atlantic corrofunon f g felix game finance i tonce st rhd hto o-t- phone wih for office supplies its the tribune cream shippers for best results ship vour cream to stouffville creamery we pay two rents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call ihonc m0is22 cold storage lockers for rent stouffville creamery co avtvmvvvvvvmva tribune classified ads are tops volkswagen owners see vour factory trained mechanic in vandorf at don mills road hans heyd fina garage tel 7274390 special spring prices for example tuneup 400 full inspection j800 front end kinc and link pin 2acm1 complete clutch joh wpressure plate use and release bearine 3200 valve job 4500 courtesy cars available hmost dependable chopper built gehl72 chops nonstop pull he gehl 72 flail chopper along side any other make feature for feature round after round the 72 proves its right to be the leader herei why unwid fan blades and knives give exclusive cut-and- throw action oops dont thresh around theyre in cut then blown to the farthest wagon corner new easyswing drawbar adjusts right from the tractor beat no wrenches needed just pull the rope control to change chopper pulling positions for easy maneu vering in tight places flails ara reversible give full 6ft cut the 39 inter changeable flails are mounted in gangs and easy to witch theyre doubleedged for double chopping life powered double chopping after the crop is flailcut its augered directly to the unitized fan and knives here forage is cut again against an adjustable shear bar lets you cut as fast and short as needed these features and many tnore make the gchl 72 the best flail chopper you can buy malta 08 prove ri wrbh a demortrtion i reesor farm service uni0nville phone 8865265 on the farm front late spring requires special seeding care a a wall asricultural representative york county a late srjjiz require some special ei in wedinj here are a few thinss to consider in tryini to compensate for the delay and the backward weath er this is a rood vear to use a little extra fertilizer gettinz the crop off to a zood start can make a real difference in a short season natural nutrient re lease very slowly in a cold soil fertilizer out of a baz can keeo a plant zoinz until natural fer tility is available this is a zood vear to treat seed corn with an insecticide as it comes from the seed deal er corn is treated for sed de cay only this does not protect azainst root mazzots or wire- worms a further treatment of a mixture of two insecticides is necessary mixtures of diazinon and lindane are available the risk of damaze from inserts is zreater in a late cold sprinz this is a zood year to try some clear harley barley takes a few less days tn mature than oats mildew resistant varieties like york and herts should yield more feed per acre than t n the same field this is a zood year to try some foiaze direct seeded seedinz without a nurse crop is reliable and it will zive a zood yield of hay in the seedinz year sprayinz is necessary for weed control its a fair juess that winter damaze on hay fields has been worse than usual so a field or two direct seeded is eood insurance there is a lot of interest this year in sorzhum sudan hybrids as foraze insurance these are good emerzency crops but in my opinion they are beinz over rated fantastic claims are be inz made that they provide bet ter quality feed than a zood bay pasture mixture and that re- zrowth after ruttinz or pastur- inz is phenominal and that they outyirid any other crop well on quality ill still take zood alfalfa lezumes at the richt staze will put up more protein than any zrass re- crowth can be questioned too because osir tests on sorzhum sudan have shown hizhest yields from one cuttinz- and tests have also shown that corn will outyield these hybrids so sorzhum sudans can be quite useful but they will have tn do better to beat alfalfa and corn york county people will be interested ir the news that ed pearson who was here for sev eral years with moff cockhurn is movinz this sprinz to water loo county ed will transfer from ptindas county and will be in charze of the cntcnsion office in kitchener similar news is that tom clapp of