Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 13, 1965, p. 9

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uxbridge pic twp news mothers day baptisms at claremont brougham stan lunney heads 200 bus potato club a numbr of ontario county potato grower met in the de- partmnt of asrirulture office ixbrwie on monday may 3rd for the purpose of reorsranizinz th 500 bush potato club for 1355 thi club was organized in 1945 and has carried out a successful competition each year eiehteen potato growers completed this hish yield club in 1954 toe winnor of the 19ftl com petition was mr robert tim bers mt albert with an esti mated yield of 23 bushels per acre the average estimated yield for all eighteen growers in the 1964 competition was 571 bushels contestants may use any re commend potato variety they wish and they may us anv means at their disposal to se- cur th hiehest possible yield from the one acre they have en tered in the competition anyone interested in joining this hizh yield potato club for 1965 should send his applica tion together with a s300 mem bership to th department of agriculture office uxbridge by june 1st the officers and committee for 1965 are as follows chairman stan lunney zep hyr vicechalrman ches old ham zephyr secretarytreas h l fair uxbridge committee members waller savage ux bridge rr 1 walter kerry pt perry rr 1 bill lockie zephyr albert hockley claremont rr murray crone mt albert rr 3 norman meek sandford richard colwell claremont rr 1 mothers day ervices coupl ed with infant baptisms attract ed large congregations to the united churches in both clare mont and brougham on sunday rev a e cresswell was in charge at claremont the following children were baptized gary geo poetill son of mr and mrs geo postill bradley michael wmeman son of mr and mrs steve wideman kelly chariene evans daughter of mr and mrs glenn evans dennis wayne benson son of mr and mrs robt benson william edward gueat and janet dunn guest son and daughter of mr and mrs edward guest norman franklin mckenrie son of mr and mrs george mckenzie klmberley ann budd daughter of mr and mrs robt budd and gregory frederick john redshaw son of mr and mrs jack redshaw at brougham the following children were baptized pamela june burton and patricia joan burton twin daughters of mr and mrs howard burton iorna jean tapscort daughter of mr and mrs howard tapscott and kevin alrln wilson son of mr and mrs alvin wilson claremont farmer fred gilham dies in hospital in 56th year on sunday may 9th mr kred t gilham wellknown in the stouffville area and more recently a farmer near clare mont passed away in the brier- bush hospital he was only 55 mr gilham was born in do ver england he was married to the former ina brillingcr who survives alonj with two sons paul and john and one daughter colleen mr gilham loved to sin and always attended the 1st mark- ham baptist church south of stouffville while that charge was maintained in a like man ner he enjoyed nothing better than a singsong with his family at home he was a member of the baptist church at baker hill mr gilham underwent sever al operations and had been in declining health for the past 6 months he was admitted to the brierbush hospital earlier this month but died after only nine days confinement the funeral service was con ducted by rev bruce hisey in second markham baptist church on tuesday afternoon rev frank huson of altona united missionary church as sisted interment was made in the 1st markham baptist ceme tcry the pall bearers were clifford winger m j lewis bill lord mel barkey merlyn baker and hugh michell uxbridge youth fined drinking under age gary j royal 20 and norm an a hodgson 18 of uxbridge were each fined sin and costs tuesday in magistrates court both pleaded guilty to charg es of consuming liquor while under the age of 21 pc edward grimshaw of the stouffville police told the court that he observed the youths driving a car erratically on main st at 2 am on the morning of april 16th the officer said that he found a 26ounce bottle of whiskey in the car to which hodgson ad mitted ownership magistrate o s hollinrake levied the fines in richmond hill altona the mav meeting of the al ton wms was held at the home of mrs frank bielby with 21 pesent the meeting opened with the singing of love divine mrs t huson mrs f mcnalr and mrs a foster led in prayer mrs bruce mcdowell was in charge of the program the central to pic of which was mothers the hymn for the beauty of the earth was sung miss yvonne jones sang supper- time mrs bruce mcdowell gave two readings about moth ers and closed with the singing of in heavenly love abiding mrs t huson gave a short summary of the letter received from our missionaries the bu siness session was conducted by the president mrs mel john son the hymn come ye thankful