Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 5

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old engine is still puffin claremont man keeps steam engine as hobby mac mlddleton of claremont is the proud owner of thu steam engine which in spite of its are can still puff steam and blow its whistle like a new one it has been placed on display at the brougham history in action day and this year will appear at several faufalrs thoto by mollie stewart by mollie stewart caev jones mounted to the throttle a background of 44 working years spent on the cpr might be the driving force behind mac middletons consuming passion for steam engines mac who was born and bred in claremont spends most of his spare time lovingly tending his waterloo steam engine the locomotive weighs ap proximately ten ton and oper ates or wood coke or coal it has a tested steam capacity of 100 lbs and is capable of reach ing a top speed of 2 miles per hour when mac holds down the whistle they hear him coming not just in claremont but right through to stouffville macs alltlme bream it has always been mac mid- dletons dream to own his own steam engine he knew exactly what he wanted for years he haunted sales and auctions then someone mentioned stouff ville sales barn mac was told there about a steam engine languishing in a barn at golden lake some 200 miles away it sounded promis ing so off he set west of peterborough under three inches of grease and oil accumulated over a period of twenty years mac found his baby his expert practiced eye not ed that under the dirt which permit daynight at new hydro site although construction on a 48hour basis contravenes a pickering twp bylaw council agreed on monday night to permit a contracting firm to work roundtheclock at the site of the new ontario hydro nuclear power plant the members inserted a pro vision however that should one legitimate complaint be re ceived from a resident in the area the practice would be dis allowed both deputyreeve mrs jean mcpherson and councillor wm newman were hesitant to ap- prove any request that would permit one firm to break a mu nicipal bylaw we want industry and all its benefits but we cant have it without considering some of its disadvantages noted council lor herb wank we cant have our cake and eat it too agreed councillor donald waring in whose ward the work will take place the reeve explained that the request was not a formal one but only seeking an opinion from the council claremont news this is the last reminder of the firemans euchre on wed nesday june 16th gary evans visited his par ents mr and mrs fred evans on the weekend mr and mrs jack ward en tertained his mother mrs roy ward to birthday gathering thursday the united church sunday school picnic will be held on sunday june 20th at the stouffville park mr and mrs gordon graham f oshawa visited with mr and mrs sam taylor sunday even ing mrs hamilton has joined the staff at taylors restaurant and will commence duties monday thirteen members of the cub and scout mothers attended a bowling evening friday the last regular meeting of the womens institute this sea son will be held at the home of mrs clara carson june igth at 2 pm cars will leave the four tornres at 145 pm on june 15th there will be a social evening of cards for the guide and brownie ladies aux iliary at the home of mrs thel- ma hockley last week there was an error made concerning the date of the legion drumhead service the date should read june 20th not june 27 as previously printed a surprise party was held at the home of mrs robert hock ley on the occasion of her birth day about 17 guests from ux bridge stouffville pickering and markham were in attend ance mr and mrs earle wilson entertained their bowling friends on saturday evening guests were mr and mrs ken ward mr and mrs randy car- receives award 1 1 k a kh mks sharyn jones daugh ter of mr and mrs percy jones claremont graduated on friday june 4th from the oshawa general hospital school of nursing sharyn was the recipient of the klca- nor lovell prize for efficien cy in obstetric nursing she plans to continue her career in the oshawa general hospl- ruthers mr and mrs allan fryer mr and mrs joe mccul- lough mr and mrs bill glid- don mr and mrs ken goanes mr and mrs jim murray and mr and mrs hugh pugh mr hedges has returned to work monday after being off with a sprained ankle the ladles auxiliary to the legion will meet on june 10th the mens bowling tourna ment scheduled for last wednes day had to be cancelled due to rain dr and mrs wm tomlinson and janet are on a three week vacation to western canada we would like to thank all the people of the north picker ing twp branch of the cana dian cancer campaign who do nated their time and effort to make this drive for funds suc cessful the receipts of dona tions totalled 126700 ladies are reminded of the bazaar on saturday june 19th from 2 to 5 pm on the lawn at the home of mrs richard day balsam the proceeds will be donated to the ucw of mt zion united church bob madill and joe mccul- lough are two of the most re cent volunteers to join the vil lage fire brigade mr stan mcmullen has ac cepted a position on the staff of the uxbridge technical school mrs jean hall visited one afternoon last week at the home of mrs