jack murray teacher got a scotia plan loan 1800in 35 minutes jack murray had what he thonght was the worlds biggest pile of unpaid medical bills mr murray needed fin help in a hurry jack talked his problem over with his brother and he suggested that jack in vestigate the advantages of a scotia plan loan jack dropped in on his noon hour to a scotiabranch close to his school he talked his money problems over with one of the helpful scotiabank people after a few simple questions about his job income and how much money he reeded jack murray started to sec bis medical bill problem melting away 35 minutes later jack murray had all the money he so desperately needed of course this actual customer was not named jack murray and not all scotia plan loans take 35 minutes the time varies with the circumstances but there are more and more people with all kinds of names and jobs coming to the bank of nova scotia to have their money problems solved quickly why dont you how much money do yon need we strongly suggest that a scotia plan loan is one of the best most practical ways for you to consolidate your debts with a scotia plan loan the cost is low your loan is lifeinsured at no extra cost you get the other advantage of dealing with the inter ested scotiabank people so talk over your money problem whatever it is debt consolidation a new car with the people at your nearest scotiabranch theyre ready and waiting to help you brnk bloomington mr w a fockler returned with mr and mrs harold tom- linson to weston or a week the womens fellowship croup were entertained by the ladies of grace a g church last tuesday evening in new market sympathy to mr and mrs robt maealoney in the sudden death of his mother in nova scotia mr and mrs maealoney attended the funeral plan to attend the musical in the church friday evening may 28th at 745 pm miss betty woodland is con valescing from her recent oper ation in scarborough hospital mr and mrs ernie nesbitt were guests at the justin roberts wedding in the baptist church markham on saturday birthday celebrants of last week were mrs carl rose and mrs mel thomas mrs a snowball was able to leave the brierbush hospital and is at her daughters mrs elmer burnetts home the mens quintette and pia nist mrs d clark were recipi ents of music books sacred songs and solos donated by miss norah stapleton main st stouffville mr earl davis made the presentation on sun day mr and mrs e nesbitt vis ited her brother mr b wallace who is in uxbridge hospital on sunday the funeral of mrs dave young a former resident took place in toronto on tuesday she is survived by a daughter pauline mrs thomas young a gem cannot be polished without friction nor man with out trials are your dairy cows waiting for something special now that your grain supply is gone master milk producer dairy ration will satisfy their want excellent spring and summer ration properly fortified with minerals and vitamins available in pellets or krums pellets or krums stay fresh longer no separation of ingredients in pellets or krums big savings in bulk ask about it inquire about our special prices stiver bros ltd stouffville 6401892 unionviile 2971732 uxbridge 8523355 fall fair dates for 1965 aberfovle sept 21 22 acton sept 17 18 almonte sept 9 10 1 1 alvinston oct 1 2 ancaster sept- 23 24 25 apsley aug- 24 25 arnprior aug 12 13 14 arthur sept 22 23 ashworth sept 22 23 aurora