people come was sung a social half hour fol lowed mr and mrs ed wideman sir and mrs stanley lewis and mr and mrs harold lewis and family were mothers day guests of mr and mrs bob le wis and family bob is now able lo do bit of work since returning home from the hospital and apprec iates the many cards he receiv ed over 100 mr and mrs don davis lar ry and brian of weston had supper on sunday with her pa rents mr and mrs fletcher goudle see the biggest 10 ft of value on the road today featured at wmmmmmmmmmimmimtwm joe mccullough motors 1595 priced for spectacular value at exclusive floatonfluirl suspension for amazinjrly smooth ride full 4passenper comfort in just 10 feet of length exclusive sideways engine with frontwheel drive i up to so milesperjrallon gasoline economy yes we have morris s50 ready for immediate delivery easy financing and top tradein allowances too joe mccullough motors claremont phon 6492101 atha mr and mrs murray dunk- eld mr and mrs murray jon es and brian spent mothers day in toronto with mr and mrs j loree kelly and chris tine mr and mrs h avery of brockville spent a few days the past week with mr and mrs j tran and family mr and mrs e melton and family and mrs tom dunkeld spent saturday with mr and mrs j melton at burketon mr and mrs w silverthorn mr and mrs ken smith of stouffville and mr and mrs m dunkeld attended a birthday dinner friday evening for ja net dunkeld at the home of mr and mrs clifford dunkeld mr and mrs fred draper joanne zirl and mr frank wagg had dinner sunday even ing with mr and mrs larry vernon joanne was celebrating a birthday congratulations mr grenville draper return ed on sunday after 2 weeks stay in scarboro hospital and will be recuperating for the next 3 months getting around on crutches mr and mrs f carruthers and ruth anne visited satur day evening with mr and mrs norman lehman and family congratulations to our teach er mrs larriett and grades 3 4- 5 and ft pupils who came first at the music festival at ajax last wednesday mr ernie carruthers and mr w coates called on mrs e soden greenwood on sunday brougham visitors at the wm ellicot home on mothers day were mrs randle ellicott mr and mrs wallace ellicot of toronto mr and mrs d ravey of ajax mr and mrs ford of highland creek mr and mrs mansen ellicott and mr and mrs b ellicott next sunday may 16th church service will be held at 10 am with rev fleetham as the guest speaker sunday school will be held at 11 am the afternoon group of the ucw will meet an the home of mrs ross knox thursday alay 27th luncheon will be at 1230 pm with the meeting at 2 pm please note the change of date the brougham united church womens evening group met at the home of mrs b donaldson on wednesday may 5th mrs annis program convener led a discussion on brazil lunch was served by mrs g johnston and mrs b ellicott at the close of the meeting on may 28th the brougham ucw will hold a sarins flower tea and bake sale at 2 pm in the township hall all are welcome mr allan johnston a student at carleton university is home for the summer goodwood on friday evening the boys group which have been led by mr vincent woodhouse and mr arnold maye brought their season to a close with a father and son turkey banquet in the baptist church with films and special music later in the even ing this coming friday the girls bluebird group which are led by mrs harry woodland mrs gordon jones and mrs firber are having their final meeting of the season when the mothers will meet with their daughters for supper at 645 and a special program later the sick list seems rather lengthy mrs hope one of our senior citizens is not at all well in the uxbridge hospital mrs george baldwin is ex pecting to be hom the first of this week from a week in new market hosptal goodwood friends wish mrs stewart thompson mary mid- dleton best recovery from two operations in toronto general hospital a former pastor at the bap tist church rev dan filyer is a patient in newmarket hospi tal dale tuck received several bruises when his car collided with the railway signal lights on the highway crossing mr and mrs lloyd wagg of brampton spent sunday with his parents mr and mrs dan wagg mr and mrs walt bryan betty shirley and norma vis ited recently with mr george may mr and mrs sklar and chil dren of jshawa called on miss olive may and her parents on saturday ladies of the united church ucw catered for the uxbridge scott public school teachers banquet on friday evening mrs amador betty gates a former teacher at webb school greenwood two boys were injured when they fell from a bicycle on greenwood hill mike neil and norman bell both suffered severely scraped legs norman required several stitches to close a gap in his knee mr and mrs jerry fisher moved into their new home last weekend mr bill lishman arrived home from a