then all the bylaws in the world wont be worth the paper theyre written on in the name of justice when a driver suspected of con suming too much alcohol is taken to a police depot it is customary to put the party through several routine sobriety tests the results of several cases arising from such incidents are listed as follows he was unsteady on his feet the arresting officer testified well your worship i sprained my ankle when i tripped over our cat on the way to the car case dismissed he smelted of alcohol said the officer it wasnt alcohol you see i had just finished rubbing my face with aftershave lotion case dismissed his eyes were blurred im a nonsmoker and hoth frontseat passengers were puffing on cigars case dismissed he failed to pick coins up off the floor ive got a lame back your worship case dismissed he couldnt on one foot pick up a cigarette lighter from the floor said the officer when the judge asked the officer to try it himself he fell head over heels case dismissed by no means does such super ficial evidence invariably produce dis missals it can and often does have the opposite effect and produce ques tionable convictions why in an age where crime de tection has reached such a level of professional perfection are we at tempting to resolve the alcohol- transport conflict by such primitive means the blindfolded lady of justice is trying to serve a public which is prepared to accept as justice a ma gistrates guess tinged with some degree of forgiveness or a game of wits between prosecutor and defence counsel science however offers no guess and no kindness and it doesnt play games it says this driver had a blood- alcohol factor of x per cent do with it as you will one thing stands in the way of obtaining justice and highway safety through adoption of the bloodalcohol factor societys refusal to make bloodalcohol tests mandatory there is a point of view that be cause a test can put a driver in a selfincriminating position it must be voluntary but what is voluntary about the possibly selfincriminating act of driving through a radar trap if society can draw what it deems to be safe limits for speed surely it can draw what it deems to be safe limits for alcohol content in the blood lets take the blindfold off jus- tice and enact compulsory blood tests for drivers and using the same wis dom which we put to work to set speed limits lets put a legal limit on the bloodalcohol factor and in the name of justice to drivers and the public lets get on with it how much do motorists really care as one who has done a great deal of travelling by air we recall repeat ing to a good many persons that we believed the most dangerous part of any plane trip for someone in stouff ville was the driving on the highway from here to malton frankly we have lost much of our fondness for motor trips its just too dangerous and nerve wracking this is how serious it appears from one mans comer there is a great list of tragic deaths every week the list grows longer and it no longer startles us we believe that the great majority of people accept it as a way of life some members of parliament have already petitioned the prime minister to back a safety campaign and any rise in interest should be greeted with enthusiasm however do you think it really is we won der if people are really concerned this has become an age of easy come easy go and that seems to be creep ing into the matter of life itself eat drink and be merry for to morrow we die are there too many drivers on the road with this attitude certainly its beginning to look that way have a safety check campaign in your community and see how much response there is other commun ities have found there is not very much this in the face of the fact that faulty vehicles are blamed for a major share of road deaths over and over again this unconcern has shown up if this is the fact death tolls from accidents will never dimin ish and drivers will have no one to blame but themselves unfortunately many persons who are concerned about their safety to the point where they will do some thing to ensure it will be innocent victims of crashes caused by the un concerned ht stnuffuiliv tstribuuf estariishkd 111 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 400 elsewhere ffioo c r xolav rilblltur jas thomas mitnr 4as mrkkax arfvertwiht f too mot j cold the bruces mill conservation area the bruces mill conservation area is the newest of twelve conservation areas operated by the metropolian toronto and region conservation authority this 270acre property lies in markham township near the headwaters of bruces creek a tributary of the rouge river the area is located in the northcentral section of the region under the jurisdiction of the authority and thus iulfills a need of longstanding for this region the natural resources of the site provide the basis for the development of a conservation area the bruces creek and a small tributary which wind through the property lorm part of the headwaters of the rouge river and their preservation for conservation purposes is an important part of the