jean thomas stouffville the evening unit of the ucw will meet at the home of mrs jack hill on monday june 14th at 8 pm mrs betty amador of balsam will speak on her ex periences in nicaragua the hall family enjoyed a re union at the home of mr and mrs jack hall on saturday may 29th museum purchases total 10000 pickering twp council has approved the expansion of the brougham museum project through the acquisition of sev eral buildings at a cost of 10- 000 although the municipality will make the initial purchase the cost will be recovered by the museum board through public subscription or other moneyraising ventures the structures are to include a house and store 225000 a harness shop 60000 a church 150000 church sheds 60000 hewn timber barn 180000 and a black smiths shop 170000 altona there will be big doings at altona feeds this friday when fred lewis and his staff dem onstrate all thats new in hay equipment art celsie will be on hand in the evening for dan cing or if you dont dance just come out and hear good coun try music mr and mrs r weatherbee visited friends at minesing over the weekend good luck to all the high school students who are writing their exams this week and next mrs wm lords mother mrs stoker of hamilton has been visiting here for the past week on sunday mr and mrs dick jones of buttonvllle and mr harold jones of england were dinner guests of mr and mrs norman bunker they also visited the other bunker fami lies so harold could meet vis family before returning home this week a number of friends helped steven eison celebrate his 8th birthday on saturday mr and mrs dave johnson of milverton spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs fred lewis ashburn mr and mrs edgar heron and miss mary heron spent the weekend with rev k a and mrs heron at petrolia mr wm johnson mrs c burry and mrs henry johnson of toronto were saturday visi tors with mr and mrs h ash- ton mr russell batten attended the presbyterian mens confer ence held at london the week end of may 2830 mr and mrs levi hopkins of brougham visited at the home of mrs wm hopkins during the week mrs walter rogers of brook- lin spent sunday with mr and mrs nelson ashton mrs h doble spent the week end with mr and mrs wes doble at sunderland congratulations to mr and mrs fred stephen of brooklin formerly of ashburn who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on june 7th the monthly meeting of the wms was held at the home of mrs clarence harrison on wed june 2nd at 8 pm with an attendance of twenty the scripture lesson was read by mrs douglas ashton and prayer by mrs h buntain mrs edgar heron gave a report of the council meeting of wms she attended at ewart college in may mrs h ashton had charge of the study the meet ing closed with prayer by mrs m sparks the annual sunday school picnic will be held at geneva park on thursday june 24th mr and mrs grant parrott janice and lyle spent the weekend with relatives at belleville atha master earl draper and sister eileen were in toronto satur day attending the circus miss bernice dunkeld spent a few days in toronto holidaying with kelly anne and christine loree miss marie draper has suc cessfully completed her year at teachers college toronto and will be teaching at churchhill heights scarboro marie atten ded atha public school and pickering district high school where she was the winner of an ontario scholarship and two bursarys congratulations mar ie mr and mrs ernie carruth- ers and ruth anne had dinner sunday with mr and mrs les ter burch and family of lock- port ny a number from the district took in the spring fair at brooklin on saturday mr and mrs d dunkeld had dinner with mr and mrs j lo ree toronto sunday evening mr and mrs frank hoey mo ved into our community this past week they purchased the late albert draper property mr and mrs wheeler the rec ent owners have taken up resi dence in markham mr and mrs donald dunkeld spent thursday evening in guelph at the college meeting with mr carl willis of prince edward island and mr and mrs k bawdcn of st thomas the trip manager for the world plowing match plans were be ing finalized for their trip to norway they will leave malt- on airport sept 30 has acted as a preservative the engine was in superb condition then and there he slapped his money down then came the problem of transporting the waterloo home he solved things by hav ing the engine placed on a float the journey back was unevent ful although one float wheel threatened to break loose along the road once safe in his back yard he went about cleaning and restoring the locomotive shes my baby mac said i threshed with a similar one back in 1922 in those days they were used for drawing thresing machines and water tanks this one dates back to 192s changes on tho cpr during the time spent as a cpr section worker the clare mont man witnessed many changes manual work was re placed by machines steam en gines were superseded by die- sels although more people used passenger steam trains in those days due to automobiles being scarce passenger lists gradual ly dwindled through it all mac retained his interest in steam engines today he is a member of the ontario steam and antique preservers association mem bers meet each month at aber- foil his waterloo has been