three month holi day in california last monday church will be held at the regular time of 1130 am next sunday the guest preacher will be mr cresswell of clare mont next sunday mr fleetham will preach at the sunday school anniversary in clare mont an altar cloth was dedicated by mr and mr les wilson to the memory of mrs agnes jane wilson former sunday school superintendent who died on mothers day 1964 in the per formance of her duty this is an advanced notice of the may concert put on by the pupils of valley view school under the direction of miss mes- lin the concert will be may 30th and admission is free the pu pils will be singing selections from the wizard of oz and the sound of music there is an urgent need for men to help on the manse grounds if you have any free time to give contact mr ed pascoe or mr chas mctaggart three children were receiv ed in infant baotism on sun day morning the two bovs and one girl were john ed ward gardiner deborah mar- caret post and tern scott fisher claremont news mr and mrs stan warburton were sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs russell hamilton mr and mrs ray hill and family of collingwood were home with his mother mrs loss hill on sunday mr and mrs michael burke were sunday guests of mr and mrs bruce hanthorne mrs elmer bell of uxbridge and her sister mrs tom ham mond visited their mother mrs arthur prouse at fairview lodge sunday afternoon mr and mrs robert ward spent sunday with her mother mrs e lewis mrs lue beare attended a tea saturday in agincourt three members of the broug ham masonic lodge attended church parade at st margarets in the pines west hill they were mr and mrs jack lehman mr and mrs frank hoilings- head and mr and mrs jack anonby the united church i holding its sunday school anniversary next week rev fleetham of greenwood will be the speaker and there will be special music everyone is welcome the cubs are attending a cubaree next saturday at 10 m in the greenwood conser vation park the ladies auxiliary of the cubs and scouts had their final meeting last thursday night at the home of mrs timms 13 were present the members plan a bowling party on june 3rd the art students of uxbridge high school had their annual showing in the basement of the anglican church last sunday two pupils from cjaremont mrs k ward and mrs j anon by submited paintings proceeds went to the cottage hospital mr and mrs dewes of new toronto were dinner guests of mr and mrs jim mcguire on sunday mr and mrs ken ward had dinner with mrs hutton on sunday mrs irene levick of oshawa visited with mrs robert ward last wednesday the community extends sin cere sympathy to mr harold dean on the death of his lis ter last week miss sarah witney was a guest of the almack family mr and mrs j c maltby entertained mr and mrs r e timms and family for dinner on sunday at malton mr and mrs john quantz and family enjoyed a picnic and some ashing on sunday mr and mrs tom warren of georgetown were sunday visi tors at the home of mr and airs russell hamilton on sun day congratulations to jimmie mcguire on his 13th birthday guests enjoyed dinner and bowl ing sunday visitors at the burton dunn home were mr and mrs chris botelko of maple grove mr and mrs wayne wilson oshawa mr and mrs donald wright stouffville and mr and mrs stan feasby goodwood dr wm tomhnson of picker ing visited on sunday with his father dr n f tomlinson mrs wm browning and bruce of orillia visited with friends in the village on sunday mrs randy carruthers visited on sunday with mrs tweedie ef whitevale balsam mt zion mrs b w jones of erooklin spent a couple of days last week with mr and mrs cecil jones on thursday rev eugene and mrs beech of toronto spent the day with the jones mr and mrs v baker of woodville visited friday at the lome jones home mr and mrs otil disney at tended the square dance ban quet in toronto on saturday on sunday mr and mrs disney sheila and ivan had dinner with mr and mrs noel marshal at pickering mr and mrs jack empring- ham attended the loveless- woolhead wedding at scarboro on saturday mr and mrs elmer wilson attended the baptismal service on sunday at markham for their granddaughter caroline arnold mr and mrs jack empring- ham and george and mr and mrs donald jamieson and girls had dinner sunday with mr and mrs walter armstrong at scarboro the active service class will meet at th church next wed night this will be a cleanup meeting followed by a worship and study period and a white elephant saie including plants mrs ivan creigger of ox- drift manitoba visited over the weekend with mr and mrs ralph jone th stourtvult twbmt ttorvky miy 13 t63 peg 1 ashburn its our own fault muttered the man to his wife if wed saved our money during the recession we could afford to live throush this prosperity a farmer is one businessman