june 12 avonmore sept 17 18 aylmer aug 23 24 25 ayton sept 10 11 barrie sept2930 oct 1 2 bayfield sept2829 beachburg sept 23 24 25 beamsville sept 91011 beaverton sept 16 17 18 beeton sept 2829 belleville aug 16 to 19 belmont aug 27 28 binbrook sept 17 18 blackstock aug 27 28 blyth sept 21 22 bobcaygeon oct 1 2 bolton sept 24 25 bonfield sept is bothwells corners sept 14 bracebridge sept 16 17 18 brampton sept 16 17 18 bridgen oct 9 and 11 bruce mines sept 10 11 brussels sept 30 oct 1 burford oct 9 and 11 burks fall sept 15 16 caledon sept 1011 caledonia sept 30 oct 1 2 campbellford sept 28 29 carp oct 1 2 centreville aug 28 charlton sept 7 s chatsworth sept 24 25 cheslev sept 10 11 chesterville aug 31 sept 1 clarence creek sept 17 18 clarksburg sept 2122 clinton june 5 clute sept 3 4 cobden sept 13 14 15 cochrane sept 7 8 coe hill aug 27 28 coldwater sept 9 10 11 collingwood sept 23 24 25 comber aug 26 27 28 cookstown sept 1718 casselman aug 31 delta aug 91011 demorestville denbigh sept 11 desboro sept 17 18 dorchester oct 30 drayton sept 18 and 20 dresden aug 31 sept 1 2 drumbo sept 29 30 dryden aug 26 27 28 dunchurch sept 10 11 dundalk sept 14 15 dungannon oct 1 durham sept 24 25 elmira sept 2 4 and 6 elmvale sept 20 21 22 embro sept 18 and 20 emo aug 16 17 18 emsdale sept 13 14 englehart sept 1718 erin oct 9 10 and 11 exeter sept 22 23 fairground oct 1 fenelon falls aug 2122 fergus sept 17 18 feversham sept 36 17 florence sept 21 22 foley sept 2 3 4 forest sept 2425 ft william pt arthur july 31 to aug 7 can lakehead exh galt sept 9 10 11 georgetown oct 1 2 glencoe gorrie oct 1 2 grand valley oct 1 2 hanover sept 2 3 4 harriston sept 15 16 harrow sept 2 3 hearst sept 10 11 hensall june 16 highgate oct 8 9 huntsville sept 15 16 hymers sept 4 and 6 ilderton oct 1 2 iron bridge sept 17 18 kenora aug 19 20 21 kincardine sept 16 17 kingston sept 14 to 18 kinmount sept 3 4 kirkton sept 30 oct 1 kitchener sept 27 oct 2 lakefield aug 20 21 langton sept 29 lansdowne aug 12 13 14 leamington aug 3 to 7 lindsay sept 22 to 25 lions head sept 16 17 listowel sept 7 8 lombardy aug 27 28 london sept 10 to 18 lucknow sept 1718 macdonalds corners sept 25 mckellar sept 16 17 18 maberly sept 21 22 madoc oct 5 6 magnetawan sept 3 4 manitowaning sept 23 24 markdale sept 1637 markham sept 30 oct 1 2 marmora sept 4 and 6 massey aug 27 28 mathcson sept 3 4 maxville june 24 25 26 meaford sept 17 38 melbourne oct 11 merlin sept 8 9 merrickville aug 20 21 metcalfe oct 7 8 9 middleviue sept 18 midland sept 16 17 18 mildrrfay sept 14 15 for softer cleaner wash call in at the stouffville coin laundry main st w sfouftvule ess8ss8sss8zsss8ssssas3 millbrook jure 9 milton sept 24 25 milverton sept 24 25 minden aug 27 2s mitchell sept2829 mohawk deseronto sept is mount brydges oct 5 mount forest sept 13 14 muriuo napanee sept 6 7 8 navan aug 13 14 neustadt spt 17 is new hamburg sept 17 is newington sept 3 4 and 6 new liskeard sept y 10 11 norwich sept 24 25 norfolk cty simcoe oct 4 to 9 norwood oct 8 9 and 11 jseaforth sept 23 24 severn bridge sept 11 shannonville sept 10 11 ishedden sept 3 4 ishelburne sept 24 25 i smithviile sept 3 4 south mountain sept 2 3 south river sept 1 2 speneerville sept 10 11 1 stirling sept 3 4 stratford sept 20 21 22 strathroy sept 3 4 sunderland sept 14 15 sundridge sept 1718 sutton west aug 5 6 7 tic stoohvue tours hanky may 20 1965 pace 9 