Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 20, 1965, p. 7

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ssified pzt stock help wanted puppies for from a pure bred mother collie phone 887- 5282 p pt ft- beagle dog female y rtdlos nr year old o good home phone men wanted to drive farm tractors phone 6403022 492 men to work on golf course phone 2971591 parttime painter and car penter for odd job phone 60226 beagle part bassett pups fnr sale 8 weeks old best of bursting stock jack jensen 64957s male driver wanted for ca- tering route over 25 yrs ph 603883 wanted mortgages are my busi ness unlimited fund avail able a lowest rates for 1st 2nd mortgages call reid harmon 2941840 48tf young couple desires house to rent claremont brougham area possession bv august 1 write box 6 c o the tribune 492 private buyer wishes 4 bed room older house with acre age up to s13000 cash ph am 76460 or write r me- leod 93 mason rd scarboro man wanted to help land- searjc and gardening phone 8875597 short order cook wanted experienced preferred apply halfwav house phone ss7- 5111 47tf truck driver wanted for sod trucking between ages 20 and 35 years apply blue grass turf farms ltd phone 61023s3 new car agency in mark- ham requires junior office clerk typing an asset must be neat with pleasant person alis phone mrs james 294- 1712 female help wanted s waitress wanted toms grill 7 hwy markham apply in person 2913210 woman to care for school age child 2 days a week central west end preferred phone 6103970 after 630 pm cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19tf margwill fur farm tyrone license 3s9085 nicks dead stock service aggressive salesmen we are a new richmond hill- based enterprise looking for eager aggressive and exper ienced salesmen to handle our line of household and commer cial cleaning products car necessary ph 8846972 45tt business opportunity district dealership avail able amazing new machine relating to car care a novel ingenious invention needed for years sells immediately high profits princess products 131 coxwell ave toronto 8 493 highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbridge ul 23si9 collect 21 hours a day 7 days a week service nick montague license 172c62 44tf wanted dead vw fy horses crippled and old i 1 cattle highest prices paid according to size condition small animals removed free phone zenith 32800 no toll charge dial filolfill power equipped trucks call anytime 37tf ed peconi t son ltd rr p2 woodvlllc collectors licence 302c64 assistant caretaker applications will be received bv the undersigned until 500 pm may 31 1965 for the position of full time assistant caretaker at the stouffville district high school duties will commence august 1st 1965 reply stating age mari tal status education qualifi cations and salary expected mr chas e jackson secret- arvtreasurer stouffville dist rict high school board po box 65 stouffville ont 502 transportation markham twp police costs below average transportation wanted from stouffville to yonge and eglinton arriving 9 anx re turning 5 pm joan harper phone 6403816 transportation wanted from stouffville arriving pass- more and kennedv between 830 and 815 am leaving 430 pm phone 6j02673 gentleman being discharged from hospital requires lady to pcpare meals light house keeping four hours per day unionville call mrs c tem ple 2971103 503 refreshment booth managers lady age 3550 to manage re freshment booth at the clare- mont conservation area also lady to operate similar unit at the bruce mills conser vation park some experience in this type of work is desirable working hours will be as fol lows opens middle of june weekends only july and aug ust 6 days a week 11 am to dusk labour day to thanks giving weekends only applicants must have own transportation please apply in writing giving particulars of qualifications past experience etc to the 1929 bay view ave toronto 17 personnel office the cnib interviews will be arranged in convenient locations 492 in 1964 the cost of operating the markham twp police de partment totalled 510665500 their staff numbered 19 men including two clerks as high as this figure might appear on paper it is actually considerably less on a per cap- basis than in municipalities i across the province and reveals an even wider variance when ontario provincial police costs are included the breakdown of compari son costs was discussed in po lice committee on may 11th and submitted before a regular meeting of council on monday- night the comparative figures are as follows number of munici pal police 6848 cost to muni cipalities s5224567800 cost per policeman s762900 number of police in mark- i ham twp 19 cost to markham j twp s10665500 cost per pol- iceman s561342 population in municipalities policed 5343983 cost to mun icipalities 5224567800 cost per capita s977 population in markham twp 15655 cost in markham twp s10665500 cost per capita 683 population in the province 6000000 total police costs in cluding opp and municipal 7224567800 cost per capita 1200 abandoned dogs cats found in farm field eleven pups and seven kit- 1 1081 tens were found in fields near mr ryan also reports many- isolated farmhouse in this area j complaints of biting recently during the month of march and the stoufrvlue twhjhe tny rjy jo 1965 pj turned over to canine control kennels james ryan reports that in all cases the tiny ani mals were in places they could not have reached under their own power and must have been