Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 17, 1965, p. 2

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ttt 1 thf stowmil tmbwf tfciruhr i 7 wj editorial a rather shallow argument at regular council meeting in chance the tp of pickering on monday evening of last week deputyreeve mrs jean mcpherson indicated ra ther assuredly that she will oppose a motion by the reeve clifford lay- cox calling for assessment control throughout the whole of ontario county the deputyreeve argued that pickering might still wish to with draw from county assessment at home future date and this move would not be possible if all municipal ities were included in the program we feel that this alone is a pretty shallow argument and her pre sent stand only contradicts her think ing on the assessment subject back in 1964 ai that time it was reeve lay- cox who suggested that pickering should withdraw from county assess ment but he was opposed by his deputy who said quote now that were in i feel we should give it a as far as we can learn mrs mcpherson is not asking now that pickering revert back to the old assessment system but she is opposed to others joining in the system that pickering itself has adopted it just doesnt make sense although we personally had some apprehension concerning coun ty assessment control we havent heard a single complaint from anyone in pickering since the move was made this indeed is a sharp turn of events when one recalls the troubles that erupted under the old assess ment scheme the reeve has produced facts and figures that would suggest that a countywide assessment program would prove best for pickering the deputy has produced no basis for argument on this point she instead seems to feel that although sub merged there is always a chance for escape by sticking your foot through the hatch for services rendered only a handful remembered clouds of dust rutted roads in creased assessments and heavy taxa tion will assure the council of any municipality a standingroom aud ience resident ratepayers have no trouble in remembering this kind of problem and if it is not solved with some haste they often do not forget on thursday evening at van- dorf the council of the twp of whit church was the host at a gathering of a different nature ratepayers were invited to express their appre ciation to former reeves who had served the municipality faithfully in past years only a handful of resi dents could take the time to attend many of those who were present were relatives or close friends of the eight men who were honoured the program ably chaired by reeve ross farquharson was well planned and the guest speaker was none other than the minister of muni cipal affairs hon j wilfred spooner he must surely have wondered if he was addressing a gathering that in cluded ratepayers of the whole muni cipality or a meeting of the vandorf bridge club the shamefully small crowd made the dozens of vacant chairs look even larger the hall should have been filled to capacity is it any wonder that many per sons who hold municipal office often become bitter and disillusioned they absorb all kinds of insults and criticisms with a minimum of well- deserved pats on the back thursday evening was one night when acclaim and tribute was in or der but since dust assessment and taxes was not part of the agenda the people did not respond no wonder eyewitnesses are scarce twentyfive years ago standard wages in stouffville were gauged shove or below a basis of five dollars per day insofar as the magistrates court is concerned that day is still with ns regardless of the fact that the standard wage has now risen closer to the fifteen dollar per day mark persons who are employed on a salary basis are not too often affected but we recently learned of one lad who appeared as a witness on a cer tain case and lost over 40 in wages this is neither fair nor reasonable the main loser through this behindthetimes financing is not ne cessarily the witness but rather the police almost any officer will admit privately that it is becoming increas ingly difficult to obtain persons to come forward and testify of their own free will considering the loss of wages involved for many plus the admitted inconvenience this problem is understandable the entire problem boils down to one single question is justice worth more than 500 per day if the powersthatbe believe it is not then the present trend to be deaf dumb and blind on the part of the witness will no doubt continue handling the school religion problem the question of religious instruc tion in public schools in ontario is a real old chestnut but a most con troversial one which keeps cropping up the latest move by the govern ment is a good one education min ister davis has secured the services of a former lieutenantgovernor 1 keiller mackay lo head a special committee to study the issue present methods vary widely from community to community and for the most part stresses the christ ian interpretation however there are complaints that this is offensive to the jewish faith and lo some par ents who do not hold to any religios faith the investigating committee is to conduct an objective study and is expected to have representatives with special training in this particu lar field the minister is going to expect recommendations for change and reform we think it is a mistake to try lo make public school religious in struction seem to have missionary implications for any particular reli gion this can be left to the churches the sunday schools and the home supervision saves lives according io the 1064 drowning statistics compiled by the canadian red