ftgt i te stowrvius hibunf twy uty r 15 r these five advantages make the superior heating system completely clean flamelsss electric heating cant create dust dirt film or soot gentle even heat noombyroom or zone temperature control no draughts no chills no sudden blasts of hot air low cost throughout ontario users prove that in homes insulated to hydro standards electric heating costs no more to operate than other heating systems extra space requires no bulky fuel burning equipment quiet and electric heating is so quiet for further information call your qualified electric heating contractor or- ask your hydro hetherington electric hot water heaters installed electric home heating stouffville phone 6402033 for office supplies its the tribune failure to increase old age pensions is criticized by mp by michael starr mp the government has been adamant in their refusal to ex tend an increase to the old age pensioners of this country in spit of the serious situation in which mot of them find them selves in their effort to live on s75 a month and in spite of the pleas of the members of the opposition on their behalf it was felt that some action to be taken might have been in dicated in the budget a feeling of disappointment amongst our senior citizens has resulted there is no doubt in my mind that members of parliament in the opposition will continue to fight on their behalf until such time as the government takes this much needed action many written questions plac ed on the order paper are being answered by various depart ments one of the questions that has been prevalent in the house ot commons in recent days has been ahnui the stated intention of the government to buy cars direct from manufacturer since these cars will not be purchased from franchised dealers of the automobile industry queries have been made as to what dis posal will be made of these cars when they are no longer service able the government has not given any specific answer on this matter during the oral question pe riod the members take advan tage of this opportunity to put questions to various ministers on matters that are purely local as well as national in import ance in many instances they set direct and reasonable an swers from certain ministers whereas in some cases they are in the evasive category a few days ago a question was asked by one of the mem bers of the conservative party regarding the adoption ot o canada as the national an them it was suggested by this member that the prime minis ter give serious consideration to the launching of a national contest to provide o canada with new and modern words which would be acceptable to all canadians the prime minis ter replied that during this ses sion of parliament he hoped that we would he able to adopt o canada officially hut he ex pressed some doubt as to the desirability of holding a contest to provide new words he quali fied this by stating that he would be glad to give consider ation to the suggestion another member followed by asking that when such a bill was brought forward the word ing of o canada would have one version which would be ap plicable to all canadians this was a very interesting sugges tion to the prime minister and he felt that it had a good deal to commend it many of these questions which are put forward to the government on the orders of the day as suggestions for fu- 1964 beaumont 4 door sedan 6 cylinder standard transmission beautiful artesian turquoise finish 1963 buick la sabre 2 door hardtop automa tic power steering power brakes radio whitewall ires and discs cameo beige finish 1962 chevrolet 2 door sedan 6 cylinder standard transmission ermine white with red interior economical transpor tation 1960 chevrolet belair 4 door sedan i cylinder automatic radio power steering whitewalls white a good clean car 1958 pontiac 6 cylinder 4 door sedan standard transmission seafoam green and white top strain chief sedan s cylinder automatic radio whitewalls discs black with red interior new car warranty 1963 chevrolet impala 2 door hardtop vs motor automatic radio power steering power brakes whitewalls and discs 2 tone maroon with while top 1961 pontiac t door sedan s cylinder standard transmission radio green finish good running condition 1960 rambler 4 door sedan 6 cylinder automatic radio robin egg blue finish 1963 chevrolet so scries tractor saddle tanks 5h wheel 409 cu in engine full air 5 speed trans 23000 lbs rear axle 10000 miles actual mileage a real good hauler colour blue and ivory good rubber 1000x20 1961 gmc cab and chassis 175 wb 4 speed with 2 speed 15000 rear axle good rubber 825x20 and completely re conditioned 1959 chevrolet cab and chassis 175 wb 5 speed wilh 2 speed rear axle fair rub ber 000x20 engine 22 cu in an economical sod hauler 1962 international tractor 1s00 loadstar 5 speed trans with 2 speed axle good rub ber 900x20 engine 345 cu in air over hydraulic and vacuum con nections unit readv to work 1965 pontiac trade your car for an all new pontiac 1 year warranty on all cars neil patrick motors ltd main st w at the tracks stouffville phone 6403452 gmac timi paymiht plan ture policy are adopted in one form or another in any event they give food for thought to the members of the government when they are in the process of forming legislation the minister of finance made xn announcement recently con cerning the present situation of the mint with regard to the pro duction- of mint sets rf uncir culated coins he advised the public that this year the mint was confronted with an enor mous wave of orders for these coins they were estimated at some six million sets it was decided at that time that the mint would accept all orders re ceived on the first day which happened to be january 2nd and would ship the coins there after as and when the sets could be produceq these orders involved some two million sets the remaining orders covering another four million sets had to be returned to the senders since then the facilities of the mint have been expanded and up lo a few days ago some 1100- 000 sets have been shipped out to collectors the balance of the two million sets will he pro duced and shipped out before the end of july as of thursday april 2hh ot this year the mini will re sume accepting orders for the 1965 sets of uncirculated coins from all who want them and whose requirements are not al ready met the production of these sets will be continued un til all legitimate orders have been filled even if il lakes the remainder of 1965 and pari of 1966 lo finish the job they are priced at 400 per set and each order