kinz city will join our service this sprinz- tom will be the assistant azricultural represent ative in lanark county workinz out of the office at perth ihe siolfffviilt trjhm twsjay apnl 29 1965 pe 9 197 registered calves sold at oakville the seventh annual dairy calf sale held at hays farms international limited oakville april 19 saw 197 registered calves of six different breeds chanze hands the 197 head hrouzht a total of s31225 an averazc of s157 each which is 500 above the averaze of last years sale the 176 holstein calves sold for a total of s29730 averazinz 169 each which is 800 above the averazc for the holstein calves last year 2 ayrshire calves averazed 70 guernsey averazed s66 4 jer seys averazed sfi75n 8 short horns averazed 62 and 2 aber- deenanzus s130 the initial purpose of the sale is to provide a supply of rush quality calves which 4h boys and zirls can purchase at rea sonable prices it also serves as a source from which new breed ers can secure foundation stock and buyers from other countries can select zood blood lines fortyfive of the holstein calves brouzht 200 or more and thirteen of these sold for 300 or over the highest price was 525 paid by paul ekstein toronto to r r dennis of oak ridzes ontario for the s month old daughter of ebydale marcus oak ridzes marcus dolly her dam is the very good covista rosafe dolly the second highest price was 500 paid by bruce naylor maple ontario to r g ford son gait for an eizht months old heifer sired by rose vega prince and out of fordleigh grace governor patsy mr nay lor purchased twelve calves in cluding an eizht months old daughter of rosafe preceptor from shur gain farms ltd maple at s450 another from c h biake maple ontario at 400 one from o vv sinclair son brantford at s3s5 one from carl boynton nobleton ont at s350 one from d r mcintosh gait at 350 and one from arnold rife gait at 325 the bizzest buyer of the day was c m bottema indiana polis jnd who purchased a total of 43 head including one at 300 from tovell bros pa lermo ontario a total of 55 head went to usa and of these eighteen head went to orville enzst of cuyler n y sixteen head were sold for ex port to italy eight of these go ing to t taveggia of milan doc ailman says bradford fertilizers are not sold through dealers or warehouses but direct to you you tell us what you want you get what you want special mixes both plants have bssn enlarged and mechanized to give you the best in science with servic aurora telephone 7279421 holland landing locust hill telephone s95510s we deliver telephone 29429s4 try coop prescription- mixed seed weve taken hie juessworv out of hay and pasture seed selection now you can jet varieties mijed exactly right for htjher yields and bijser profits just ses your coooersfive soil and crop specialist discuss with him your particular hay or pasture reouirements acreaje type of soil drainage size of herd etc using department of agnculture recommendations as a basis he will recommend a mixture of highquality namevariety seeds these will be measured and blended with prescription accuracy in the exclusive coop seed mixer the result the seed mixture exactl ri for v farm cnmfuo seed is rnu routt lesr buy op stouffville coop phone 6401550 houstons for prescriptions drugs and sundries phone 6402222 wrtp twentytwo 1 main st g stouffviixe lawries school of safe driving serving markham stouffville areas free literature no obligation day or evening appointments cjaxkvcvrtciwvws coit 50th anniversary jtcviavvvvvkmavttwaxvvxvvvv and eizht tn j maranesi of brescia mr tavezzia bought a seven months old heifer from john v don burnside madoc ont at s310 and a five monlhs old heifer from eaton hall farm king city ont at s300 the group bought by 1 mara nesi was headed by an eight- monthsold heifer at 250 con- sizned by lawrnce wizle of kinzsville ontario floyd watts sons maltnn ont paid 375 tn blake lorne brown amherstburg for an 8 months old daughter of houck- hall mark don dolson nerval paid 350 to rudolph lenscn meaford for a three months old heifer currie moffat son tecswater paid 275 to peter g stein cookstown ont for a iuninr heifer loan rynard sunderland paid 260 