i pjjt 2 the stowfvjue tribune ttovuy april 1 1965 editorial a brighfe every week the tribune reports incidents out of magistrates court in which persons many of them young boys are involved last week it was indeed refreshing to receive and to read about a 13 year old un- ionville iad who will be honoured for bravery in the rescue of a boxer dog from the icy waters of a deep pond someone in that community ap parently reported the heroic act of richard rick blundell to the on tario humane society and they were quick to investigate the story and make the subsequent award the part that disturbs us is that if this organization had not seen fit to make a presentation to this boy r side his action might have gone unnoticed and unpublicized by the same token if a lad 16 years old or older is in volved in a minor crime before the courts his act becomes common knowledge throughout the commun ity in a matter of days we would far sooner write about feats of heroism than incidents of crime any day and the public in gen eral can assist in this end a it takes is a simple telephone call pages of crime reports roll out of the courts every day of the week at unionville a boy risks his life to save a dog it happened in february 1964 and was publicized in march 1965 and only by a stroke of c at that what will it mean recently both editorially and in news reports we have been extolling the good fortune of the pickering twp location for the new nuclear- powered hydro generating station last week a claremont district resident took the time and trouble to question pickerings socalled good fortune and asked the following questions can we expect that this installation will carry its share of the municipal tax load in exactly the same relationship to its assessed value in private industry will it pay full rate for its services and if not how much will it pay in taxes and for services we havent the answers and we wonder if those within the ranks of council have the figures on paper we put through a longdistance telephone call to the ontario hydro office at willowdale and we were asked to submit a duplicate copy of the letter and an official reply would be returned for publication we would suggest however that ontario hydro will not pay its share in di rect taxation in relationship to its assessed value in private industry what the per centage will be is still to be revealed but we will pass on the information when it comes through with the average ratepayer its still a question of dollars and cents and our thanks to mr w g duncan of claremont rr2 for bringing out thi3 point we can do better last year the stouffville lion3 club mailed out a total of 2500 en velopes in connection with their an nual appeal for funds for crippled children the total return from this mailing was 5123065 or an average of 49c the round figure of over twelve hundred dollars may look fine and dandy but the 49c amount makes us look pretty small how does stouffville compare with other towns in the district well the markhamunionville lions club collected 259560 for a 70c av erage per mailing agjncourt lions 2800 or 56c woodbridge rotary 163386 or 91c and port hope 400375 or 70c as you can see stouffville is far from the best and yet we are much higher than some also this com munity bettered the marks set by richmond hill aurora newmarket uxbridge and pickering but we can do much better we feel that recipients of the pink envelopes have a tendency to put them to one side a kind of do it next day chore but next day never comes the easter seal campaign is a very worthwhile program promoted here by the stouffville lions club look up that buried pink envelope and mail your contribution big or small to dr jerome delaurier main st w stouffville do it today the service is worth the cost r although the exact cost to date of completing test drills for a new water service in town has not been revealed it is now likely past the 3000 mark some members of the local public utilities commission have ex pressed concern over this rising fig ure with no results to show for the money spent we feel that there is yet no cause for alarm the ultimate goal of this project is to locate a well to supply a town of plus 3500 people it would only be by sheer good for tune that we would come on such a strike on the first second or even third attempt some municipalities spent many thousands of dollars in search of water but it was only a drop in the bucket to the service that is now available to them it may be that the puc will have to forsake the convenience of a local well site and go farther afield for their supply whatever the de cision no one will oppose money spent in this kind of program even if results are not immediately evi dent should receive council support a majority vote of the 7member centennial committee has recom mended the construction of a new park entrance on the site of the for mer anglican church property in town the issue was finalized friday afternoon after nearly two hours of discussion the recommendation will now be brought before council for its approval we hope that this body will give the project the green light prior to the committees vote on the park entrance program the pros and cons of the issue were considered most thoroughly members stated their views honestly and voted we believe in the best interests of the town and its residents excluding the chairman it was 42 in favour of the park entrance a museum is not included we feel that the centennial com mittee is to be commended for its interest and enthusaism and we hope that its efforts have not been in vain m for office supplies its the tribune i txhu ertbiutr kstabi1shkd 1si member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association authority sfonflaa mill rmtolftes pit ottw member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 400 elsewhere 600 c k oux publisher ms tnomak kdilor jas mckkan advertising tribune publisher visits grave of sir winston chorchil by c h nolan i visited the grave of sir winston churchill to me the most striking impression after having seen on tv the grandeur and pomp of the state funeral given britains greatest son was the simpleness of the great mans final resting place at bladon impressive too was the fact that even yet some weeks now since the burial people were still lining up at the narrow little gateway into the bladon church yard the trip was made by taking a train from london to oxford and then to bladon by bus un- hydro continually attacks power line initiator contamination a continuous drive to eradi cate contamination on power line insulators is being speedily and effectively carried out by ontario hydro line forces in metro toronto and nearby municipalities of central regi on the attack has been accelerat ed greatly in recent years by the adoption of modern equipment which enables the commissions