for a set or a maximum of five sets per person should be accompanied by a remit tance and he in the name of a single individual the minister gave an assur ance that the mint will be able lo provide everyone with his oi lier full entitlement and there should he no need for ordinary collectors to pay high specula- live prices for these coin setsi everyone will be able to obtain their requirements of up to five sets at the issue price of 400 per set start series nature hikes a series of conducted nature hikes will be held for the pub lic in five conservation areas this coming saturday and sun day may 15 161 by the metro politan toronto and region conservation authority experienced authority per sonnel will serve as guides on the hikes which will take about one hour o complete along the picturesque nature trails in the areas where native wild ftowets trees and wildlife abound on saturday hikes will take place at the following areas greenwood 4 miles north of pickering on the greenwood road at 3 pm at claremont area in pickering twp 1 i miles north of 7 highway on 10 sideiond ai 3 pm and the boyd area near woodbridgo at 1 pm and 3 pm on sunday hikes will take place at the following areas alhion hills north of bolton on 50 highway at 3 pm boyd area at 1 pm and 3 pm clare mont area ai 1 pm glen haffy near mono mills and hwy at 1 pm and greenwood at 3 pm those taking part in the hikes will have an excellent op portunity to observe the flora and fauna of the respective locale there is no charge for the hikes only the nominal 50cent parking fee for cars persons wishing to take part in the hikes may obtain further information by telephoning the conservation authoritys offices al avcnup 55425 during normal office hours fireworks display monday may 24th at he stouffville memorial park sponsored by he royal canadian legion branch 459 stouffville ontario a house to house canvass will be held during the week of may 17th to 22nd to defray expenses bhbubbpmbhhhshhuhbhbbiiuhhhbbhephpijkpiiiiiillhhnbhqi township of whitchurch special garbage collection please take norice that on tuesday may 25th 1965 there will be a col lection of garbage other than the normal household waste for all resi dents in the musselmans lake garbage area kindly be governed accordingly thomas kerr clerk rri gormley ontario sbhbbbhhbb9bshbb9hb99hhhbbb9s9i1ssbhb9bbbhsbrb chiropractic viewpoint i posture and health part 2 as onethird of our iives is slept away a spring and mattress which give good firm support without sagging are important to keep your spine in line and tension free relax on your back or either side and avoid twisting the neck by positioning the pillow for the best head support or by using too thick pillows research has found tiat those who obey the rules for good posture are less liable to ill healih slumped shoulders abdominal sag with spinal curvatures and cramped body organs can aii decrease your bodys efficient functioning faulty posture interferes with normal weight bearing thus forcing an increased load on your muscles which results in chronic fatigue as well s3 decreased vitality and working ability a constant effort to maintain good posture coupled with reasonable exercise rest and food is usually rewarded with good carriage and a sense of well being if such efforts fail the faulty body architecture such as leg length variations spinal distortions and curvatures must be cor rected a chiropractor is competent to advise and care for postural problems business dibectoby auctioneers insurance w d atkinson ihone stouffville 6491134 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays off and means money in your pocket rhone stouffville 64014b4 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario markhnm po rh 2943161 or 6103686 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 8875311 address gormley ro accountants john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence wylie acres musselmans lake koad rr2 stouffville phone 6103114 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nova scotia building aurora telephone pa 79451 thos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service telephone 6102000 evenings gordon r birkett les clarke boh hassard willis taylor legal h reginald button qc barrister and solicitor notary public associate gordon oliver llb 33 main st w stouffville ont telephone stouffville mfljmo lawrence cohen ba llb barrister solicitor rr no 2 stoutlvllle ontario telephone 6402680 david a coon ba barrister solicitor notary public 33 main street west stoiiffvllle 6403530 evenings 6402103 paul w 1 m1ngay ba barrister solicitor l main street markham ont phone markham 2941123 2936461 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sat nights wed and fri for appointment call 6402472 margarets beauty lounge days tues thru sat niphls tues thurs fri for appointment call 6402932 45a main st w stouffville william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w ro box 820 phone 6402211 stouffville kennedy kennedy 67 richmond st w toronto barristers solicitors notaries ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 2941632 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime main street markham phone 2940666 chiropractors wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray by appointment 327 main st n markham ont telephone 2940701 j s dclaurier dc 201 main street west slouftyille ontario office hours by appointment only monday lo saturday telephone 6103562 robert w mcvey qc barrister solicitor suite 300 s7 richmond st w toronto markham phone 2942371 toronto phone 3630389 opticians howard g mills ro dispensing optician 286 main street west stouffville prescriptions filled appointments made thon 6403465 optometrists if richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre rfcnnc 6103722 for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday rest homes dental neil c smith lds dds office over canadian imperial bank of commerce telephone 6403083 stouffville graduate of university of toronto funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville continuous telephone service day or night phone slouffvilje 6402855 parkview home stoufmlles new home for senior citizens operated by mennonlte home association chartered as a nonprofit organization guest applications now bcinj received office open daily 2 to 5 pm box 910 stouffville rupert ava phone 6101911 evenings call 8875690 or 6401536 surveyors d h black ontario land surveyor 310 painted post dr corner of markliam rxl scarborough ont phone atlantle 282m bea 282450s