to glen trudgen blenheim ont for a sovon months old calf a h mcphedran f- son rockwnod ont paid s250 to chester fer ris ml hope ont for a seven months old heifer other high prices included s260 recived by e a tnnes brantford from bruce naylor maple ont for a senior heifer calf 250 received by the onta rio reformatory guelph ont for each of two calves sold lo t taveggia milan italy s275 received by e lames porteous owen sound from orville enzst cuylet k y s275 received by tames c reid georgetown from bruce naylor 260 receiv ed by stewarthavcn farms st catharines ont from t ta veggia milan 270 received by peter welch picton from orville enzst cuylet n y 260 received bv louis m wood troy from c m botte- 55 girls from the stouffville area left monday night by bus to attend a giant canadian girls in training rally held at maple leaf gardens in toronto the zirls forming part of york countys contribution to the rally marched from bloor and church sts to the gardens in a huge parade the rally was held in honour of cgits 50th year in opera tion present at she gathering were president donna knox secre tary beth paisley and members linda wright beverly hamer- ston nclda booth betty lamor- eaux karen hamilton lanire smith kathy bacon sharon ma indianapolis ind and 225 received by o w sinclair son brantford from earl n hewitson owen sound lintner denise holdcn sharon sinclair christine jack leslie j connell karen dedlow ann duxbury marg birkett jean davidson brenda johnston dianne holden lois farthing connie slack delight winter- stein vicki roberts marsha wagg jane thomas donna wright gail goudie lois chambers nancy murphy susan schell trudy cadieux lynne badzero linda davis carol corner joy barker san dra pipher joyce sinclair bev erly aiken tyrellann holden arlene yakely marilyn dani els debbie sellers laurie nor ton colleen hiles and anne middleton the leaders in attendance were mrs lorraine steckley mrs marie jack mrs helen taylor mrs irene slack miss cheryl mckean miss joanne stouffer miss carol cossey and mrs june button phone direct 2942212 ffli dr grand prize winners vday off mm starting this week 3 cash hew prizes prizes are announced on air i day sorry no substitutes r toeemwzm ip hundreds of oklam in gajh prizis l w vacation fob i at biowin inn 5 ii admibau eohtablj tv jt sunbeam elictbio hidoi trimmers iphs ruectbic floor conditioners ki aialy eoatureerolc mattresses v ft jtunheam electric toothbrush wm m sunbeam electric aweepkrs bt ova caravelle watches v bulova electric razor aadtm2g frigidaire sffisk dishmobile white or cracked wksat limit ft rr fwtonwr ik- 07- loaves iga oven fresh bread 0f ka first gnace 118 prist royal gold butter rranuiatep 11lb bab white sugar ljoz crefros m corn tuff l07 trix 1207 wheatifs big g cereal nefr nrtterep i07 tins libby corn avimer ihoz tins tomato soup 3 lor 2 for 4 for 59 55 85 89 39 45 loin roast 0 pork frigidaire automatic washer and dryer fresh pork loin sale bib portion ilb at lb 3jb tenderloin m rfjfc 9 49 lb 69c centre cut loin roast or chops shecthf rindlmi burns shamrock side bacon 1lb pkg 69c burns pure pork sausage 1lb pkg 49c burns wieners vacuum packed 1 lb 49c a hearty enkbgy food canada no 1 grade pei potatoes nn 69t 2 jumbo size 24s 39e snow white head 39c 2 doz sise 251 79e vrnan ot usa cn no 1 crd crisp celery prdnr f usa cun v i gmdi cauliflower bentinr iul jolet florida oranges choice halves is 71b kir rit iey peaches 4 20oz hereford corned beef 12oz fin m club house peanut butter 16oz jar 3 kraft canadian cheese slices 16oz pkg 51 walkers 5altine5 1lb pkg w hospitality strawberry rhubarb pie ea sh orange pekoe iga tea bags pkg of 60 5 evaporated carnation milk 3 tall tins m ratclsffs iga f00duner stouffville save these extra tapes for free gifts or eaton merchandise certificates receive an extra iihihi bonus tape with mir liquid detergent receive an extra bonus tape with e d smith ketchup 15 hm monarch flour surf detergent orr receive an extra l8 bonus tape with frozen orange juice ou gou u- h vicoora setd sliced cooked ham tablerite rk spinach crisp green loi pkr prices effectie apr 28 29 30 may l we reserve the right to limit quantities