dis played at the brougham histori cal museum this year it may be exhibited at the markham and milton fall fairs claremont student wins first in school safety poster comp the stoortvrde town tkrsdty june 10 1965 ft i firemans draw june 16th gerald cook a student at the claremont public school has topped all entries from picker ing township in the farm and home safety poster competi tion his teacher is mrs d moore the contest was promoted by the ontario county farm safe ty committee in total there were 714 entries the judge was mrs glen owen art teacher at uxbridge the runnerup in pickering was michael cassidy of clare mont rr 2 and a student at green river school linda as- selin of rouge hill was third in uxbridge twp doreen evans of claremont r r 1 was tile 1st prize award winner debbie mathers of uxbridge sn 4 was 2nd and ed nash of claremont r r 1 third the standing of entries from both uxbridge and pickering is as follows pickering township 1st gerald cook claremont 2nd michael cassidy clare mont rr 2 3rd linda asselin 556 rougemount dr rouge hills 4th grant norton clare mont 5th barbara ovesnk 92 church st s pickering 6th bella mulnik 70 liverpool rd n pickering 7th barbara le- gace 640 fairport rd s fair- port beach 8th wayne disney claremont rr 2 9th brenda flanagan claremont uxbridge township 1st doreen evans claremont rr 1 2nd debbie mathers uxbridse rr 4 3rd ed nash claremont rr 1 4th heath er mathers uxbridge rr 4 5th jamie coutt goodwood rr 1 5th billy cammick claremont rr 1 7th penny dawson goodwood 8th john ellery uxbridge rr 4 9th barry wood goodwood no tractor tenders as specified pick lowest of six bids although pickering twp council had tentatively purcha sed an international tractor last week from chas richards and sons of stouffville this de cision was altered on monday night following a committee meeting with the official of the bylaw enforcement dept the council will now pur chase a case machine it was the lowest of six tenders sub mitted mr h pickering and son of claremont is the dealer councillor wm newman said that none of the tractors could meet with the specifications as contained in the tender he said that since there was some urg ency in making the purchase the committee had recommend ed that the lowest priced unit be selected councillor john campbell argued that all bids should be discarded and new tender pri ces should be obtained theres no use said coun cillor spang the price has been cut to the bone mr spang charged that the tender specifications were so compli cated that dealers had difficulty in understanding what type of machine was really wanted a brush mower to be attach ed to the tractor will be pur chased from d l mairs and son of brougham at home mrs emily johnston will be at home to friends on the occasion of her 90th birthday at the noiiie of her son lloyd johnston brougham wednes day june 16 1965 from 24 and 79 on wednesday evening june 16th some lucky ticketholder will win this doll dressed in fifty 100 bills the draw sponsored by the claremont volunteer fire brigade will be held at a euchre party in the community hall pretty 13 year old gwen hammond daughter of the fire chief holds the valuable prize staff photo decoration day the annual decoration day service of the brougham union cemetery will be held on sunday june 20th on the grounds at 2 pm and in the church at 230 pm the guest soiolst will be mrs donald rogers advance notice needed to speak before tp council in an effort to speed up the preparation of an agenda for monday evening meetings of pickering twp council per sons must apply to the clerk by 5 pm on the preceding thursday afternoon the new procedure was ap proved at a meeting tlds week the members agreed how ever tliat should an emergen cy problem arise ratepayers would be heard at the dis cretion of council first major contract for nuclear plant a contract of nearly s25 mil lion has been awarded for two large turbinegenerators for pickering nuclear power sta tion ontario hydro announced this week james howden and parsons of canada ltd scarborough was awarded the contract as lowest of four bidders for the twin 540000kilowatt units in anticipation of a probable in crease in the plants capacity two more identical units have been placed on purchase option the 266 million nuclear plant largest now planned in north america is to be built on the shore of lake ontario in pickering township first pow er is scheduled for 1970 soil tests and site preparation are in progress now and rock for shoreline extension and protec tion will be delivered to the site this summer pickets stage protest the awarding of a roadcoastrucien contract in the twp of plckerinr u a nonunion company has resulted in a daily picket parade in front of the municipal building in brougham it is said thai workmen are bdunr paid 70c oer hoar below the union rate no loddenta have been reported staff photo police raid party in pickering park an 16 year old girl eleven youths and a 22 year old man were all arrested early satur day morning by pickering township police following a midnight party at morgans park near rosebank those arrested all from scar borough were charged with offences ranging from being drunk in a public place supply ing liquor to minors minors