dropped there by their owners the canine control officer asks anyone who sees animals being left by the roadside or in fields to take the cars license number and phone him at 285- in most cases the dog has been ied up on his own properly jnd was being interfered with by children at the time of the incident he asks parents to warn children not to interfere with a dog which is tied up on its own property when the skin is broken the incident is considered a biting and the dog must be isolated the municipality must pay the isolation charges this being felt by all ratepayers mr ryan teds unusual opportunity high commission earnings with a growing 61 year old company selling world famous goodyear maintenance pro ducts rod tormo earned over s24000 not typical but in dicative of potential last year m w frank earned over s13000 age no barrier di versified year round line no investment required we take care of all financing shipping and collections start on part time basis if you like write consolidated paint varnish canada ltd east ohio bldg cleveland ohio usa tender tenders will be received no later than may 22 1965 to sup ply all uxbridge township schools 9 with furnace oil and service for the heating season 1965 to 196s 492 uxbridge township school area board mrs p vidler sectrcas rri clarcmont ontario stouffville public school board tenders will be received by the under signed for the following 1 painting 3 classrooms office and store room at summit- view public school 2 lighting new lighting in 2 classrooms at summitview public school as per specifi cations 3 lowering ceiling in one classroom and olfice for particulars re the above tenders please contact mr lome boadway principal of summit- view public school 4 coal 75 tons of lixv washed oil treated stoker coal trimmed and delivered in bins at summitview public school 5 fuel oil- domestic fuel oil for the burning season 1 965- 66 to be supplied to orchard park public school only firm bids for the entire season on the two above items will be considered lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted tenders to be in the hands of the serrctarv by friday june 5th 1965 492 mrs elsie sanders secretary box 533 stouffville vhitchurch public school board invites applications to teach in our schools level one s3000s5500 level two s3s00 s6500 level three s 1200 s6900 level four 4600 s7600 please send applications to the secretary john c wvlie rr 2 stouffville ont coming events bingo every monday night in the claremont legion hall cash prizes share the wealth and jackpot game time 800 pm everyone welcome 32tf notice anyone interested in arranging a program for grove reunion meet at will groves residence dicksons hill on monday may 24 8 oclock public notice the corporation of the township of pickering take notice that the council of the corporation of the township of pickering pro poses at its meeting to be held in the municipal offices brou gham ontario at 800 pm lo cal time on the 7th day of june 1965 to pass a bylaw to stop up and close union street as follows that portion of union street running northerly from the kings highway no 7 33395 to the southerly boundary of martin street the proposed bylaw and plan and descriptions show ing the lands affected may be seen in the office of the clerk of the township of pickering municipal building brough am ontario at the above mentioned mee ting the council will hear in person or by his or her coun sel any person who claims his or her lands will be prejudic ially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard dated at brougham this 6th day of may 1965 douglas j plitz clerk township of pickering brougham ontario 484 two women met who hadnt seen one another for years really said one i would hardly have known you you look so much older well said the other i wouldnt have recognized you cither except for your hat and dress up to 50 ox sports jackets from 1888 produce fresh asparagus for sale phone after 6 oclock mrs henneberg 6403974 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for lreezer we also do custom killing 4tf fast freezer service fretz bros harper bus 6403125 res lee 6102098 norm 6401876 oboyles slaughter house beef fork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 640- 1343 4920 and bingo every saturday night in the veterans hall stouff ville sponsored by the canad ian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors open rsn nm games start at 800 30 pm sharp admission 50c 23tf fraser lake camp swimming hiking pony rides crafts out trips and canoeing conducted in a christian atmos phere by competent counsellors any child 916 years is welcome 20 per week includes transpor tation for further information phone 6402g79 2913173 47tf tenders corporation township of i of the ickering township dump tenders for the salvage lights in the township dump will be received by the township clerk brougham ontirio until 12 noon friday may 2 1965 forms of tender may be ob tained at the township cletks office municipal building brougham ontario or at the township engineers office brock rd south at the lake p h poulsson peng township engineer barbershop harmony the uxbridge iode presents an evening of barbershop harmony featuring the 50 voices of the york north men of music spebsqsa plan to attend sat- urday may 29 at 815 pm at the uxbridge secondary school adults s100 children 12 and under 50c tickets available at the door or call 8526888 robert b lytle of calvary baptist church