classified livestock coming events calf for sale ao century wheal sprayer ph 6402595 250 dekalb started pullets 24 weeks old vaccinated d- beaked ph s87v60 41tf 49 pigs for sale 7 weeks old lloyd push claremont 649- 5121 bingo every monday night in the claremont legion hall cash prizes share the wealth and jackpot game time s00 pm everyone welcome 32tf registered pollcd hereford bull 2 yrs old phone 640- 3192 special euchre ioof may 18th at 830 pm in the hall proceeds for cubs scouts work refreshments and good prizes admission 50c black cow sey fresh for sale part jer- senior citizens night will be held at the legion hal on tues day may isth come and enjoy also mccormick- j the evening transportation i deei ing no 2 cream separator thomas grove 6503119 stud service registered golden palomino stallion at service grade mares 35 tom siegris rr4 uxbridge ph r523s21 473 available call 64019s4 or 640- 3055 work wanted ladies dresses shortened minor alterations phone 640- 2984 494 housework by the week or longer while mother is in hospital or away on holidays if interested write mrs b couperthwaite claremont 12yrold boy wants on farm for summer will do chores in exchange for board small remuneration mrs stella bo- land 1214 kingston rd apt 4 scarboro ont blanket notice anyone wishing to send old rags to be made into blankets bedspreads rugs socks etc have rags and money at mrs wm reamans glasgow bv may 20 phone 6103268 bingo every saturday night in the veterans hall stouff- ville sponsored by the canad ian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors open 730 pm games start at 800 sharp admission 50c 23tf transportation transportation wanted from markham to bayview citation ave 2 blocks north of hwv 401 arriving 830 am phone 2941416 transportation wanted from stouftville to bay and wellesley arriving 815 pm returning s pm call 640- 236s after 7 pm transportation wanted from stouffville to warden lawrence on monday morning arriving by 8 am and leaving frldav after 4 pm phone 6103397 helen busato transportation wanted young ladv desires ride from buttonvilja idon mills rd i to bloor and church sts arriv ing 830 and leaving 445 pm call 2971790 after 5 cedar grove news i editors mail the stourwiue tribune tfcsty my 13 1965 pice 7 for rent apartment ph 6402981 adding machines type writers for tent call tribune office supplies phone 6402100 34tf ryerson student 21 yrs completed first year of busi ness administration desires employment immediately to september chauffeurs licence phone 2971265 help wanted truck driver wanted 6402714 ph men wanted to drive farm tractors phone 6403022 492 dishwasher wanted for weekends applv halfwav house phone ss75411 47tf full or part time help wanted on small engines call den kidd stouffville 6401814 short order cook wanted experienced preferred apply halfway house phone 887- 5111 47tf eraser lake camp swimming hiking ponv rides crafts out trips and canoeing conducted in a christian atmos phere by competent counsellors any child 916 years is welcome 20 per week includes transpor tation for further information phone 6102679 2943473 47tf public health nurse re pre school children will be at the following schools melville may 18th 130 to 4 pm box grove may 27th 130 to 4 pm milliken june 2nd 130 to 4 pm unionville june 9th 130 to 4 pm no 4 june 10th 130 to 4 pm parents to have proof of birth and immunization of child tool die or mold maker wanted part time ursini plastics uxbrldge phone 852- 3012 needed an ambitious man or varied duties in modern showroom ratcliff lumber 6402351 men wanted for sod crew newmarket area piece work apply 8955822 or evenings 8959725 young man over 21 to work as parts driver and inside helper in stock room apply in person herron motors ltd 374 main st e stouffville man wanted 3045 yrs of age for shipper and receiver apply humphrey cosburn plastics ltd markham phone 2941320 men wanted for nursery landscape work experience not necessary apply union- ville nurseries no 7 hwy unionville truck drivers pit men shovel operator and loader man for sand and gravel com pany apply in person to commercial sand and gravel ltd hwy 48 2 miles north of ringwood ont aggressive salesmen we arc a new richmond hill- based enterprise looking for eager aggressive and exper ienced salesmen to handle our line of household and commer cial cleaning products car necessary ph 8846972 45tt business opportunity district dealership avail able amazing new machine relating to car care a novel ingenious invention needed for years sells immediately high profits princess products 131 coxwell ave toronto 8 493 public notice the corporation of the township of pickering take notice that the council of the corporation of the township of pickering pro poses at its meeting to be held in the municipal offices