w cream shippers for beat result ship vour cream to stouffvillt creamerr w pay two rents more per pound butterfit for cream delivered to the creamery to hmve our trwk cmll phoim 6j0222 com storage lockers for rent stotiffville creamery co lp gas saw the rvitivliifimp nf modern livinx rf voiiri tvtth ip ja dpivrhi nywhr for ran watr hwiter rfriktjitor etc ip z i thrifty too altane propane gas and appliances 216 mxrkham rd richmond hill hone av 55281 toronto va 35851 1 r aiiv stouffville 6101874 spend less gt more specials this week halves of beef cui whimeo frozen lb 45c picnic hams lb 49t pure pork sausage lb 60c lean hamburg 40c lb 3 lbs 100 fretz bros harper highest quality meats lowest prices free delivery 6403125 claremont ont to give i for o the king of ihe douse takes his leisure in smart style fathers day and every day when you gift him with a pair of hand some leather slippers pick his favorite sh oes j 499 up lehmans shoes 9 miin st v slniifivillt phone 6103753 committee plans outlined for int plowing match preparation for ih inii na- j putins onnjvthian and ft ex- liona plowing match are pro- prrpd to aurant wide interest feeding on schedule under com mittee chairman win timber work ha already started at the masceyfvrgiison farm includ ing the installation of culverts and fill for special entrances many commercial firms hava al ready contracted for space in tented city crop demonstrations liave been put in on the site the laig- est of which is with corn sixty six plot of corn have hpn planted demonstrating different varieties fertilizer treat mem weed control treatment plant populations and planting dates special seedings have also hen put in for forage crops and soy beans the york county exhibit will be in thre main divisions the livestock display will consist of 30 head of cattle representing all major beef and dairy breeds well as displays of sheep and fiicid improvement com petition thu compptition is hping ield in onjunciion with the intpr- national plowing match and i sponsored by the york county federation of agriculture at present 170000 has bpen rais ed for prize money and entries have been received from 75 farm owners we are plepd that two silver tea services have been donated as championship awards oup hy our warden and one by a a le mackenzie county agricultural program seventeen demonstrations on crops have been set up this sping by the york county crop improvement association a tour to visit these is planned for july hie beef lmpiovemenl asso- scotsman makes study of ontario farming during exchange visit swine a pole bain is to be built for the livestock display an- j nation held a successful tone to other division will be for county j wellington and waterloo court organiation a large tent ha tie in march with abou go been arranged for to house dis- j beef producers in attendance plays from all rural organia- a new warning sign for farm tions in the county the third i machinery being moved on division will feature historical highways has been developed topics the committee plans to the york county farm safey have several activities from our i council has a supply of these early history depicted by live i and they are now for sale to all demonstrations a well equip- farmers ped blacksmith shop will be ten 41 f agricultural clubs built on the site and operated during the match this being one of the main activities oth ers will include candle making chair caning and weaving warden sidney legge has is sued a challenge to all wardens ind mayors in ontairo to com pete against him in a specie plowing class onp event new o the inter national plowing match has been added by the local com- mittep it will h a corn harv- were organized this spring with a total enrollment of 159 boys and girls the county project for girls in the homemaking clubs was completed in may with 117 girls participating water supply continues to be a problem on many farms 35 farm ponds have been built in york comity and approved jot- financial assistance from the province since the program was started last year ihe whitest house paint you can buy i scuiii trutone gives lasting sitra whiteness doesnt yellow one coat beats any kind of weather 4year protection saves work and money available in 3 types trutone white trutone selfwashing whits trutone trim white hendricks hardware main st w stouffvime phone 6403622 at rh iicm 3b gupt at millar farm in whitchurch tup altxssder brown i studying canadian farming habis be fore he returns to his native scotland alex will have made notes taken photographs and formed opinions on farming in canada alexander 1 ait exchange farmer who for the past 10davs has been living with mr and mrs john miller concession fi whitchurch township he two other lads and a girl came to canada april 29th in return canada sent two men and two girls to scotland the movement under the control of junior farmers of canada and the scottish association of young farmers gives the trav ellers n idea of how the other side works when his stay in canada con cludes alex will have visited carle on russel peterborough norfolk wellington and york counties as well as niagara falls and ottawa he spends 10 days in each county the other three from scotland have sep arated and will cover the whole province before they leave alex 26 veats old lives in sionefieldhili rosewell mid lothian scotland in short 10 miles from edinburgh he is single hut owns his own 300 acre farm his sister 21 year old jean lives with him alex was fascinated by the immensity of canada travelling 100 miles in this country means practically noth ing in scotland 100 miles near ly covets the country he added that there seems to he much wasted land in canada ive seen land here that could be producing but isnt