cross more than 170 children under 12 years of age drowned be cause parents and guardians failed to supervise them when they were near the water most of these children were com pletely unaware of the dangers that might cause them to drown a loose rock a patch of slippery mud thin ice or just plain youthful curiosity these dangers are apparent to adults but not to young children for years the red cross has heen advising us to supervise our children whenever they go near the water yet the ioll of child drown ings continues tts appalling that so many parents are negligent in their responsibility to their childrens safe ty its shocking that so many young innocent lives become victims of this negligence it takes only a few seconds for a child to drown thats why the red cross recommends constant super vision never let a child out of sight when hes near the water last week was red cross water safety week in canada from this week on throughout the summer aquatic activities will increase now is the time for every parent to resolve that no child of his will go unsuper vised this summer tehe touffnillc nviint established lss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association authorlitd aa aknlaa mail foatofflra dtpt ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 400 klscwhere 600 cm ola v rnhhht ias ttlomas krikor jas mckkav advertwitir putting a tiger on thf tank br john addison john h addison mp york north sail on o ship of state sail on o union strong and great humanity with all its hopes of future years is hanging breathless on thv ate jt has been a century since longfellow wrote this verse in a poem entitled the building of the ship and it has been a century since a small number of sparsely populated provinces decided to form a union and build the dominion of canada any true union must include the both concepts of iear and of hope hope tor the future wellbeing of the union and tear which spurs man on to his greatest accomplishments fear also that the union may at any time dissolve and yet hope that such a consequence may never be realized united we stand divided we fall so runs the old axiom today in the twentieth cen tury we see the necessity for unity being manifest every where in the united nations in the european common mar ket at the commonwealth con ferences in the kennedy round of tariff negotiations and also here at home at our federal- provincial conferences the reason for this lies in the simple fart that the whole is greater than the parts this is particularly true in economic policies where for example selling water power in british columbia will ultimately affect the economy of the nation as a whole thus a balance must be striven for a balance which would allow regions or prov inces lo negotiate freely and develop themselves and yet to insure that the economy and wellbeing of canada as a whole is not upset by any specific regional policy such a balance is not easy to attain and yet it is essential for the maintenance of our canadian confederation last week in parliament mr pearson outlined the agenda for the federalprovincial confer ence which is slated for mid- july mr pearson perhaps more than any other man in canada realizes the importance of the ideas t have outlined he realizes the importance of strong central government hut he also realizes the import ance of the provinces to develop within themselves i am personally looking for ward to this upcoming federal- provincial conference with mix ed feelings of both fear and hope my fear is that the prov inces may lose sight of the true purpose of their mission that they may become too involved with their own problems and forget the greater national is sues issues which affect every man in every province of this nation if this should hap pen then the magnificent ac complishment of confederation will have suffered a severe set back and this nation will be moving backward instead of forward but i also look forward to this conference with hope and trust firstly i hope that the provinces will realize that they are merely parts of a nation i sugars and spice by pjllsmiley a sentimental ending this is a time of year when a school teacher has mixed emotions one of the strongest let us be honest is relief as end of term nears the overwhelming certainty that you are going to have a stroke or start running straight up the wall or burst into tears in front of the class begins to fade but there are other feelings involved and the combina tion of emotions results in a bittersweet contradiction youre glad its over but you hate to see it end this is stronger i think for the teacher of a class which is graduating whether its from public school or high school that last class is a bit of a crusher sentimentally some of these kids you have taught for four years they are almost like members of your family irritating and lov able friendly and sullen pretty and homely real people not statistics here is janet the girl who was such a gawk in grade 10 she was angular and awkward she always had a cold she wore braces on her teelh she despised boys she wanted to be a missionary in africa and look at her now grinning up at you on the last day with those two pearly rows shes built like bardot she has poise and she loves boys and shes off to take a course in modeling theres jim in the back seat as usual in grade 1 1 he was by popular agreement of his teachers the most obnoxious kid in school surly selfish slovenly favorite question whadda we hafta learn all this junk for and look at him now surly selfish slovenly obnoxious but youve discovered hes human once in a while he cracks a smile at