oshawa and of cklb radio will be guest speaker at the 11 am and 730 pm anniversary services of goodwood baptist church on may 30 mrs lytle is the soloist for the morning service the evening music will be provided by the uxbridge male quartet 502 wednesday june 2 1965 york chapter registered nurses as sociation of ontario will hold the annual june dinner at aurora highlands golf cluh in aurora social hour from 6 to 7 pm dinner at 7 pm tickets s4 00 speaker mr david porter attendance counsellor york central district high school board tickets may be obtained from the executive members so oten we overlook the im portant while attending to the urgent notice to town of goodwood garbage must be placed out by 10 am monday mornings commencing may 21 j e savage goodwood public notice the corporation of the township of pickering take notice that the council of the corporation of the township of pickering pro poses at its meeting to be held in the municipal offices brou gham ontario at 800 pm lo cal time on the 7th day of june 1965 to pass a bylaw to stop up and close road allowance between lots 20 and 21 range ii broken front concession township of pickering as fol lows all that portion of the road allowance between lots 20 and 21 range 2 bro ken front concession in the township of pickering in the county of ontario in the province of ontario having an area of 187 acres more or less more particularly des cribed as follows commencing at the northwest angle of lot 20 range 2 broken front con cession thence westerly in a straight line 66000 feet to the northeast angle of block a registered plan 578 thence southerly along the eastern limit of the said block a being also the west ern limit of the said road al lowance between lots 20 and 21 a distance of 11963 feet more or less to the waters edge to the western limit of the said lot 20 being the eas tern limit of the said road allowance thence northerly along the said western limit 12771 feet more or less to the point of commencement at the above mentioned mee ting the council will hear in person or by his or her coun sel any person who claims his or her lands will be prejudicial ly affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard dated at brougham this 6th day of may 1965 douglas j plitz clerk township of pickering brougham ontario 484 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty sciiells meat market stouffvillo ph 6401912 implements tractor allis chalmers cul tivator plow discs harrows reasonable phone 6403992 3pt hitch hydraulic fergu- son cultivator 135 phone 6402458 masseyharris no 6 power mower 7ft cut for sale joe tran claremont 6195113 angle rear grader for ford tractor reversible also extra cutting blade s85 power takeoff pulley for ford trac tor 35 phone 6402756 windbreakers from 695 special nylon schuss squol hooded golf and boating jacket 595 slacks in wool flannel terylene and wool including the permanent crease pant reg si 595 2 for 2750 boys topcoats 1295 wjndbreakers 595 dress slacks 595 cotton slacks 395 495 mens wear 17 main st w stouffville cash carry cash carry cash carr rumble equipment masseyfeuguson s a lis parts service corner of don mills and stouffville road phone 8875s51 42tf first lawyer you are iowdown cheat second lawyer you are an unmitigated liar judge rapping now that the attorneys have identified each other we shall proceed with the case keesor farm service your dealer for 39tf cockslmlt oliver gehl rr1 unionville 8875265 hutchinson farm supply stoiifiville rr4 dealer for john deere and papec farm machinery for repairs parts and service phone 6102b99 2tf acorn you can have a new barn cleaner plus all new steel stalls plus new steel columns and water bowls for less than 3000 per mo ontario barn equipment co 483 uxbridge 8523430 fp s3 s3 ft 73 s ft s3 s3 modern bungalows office buildings factories all materia sold at our yard between mi albert and sutton windows doors bathroom sets kitchen cupboards lumber 2 x 4 to 2 x 12 sheathing timber plywood furnaces boilers structural steel angle iron copper pipe plastic pipe soil pipe steel pino galvanized metal roofing plus every kind of used building material we also carry a complete line new building materials of it visit the hwy 43 brown hill ont operated by national building demolition ltd u sb co a o x a a u co cj cs a d c cash carry cash carry cash carr a good place to work choice cutup chicken ltd masseyharris mustang tractor masseyharris tiller 3 pt hitch masseyharris 3 pt hitch disc harrows masseyharris power mower masseyharris 13 run fertilizer drill masseyharris 6 section drag harrows international cultivator pow take off manure spreader sodore manure loader 2 farm wagons land roller johhn deere motor driven com bine masseyharris power take off baler john deere side delivery rake quantity of baled hay phone 6401809 rum new plant modern equipment clean surroundings union plant top wages holidays with pay vacations steady employment come and see george morris bill denouden pointed out it is also unfair to the dogs owner who is obeying the law by keeping his dog un der control a tiedup dog be comes excited when a child plays with him and an accident frequently happens with the dogs teeth breaking the childs skin he explained mr ryan also warned that if a dog involved in a biting is running at large its owner will be charged by caninecontrol with a runningatarge offence after the dog is isolated although spring is late it will not be long the officer no ted