r p t ra stourwiu nnm tw km v ws whitevale folk honour their schools 100th birthday one of the riiest platform speakers on the program was michael starr mi lie is pictured here right talking to th oldest former pupils mrs violet l left k4 of green river and mr howard turner 79 now of ajux staff photo school centennials only come once in a hundred years and on saturday the residents of whitevale turned out by th hundreds to mark this very special occasion a portion of the crowd is pictured here the scliool choir under the direction of staff teacher miss lean allen is accompanied by the salvation army hand stalt photo four bands in halfmise long parade celebrate whitevale school centenary it only happens once in a hundred years and on saturday afternoon the hamlet of white vale made the most of the anni versary occasion it was the one hundredth birthday of the whitevale pub lic school a brick building er ected in 1865 at a cost of 1900 the contractor of that day was mr t p white and the site was located on the james white homestead the purchase price of the 1 acre lot was 150 the entire program was well organized from the parade that covered over a halfmile on the 5th cone to the street dance at night few parades in pickering twp have equalled saturdays procession it was headed by no less than four bands including the pickering blue notes the earlscourt legion band the i oshawa sea cadets and the markham collegettes a group of west rouge majorettes ad ded an additional touch of col our the floats were most origi nal the platform ceremony was in charge of mrs norman lynde guest speakers included hon michael starr m p and reeve clifford laycox of the twp of pickering the two oldest iormer pupils present were mrs violet postill 84 of green river and mr ho ward turner 79 now of ajax the oldest former teacher was margaret mccallum now of brampton the crowd estimated at close to 800 thoroughly enjoyed ev ery aspect of the reunion and its organizers are to be com mended on the success of their program ask for reinstatement of pub school principal claremont news tiie home of mr and mrs albert samarillo was the scene of a gathering on sunday for mrs t samarillo of toronto on the occasion of her 85th birthday the family were all present including six sons sam domonie tony albert orlando james and four daugh ters ida mrs mclean yolan- dy mrs t burns rosina and mary mr and mrs allan prouse and family of georgetown en joyed supper on sunday at the home of mr and mrs tom hammond after attending the decoration day service at groveside cemetery brooklin mr and mrs russell hamil ton visited with friends in georgetown on sunday mr and mrs jack ward spent the weeeknd with her sister in windsor allan appleby of ashburn a member of the claremont scout troop was injured when he fell off his bicycle he is presently confined to hospital mr and mrs bernard buniell and mr and mrs larry buniell and boys along with mrs 7eller attended the ball burnham re union held at the uxbridge park on saturday mr and mrs lloyd pugh barbara and rodney attended the whitevale school centennial on saturday mrs parent who spent six years in bolivia was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the mission circle the next meeting will be held on june 28th at the home of miss viola forsyth the annual picnic of the bap tist church congregation and sunday school will be held on saturday june 26th mrs glen kvans mr and mrs blair evans and mr and mrs lloyd pugh attended a meeting last week at the home of mr and mrs allen feasby willowdale plans were made for the forthcoming pugh evans reunion to be held at cedar stone park greenbank on june 26th on a 32 vote the trustees of the public school area board no 2 agreed last week to ask the principal of glendale school to reconsider his resig nation in spite of the fact that a replacement to the post has al ready been named the decision was reached af ter a delegation of about twenty persons including members of the glendale home and school association attended the meet ing to inquire into circumstan ces surrounding the resignation of mr william fairbourne mr thomas lister spokes man for the group attributed the principals action to pres sure brought to bear by another school board employee several of the board members said that they were not aware of any pressure tactics in connection with mr fair- bournes decision a 60name petition was sub mitted asking that the princi pal be reinstated pine orchard mr and mrs stanley herron of toronto were sunday guests at the rae mcclure home misses eileen and florence fair visited the johnston family sunday miss doris gibney spent the weekend with her cousin miss helen reid here our sympathy is extended to the bosworth family in the death of mrs j bosworth sr plan to attend the church of