your wildest joke and youve discovered he has brains all he needs is a strongminded young woman to turn him into a good citizen and theres nancy who was a real rip a couple of years ago and is going off to teachers college solemn as a clam and theres bert who wants to be a doctor and hasnt a hope but will make some woman a fine husband and theres ken who broke the high jump record and ron who broke his leg skiing and sylvia who broke the heart of every teen age male in the school just by walking around and looking so beautiful and kevin the football hero who is about to flunk and go lo work in the supermarket and peter who has rolled his car over twice and gets in fights on weekends and has narrowly avoided jail and john the poet who is still trying to get people lo form a picket line because the principal wont let him grow a beard ive been teaching for five years now and i havent many illusions i am not dedicated i dont go around talking about the joy of seeing young minds flower heck anything will flower if you throw enough fertilizer around but theres a special satisfaction in teaching teenagers even though its tougher than working in a salt mine there is a sense of reality that i dont think i could find in another profession you are not dealing with torts and trials like the lawyer not symptoms and cures like the doctor nor surveys and stresses like the engineer nor goods and services like the businessman you are dealing in raw humanity when you tangle with teenagers sorry for being sentimental this week but today my home form gave me ray present for the year halfadoilar a whack and im still a bit mistyeyed its a desk set with two pens my name inscribed and a thermometer in jt that doesnt work thais better than last year when i got a shirt that didnt lit and the year before when i got talcum powder shaving lotion and other assorted male stinkum that i never use and that it is their duty to not only nurture themselves but recalling longfellows verse to keep this slate sailing strong and great also t have trust in mr pearsons sense of duty and love for this nation trust that he will not allow it to be set back but that he will keep the ship on course through any storms which may arise in the world today strong ntral gov ernment is a necessity and we are fortunate to be blessed with such an experienced pilot as our prime minister included on the agenda at this conference will be the programs of farreaching national import ance the first item deals with social security and the confer ence will discuss ihs ways in which federalprovincial action can most effectively contribute to programs that will provide health services to canadians on a comprehensive basis the war on poverty will also be a topic of major discussion a program geared to spur re gional development eliminate poverty and promote national prosperity the prime minister also announced that a war on crime will be initiated requir ing full federalprovincial co operation these are just a few of the more important programs to be discussed in july they are both farreaching and necessary and of national importance they will require the full agreement and help from the provinces if they arc to he truly operative and successful roamin around j the centennial anniversary of the whitevale publ school in pickering twp was celebrated on saturday aft4 noon and the committee in charge is to be commended v the excellence of the entire program the parade in itself vs a most colourful affair one of the best we have seen for long long time it stretched for a good halfmile ther4 nothing like a band to stir up a little excitement there we three of them on hand in the procession including the mar ham collegettes in sparkling new uniforms some of tl parade participants especially the wee tads looked a litt leg weary when they reached their final destination but i remained in rank and file to the ultimate end john lum was there with his historic 1932 rugby tire engine quite contrast to the brand new 65 machine dispuned bv the noj department in pickering twp markham village reeve mi alma walker was a frontseat passenger and we later learnt that madam reeve was once a pupil at whitevale when h parents mr and mrs g h maynard lived in the communit the oldest teacher in attendance at the reunion was margar mccallum now of brampton she refused to reveal her ac too many have guessed it already she said in the list former pupils mrs violet postill of green river was tops 84 mr howard turner now of ajax was the oldest gentlem at 79 mrs norman lynde kept the program moving and tb platform guests were most considerate in keeping their if marks short and to the point michael starr mp who lit dr dymond is always a most willing participant in anvcoi munity function was present at the gathering he agreeab signed autographs for the whitevale pupils between hah shakes with many wellwishers reeve cliff iaycox spot briefly while the remaining guesls were recognized throiij- formal introductions the centennial program was covered ii channel 6 and channel 9 television and those residents in tl area who werent still kicking up their heels at the villa street dance at night possibly caught a glimpse of thcr selves on the tv screen all in all it was a fine allernot and we were pleased to count ourselves among the many wl took the time to attend on thursday morning of last week an elderly toron woman was instantly killed in a truckcar accident on hw 48 south of markham we happened to be one of the first i arrive at the scene and never have we seen such fast actici by fire police and ambulance officials to prove this poin we kept