hit b tms stourviui twhk vxnn fese 93 fred melick milkman got a scotia plan car loan 19qqovernight report from parliament by michael starr mf nd also extend the period dur- the new rules and procedure ins which e were snallv approved and passed j mv bme f period oj 5 last friday they became efiec- 1 year from june 30 1965 to j tive on monday july 14th on i j 30 jojo a temporary basis for the bal- 1 mi man ccntenri j ou5 acts or resolution to come before the rouse prior to a summer rerocs what may be i introduced after that period is j anoher maier if ihe speech from the throne is implemented in full ther will b some debat able matters under discussion mr melick needed a better car badly but where could he get the money he needed to buy a newer car fortunately for mr melick he thought of the bank of nova scotia he went to his nearest scotiabranch and answered a few quick questions about his job in come and how much money he needed overnight fred melick knew he would have the money he need ed to buy that car and this is not an unusual case of course this actual customer was not named fred melick but there are more and more people with all kinds of names and jobs coming to the bank of nova scotia to have their money problems solved quickly why dont you if you are worrying about your old car if you want a new car then get yourself a scotia plan car loan the cost is low you get life insurance at no extra cost you get the same low cost for all makes and models of cars and you get the speed of service that makes your money problems disappear fast how much money do you need ance of the present session and lor all of the next session trey will have to be reviewed from time to rime and quite likely altered if found to be un workable in their present form the prime minister has left to attend the commonwealth prime ministers conference which is beins held in london england before leaving he list ed a number of pieces of legis lation and resolutions that he hoped would be dealt with piror to a summer recess of parlia ment some of the matters to be dealt wirh are the act respecting banks and banking this act will only re ceive second reading and will then be referred to the commit tee on banking and commerce the minister of finance will have to ask parliament to ex tend the effects of the bank act prior to inly 1st of this year in order to permit the banks to operate beyond that date a resolution to set up joint committee of the senate and house of commons to con sider the state of penitentiaries under the control of the govern ment of canada the budget resolutions will hav to give effect to the 10 teds mens wear farm repair complaints should be made to machinery advisory bd thf extrrop pi pesurws on- rounlprm in modom farming mpthrxl and the increase in the size of many farm opera tions mean that any prolonged delay in seeding haying or harvesting ran he extremely critical under todays farming condtions it is imperative that all farm equipment he main tained at peak operating effici ency this means that when a hreakdown or failure of equip mem does occur the time loss due to sueh failure must be kept to a minimum mm w all purchases gift topped the ontario federation of tjl u i agriculture wishes to draw at tention to the functions of the come tax reduction as of july ontario rai 1st these resolutions give effect visorv board to all matters referred to in the budget the committees provided un der the new regulations will havo the estimates referred to them for their consideration this will have the effect of ac celerating these kstimates and at the same time afford a better opportunity for scrutiny of the expenditures of all of the gov ernment departments after they come hack to the house ot commons thirty days are pro- vided for their discussion by members in general terms and on the policies involved in these estimates the order paper listing gov ernment business contains res olutions to establish a science council of canada and to change the name of the research coun cil act to the formal title of the national research council a resolution appears which provides for the introduction of a measure to amend the fish eries improvement loans act the purpose of the amendment is to increase the maximum loan amount to a fisherman from four thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars and to increase the maximum repayment period from eight years to ten years cakadas mew la codehon allan maceachen minister of labour jjgggg some questions our new canada labour code has been eaed a first mr maceachen would you agree briefly who does this nsw code apply tor lets get down to specifics what exactly does it promise to those employees who axe affected by it 2 yes and it is one of the most ahembracing canada r jtas a right to be proud of it it sets higher standards than have been sctrfor any other country i know other countries are taking note of the way canadian parliament is ensuring that more workers share in this countrys growth it applies to industries which fall under federal jurisdiction- and may well prove to be a guide for other industries the government itself which is a large employer in its own right will take the lead by applying the codes standards to its own federal employees as we said it sets minimum standards and i stress that these are minimum because of course a lot of workers already enjoy higher standards than the code sets erst it sets a standard 8 hour day and a 40 hour week with overtime limited to 8 hours a week and paid for at v timeandahalf second it sets the minimum wage rate for all men and women over 17 years of age at 125 an hour y next it provides for two weeks annual vacation with pay after one years service or 4 of wages as vacation pay for those with from 30 days to a years service tinally it stipulates that each employee shall get right statutory holidays with pay a year or get a full day off in lien of the holiday the code covers interprovincial or international rail and highway transport primary fishing where the fishermen work for wages air transport radio and tv shipping banks uranium mining grain elevators flour and feed mills and warehousing seed cleaning mills interprovincial or international pipelines and ferries interprovincial or international telegraphs and telephones most crown corporations and one or two uther smaller industries if you are not sure whether you are covered by the canada labour standards code write to department of labour ottawa you said the new code applies to industries under federal jurisdiction would you name them t machinery art- the advisory board was set up by the onta rio department of agriculture because of the volume of com plaints that had been received of the unavailability or delays that had been exderienced in ob taining repair parts for farm machinery its chief function is to investigate all such cases in order to determine the availabil ity of parts and establish the cause of delays in procurement we would emphasize that if an investigation is desired it is the responsibility of the farmer to notify the farm machinery advisory board of any prob lems he may encounter in this connection this should be done in writing and the letter should provide the board with as much detail as possible this should include the location of the farm the date and nature ot the hreakdown in equipment the make andmodel of the machine the part number the date or dress shirts stripes solids pastels short sleeve styles from 395 sport shirts and shirt j acs from 295 cardigans and pullovers from slo95 pyjamas short from 395 long from 495 dressing qowns 1395 tie and sox gift sets 295 sox from 98c gift pack handkerchiefs 4 for 100 teds mens wear 17 jlain st w slouffville dates on which repair parts were ordered including the name address and phone num ber of the dealer or supplier letters should he addressed to the ontario farm machinery advisory board department of agricultural kngineering the ontario agricultural college guelph ontario thirty years ago kitchener city council voted 10 to a local man to help pay the cost of per fecting a foolproof trap to catch starlings you may have noticed this was one of th citys less rewarding invest moots curity plastic bandages cc5n curity first aid cream noxzemalotionor glf tropic tan 3 v ekideril rec- or 0y shampoo 0fogi ton reg super orgentle li oz feanrollon toothpaste prices effective june lfi 17 is 19 we reserve the rijrfif to limit quantities vacationtime health beautyaid bkttv crocker all flavours cake mixes 2 pkgs 75c riirns luncheon meats spam or spork 12ox tin 39c 20 off riant size fab detergent 59c mazola oil 31ox size 73c hospitality apple pie eoeh 39c 1ib pkgs miniatures lloz pkgs kraft mallows 2 for 49c walker saltine5 2 for 59e chocolate crip 1lh peg walker cookies 39e 3unkist seneca frozen viriette dt tirl lemonade or punch 10 for 1 tabierite wieners mb pkg 49c alpine or primrose chopped beef steakettes lb 55c fresh lean a- meatv side spare ribs lb 65e rroplce of usa can no i crape ideal for salads tomatoes 19 save iga cosh register tapes bonus tapes for free gifts or eaton merchandise certificates mexeimtitei fh taotelrajg coop rfhikf if csa cn i hrhf a dflieioai treat cantai01pks jumbo size 455 29c rnrttinr with loir sunk 1st oravuks rrtnr f usa can n- i rta luscious pi ums rnrmnrosa or beauty ql mr size il3s lo7 s9e ratcuffs iga foodliner stouffviiie