brou gham ontario at 800 pm lo cal time on the 7th day of june 1965 to pass a bylaw to stop up and close union street as follows that portion of union street running northerly from the kings highway no 7 33395 to the southerly boundary of martin street the proposed bylaw and plan and descriptions show ing the lands affected may be seen in the office of the clerk of the township of pickering municipal building brough am ontario at the above mentioned mee ting the council will hear in person or by his or her coun sel any person who claims his or her lands will be prejudic ially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard dated at brougham this 6th day of may 1965 douglas j plitz clerk township of pickering brougham ontario 484 2 rooms for rent furnished or unfurnished heat water and hydro provided ladies pre ferred abstainers applv 40 main st e stouffville we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in your home by the week or month your rent may be applied to purchase if desired herb kring furni ture and appliances 23 main st w phone 6402092 40tf modern three bedroom bungalow for rent in the country on ten acre lot with spacious lawn bush trout stream between stouffville claremont available july 1 prefer professional couple or small family phone 6493385 492 female help wanted women to plant small nur- sery stock on farm between stouffville and claremont ph unionville nurseries ltd 297- 1440 waitress wanted exper ienced preferred jl 30 am to 430 pm also girls for week ends and summer holidays applv halfway house phone 8875411 47tf a cook general references north toronto school age fa mily own room bath tv char kept summers in musko- ka 150 start 7 doncliffe dr tor 12 or hu 95373 collect urgent we are looking for a girl to live in our home in toronto summers in coun try to care for our two year new- career nhcht planned for cedar grove it used to be and not so long ago the weatherman was a kind of luxury in our society whose job is was to predict a fair day for the sunday school picnic now mid twentieth cen tury day by day his import ance increases his forecasting for plane schedules space ships and rocket flights must be ab solutely accurate this is just one example of an old career with a new future and man seems to demand balance as he goes up into space to satisfy his curiosity and his spirit of adventure so at the same timp he probes deeper into the earth and farther into the seas as he builds to- j ward an extraordinary future so he becomes more and more curious about his part and delves farther into history and even into prehistorical times this is our world today ca reers of no importance yester day will be allimportant to morrow a progressive and in ventive society gives birth to new vocations and todays child may well be doing to morrow something nonexistent in his fathers day it is with a view to exploring some new ca reers of todav and tomorrow that cgcc special interests committee has invited four peo ple whose positions demand that they deal as much with the future as with the present on wednesday evening may 19th at cedar grove school mrs alice alison architect and particularly interested in educa tion and town planning bill white personnel manager for beer pre cast concrete a com pany whose pre cast concrete is now going into torontos new city hall gordon alison a marketing specialist with the aluminum company of canada in the industrial sheet products and highways application divi sion and john kitchen assistant chief engineer with the eclipse fuel and engineering co will be our guests and we have ask ed to converse for our benefit from their discussion in their own and related fields we hope to be better prepared to guide our children into rewarding contemporary occupations the evening should be of spe cial interest to all who have children particularly young ones for whom the next ten yrs will see many changes students whether or not thei careers have been chosen shoh gain much from the discussion as should all who are interested in the next five to ten years in canada it is a big program for one evening and we can only hopp to scratch the surface but well try to give it a good scratch 830 pm wednesday may 19 cedar grove schoolhouse saturday was another big joyce lapp gib whittamore charlie booth pat mcciennan and number 1 went to jim mears ninetyseven women attended the interior decorating night sponsored by the ucw lat week and enjoyed an interesting demonstration by eatons christian fsrryy day took for the theme faith in god for todays family last sunday at 7ion church myrtle hamill as sunday school superintendent opened the service and prayers stories and readings were taken by geene shoudy cheryl wal ton jean crirmon barbara sedgewick susan ryan and jack shoudy snecial music was