a time check on the individual calls and the respond was as follows the fire siren in markham first sounded 942 by 946 the brigade was at the scene and this include a midroute slowdown to pick up a volunteer on main strcc markham twp police at buttonvllle received the call at 9 and sgt evan kelley rolled his cruiser up to lite accidci scene at 948 the call to markham village police was rccei ed at 9s0 constable morris shaw was there by 955 tl markham ambulance was summoned at 956 they arrived minutes later at 10 oclock we believe in giving credit whei credit is due and last thursday morning we saw four se arate service units working in the closest kind of cooperatio at the present time the bruce properly west of stout ville in markham twp is in the process of a major cpnstrli lion program by the metro and region authority for a lot time a sign on the premises lead shericks mill we bfta wondered where the name sherick originated well this wccli we received a letter in the mail from a mr oliver shcric1 now of richmond hill and he very kindly explains this fail mr shericks great grandfather casper sherick came fiol pennsylvania and settled on that site in 1804 or 161 years agf in his note mr sherick also tells us that he has a lien phcal ant out in his backyard that is hatching sixteen eggs the elmer safety elephant flag was raised on thursdt 1 afternoon at the bloominglon school we can think of j area in the whole of this community ihat could find a hiofl real need for a student safety program anyone who has vil tted this district during the daytime hours will know exacts what we mean persons using the 10th cone south of stouftville duriif the past few months may have wondered what kind maintenance program if any has been put into pracli there road foreman elgin wagg informs us that no 1c than 400 tons of gravel has been dumped on this section tit spring and a grader has been on it sometimes twice a wee its been a rough season on gravel roads all over as officia in the neighbouring municipalities will readily agree did you ever hear of a dump truck dumping itself we this apparently happened last week in whitchurch when boi the gravel load and its box broke free we understand tlij the cab and chassis although looking a trifle naked remalnc on its wheels the population signs at either end of stouffville ha been changed lo now read 3700 how did k ross davis local tobacconist inherit the su name shiner it happened this way it was more than years ago that mr davis then a young lad of about 16 r ceived the contract at 125 per week to clean the frot windows of a general store owned by cunllfle and peters q the site of the present carload groceteria mr bill hagernia then an employee at sam warrlners store dubbed hi shiner davis since it was a common sight to see him was ing and cleaning the windows almost every day the nan has stuck with him ever since it now looks like a pretty safe bet that well not have take a bile out of ihe proverbial straw hat it was advertisi last january that markham townships muchpublicize dragslrip on the 91 h cone would be ready for operation 1 june weve still got ihirleen days to go since theres bet nary a sign of a bulldozer in the area well put the salt ar pepper back in the cupboard and hope for the best bob jewett of milliken sank a holeinone at the whilj vale course on monday of last week during a lournameil held by the unionville curling club the perfect drive travel led 165 yards one of the most talented instrumcnlaiisls in this area pretty 11 year old beverley bell daughter of mr and mr alex bell cone 9 pickering beverley a winner of mar awards in district music festivals is not hiding her abilij under a bushel she has entertained at several local funclioi including the recent historical society gathering in broug am earlier this month she plays the good old songs that at audience enjoys hearing over and over again we understand that work has been started on the co structlon of an addition on ihe dicksons hill united ml sionary church we have also been told that a similar pr ject has been proposed for the united missionary church altona we think that this is a wonderful sign in such confused and troubled religious time although not a member on any official board of tl stouffville united church we have learned on good authori that plans for the immediate erection of a new building el edward st have been postponed for the present until a moi certain yes or no feeling of the congregation members can lj obtained possibly in a doortodoor canvass bill crothers who quickened the pulse of over 19000 fa at varsity stadium on thursday evening with his amazh victory over new zealands peter snell was back at his phtj maclst stand in kiernans drug store in markham on friti 1 as usual we happened to be in the store when the tc carrier tossed a bundle of papers on the counter on the fro page was a beautiful action shot of bill bursting across t firstplace finish line someone holding a paper high holler hey look bill its you he flashed an appreciative smf and went on pouring out a prescription for someones ach and pains throughout the day people poured into the stq and although many wouldnt know the difference between 880 and sack race they offered their congratulations to the local hero p t instructor jim rehill of stouffville dlstrl high school termed the feat the greatest individual spot thrill he had ever witnessed besides mr and mrs rchl others who attended the meet from siotiffville included mr and mrs gus almsledt mr and mrs harry dykstr bob russell anerftoger stover

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