Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 1

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jr farmer visitor from scotland xsis -sssufa- currenlly on four studying canadian farming habits in ontario is alexander brown cleft of stoncfieldhill scotland ten miles from edinburgh he is here on an exchange basis arranged throiikh the jr farmers of canada and the scottish association of young farmers last week he visited the farm of john miller concession 6 whitchurch ami is shown here with murray miller right staff rhoto plan to assume bloomington road into cty system if a 10 year york county road program as prepared by a d margison and associates ltd is approved by county councii the twp of whitchurch will eventually be relieved of con struction and maintenance pro blems on the bloomington side- road the preliminary report calls for a takeover in 1966 of 27 miles of this road extending from hwy 47 to hwy 48 this would be followed in 1968 of an additional project extending from the don mills road to the leslie st extension this dis tance is 13 miles in 1969 ano ther 25 miles would be assum ed from leslie st to yonge st seven years from now in 1972 it is proposed to link the sec tion between hwy 48 and the don mills road thus complet ing the entire route from lin- colnville to no 11 the report presented only last week could come under strong attack in county coun cil especially from representa tives in the northern areas favour load limit in whitchurch twp council last week ross farquharson re ported on the meeting with an official of the dept of hwys on the bloomington road problem he said that the department had recommended the posting of load limit signs since it is a class b thoroughfare the council appeared hesitant to take this action as it would only reroute the truck traffic through the village of stouff- ville ask 300 subsidy for ambulance the town council has been asked to enter into an agree ment that will provide an am bulance service to residents of stouffville for a retainer fee of 300 mr john vance of markham village made his request at a meeting on thursday night two other municipalities have already agreed to the terms the subsidy does not cover individual calls that would run at about 18 to transport a pati ent from stouffville to the scar- boro general hospital the 300 retainer would be used to cover uncollectible ac counts and reduce the cost of insurance reeve win timbers suggested that the matter be held over for two weeks in an effort to obtain the opinion of the police depart ment and local doctors concern ing the need for such a standby service bicycles freak collision injures two lake boys a freak bicycle accident last thursday sent two teenage boys to the medical centre in stouff ville for treatment douglas lee and douglas carpenter both 15 and both of rr 2 stouffville collided on lake road near shalimar beach the accident occurred about 10 pm as lee was head ing home after doing an errand he said he saw the bicycle of carpenter approaching but be cause it was dark thought it was travelling in the same dir ection neither bike had lights both boys received deep cuts 10 their foreheads carpenter took 14 stitches while lee had 20 the following morning doug lee complained of a sore hand and returned to the med ical centre to find two broken bones in his hand and a fractu red finger lee was travelling with two companions who informed mr tat cashman of the mishap mr cashman drove the injured boys to stouffville they were treated and relea sed by dr john button and dr donald petrie miss noroen burkholrier ed ward st has joined the office stall of the stouffville puc replacing miss marilyn crowder who submitted her resignation several weeks ago 16yroid charged with entry and theft of auto a 16 year old toronto youth has been charged with break entry theft and auto theft after the premises of coffey bartley motors was entered last week in addition to 60 in cash a customers 1964 comet was stolen along with fourteen sets of keys for new cars david cairns was arrested on thursday near keswick four key sets were recovered in the ditch near ringwood the re mainder are still missing cairns arrest followed a rash of car thefts in which vehicles were taken at both atherley and cannington in addition to the charges laid by stouffville police the accused also faces more charges from other de partments track stars relax before meet tihnm vol 77 no 2 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday june 10 1965 sixteen pages 74 of taxes in town now paid in full with the 1st installment of stouffville taxes due on june 1st clerk ralph corner re ported last week that 14 per cent of the total for 19fi5 had been paid in ful as of june 2nd 7000n had been received compared with s218000 for the same pe riod last year the total levy is mkifi is an increase of 15000 over 1964 a one per cenf discount is allowed for full payment at the lime of the first install ment the second installment falls due on nov 1st pickering councillor criticizes split vote at county council level ratepayers protest centennial park a special meeting of mark- ham township ratepayers in cluding members of the newly- organized buttonwood ratepay ers gathered on tuesday night to air their views on the pro posed centennial park on the 5th concession chief bone of contention was the fact that if the government