authori tys programme the area has a variety of woodlands includ ing an outstanding maple- beech woodlot which will he managed or conservation and educational purposes reforesta tion has taken place lo improve certain sections of the area the good agricultural lands will be used to demonstrate modern conservation techniques the streams and wetlands lend themselves tor the management of fish and wildlife and also form the basis for nature inter pretation programme consistent with the authori tys policy this conservation area has been developed to provide a wide range of recrea tional and educational facilities the present dam and spillway were completed by the author ity in 1964 to provide a recrea tional lake for the 200000 per sons who are expected to use the area annually a marsh land community suitable for use on the nature trail will also be flooded by the new dam ample picnicking facilities are available in the bruces mill area the reservoir and stream fishing areas ought to whet the fishermans appetite while the group camping area will open this site to a wider use the area offers the natural terrain tor a full range of winter sports activities including skating ski ing and tobogganing the open ing of this new conservation area marks moreover a new departure in the authoritys outdoor educational programme the first selfguiding nature trail has been developed here an additional feature of the bruces mill conservation area is its historical significance markham township is rich in historical tradition and this particular site with its grist mill dating from 182 is especi ally noteworthy the present bruces mill was erected in 1r8 with part of the original 182p structure being used as the storehouse although first own ed hy casper sherick the mill passed into the ownership of the bruce family in 1843 from 1848 until the mill was closed in 12 the business was operat ed under the name bruce bros as with so many of the auth oritys activities hurricane hazel affected bruces mill an overshot water wheel powered the mill until 1929 when supple mentary hydroelectric power was added but hazel so ravag ed the dam and spillway that the operation was completely converted to hydroelectricity in 1954 the new concrete dam stands on the site of the origi nal opening this conservation area has been a cooperative effort the authority appreci ates the interest of the town ship of markham in converting former refuse dump into an area of usefulness for others the project of the toronto and york roads commission to pro vide improved access lo the area from the fjormlcy road is lso thankfully acknowledged still in the swim any of you oldtimers noticed the gradual but steady changes in the physical world about you you have good i was hoping it wasnt just me you know what i mean the hills on the golf course are sleeper than last year the lawn grows larger each year the dining room tabic grows a little farther from you each year the weeds in the garden are a lot farther away when you stoop to pull them you look up instead of down when you scold your children and theres one other change that is particularly evident at this time of year the water in the lakes is ten degrees colder than it was last year i noticed this when i went swimming this week with the old lady it was rather a historic occasion with both our kids otherwise occupied it was the first time wed been swimming alone together without kids since our honey moon you should have seen the performance we sweltered in fhe sun until there was no alternative to a dip we advanced with the utmost reluctance to the waters edge we stood there for ten minutes peering gingerly at it and each other driven by nothing but sheer male pride 1 finally stuck one foot in twenty minutes later i was right up to the knobs on my knees the old girl had barely wet the paint on her toe nails wed be standing there yet shuddering had not a couple of sixyearolds dashed past us splashing us from stem to gudgeon and my gudgeon still hasnt recovered now how do you explain this it was the same body of water my son has been swimming in since early may he said it was great theft the weather has been hot since but in midsummer the temperature of the stuff was thirty degrees lower than in may somethings wrong but i must admit like all the other dopes that its grand when you get ducked theres nothing quite like a middle aged swim with the old bursitis in the shoulder crunching at every stroke the heart pounding alarmingly the chest heaving wildly for air it does have its compensations though this swimming without kids no one expects you to act as a human diving- tower you dont have to engage in duckdiving competitions you dont have lo race a couple of sturdy teenagers to the big rock and your wife certainly wont compel you to see how far you can swim under water its rather pleasant really swimming with the old lady she dogpaddles about in the shallows with the fouryearolds you wade out to the deep part right up to your waist and hit out with a purposeful breast stroke for eight yards before taking a