consuming to having liquor in a place other than a residence police said it took three hours to round up the arrested persons after residents com plained about 1130 pjn some of the teenagers attending the party escaped by wading across the rouge river police said that the party waa well planned and stated that tho participants assembled at a scarborough shopping plaza be fore travelling to rosebank in a motorcade a quantity of liquor was sei zed at the park five of the ac cused were placed in custody and the remainder were releas ed on bail brougham mrs peter desmedt barba ra mairs of montreal spent the weekend with her mother mrs d l mairs she also at tended graduation exercises of the nurses of oshawa general hospital of which she is a for mer graduate mr and mrs roland harden and family attended the field day at mount albert sirs hicks and ted spent the weekend with mr and mrs joe burrows at their cottage on lake scugog mr and mrs allan pllkey are building a cottage near cob- oconk on balsam lake mrs davis has returned home following a lengthy illness in hospital mrs mary lemon has return ed to her home for the summer mrs mina gormley and ruth clarkson of detroit spent the weekend with her nephew and family mr and mrs chas surphlis next sunday the oddfellows and rebekahs will attend their annual church parade in brougham united church at 10 am mr varden formerly of brock rd school of varney saskatchewan had dinner with mrs minnie knox recently mr warren willson a former pupil was also present mr and mrs bill miller and call twp office collect from claremont claremont ratepayers wish ing to contact employees of the pickering twp office at brougham may now do so without paying the longdist ance telephone charges thev are asked to call col lect to 9422760 the council requested thai this service lie publicized so that the residents would not be put to any unnecessary expense or inconvenience susan jones was confined to hospitai for several days her brother jeremy who has been in for three weeks is not home yet two carloads of greenwood residents attended the service of ecumenical witness at mem orial park oshawa on sunday evening it was held on the oc casion of the 40th anniversary of the united church of can ada the sermon was delivered by the very reverend angus j mcqueen a very interesting program will be shown on cbctv on monday evenings entitled re ligious ferment the time is 10 pm brougham mr and mrs chas surphlis at tended the wedding of james surphlis and effle byers in the scarborough junction united church the reception was held at the brides home at a special meeting of joy rebekah lodge no 355 the rebekah degree was conferred on mary johanson verna mil ler ruth murray hilda bowler carl campbell and allan pilkcy of joy lodge and elizabeth ac ton for benevolent lodge whit by ray elllcott who has been at the mohawk racetrack with his horses spent the weekend at his home mrs doris burton has return ed home following a brief stay in uxbridge cottage hospital miss kelly elllcott celebrated her birthday with a party for her playmates miss elizabeth coates spent the weekend with faye knox at balsam lake mr and mrs george knox of hampton spent sunday with his mother mrs minnie knox the boy scouts of the 1st brock pickering troop enjoyed a weekend of camping by spring creek mrs crocker has been spend ing a few days with her brother mr warren willson mr and mrs allan elllcott mr and mrs eldon carter mr and mrs h phillips mr and mrs james phillips mr and mrs george duncan mr and mrs c madill mr and mrs grlmshaw and miss marjorie tweedie attended the wedding of david phillip to mary lou hunter at tehkumah on manl- tiulin island the brougham united church womens evening group met at the home of mrs x fallls mv bill euicott opened the raeetlnz with a prayer the programme was a potluck supper held pri or to the meeting the gather ing was closed with benediction the brougham 4h dairy calf club held their 2nd regular meeting may 26 at the farm of mr james teefy chcrrywood green river birthday parties were the order of the day on saturday those celebrating were misses cathy christenson dorothy mair and karen smith mrs wm duncan has return ed home following a stay in th hospital mrs christenson sr is rest ing comfortably in the scarboro- general hospital the delegates attending the baptist convention in london this week from the church are miss edith gostick and mrs e forsythc mr and mrs h ridge of to ronto had dinner sunday with r hutehings two important events for the community are slated for the near future on june 19th a hake sale will bo held for the recreation association in order to obtain equipment for the baseball teams and on sunday june 27th at 3 pm a memorial day service for brunswick hill cemetery will be held in the church a special word of thanks to all those who attended the clos ing exercise of the happy hour also a specil thanks to the ladies aid who were re sponsible for the refreshments served at the end of the evening a teacher training course will be held in the church fri day evening at 730 pm this is a four week course and will be conducted by very capable lead ers anyone interested is most cordially invited to attend

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