grants were to be secured over night accommodation would have to be provided this the gathering viewed as non-desire- able so near to metro and they will appear before council with their protest next monday receives award miss lois avery daughter of air noel avery rr 2 stouffville graduated on june 5th from the kitchener- waterloo hospital school of nursing she was the recipi ent of the hospitals award for obstetrical nursing lois is a former student graduate of stouffville district high school claims division of grave concern at a special session of ontario county council hi august reeve clifford laycox of pickerinc twp will present a motion asking that all municipalities be placed under county asscssement control deputyreeve mrs jean mcphcrson indicated on monday night that she will oppose the move picker ing is already included in the county assessment pro gram along with eight other towns and townships nine remain outside the pre announced split between the reeve and deputy reeve over e assessment issue brought coun cillor win newman into the discussion he called it a matter of grave concern he said he had learned on good authority that such a division of thinking had oc curred before we cant tell you how to vote but when its to pickerings advantage i feel you should stick to gether he said he charged that pickerings image in county council was being hurt by the reeve and deputy working at cross puposcs state of turmoil the meeting was thrown into a state of turmoil when mrs mcpherson charged that the reeve had made certain election promises on the subject of as sessment but had since changed his mind if were going to get into petty bickering ill be forced to walk out of the chambers in terrupted councillor herb wank and ill be following you said reeve laycox the truth hurts continued the deputyreeve she termed councillor newmans comments as fatherly advice and said she would vote for what she considered to be in the best in terests of the township she de nied that there was any perso nal grievance between herself and the reeve saving to rickering reeve laycox admitted that he had once opposed the coun ty system of assessment control but he said that it would now be in the best interests of pick ering for all municipalities to be included he said that grant subsidies could mean a saving to the township of 6000 per year he said that the minister of municipal affairs was in fa vour of a total county assess ment program and would op pose any move now by picker ing to withdraw he said that he had done a good deal of lobbying in an effort to get his motion through but now admitted that the vote would be close p s staff teacher takes area bd post in markham township a violin would be handier when bob hassard lloyd ave stouffville wants to ret in a little fiddle practice he has problems the instrument is too small for a truck and too big for a car so he just throws it over his shoulder and pedals staff photo tired family a mother cat that has taken up permanent residence in the garage premises of patrick mo tors stouffville will now re quire more suitable accommo dation on tuesday she gave birth to four little pussy cats and she chose the interior of a truck tire as a makeshift mat ernity ward employees are keeping a close eye on the brood and report that all are doing well all car keys stolen in auto theft when thieves broke into the auto showroom of chas cooper ltd claremont on the week end they werent content with one 1961 model car they also took the keys to every new and used vehicle on the lot on monday the auto was re covered on hwy 400 ten sets of keys were found in the rear scat the thieves escaped on foot entry was gained to the cooper premises by cutting out one pane of a side window they were then able to reach inside and take the ring of keys oft the wall the getaway car an olds- mobile suffered some damage according to sales manager john watkins of the cooper firm ontario provincial police from whitby bond lake and willowdale were involved in the case a new business administrat or has been hired by the board of markham twp school area no 2 mr wilfred morley pre sently a member on the staff of summitview public school in stouffville has accepted the post his duties to commence on a fulltime basis in august he will begin parttime duties in july succeeding mr donald beer of brougham who through ill health has submitted his res ignation effective at the end of june mr morley has served on the summitview staff for the past nine years and was considered highly by the board and the students he was extremely ac tive in sports both at the school and in the town he was presi dent of the minor hockey asso ciation during the past season two area board trustees mrs mildred toogood and eldred king had interviewed mr mor ley last month and presented their report at a meeting on june 1st his starting salary will be 6300 with increments to 7500 he will be provided with secretarial assistance the preliminary salary for the sec retarys post will be 50 per week wages were also established for caretakers 600 for the first room and 400 for each addi tional room with special allow ance for basements and corrid ors trucks also affected by load limit farquharson the placing of a load limit on the bloomington sideroad in whitchurch twp would affect other vehicles in addition to gravel trucks a delegation