he said lnngpr growing season scotland alex explained has a longer growing season than canada because of that they produce more on a per capita basis we sow in march and harv est in september as a rule he said this year however scotland ended up on the bottom side of a heavy may snowfall this though is very rare and usu ally the land is producing in april we dont have ihe ex tremes in temperatures that canada has alex said its not as hot in summer and not as cold in winter we get the moderating trends from the ocean because scotland is so small about onethird the size of on tario every available inch of land is used alex wonders why there is so much unused land here in holland a country smal ler than scotland the railway embankments are used for farming if theres land avail able someone will grow some thing on it alex who has represented his country in denmark sweden germany switzerland franc holland and now canada said that he was very impressed with dairy farming here but ad ded that denmark leads the world in scotland farmer 2t a greater return for their produc tion he claimpd hut added ca nadian farmers have greater incentive to produce at home alex said v plow 1012 inches deep but here farmers only go down 67 inches we truck our goods to mar ket in edinburgh he said ex plaining his sales scotland mechanised alex explained tha scotlands farming was the most mecha nized in the world the weather is the main factor for automated farming on a perfectly clear day it could cloud and pour in less than an hour and farmers have to be ready for it manually they could not keep up with the weather ah scotlands mobile equip ment is run by diesel fuel as gasoline prices are extremely high to represent his country alex was required to pay r0 of his travelling expenses all his ex penses while in ontario how ever were paid for and ihe re maining 20 was handled by the scottish association recreation during his stay in ontario alex has observed some of the sports activities in canada 2 weeks ago he attended the stock car races at pinecrest raceway and was particularly amused by the wreckem race where cars are purposely smashed he said canadians are more sportsminded than scots he said sports is a 12month event here while in scotland sports may only be held during the winter playing rugby and soccer in the wintermonths leaves little or nothing to do during the summer alex wasnt too impressed with the dirt roads in ontario in scotland he explained all roads including dead ends are paved he said however that the busy highways and free ways were in excellent shape while in canada alexs broth er ian is taking care of his farm alex will sail for his native scotland on july 23rd and more people will know about the ways and methods of canadian farming tmf st0uwlie twswe tvrsy km 7 ims p swfiirotk when your pigs talk its time to listen more than half the daily newspapers in the country now sell for more than 5 cents a copy a survey by the american newspaper publishers assn shows that the single copy price of 917 dailies now range from fi to 10 cents 832 sell for 5 cents and only 9 for less than 5 cents because theyll tell you how to market more pigs per litter you can increase pig income by controlling lron9 deficiency anemia in baby pigs purina pigemia injectable is an easy and effective way to supply the iron your pigs need to make fast efficient gains its simple to treat your pigs you inject it right into the ham its economical because theres no waste and it goes to work immediately try purina pigemia injectable for ef fective prevention of irondeficiency anemia in your next litter let the results show you why you should use purina pigemia injectable drop in to see us today pubimft pietmu imkct4pi stouffvilse coop phone 6401550 or 6401551 wmmmmmmmmmmmhmmoui w tribune classified ads are tops color tv fully qualified sales service we now have several colour sets in our charge personal demonstration by appointment admiral zenith lowrey simplicity ty radio hifi organ kitchen and laundry equipment neville appliances for the best our service excels our prices match the rest our year guarantee sells 6403395 1m a good used ca 1964 coryair monza 900 club coupe automatic buck et scis radio whitewalls white with black inferior 1964 beaumont 4 door sedan 6 cylinder standard transmission beautiful artesian turquoise finish 1963 buick ia ssbre 2 door hardtop automa tic power steering power brakes radio whitewall tires and discs cameo beige finish 1960 pontiac 2 door fi cylinder standard trans mission while with green interior good sound car 1961 pontiac laurenlian 2 door v8 automatic rad- 2 tone burgundy and brown 1964 pontiac parisienne convertible v8 auto matic power brakes power steer ing radio whitewalls and discs beautiful mist blue finish with black lop 1964 pontiac strafo chief sedan 8 cylinder automatic radio whitewalls discs black with red interior new car warranty 1963 chevrolet impala 2 door hardtop v8 motor automatic radio power steering power brakes whitewalls and discs 2 tone maroon with white top 1962 buick la sabre 4 door sedan automatic radio whitewalls power steering power brakes gleaming black fin ish 1964 pnta lauren tian 2 door 6 cylinder standard transmission wheel dises and washers turquoise and match ing interior 1961 gmc cab and chassis 175 wb 4 speed with 2 speed 1 5000 rear axle good rubber 825x20 and completely re conditioned 1962 international tractor 1800 loadstar 5 speed trans with 2 speed axle good rub ber oox20 engine 345 cii in air over hydraulic and vacuum con nections unit ready lo work 1965 p0ntiacs trade your car for an all new pontiac 1 year warranty on all cars neil patrick motors ltd main st w at the tracks stouffville phone 6403452 smac tim faymikt plan