who doesnt have to go to work in the morning he is surround- will tell of her experiences in central america at the parent teachers meeting on tuesday may 18 all are welcome christian family day service was held in burns church on sunday may 9 at 1130 am with the sunday school super intendent mr fred daw in charge the order of worship as prepared by the fresbyterian board of christian education was used miss lisa gaudaur led in the responsive reading from the old testament and miss isabel hyatt read the scripture lesson from the new testament the junior choir sang as their anthem in the garden and rev h buntain delivered the message mrs m sparks and mr john miller visited mrs w kerr at the home of mr and mrs how- ard stiver unionville on tues day mr and mrs douglas ashton sons ronald and arnold and mrs h doble were sunday dinner guests of mrs betty hogg toronto congratulations to the pupils of our school on winning first prize on the triple trio selec tion and second prize on the school chorus at the music fest ival held in ajax last week mrs edgar heron is attend ing the council meeting of the wms being held in ewart college toronto this week mr and mrs g middleton and family visited relatives in toronto on sunday mr and mrs ivan rogers of bowmanvillp were sunday visi tors with mr and mrs fred ashton mr and mrs h anderson of elora spent a couple of days re cently with mr and mrs n j anderson spr 4 philip doble of the us army who left for germa ny on may 8th had tuesday din ner with mrs d ashton and mrs h doble jermyn named as magistrate magistrate harry jermyn was yesterday appointed a full ma gistrate to ontario county a former schoolteacher and mayor of whitby town mag istrate jermyn has been deputy magistrate for the last 2 years the appointment for the 53- year old magistrate is effective may 13 the new position gives the county two full magistrates the other is magistrate frank ebbs who has been on tha bench for 35 years jack i went to a doctor to day and told him about my lapse of memory friend what did he do jack made me pay in ad vance mr arthur holman whs spent three months in arizona returned to his home last week the may meeting of the w ms was held at the home of mrs lindsay death on wednes day may 5th at 8 pm with 411 attendance of 20 the scripture lesson was read by mrs ii doble followed with prayer by mrs r richardson invitation was extended to our members to attend a thank offering meeting in beaverton on may 25th reports of the synodieal meetings held in orangeville in april were given by mrs r batten and mrs edgar heron mrs r batten had charge of the study through the years in canada with the wms the meeting closed with pray er by mrs f lynde r i iga 15 or tint choice peas iga 15 or tln beans pork tomato or vegetable 10 oz tint clarks soup regular or chubbla kleenex ftoyal gold reg or nlopy or pa 8 for 8 fr 10 for 7 for hftyai fjoifl reg or viopy s or pa m cheese slices hr fruit punch oranoa pin grapefruit 48 or tins hlc drinks clarks fancy 48 or tina tomato juice iga fancy 15 or tina apple sauce aylmer choice is or tnt fruit cocktail garden patch chnice 15 or tin cut wax beans 3 for 3 for 7 for 4 f 8 for is oz tins r spaghettiheinz 6 for white solid pack 7 or tina m saico tuna j for dr ballards champion kccf chteknlver 15 or tin ft dog food 5 for igo tall tins mm evaporated milk for strawberry sr raspberry with pectin 24 or jas a iga jams j for 11 oz bottles f isa cat 6 sarbo hot dog sweet r bickalmh 12 or jar m bicks relish 4 for pink liouio j or sire iga detergent for white pink aqua or yellow white swan tissue t for 5 for mevittie price twin pack varlttlea or pkgt biscuits kerrs candies 3 for coloured i lb dk9 m iga margarine 4 for old south frozen s or tint orange juice 6 for special combination offer one 1lb pkg skinless tablerite sausage one 1lb cello wrapped tablerite wieners all for one 6 or vacuum sealed sliced tablerite bologna 1 swift premium ready to serve smoked picnic pork shoulder ll39c royal guest rindless sliced side bacon lfapkg59c new crop easy to peel valencia 3doz 4 large size jaffa oranges canada no 1 grade vina rip produce of mexico tomatoes ffi29 produce of usa can ne 1 gijde crisp celery j for 39 canada no 1 grade produce of usa carrots 2funhe25 save these extra tapes for free gifts or eafon merchandise certificates recelv an extra10 tap with reoular or dry hair giant slzo halo shampoo receive an extra 00 tap with chase sanborn coffee 1 lb bag roctlvo an extra x00 tapn with granulated sugar 10 lb bag javex liquid bleach m or sir tide detergent giant sir rcolv an extra m00 tap with fraservale cod or rupert halibut fish and chips canadian no 1 gpade pei potatoes 10 tb s alpine or primrose beef steakettes ratcliffs i g a f00dliner stouffville

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