of ratepayers was told at a coun cil meeting on tuesday night maybe we should stop milk pickup from the farmers said reeve ross farquharson is that what you want the reeve addressed his remarks to two ratepayers carl insley and ed ward sheppard the reeve explained that a 22000 pound limit would affect all trucks he argued that by limiting the load weights the larger vehicles would then be replaced by smaller ones twp clerk thos kerr said that the solicitor advocated the takeover of the bloomington road by york county or failing this appeal to the dept of hwys for assistance estimate nearly 2000 visitors at opening of sr citizens home on thursday tnnighl bill crothers left of markham and ivfer sncll of new zealand will compete in the toronto international track meet al varsity stadium on tuesday afternoon th two stars enjoyed a relaxing game of golf at the willows near mongolia staff rhoto residents of stouffville are asked to cut down on the use of water for a three day period next week while tests are being made on the new well in whit church twp this will take place on tuesday wednesday and thursday june 15 16 and 17 a crowd estimatod at close lo 2000 persons attended the weekend open house at the new parkview sr citizens home in stouffville the gathering was so large on sunday aflernoon that the majority had to stand in the entrance and corridor for the service of dedication it is the fourth home cf its kind to be erected in the province the interior of the building was spotlessly immaculate in dicative of the amazing cleanup operation that had bee per formed prior to the official open ing the firt guests will be ad mitted next weok the administrator allan wideman and his board includ ing newton gingrich chair man maurice ehy roy nigh cecil reesor and joseph nighs- wander welcomed the visitors and members of the staff were most helpful in providing in formation the cost of the pro ject has been estimated at s273- 000 staff now complete the staff excluding the ad ministrator now includes 18 persons several on a parttime basis they axe as follows cook alice vanpelt asst cooks mrs andrew hutchinson mrs john schmucker housekeeper mrs arthur cens head nurse mrs walter brown rn assistants klsie hurst edith nighswander mrs david benson domestics grace ramcr irene smith alma burkholdcr and mrs keith houghton night staff mrs jim oldham and mrs leonard hoover receptionist mrs fred htirwood parttime margaret wideman and mrs gordon kir- y craft room mrs allan wideman maintenance man mr thomas grove more donations donations of furnished rooms in the home continue to come in many were listed last week others have come from reeve and mrs win timbers j wil son berry mr and mrs ross wlntcrstcin miss nancv bar- key mr and mrs f c row- bothani and family and mr and sirs f c kowbolham in memory of mrs thos klinck a total of 981 persons signed the guest book exclusive of children many travelled long distances to attend and these names are listed on pagt 3 of this issue i claim heifer hanged when frightened refuse 256 claim a claim of 25660 for the loss of a 4 year old grade heifer filed by a claremont district farmer has been refused by the twp of pickering donild mashinter lot 22 cone 9 found the animal dead near a tree it had been strang led with a chain wound tightly around its neck mr mashinter said that he had heard dogs barking near his property he believes that the heifer was frightened and died when it tried to escape the matter was discussed brief ly by township council on mon day night the valuator mr boot mal colm said that the dead animal had been removed from the farm premises and he had no way of judging the cause of death want traffic lights at balfanfrae whitchurch twp council has received a request for traffic lights or some more adequate form of traffic control at the in tersection of hwy 48 and tht ballantrae road in a letter mrs lillian gough said that on weekends motor ists proceeding east and west were faced with an extreme ha zard in attempting to cut through traffic going north and south the corner is protected only by a flashing red and am ber light mrs gough said that not only drivers but pedestrians also fa ced the same problem police chief fred mason ag reed that it was a dangerous area but noted that he lacked sufficient personnel to place an officer on fulltime weekend traffic duty he said that dur ing a holiday period it was not uncommon for eastwest motor ists to be held up for a period of 20 minutes the council decided to refer the request to the county giles chevolds of stouffville submitted the successful tender to supply a new truck in the twp of maykham honour ba no decision contrary lo a report that ap peared in the tribune last week the council of the twp of whitchurch has not commit ted itself to any decision with regard to the formation of a ward system within the munici pality request for such action was made by patrick cashman of mussclmans lake supported by a 180 name petition decoration day the annual decoration day service at the stouffville ceme tery will be held on sunday june 20th at 2 pm r miss jocelyn button daugh ter of dr and mrs f j but ton of stouffville received her honour ba degree on friday june 5th after suc cessfully completing the four year course in modern his tory at the university of toronto

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