kinsmen president receives charter will vol 76 no 50 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday thursday may 20 1965 sixteen pages the stouffville kinsmen club was officially recognized on thursday evening at an impress ive ceremony held at cedar beach aniens musselmans ijke the charter was presented to club president dick coffev left hv national kinsmen president john goldie of toronto staff photo kinsmen depgovernor installs 24 members at charter ni group drinking hit by magistrate fines total nearly 500 theres too much group drinking going on and its go ing to stop declared magis trate russell pearse in rich mond hill court on tuesday he levied fines totalling 495 i plus costs against live boys and one girl hardest hit was 21 year old douglas jardine of markham on one charge laid by p c hadden of stouffville of having liquor in a place other than his residence he was staggered with a fine of s200 on a second offense filed by pc albert hudson of markham twp jar- dine was lined an additional 75 found in car constable hadden told the court that he found jardine in a car with 19 year old eric pais ley and 20 year old cheryl brown both of stouffville jar dine admitted ownership of the liquor both paisley and miss brown entered pleas of guilty to drinking while under the age of 21 years they were lined 50 and 20 respectively pc hudson said that he found jardine and three com panions hugh sherwood james middleton and douglas chubb in a field near box grove for tytwo pints of beer and 4 part- pints were confiscated slier- wood middleton and chubb were each fined 5 and costs these people who drink to gether in groups deserve to re ceive the maximum fine re marked the magistrate jardine was faced with a 60- day jail sentence if he failed to make payment telephone caller haunts ux bridge town residents stouffville president dick coffey accepted the new kins men club charter from nation al pres john goldie on thurs day night at a gala inaugural event held at cedar beach gardens musselmans lake for sutton the sponsoring club it was a twofold occa sion they were celebrating their sixteenth year as a char tered organization the presi dent don jaynes was the master of ceremonies twentylour members includ ing eight officers were installed by deputygovernor harry hudson and the governor ol district 8 jim gartshore they er other members include lack pollard robert bruce tony stoyan mickey hunt russ holder brian hewson bob fewis alex wilklns paul mathews bob morley stewart glover lawrence fox edwin sanders glen malcolm jack gardner and bruce willis guests present head table guests in attend ance included reeve win tim bers ol stouffville president walton todd of the stouffville lions and president jas mc- kellar of the stouffville legion all spoke briefly mr todd pre sented the stouffville kinsmen include president dick cofjwitha new canadian flag fey vice pros norm faulkner secretary glen hunter treas urer clare mcguckin registrar don anderson dircetorsrross hetherington lionel begin and bulletin editor norm holling- reeve timbers said ha was acquainted with the fine work done by kinsmens clubs ard noted that1he3toufivile branch had made an excellent choice in mr coffey as their charter fresident president mckellar of the legion also promised support from his organization ke noted that any club was only as suc- cessful as its members were prepared to make it he said that the prime objective of the lions the legion and the kins men was community service and he lelt that all should co operate to achieve this purpose a privilege president dick coffey said he considered it both a pleasure and a privilege to represent the stouffville kinsmen and accept the new charter mrs coffey responded to the toast to the ladies there are 416 clubs in the kinsmens association with 12000 members stouffville kinsmen will meet on the sec ond and lourth thursday even ings of each month although one youth is in jail convicted of making about 400 indecent telephone calls to lady residents in the town of ux- bridge the problem has not been solved police chief l a ellenberg- er told the tribune that anoth er party had started in where 18 year old larry golding left ot golding is presently in cus tody awaiting sentence on may 25th chief ellenberger said that the most recent caller was not only contacting residents in town but was also registering complaints with the bell co and indicating that he vas speaking for the uxbridge po lice dept the chief admitted that it is extremely difficult to appre hend such persons and declined to say what means had beer us ed in the arrest of golding he said that it was not unusual for him to be aroused 25 times in a single night by distrsught women and girls the people were up in arms he said golding became known in uxbridge as the whisperer because he often just breathed heavily into the phone or spoke in a very low voice driver said drunk in hwy death of young athlete the driver of a car involved in an accident that killed rob ert bob campbell promising young hockey star and softball pitcher on the night of jan 25 near manchester was drunk ac cording to information revealed at a coroners request last week acting crown attorney john humphries said that blood sam ples taken from george edward mcncal 34 of ncstleton show ed 20 parts of alcohol per thou sand he said that anything ov er 15 was considered by the courts to constitute a drunk dri ver macncal the father of six children ranging in age from 4 to 12 years was also killed in the crash came towards is donald roughley 22 of osh- awa a passenger in the camp bell car said that they were re turning home from uxbridge following a hockey game he recalled how a northbound ve hicle veered towards them and struck the campbell auto mac- ncal died instantly at the scene campbell died in the to ronto general hospital macncal was returning home i from work p c ray goodwin of whitby opp said he found an almost empty ale bottle in his coat following the impact the campbell car went off the road and snapped off a hydro poe dr matthew dymond mpp was one of the first on the scene the jury blamed excessive drinking on the cause of the ac cident they recommended that the speed limit in the manches ter