christ special meetings each night this week at 8 pm also on sunday june 20th services are being conducted by usa ministers the june w i meeting will balsam mt zion the ucw met last wednes day at the home of mrs wm harbron following the worship mrs leslie harbron gave a reading if you ask me and mrs murray jones one on mock apple pie the topic taken by mrs percy jones was god and our pleasures fol lowing the business the meeting closed with a questionnaire which proved very interesting mr and mrs elmer wilson celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary saturday night by holding open house some 150 friends and relatives called and many beautiful cards and gifts were received mr and mrs burnett jamie- son enjoyed a motor trip on the weekend to north bay deep river and pembroke mr and mrs jack empring- ham attended the chisholm empringham wedding saturday at thornhill mrs burnett jamieson mrs lewis jones and mrs orr gra ham attended a presentation friday night for mr and mrs earl parrott jr at the home of mr and mrs geo judd of chalk lake mr and mrs par rott were married last july in calgary mr and mrs paul wilson of lakefield spent the weekend with mr and mrs gordon wil son the centennial parade on saturday afternoon was stretched out over a halfmile distance it included several hands and many colourful floats a scene of contrast is pictured here in this 1932 rugby fire engine from markham village with lolui iunail at the wheel accompanied by reeve alma walker a former whitevale school pupil the other big machino is a new 6s model gmc acquired recently by the no 3 fire department of pickering township staff photo early post offices of pickering topic of historical soc meeting be held at the home of mrs cody on wednesday june 21 at 8 pm mrs rumble the new district president will be guest speaker come wearing an ar ticle to represent a song title a lot of cars under 2000 accelerate like you stepped on a wet sponge one doesnt renault 81 the renault 81100 goes 060 in 138 seconds car driver magazine says it will blow off anything in its class in acceleta- lion it has fully independent sus- ppnsionand 4wheel disc brakes and 5inch deep foam rubber seats plus a powerful heaterdefroster antirust dipping up to 45 mpg its quite a car all for under s2000 poe tar t driver magazine rod tosl renault 8 voted car of the year by track traffic magazine now to be built in canada les wilson motor sales main st telephone 6402462 wt9 o a paper on the delivery of mail in ontario and pickering twp in particular b max ro senthal of toronto featured a recent meeting o the pickering twp historical society a crowd enjoyed the talk while niagara was the first settlement in upper canada in 3780 the united empire loyal ists were rapidly settling in eastern canada and in 1787 they petitioned tor post offices in new districts soon there were a few but kingston was as tar west as the regular mail couri ers ran mr rosenthal told how at time there was one ex press each winter tor military dispatches and the convenience of merchants this meant an ex pedition which left montreal in january proceeded about 38 miles a day on a journey of at least three months york post office toronto was established in 1797 it was after this since the wilderness in the pickering area was be coming sparsely settled that gradually post offices came into being and often the settlement which sprung up at the mail de livery station was named after the post office first in county mr rosenthal dkdosed that the first post office in ontario county was at hamers corners whitbyl when it was propos ed that a post office be estab lished at dufllns creek the merchants who operated the whitby po john and william warren protested saying that they could do all the postal bus iness for the surrounding townships and hnv plenty of time to spare however in 3s29 a post office was established at dnffins creek now pickering and francis leys was its post master the post office was call ed pickering after the township right from the beginning local histories slate that nich olas howell was the first post master at brougham hut mr rosenthal disparaged this by re lating that rev george barclay became postmaster in 3836 when brougham post office was established since his oldest son took an active pari in the 1837 rebellion mr barclay was soon replaced by mr how ell historic aie the history of the post offices which followed was continued by the speaker who offered historical data of the early set tlements along with their estab lishment describing in delail about 50 relatives attended a gathering sunday at the homes of messrs percy and ralph jones honouring mr bob jones and miss ft jnnrs before they returned to their horns in van couver greenwood rouge hill dun- barton altona browns corners later