rest after six minutes you may return with dignity lo the beach and theres r one dragging af your arm len minutes later demanding that you go back into that liquid refrigerator for another shock treatment theres nobody bugging you for money for icecream or pop theres nobody interrupting with badly aimed beach balls your aesthetic appreciation of he latest in bikinis there are no squabbles to break up its pretty nice really just sitting there in your folding chair book on your knee jug of iced mix handy watching the human comedy the beach boys holding in their stom achs so hard they cant breathe the beach girls slicking oul their bosoms so hard they almost fall over backwards human hippos human giraffes human gorillas but surely something can be done about the water if we can devise rockets to hit the moon surely to goodness we can figure out some way of warming up our lakes so that people over forty dont turn from sophisticated citizens into gibbering cowards the minute they get near the waters edge the grants from the province of ontario for the acquisition and development of the bruces mill conservation area have made possible the fulfillment of this outstanding project liquor and longevity the horse and mule live 10 yea rs and nothing know of wines and beers the goat and sheep at 20 die and never taste of scotch or rye the cow drinks water by the ton and at 18 is mostly done the dog at 15 cashes in without the aid of rum and sin the cat in milk snd water soaks and then in 12 short years it croaks hie modest sober bonedry hen lays eggs for nogs then dies at ten all animals are strictly dry they sinless live and swiftly die but sinful einful rumsoaked men survive for three score yean and ten and some of them a very few stay pickled till theyre 92 anonymous office supplies business machines its the tribune phone 6402100 roamin around heaven on earth i the term used by one of the resi dents to describe the surroundings within stouffvilles new parkview senior citizens home we isited the premises last week for the first time since its opening on june 6th the building is new more than halffilled with 34 occupants in the 54 rooms the inteiior is immaculate and this spotless appear ance is evident everywhere from the laundry room through to the dining hall exterior improvements on the grounds will be left until next year when the lawns will be seeded and shrubs planted there is no set schedule for visitors but the superintendent mr allan wideman is appreciative when people arrive in the midatternoon or early evening rather than during mealtime hours devotional services are held every sunday from 615 pm and local ministers have very generously attended on a piearranged appointment program we were again impressed with the friendly cooperative atmosphere that exists among members of the staff and it is obvious that this attitude is truly appreciated by the resi dents it was a gentleman who described the home as a veritable heaven on earth and we later learned that the men have good reason to feel this way they were outnum bered more than 3 to i the oldest person is mrs effie cleary a charming lady who will mark her 9sth birthday on august 24 only one of the eight married couples rooms is occupied the furnishing of living quarters by local and dis trict donors has been quite commendable these persons who were not listed previously include stouffville united church womens organization stouffville womens institute mr grant thompson markham mr and mrs ross winter- stein and mr and mrs bruce winterstein of stouffville mr and mrs merten brown cashel mr and mrs las mckcan and mr and mrs douglas smith the bethesda womens institute donated a new electrical wall clock for the dining and living room a craft room is a popular place for many of the ladies and the skills of their handiwork may already be seen in two completed quilts and numerous other articles we are happy the way things are going commented mr wideman we could see without asking how the residents feel either the motor vehicle traffic on main street in stouff ville is too heavy or the train traffic is too light but the cnr crossing is currently one of the roughest spots in town a minor fillin job on the pavement would smooth things out the community swimming pool is enjoying its best sea son since it was first opened manager andy williams re ports that receipts are 1000 over 64 with a couple of good months yet lo go although the reason for the increased at- tendance cannot be determined its likely that the new water heaters should receive most of the credit mr and mrs russell smith of ringwood are pleased lo announce the arrival of a bouncing baby boy they were hop ing for a girl but when mother nature calls the cards you merely take whats turned up this little tyke was so strong and active that the smiths were able to turn the colt out to pasture when only a few days old how old must a boy be to enroll as a junior farmer well according to the stouffville police seven years isnt old enough pc grimshaw stopped a young lad on rupert ave nue saturday afternoon