provided by eunice murison who sang in duet with her father mr bruce and by olive reesor who sang with her daughters lola and colleen may is a busy month in cedar grove and there are just too many thing happening on may 14th for the bowling party to be held it will be postponed un til some time rcxt month watch for the date announce ment the ucw will be packing the bale on monday may 17th at mrs jo reesors home good used clothing may be left with her or with mrs llovd tavlor may 19th wednesday at 815 pm is new careers night at cedar grow school everyone welcome children st the discre tion of their parents ringwood rev a barry jones is trav elling in northern ontario on business for conference of christian churches mrs jones is staying with mr and mrs fred steckiey mrs walter vague was guest speaker at mothers day sunday service at keswick mr and mrs murray daniels robert and marilyn were sup per guests with her parents mr and mrs walter pipher on mo thers day mr bruce brownsberger of montana usa phoned his mo ther at york central hospital on mothers day mrs harry preston mr and mrs harvey preston and nor man mr and mrs jos fockler enjoyed a turkey supper at the home of clarence and barbara fockler on sunday afterward taking their guests to the even ing church service ron and wayne king spent sunday with their parents mr and mrs lloyd kini audley old and do general cleaning j night for young and younger in preferably 1825 years with fondness for children dogs 12500 monthly liberal time off and extra benefits if interested telephone 4472287 collect temporary help men wanted from june to sep tember to drive and maintain tractor with rotary mower for the purpose of cutting weeds send application to h ashton pickering township brougham ont dominion stores limited requires experienced meat cutters and countermen excellent opportunities for promotion full range of employee benefits pleasant working conditions stalling rate up to 590 depending on experience apply in person to mr 1 shaw dominion stores markham onl 8e8esesgs38ssfega public notice the corporation of the township of pickering take notice that the council of the corporation of the township of pickering pro poses at its meeting to be held in the municipal oftices brou gham ontario at 800 pm lo cal time on the 7th day of june 1965 to pass a bylaw to stop up and close road allowance between lots 20 and 21 range ii broken front concession township of pickering as fol lows all that portion of the road allowance between lots 20 and 21 range 2 bro ken front concession in the township of pickering in the county of ontario in the province of ontario having an area of 187 acres more or less more particularly des cribed as follows commencing at the northwest angle of lot 20 range 2 broken front con cession thence westerly in straight line 66000 feet to the northeast angle of block a registered plan s78 thence southerly along the eastern limit of the said block a being also the west ern limit of the said road al lowance between lots 20 and 21 a distance of 11963 feet more or less to the waters edge to the western limit of the said lot 20 being the eas tern limit of the said road allowance thence northerly along the said western limit 12771 feet more or less to the point of commencement at the above mentioned mee ting the council will hear in person or by his or her coun sel any person who claims his or her lands will be prejudicial ly affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard dated at brougham this 6th day of may 1963 douglas j plitz clerk township of pickering broughtm ontario 484 refreshment booth managers lady age 3550 to manage re freshment booth at the clare mont conservation area also lady to operate similar unit at the bruce mills conser vation park some experience in this type of work is desirable working hours will be as fol lows opens middle of june weekends only july and aug ust 6 days a week 11 am to dusk labour day to thanks giving weekends only applicants must have own transportation please apply in writing giving particulars of qualifications past experience etc to the 1929 bayview ave toronto 17 personnel office the cnib interviews will he arranged in convenient locations 492 in memoriam i davis in memory of a dear wife and mother leona davis who passed away may 18 1964 the world changes from year to year and friends from day to day but never shall the one we loved from memory pass away always remembered by husband and family kidd in loving memory of delmar t kidd who passed away may 15th 1962 when evening shades are falling and we sit in quiet alone to our hearts comes a longing if he only could come home friends may think we have for gotten when at times they sep us smile but thpy little know the hpart- ache our smiles hide all the while sadly