before gardens are growing dog owners are asked to keep their dogs at home not destroy ing their neighbors flowers and vegetables again if residents know of people who habitually let dogs run at night they should call canine control mr ryan assures them they will b doing the dog owner a service because on receipt of such a complaint he will warn the of fender but if the dog is found running at large the owner will face a court appearance christ church anglican stouffville rev john l ball rector sunday may 23rd 1965 930 am holy communion 930 am junior and primary sunday school 1030 am sr sunday school wed 7 pm choir practice fri s pm girl guides sat 10 am brownies sat 10 am junior choir practice stouffville united church kcv a l borland ba bd sunday may 23rd 1953 11 am morning worship sermon freedom sunday school 945 am adult bible class 945 am junior intermed iate 11 am nursery kindergarten primary crib toddler dept at mrs h dewitts during church ser vice for babies and toddlers weekly programme mon 7 pm explorers wed 715 pm scouts fri 7 pm cubs stouffville qhited missionary w v church kcv arthur walsh minister sunday may 23rd 1965 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship i 730 pm evening senice the pastor will preach at both services stouffville baptist church pastor gordon t gooderliam bth sunday may 23rd 1965 950 bible school plan to use our sunday school bus 1100 service of worship 730 evening service wed s00 prayer meeting enjoy the fellowship of our family church united church rev geo davison sunday may 23rd 1965 betiiesda 5th cone whitchurch 10 am morning worship 11 am sunday school melville 6ih cone markham 10 am sunday school 1115 am worship service second markham baker hill baptist churches rev bruce nisey sunday may 23rd 1965 second markham prayer service wed 8 pm next lords day bible school 10 am morning service 11 am this will be a gideon service rev arthur burnham speaker gospel service 730 pm subj jesus encourages and warns his hearers baker hill no prayer service thur 8 pm all are invited to ss conven tion at vivian sunday services bible school 130 pm service 230 pm the happy man all welcome churchill vivian churches rev k burton bth sunday may 23rd 1963 churchill musselmans lake sun 955 bible school 11 am morning worship fri 7 pm young peoples mon may 24 7 pm for both churches father and son ball game everyone welcome vivian thur may 20 whitchurch tp sunday school convention 930 am 2 pm 730 pm special speaker rev earl swanson music deverne mul len 10 am bible school 730 pm worship service wed 8 pm prayer bibl study for both churches st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred if cromcy ba sunday may 23rd 1965 10 am morning worship 10 am church school alt0na united missionary church rev frank iluson pastor sunday may 16th to 30th revival services with rev ii l matteson brown city mich sunday services 1030 am and 730 pm week nights at 8 oclock except sat mr and mrs gordon johnson from london will be singing in the sunday evening service christ centred biblical preaching you and your friend plan to attend uxbridge salvation army captain frederick iang officer sunday may 23rd 19c5 1100 am holiness meeting 215 pm sunday school 700 pm song and praise service bus for afternoon sunday school leaves slouftville 130 pm for detail call 8523841 uxbridge if you have no church of your own join a growing concern united missionary church paslor rev grant sloss sunday may 23rd 1965 markham 950 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening witness wed 8 pm prayer service dicksons hill 945 am morning worship 1050 am sunday school wed 8 pm prayer service ringwood christian church kcv a barry jones bth sunday may 23rd 1965 10 am sunday school 11 am 7 pm worship service 630 pm wed childrens meeting s pm wed ce prayer meeting ballantrae lemonville united churches rev g roy inglis ba minister sunday may 23rd 1965 ballantrae musselmans lake 10 am sunday school 1115 am worship service mon may 24 730 pm young peoples meeting lemonville 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school wed may 26 4 pm cgit 7 pm cubs scouts stouffville memorial christian church minister rev clarence t bass sunday may 23rd 1965 10 am bible classes for adults yp and children 11 am and 730 pm the minister this weeks thought jesus is god simplified god approachable god understand able god lovable when i say god i think jesus and nothing higher can be thought or said jesus is he last word that can be said about god claremont baptist church minister kcv h sydney hillycr dd sunday may 23rd 1965 945 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm gospel service gormley united missionary church rev l k slder paslor sunday may 23rd 1965 945 am sunday school 11 am worship pastors theme the sermon on the mount ii more christian blessedness 730 pm evening service theme is honesty possible in business wed may 26 8 pm mission ary prayer meeting the word for tho world bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday may 23rd 1965 945 sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship speaker mr ken smith mr smith was former pastor of missionary tabernacle in toronto soloist mrs tomllnson 730 pm great evening service speaker mr frank tucker of toronto mr tucker will bring along talent to take part in this service bright singing gospel preaching set for the defence of the gospel a warm welcome to all i

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