audley kinsale white- sale bangor in existence 3863 to 3871 atha port union green river cherrywood clare mont north claremont balsam in 3884 ross johnston writes in the whitby chronicle under the pseudonym the traveller about his journey through ihe county at kinsale he said mr b wetherall is the accommo dating postmaster and a good deal of his time is consumed in attending to the duties of his office for which he receives be tween 30 and 40 dollars it is not a grand thing that the office is not elective what a pull there would be between contend ing parties and what spoils would fall into the hands of the victor later he wrote that he was surprised that mr burton father of c l burton post master at green river receives from the government in return tor his services the sum of 24 a year what a miserable pittance tor the important work done i he wrote mr rosenthal displayed copies of early letters and post age marks that were originally used in this district no enve lopes were used but the letter was folded with a square for the address and sealed with sealing wax members invited milton mpwbaty expressed the gratitude of the historical society for the time taken and research mr rosenthal had done on his paper and it was apparent that his efforts were appreciated when the assembly surrounded him after the meet ing to question him about their own areas mr mowhary urged the group to become members of the historical society or to re new their memberships and share the historical and muse um activities planned for the future harry spang program chair man provided a display of handcarved birds and robert miller museum comm chair man produced an exhibit of early township relics the audience enjoyed a num ber of oldtime tunes by bever- jev bell a skilled young pick ering twp accordion player refreshments and a socialhour at the close of the meeting whitevale school centennial day a sweeping success okooratiov wav the annual decoration day service of lie brougham union vmcry will be hpld on sunday june 20th on the grounds at 2 pm and in the rhurrh at 230 pm the ffiifist nlnui will he mrs donald rogers by iconise blackman boyd no two persons would agree on just what part of the cele bration was the most fun but every one of the 750 who atten ded would claim the day was one big success from beginning to end the parade of antique cars marchers iloats bands started the festivities ot in col ourful style the official cer emonies of flagraising singing of our national anthem prayer speeches and songs by the pre sentday school choir all began around the 230 mark when the visitors eventually found park ing spots for their cars the road was lined a mile in each direction from the school with parked cars the south room of the parti tioned schoolhouse was devoted to refreshments for the crowd individually wrapped sandwi ches of egg meat and fish were piled on the banquet table homemade tarts buns cakes and cookies together with cof fee or tea added up to a homey and welcoming touch for us all a delectable testimony to the loving work of the ladies of whitevale home and school assn the north classroom was set up an a museum displaying a most interesting and varied col lection of local early canadiana there were paintings and pho tos several old class picture from as long ago as j 893 early oresses cooking utensils imple ments and a rare skating lamp tacked on the walls as particularly lovely background were several beautiful hand made quilts there were two signature quilts these wera made up to raise money by em broidering parishioners signa tures from the whitevale bap tist church one from back in 1895 there was a ring box a collar box a motherofpearl purse old photo albums and wooden carpentry tools one it- cm of note was a little dane card from 1878 when a ball was held to raise money for ihe brass band the names of soma of those 24 dances listed would put todays frug and watusi to shame many of the former resident were so enjoying running into old friends that they never did get inside the schoolhouse the days festivities were en ded with an evening street dance on whitevales gaily de corated main street beautiful weather was thn linishing touch for this delight ful historic occasion by now things have quietened down and ss no 8 of pickering township will he continuing classes into its 101st year a commendable record indeed nursing graduates audrey evans miss audrey wednesday june kvnni mid ifilli from phyllis weir miss phyllis weir graduated peterborough civic hospital school of nursing graduation ceremonies were held at crest- wood secondary scliool peterborough audrey is ihe daughter of mr and mrs klmer kvns kit i claremont phyllis is the daughter of mrs weir and he lale mr wnl weir isr 2 uxbridge bolh are former minimis of uxbridge high school