missed by wife and daughter cedar grove locust hill school took part in a winners concert at the ajax music festival where the school choir having won on wednesday sang beau tifully in three part harmony last monday the school placed second in the triple trio con test with meredith lapp billy reesor simon davis debbie reesor artie milroy bonnie banks and bobbie dean all tak ing part it was also the close of the bowling season on saturday and the bowlers and their guests numbering nearly fifty celebrat ed with a banquet dance and euchre at morgan hall the top bowlers were duly prized and feled and marg walton and scotty crichton shared honours for the high average with lil lian dean and jack walton tak ing the high triple flat joyce lapp won the high triple with handicap as did danny offen and phyllis ritchie and charlie booth took the high single flat marg milroy and dave ritchie won the high sitvrles hdcp and consolation prizes went to alf and ethyl smith the champion team consisted of marg walton gert shoudv win gaston dave ritchie les milroy and harold lapp win or lose in the bowling league there are plenty of lucky draws which seemed to mostly be la belled dare marie muriel and dick all won draws and some others were lucky too helen dawson ha crichton boh lapp mabel reesor lib mecowan the christian family day service was led on sunday by the sunday school superinten dent bert guthrie glenn squi res read the story gods room the rev m buttars delivered the message using the theme faith in god for todays fam ilies during the service two chil dren were presented for bap tism steven edwin son of mr and mrs ed betson and mela- nie mary faye daughter of mr and mrs dick winter mr and mrs betson transferred their church membership to audley church from their respective churches danforth united and markham united the ucw will hold their bake sale bazaar and afternoon tea this saturday from 3 to 5 pm in the church the hic and explorers will also have tables of miscellaneous articles mr and mrs leonard walt- ham joyce smith and lynda puckrin attended the bay of quinte conference hic rally last weekend at kingston congratulations to baggots- ville school children and their teacher mrs g eastwood on winning in two classes grades 14 and 38 at the rotary music festival at ajax last week mr and mrs j n van krevel of ede holland are visiting for several months at the home of their daughter mrs albert kampman mr kampinan and family mrs mabel brown brock ville spent the weekend at the home of her sister mrs a w betson deepest sympathy of this community is extended to mrs trigg and to other members of the family in the passing on friday of mr clarence trigg in oshawa hospital stouffville ont may 11 1965 dear mr editor how many elephants what lion tiger leopard high wire bicycle act canadas lar gest the worlds finest family circus one admission price safety first i paid s125 at noon later others paid 135 i had to pay 90c for a baby who couldnt ev en talk how much did vou pay try as i might i could only find two of the advertised three rings where was the third one around the holefilled tent if this was anybodys idea of can adas largest or the worlds fin est i would sure hate to see the worlds worst and i think i have i thought this would be an excellent chance for my child ren and my wife to see their first real circus i had to apolo gize to my children was this an organized circus if fo what about the safety ele ment what circus management would allow the audience of children to seat themselves a- round and on the rings only inches away at one point from horses whose hooves wet from the moist turf could have slip ped on the painted wood sur face and spelled death or injury with one slip there was no need to pack people tighter than sardines to the point where j she stands wouldnt support them the pursuit of the al mighty dollar was responsible for that cram in as many as possible grab the loot and run were there no municipal laws to cover the safety obligations of these transient entertainers this is decidedly poor publicity for the entertainment commit tee of the lions club of stouftville did they investigate or scrutinize the reputation of the circus the public may well snift with caution the next sponsored group to stop in town overnight sincerely ron cairns pioneer village pholo contest the metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority is sponsoring a photographic competition for visitors to its black creek pioneer village dur ing the period may 22june 15 the village provides camera enthusiasts wiih a broad and unique range of subjects both indoor and outdoor prizes will be awarded for winning entries in both colour slides and black and whits prints and winners will be no tified by mail on or before july i entries must