area be reduced from 60 to 40 miles per hour diver suffers 52sfifch cut a 17 year old markham youth suffered a 52stitch gash in his chest on sunday after noon when he struck a submer ged obstacle while diving at musselmans lake harley macnamara of alan- dale ave markham village was brought to stouffville by companions and directed by po- lice to the office of dr donald smith following treatment he was allowed to go home staff complete for separate school in september the board ol the proposed new separate school in stouff ville has completed the hiring of its staff in preparation for the opening of the september term trustee chairman dr r d oconnor said that a princi pal and three qualified teachers had been signed to contracts tender bids for the construc tion of a 6room school will be accepted up until 5 pm on may 26th this includes five class rooms and a general purpose room it is anticipated that four rooms will be ready for the op ening of classes this fall child ren of kindergarten age will continue to attend either or chard park or summitview the floor plan of school differs from the majority but it proved attractive to members of the board they viewed one of sim ilar design at kitchener the architect is william soccocio of west hill orchard park staff complete require two at summitview the staff at orchard park public school for the september term isnow complete buttwo more teachers are still required at summitview at orchard park new staff members include miss brenda barringer miss sylvia mat- thews and mr gary litster both ladies are graduates of north bay teachers college mr litster comes from western ontario three new members on the staff at summitview include miss myrna scott of north bay mrs elizabeth burns of altona and mrs carol hume of scar- boro nine teachers join high school staff nine new teachers will join the staff at stouffville dist high school in september rai sing the total to 28 including the principal four of the present staff will leave at the conclusion ol the term in june new teachers include miss betty pegg of iondon english and girls physical education mr h i main ol agincourt commercial and boys physical education miss valerie vnugh- an of owen sound girls physi cal education mr george mc- cullough of toronto english mr j w mcbiide of grimsby commercial mrs else bevan of stouffville home economics bloomington district people prepare petition residents in the bloomington community of whitchurch twp have had their fill ol dust noise and rough roads a peti tion is presently being circula ted throughout the area in pro test over these conditions it will be presented to council at a meeting on may 25th located in the centre of a gravel truck route the people fear for the safety of their chil dren who attend the school in the hamlet they also claim that their properties are depreciat ing in value as long as this pro blem is permitted to continue although a portion of the 9th cone is a paved surface it is breaking up under load weights the bloomington sideroad is a gravel surface and maintenance is practically hopeless one caller to the tribune said that he had attempted to sell his home but the realtor refused to handle it while pre sent conditions exist the problem is discussed al most weekly by the road sup erintendent ernest davis and members of council to date no permanent solution has been found it is expected that the bloom ington petition will be support ed by a delegation of local resi dents plans for whitchurch cent park completed the dept of municipal af- j although the initial extent of fairs has given its approval to tne project is limited the rec plans for a park and commun- j reation committee hopes to ex it centre program near bal- p he program to include a iantrae that will constitute the community hall a skating are- 1967 centennial project for whitchurch twp the site is located on the au rora sideroad adjacent to the ballantrae school the total cost including the grant has been estimated at 22000 na a hockey rink a swimming pool lour tennis courts base ball basketball and soccer fields plus family picnic areas the lshaped property will extend 705 feet to the north and 700 feet to the cast at th rear of the school building official to check condition of bloomington road road supt ernest davis of i mr- davis said that an official whitchurch twp admitted at a of the dept of hwys had ag- meeting of council on tuesday reed to inspect the road on night that his department has i may 27th not sufficient funds to repair or j mr r l mercer has been named viceprincipal of the stouffville dist high school the promotion to become ef fective in sept ember mr mer cer obtained his ba degree at victoria college university of toronto and has been a mem ber of the local staff for the past 13 years he has been head of the mathematics dept and active in both music and physical education instniciisr in the school and girls occupations miss willa jewell of woodville ma thematics miss rose fincfcam of markham english and mr e h mclean of sutton west boys occupations leaving stouffville will be mrs beck mrs almstedt mr nielsen and mr godfrey auto booby trap ordered off road driver fined 25 john r kennedy 18 of al tona needs another car badly according to p c edward grimshaw ol the stouffville po lice the police officer stopped kennedys auto in stouffville and found the following wrong with it no emergency brake no loot brakes no lights one lamp hanging down on the grill two completely bald tires no muff ler a broken front seat a hole in the left iront lloorboard and a trail ol dense black smoke coming irom the rusty exhaust pipe said pc grimshaw regard ing the broken seat every time he started the car the lorce would put the front seat in the back seat the officer added with the hole in the lloorboard the dri ver had to rest his feet on the pedals is it any wonder why they are cracking down on unsafe vehicles commented magis trate russell pearse 25 and costs and i hope that car is off the road lor good maintain the bloomington side road he said that dust layer had no effect since grader work was required almost continu ously to smooth out the holes the road supt said that he had received many complaints concerning dust