driving a regulation farm tractor he had no trouble reaching the starter and the gear shift but his right foot was a trifle short for the brake he was escorted home inside the cruiser were always envious of anyone who can speak mora than one language most of us have enough trouble with eng lish but mrs h b roderick a resident in the former win terstein home on main street west in stouffville can speak no less than five including english estonian french rus sian and finnish what people dont know about their neighbours john watkins the super car salesman with chas cooper ltd in claremont is a veritable arnold palmer on the golf course as proof of his prowess he has a handicap of 2 thats right two without giving away his age he once caddicd for sam my snead back in j931 and received a crisp 10 bill for his efforts those were ihe days when ten dollars would really buy something too john was one of several who took in tha big tournament of missassagua recently but this time only as a spectator he probably could have competed favourably with richmond hills ernie nerlich who took 14 strokes to gel rid of the ball on the 18th hole did you know that the boys driving lie good humour trucks on he mobile ice cream routes in town are all uni versity students we talked with one likeable lad who was studying for his md degree although many mothers may not appreciate these doortodoor salesmen during the sum mer months we would personally rather be coaxed into buy ing a 10 cent cone than a 400 set of encyclopaedia mr and mrs charles fuller now of pickering village and formerly of pickering twp will mark their golden wedding anniversary on saturday july 31st a portion of their wed ding cake of 50 years ago has been retained by the couple and will be on display at an open house in the brougham hall a 1965 model cake will be available for eating but the original of 1915 will be to look at only talk about nerve after attempting to steal a quantity o miscellaneous articles from the trailer camp at cedar beach musselmans lake one of the youths charged in the theft spree asked the owner vern davies to post bail for his re lease now weve heard everything frelz bros and cliff harper will officially open their new butcher shop premises east of slouffville on friday with 2 days of big bargains and draw prizes let me tell you its worth the price of a pound of sausage to catch a glimpse of the pretty cleric behind the meat counter shes frances dauphinais and the line forms on the left members of the newlyorganized slouffville tennis club were out in full force on saturday readying the courts for competition the work will be completed early in august and this includes a new fence and new nets lads assisting in this project include ted suzuki brian randy and allan hatha way graham frisby jim knox jim rchill harry dykstra peter hambly and gerald pcgg sr memberships in the club 18 yrs and over 500 juniors under 18 yrs 300 the secretarytreasurer jim rchill will be pleased to add your name lo ihe membership lisl the president is harry dykstra ihe 1st vice gerald pegg the work to date has been all free labour and the boys deserve a good deal of credit digging post holes through elm roots is no easy chore harry young has been playing softball for markham for so many years hes almost lost track at past 36 his active history with the team dales back prior to ihe charter organ ization of the aces hes hauled down fly balls from ihe best of baiters and hes poked out base hits from ihe best of pitchers he still roams the outfield when required and only last week he belted a home run in the east gwiiiimbury park he lost it in the sun said harry in all modesty he should have put it in his hip pocket who are the best pitchers he has ever faced harrys pick include ray judd and bill bowen they all have their good and bad nights he said he predicts that dale pegg of east gwiiiimbury could with a little more experience climb close lo the ion no markham softball player can comment on the game with out mentioning the name of peg oneill he could pitch with the best of them said harry chewing on the remains of a two inch cigar they might hit him 15 miles on the first shot but the second time look oul in markhams march to ihe intermediate title in 52 oneill hurled both ends of a doubleheader against amherslburg winning both games harry aided the cause by hilling two home runs who was ihe teams best batsman thais easy said harry sorting through a basket of tomatoes morley pelch was the best by far not only did he hit consistently but he could play any position in the field he quit five years loo soon harry could scoop up fly balls like a twolegged bushel basket but a weak throwing arm has always plagued his efforts a guy could walk around the bases while i was throwing the ball in from shortstop he joked more often than not the throwin would come on a relay play harrys enthusiasm for softball has not ended on the diamond ucx always been ready and willing lo dig into his pocket for funds when the club re quired uniforms or equipment its been worth it he said