be received bv the authoritys office box 720 woodbridge bv june 15 per sons wishing further informa tion may obtain same by con tacting the authority at avenue 55425 during normal office hours if we dont stand up for some thing we may fall for anything christ church anglican stouffville rev john i- ball recfor sunday may 16th 1965 930 am holy communion 930 am junior and primary sunday school 1030 am sr sunday school wed 7 pm choir practice fri 8 pm girl guides sat 10 am brownies sat 10 am junior choir practice open york training centre for retarded cash carry cash carry cash carr lee in loving memory of mother mrs john lee who passed away may 14th 1958 always remembered by her sons ross and russell pugh in loving memory of our dear mother mrs mildred pugh who passed away mav 15th 1959 her memory is a keepsake with which well never parr god has her in his keeping we have her in our hearts lovingly remembered by the family x 73 wrecking modern bungalows office buildings factories x zn all materials sold at our yard u a hwy 48 brown hill on between ml albert and sutlon topper in loving memory of a beloved mother elizabeth topper who passed awav mav 13 1952 many years have passed since that sad day the one we loved was called away god took her home it was his will but in our hearts she liveth still lovingly remembered bv bill mvrtle margaret bill and families a windows doors bathroom sets kitchen cupboards lumber 2 x 4 to 2 x 12 sheathing timber plywood furnaces boilers structural steel angle iron copper pipe plastic pipe soil pipe steel pipe galvanized metal roofing plus every kind of used building materia we also carry a complete line of new building materiajr visit the t builders bargain centre hwy 48 brown hill operated bv ont cash carr cash carry cash carry national building demolition ltd the official opening of the arc industries 321 enford rd richmond hill was held on saturday may 1st this work training centre was created for the mentally re tarded of the community over is years of age and is sponsor ed by the thornhill district assoc for the mentally retard ed under the direction of miss dolly ketola judge g sweeney president of the association welcomed the guests and introduced mayor broadhurst of richmond hill and mr john addison member of parliament who spoke a few words of congratualtion on the occasion mr w berendsen co ordinator of adult services for the ontario assoc for the mentally retarded also expres sed his best wishes for the suc cess of the workshop and prais ed the community for their con tributions mr donald brown pastpresident of the assoc then introduced the hon w earle rowe who declared the workshop officially open and cut the white ribbon miss keto la invited mr rowe to tour the building and see the trainees busily engaged at their various contract jobs craft work made by these young people was dis played and is available for sale the building formerly a ga- j rage has been renovated and amid flags and floral tributes presented a lovely setting for afternoon tea mrs arnold price convener of the tea was assisted by mrs t jennings mrs d marrott mrs j gra- hame mrs w dowell and mrs ii marshall mrs p schell and mrs d pimlott poured assisted by mrs c redshaw the re freshments were served by mis ses paula dwyor sheila swee ney jennifer leslie grahame mary bassinger patricia price pat jennings susan montgom ery and bonnie brennan all of whom are the charming young daughters of the- many friends of thornhaven school this day marked a giant step forward in the work being done for the retarded in this area the pupils- graduating from thornhaven school may now enter arc industries work training centre and make usi of the skills they have been ex pertly taught the trainees arc presently working on contracts and subcontracts from various industries and proving that they can do packaging and as sembly work in a speedy and ef ficient manner the money earn ed helps to support the centre and also affords the trainees a small salary thus giving them added incentive since the financial responsibi lity for thornhaven school has been assumed by the municipal ities it serves and the provincial government the association has been able to concentrate its efforts on arc industries which is a continuation of train ing with the ultimate goal of placement in industry for the more advanced trainees still another project of the association is a playschool group beginning this week for small children for preparation and adjustment to entering thornhaven school facilities for this playschool are being generously provided by father robinson of our lady queen of the world church under the direction of mrs c brenn and her staff of volunteers the residents of richmond hill and the surrounding dis trict have always been most generous