and he promi sed to apply calcium at some ol the worst locations firecrackers may have caused barn blaze a 5000 fire near uxbridge friday evening that destroyed a barn may have been caused by children playing with fire crackers fire chief ross rod man said that there was no pos itive proof of this however the building located on the cemetery road southwest of the town belonged to mr jack koloft in addition to a quanti ty of hay and grain one bull was also destroyed the loss is covered by insur ance police auction in markham twp over a period of years ar ticles of varied sizes and val ues are collected at the but- tonvillc police office in mark ham twp some are found and never claimed while oth ers are confiscated during the investigation of rases next month these items will lie put up for public auc tion at the rrcntice property on no 48 hwy north of markham village the exact date of the sale will be an nounced the articles include bicy cles tires tools wheel discs a ladder a lawnmowcr a handbag a logging chain and many other miscellaneous it ems there was a time when ab andoned cars were also sold by auction but this practice has been discontinued students take part in whitchurch tree planting program 15700 fire truck for markham sssssssbsbskssbg on monday morning 28 stu dents including 18 from bal lantrae and 10 from vandorf took part in the centennial treeplanting program in whitchurch twp as part of a threeyear project to mark ca nadas 100th birthday the ceremony was held in the whitchurch conservation area south of the aurora sideroad near the 5th cone it was atten ded by hon kelso roberts qc minister of lands and forests twelve year old elizabeth ann palmer ol ballantrae school planted the first tree assisted by 13 year old jim paine of vandorf school later other pu pils took part in the project it is estimated that during 1965 the first year of the prog ram more than 30000 students from about 850 schools will plant half million trees in on tario it is said that the site of the present whitchurch conserva tion area was once part of the van nostrand property and was initially cleared by members of that family on monday two van nostrand children anne and paul took part in the re planting program whitchurch rates 11 up 7 down eleven public school rates in the twp of whitchurch show an increase for 1965 while sev en are down one is the same this year has been set aside as a period of adjustment and sections are credited with the assets that had been built up prior to the formation of the ar ea system there is a wide variance in some districts for example at bogarttown the rate is up from 744 mills in 1964 to 1727 in 65 at bloomington the rate took a drop from 1365 in 1964 down to 840 this year a break down and comparison of resi dential rates is as follows 1 hartman 2 vandorf 3 bogarttown 4 pine orchard 5 vivian 6 white rose 7 gormley 8 hillcrest 9 lcmonville 10 bloomington 11 ballantrae 12 bethesda 13 wilcox lake 14 oak ridges 15 shrubmount 16 ringwood 17 armitage 18 hartman 19 union stouff to eeceive ba 1964 1965 3 085 1638 1663 1805 744 1727 1052 1501 2015 2015 1483 2173 1318 1604 2145 1554 1 1 54 1378 1365 840 1207 1771 1108 1494 4016 1007 3203 2114 2062 1511 2432 1274 1335 1796 854 1452 1762 3887 mr john mcfarlane wal lace will receive his bachelor of arts degree in geography and psychology from queen university kingston on sat- unlay may 22 1065 he is tho son of mr and mrs william wallace altona and is on the staff of dunbarton high school twp reeves at bypass opening reeve chas hooper of mark ham twp and reeve clifford laycox of pickering attended the official opening of the new 75000000 cnr bypass lino on monday afternoon the rail service circles the lop of metro cutting through the twps ol vaughan mark ham and pickering the feder- al minister ol transport hon j w pickerskill pressed the main control switch and put two engines in motion to cut the ribbon more than 400 rep resentatives from three levels of government were present for the ceremony including prem ier john robarts and members of his cabinet cnr president donald gordon also attended the project was started in 1961 and completed in 1965 the line has actually been open to train traffic since november of last year thirteen high school etes qualify for the twp of markham has received delivery of its new chevrolet fire truck purchased through oonlin motors of markham vuiacc the tender price was 15700 it will be stationed in unionvillc fire chief myri smith is shown here beside his big machine staff photo georgian selected from the winners of stouffville district high schools field day a group of athletes qualified in 18 track and field events to compete in this satur days meet at king city the competitions known as the georgian bay zone trials were held may 12th the suc cessful entrants will clash sat urday in the georgian bay fin als stouffville district which qualified in nine track events and nine field events racked up 3 total of 63 points on the af ternoon jim rehill physical educa tion instructor reported that it was the first time in the high schools history that athletes had qualified in 13 events highlighting the afternoon for stouffville were the follow ing notes 1st and 2nd place in the ju nior discus 1st and 2nd place in the ju nior pole vault ron watson qualified in 3 events cliff bass ran the mile in 5 minutes 5 seconds mr rehill said he expects bass to break the five minute mile in the finals on saturday the present record is 4 minutes 41 seconds other members qualifying were derek gresham 3rd in jr mile dave slack 3rd in sr 220 dave colbournc 2nd in 2 miles gord spencer 3rd in sr high jump bruce me- haffy and pete daniels 1st and 2nd in jr pole vault laurie buckland 1st in sr polo vault bill windsor and den nis forsyth 1st and 2nd in ju nior discus ron watson and pat smith 2nd and 3rd in int long jump and mike bridges 2nd in jr triple jump a placing of 1st or 2nd in ths georgian bay finals on satur day will give the competitor an opportunity to compete in the allontario championships be ing held saturday may 29th at east york stadium the athletic banquet com plete with awards merits and special guest carney henley will be held at the school fri day may 28th