oakwood sept 20 21 odessa sept2122 ohsweken six nations sept2425 orangeville sepi2122 orillia sept 9 10 11 oro sept1415 orono sept 9 10 11 oshawa aug 192021 ottawa central canada aug 20 to 28 ottawa winter fair oct 25to 30 owen sound oct 6 to 9 paisley sept2021 palmerston sept 27 28 parham sept 3 4 paris sept 3 4 and 6 parkhill sept 24 perth sept 2 3 4 peterborough aug 11 to 14 petrolia sept 9 10 11 picton sept 23 24 23 porquis sept 8 9 30 port elgin sept 17 is port hope sept 17 is port perry sept 4 and 6 powassan sept 10 1 1 providence bay sept2122 rainy river aug 12 13 14 ramona sept 18 renfrew sept s to 11 ricevilie sept 1011 richmond sept 16 17 is richmond hill may 14 15 ridgetovvn aug 19 20 21 ripley sept2425 rocklyn sept 9 10 rockton oct 9 and 11 rodney sept2122 roseneath sept 24 25 rosseau sept 9 10 russell sept 10 11 st marys gut 5 6 schomberg may 28 29 tara t sept2829 tavistock sept 10 11 teeswater sept 24 25 thedford sept2829 thessalon thorndale sept 2425 tilsonburg aug 30 31 sept 1 2 tiverton oct 5 6 timmins sept 16 17 18 toronto cne aug 20 to sept 6 toronto royal winter fair nov 12 to 20 trout creek aug 27 28 tweed oct 1 2 upsala sept 3 4 uxbridge sept2122 vankleek hill sept 2 3 4 walkerton oct 20 21 wallacetown sept 30 oct 1 walsh oct 2 warkworth sept 17 18 warren june 3s 39 waterdown sept 30 33 welland sept 34 to 3s wellesley sept1415 wiarton sept1415 wikwemikong williamstown sept 10 11 woodbridge oct s 9 and 11 woodstock aug 25 to 2s wyoming sept 17 18 zurich sept 25 and 27 international plowing match masseyferguson farm milliken york county october 13 to 16 inclusive note larger fairs in capitals dates of fairs listed are sub ject to change the medieval astrologers also forecasted the weather ubrtsetos moorgard- latex house pa1ht ssssj ttsma2c film lasts for antra yaars dodsntfauoorcneck dries bugfree in minutes cleanup of tools is asyiust use soap and water wonderful choice of colors beojmn moore pn 995 gal crest hardware j 5 main st w stouffville phone 6402771 fresh chicken cuts legs or breasts lb 4 tabierite wieners 1lbpkg 49 schneiders party time j varieties chubs 8oz 21 prices effective may 19 20 21 22 we reserve the right to limit quantities chiquita- golden ripe bjumnas prod or mexico can no t grade vine ripe tomatoes lb 29c ontario hot house cucumbers 2 king size 29c new crop easy to peet jaffa oranges size 90s doz 59c a save these extra tapes receive an extra i0 tape with carnation instant powdered milk iib b ft rand liquid detergent si scott towel holder pcpiodrnt toothpaste gim receive an extra tlti tape with cbock foil onnls coffee mb- t au colours scott towels rou receive an extra 1209 tape with tamerltc vacuum scaled cooked meats p carnation froicn french fries i-s- pk produce of usa can no 1 gradt carrots in- n maple fiesta d1nnerware l1bbt fanct tomato juice 2 48oz tins 63 maple leaf canned hams 1lb fin 139 sweet mixed or bread butter rose pickles 2 16oz jars 49 masons canned soft drinks 12 10oz fins 87 ica royal gold ice cream 1 69 mecains frozen fanct mixed vegetables mb bag 45 hospitality apple pie family size 43c clarks beans pork 2 20oz tins 37c frrnrha prepared mustard 2 16oz jars 45c nenea f instant coffee 20c off 6oz jar fl9c hardwood or ilrlqueta charcoal 10lb bap 708 all fltojr kool aid sweet 5 for 49c regular 10 for 49c jga potato chips j4oz pkg 49c dinner plates ratclsffs iga f00dliner stouffville