in their support of the retarded and it is hoped that they will continue to assist these people in finding their rightful place in society stouffville united church rev a l borland ba bd sunday may 16th 1965 11 am morning worship sermon life sunday school 945 am adult bible class 945 am junior intermed iate 11 am nursery kindergarten primary crib toddler dept at mrs h dewitts during church ser vice for babies and toddlers weekly programme mon 7 pm explorers wed 715 pm scouts thurs 7 pm cgit fri 7 pm cubs kcv arthur walsh minister sunday may 16th 1965 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am- morning worship 730 pm evening service the pastor will preach at both services ontario district wms annual convention meets in stouff ville church tucs may isth with 3 sessions 930 am 115 pm and evening service united church rev geo davison sunday may 16th 1965 bethesda 5th cone whitchurch 10 am morning worship 11 am sunday school melville 6th cone markham 10 am sunday school 1115 am worship service mr w mccall of the gideons will speak at both services and render musical selections second markham baker hill baptist churches rev bruce hisey sunday may 16th 1965 second markham prayer service wed 8 pm young peoples fri 8 pm next lords day bible school 10 am morning service 11 am gospel service 730 pm baker hiii prayer service thurs 8 pm sunday services bible school 130 pm service 230 pm stouffville baptist church paslor gordon t gooderham bth sunday may 16th 1965 950 bible school use our bus 1100 service of worship 730 evening service soloist mrs paul gooch wed 800 pravor meeting churchill vivian churches rev k btirlon bth sunday may 16th 1965 churchill mussclmans lake sun 955 bible school 11 am gideon service mr r goheen of oshawa wed 7 pm young peoples vivian 10 am bible school 730 pm gideon service mr e dempster toronto wed 8 pm prayer bible study for both churches thur 730 pm young peoples ringwood christian church kcv a barry jones bth sunday may 16th 1965 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 630 pm wed childrens meeting 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred h cromey ba sunday may 16th 1965 10 am morning worship 10 am church school altona united missionary church rev frank iluson paslor sunday may 16th to 30th revival services with rev ii l matteson brown city mich sunday services 1030 am and 730 pm week nights at 8 oclock except sat christ centred biblical preaching you and your friend plan to attend ballantrae i lemonville f united churches rev g roy inglis ba mlnistej sunday may 6th 1965 ballnntrao mussclmans lake 10 am sunday school 1115 am worship service mr j c horning of the gideons preaching mon may 17 730 pm young peoples meeting lcmonvillo 10 am worship service mr j c horning of the gideons preaching mon may 17 4 pm brownies tues may 18 8 pm bible studv at the manse wed may 19 4 pm cgit 7 pm cubs scouts uxbridge salvation army captain frederick lang ofliccr sunday may 16th 1965 1100 am holiness meeting 215 pm sunday school 700 pm song and praise service bus for afternoon sunday school leaves stouffville 130 pm for detail call 8523841 uxbridge if you have no church of your own join a growing concern united missionary church pastor rev grant sloss sunday may 16th 1965 markham 950 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wed 8 pm annual business meeting dicksons hill 945 am morning worship 1050 am sunday school 730 pm wms thankoffer- ing service with miss edna pridham nigeria speaking wed 8 pm prayer service stouffville memorial christian church minister rev clarence t bass sunday may 16th 1965 10 am bible classes for adults yp and children 11 am and 730 pm rev and mrs leslie shields of regions beyond mission missionaries elect to peru colored slides to he shown by mrs shields in the evening this weeks thought and thp heathen shall know that i nn he lord saili lite lord god when i shall he stv- hfied in you before their eyes eicltlcl 3g2t claremot baptist church minister rev ii sydney ilillyer dd sunday may 16th 1965 945 am- sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm gospel service gormley united missionary church rev l k sidcr pastor sunday may 16th 19g5 945 am- sunday school 11 am worship pastors theme the sermon on the mount i christian blessed ness 730 pm- evening service is moral purity possible the word for tho world bloomington christian gospel church kcv d benson paslor sunday may 16th 1963 945 sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship speaker mr c thom son mr thomson is a christian lawyer in toronto soloist paul benson 730 pm great evening service message make up your mind the pastor will speak on this bible subject coming the blenders trio dont miss hearing them sing set for the defence of the gospel a warm welcome to all