linemen to do the job nearly five times as fast as hefore a jet stream of air and clean wat er is blown under high pressure to wash contamination from power line insulators this work is carried out on live power lines without service interruption to customers salt spray collects the major attack by hydro work forces is on road salt spray that collects on power line insulators during winter this has become more acute in recent years with construction of the overhead sections of the gardiner expressway because transmission lines parallel this main artery when insulators become coated with salt of other grime the yfrequently arc in wet weather and cause power outages the novel idea of using a combination of air and pure water under pressure was the answer to hydros problem of speeding insulator cleanup work such a stream does not conduct electricity so linemen can direct the stream at a pres sure of 1000 pounds per square inch on to insulators of power line conductors of 27600 up to 230000 voltages without danger the introduction of a standard fiveton truck equipped with a 700 gallon lank and a hydraulic lift insulated bucket also has aided greatly in speeding up the work cover many municipalities now insulator washinj crews travel along the streets of metro toronto also other municipalities such as oshawa whitby ajax bowmanville aurora newmarket richmond hill brampton woodbridge toronto township oakville and georgetown where there are 27600 volt transmission lines washing down the power line insulalors in a regular program they also cruise along and wash down the power line conductors on transmission lines of higher voltages like those along the gardiner expressway on vonge street 11 hwy on 2 high way and 7 highway as well as at transformer stations and at high tension cable junctions their attack is against the grime on insulators from facto ries cement and chemical indus tries diesel fume oil from trucks and buses also exhaust grease and oil slicks from apartment buildings and especially in win ter iho salt spray that drifts up in clouds often as high as foriv feel from roadways that have been treated to remove ice i fortunately we missed the blad on bus and had to go by the woodstock line and hike by foot from the main highway to the village a fiveminute walk said the bus man but ill swear even a good miler couldnt do it in less than twen ty there was plenty of pedes trian company making the same pilgrimage its a tiny little village and the only thing that didnt ap pear centuries old was a new tarvia walk leading by the graveside on the one church door was a tiny slot and a small simple sign asking for contributions to a fund for restoration of the old church the grave itself was most simple no marker yet of any kind a few flowers and one wreath of the 5th hussars sir winstons old regiment it was a sunny day and across the fields through the haze one could see blenheim palace the birth place of mr churchill back to london again and a walk over the funeral route from westminster hal at the parliament buildings along fleet st and up ludgate hill to st pauls on ludgate hill is one of the few bombed out areas still in evidence it was a unique experience to stand in st pauls under the great dome where only a few short weeks ago stood royalty the heads of many states at sir winstons funeral four thousand were crowded into the cathedral for the service now it was all quiet again historys moment was over in a corner stood the great ebony wood candle holders us ed the last time at wellingtons funeral the small table from which dwight eisenhower and prime minister menzies paid their tributes before a battery of microphones had been clear ed away it was a wonderful experi ence to stand in these revered places and let the whole scene pass again in the minds eye sugar by bill smiley dont knock the teens a columnist on a big city dally recently fired a salvo at high school students the intrepid journalist gave them both barrels with no holds barren as an irishman might put it hfc had been speaking to groups of high school students xrom middle and upperincome homes he took a very dim view of the kids suggesting that they havent learned manners have no sense of hdventure are terribly sheltered terribly staid terribly sad and empty im sorry he received this impression of todays youth it is not at all the one i have received in five years as a high school teacher and several years as a parent of teenagers in he same column lie managed to convey the idea dial he was none of those things of which ho accused the students that he was in fact a hell of a fella who had lived life to the full lets face the charges one by one bad manners my per sonal experience is ihat their manners on the whole are better than those of their parents they can be cruel when they are thoughtless but generally they are more sensitive to the feel ings of others than are adults no sense of adventure hes all wet one of my students headed across the continent on a bicycle others plan to go to africa or asia for the peace corps another swiped his old mans ear picked up two sidekicks and took off for mexico my own son ran awsy last summer and hitchhiked to quebec after id expressly forbidden such a jaunt from every direction come wails of alarm that students will try anything hot cars drinks drugs sex and this man says theyve no sense of adventure what they have is too much of it terribly shelerd he says nonsense we fry to shchcr them from the sordid the harmful the evil as we see them but the only teenager who is sheltered in this age is a kid who lives in a rappers shack in the wilderness with two maiden aunls and is kept chained to his bed until hes 20 theyre a inl less sheltered than i was at that age and a lot heller able o cope with reality as a resull terribly staid he says poppycock theyre conformists ill admit as far as fads nd fashions go but i scarcely think id call those writhing screaming masses at a beatle show staid theyre almost as unstaid as their old ladies were swooning over sinatra or their grannies wilting over bing crosby terribly sad he says baloney admitted they can he deeply touched because the hearts are not yet hardened they can be terribly sad sometimes but they can be wildly exultant too how long is it since youve been truly joyful jack the kids are much more man emotionally than adults because they have not learned those grownup horrors the control the stiff upper lip the smothering of the flame and he claims ihey are empty kmply of what t dishonesty greed selfdelusion cruelly selfishness ruthlessness im afraid hes right but they arc full of a lot of things that have pretty well gone out of style villi adults pity love joy fun unselfishness honesty idealism loyalty dont worry im not soft on teenagers i have two of my own and sometimes they drive me right up the wall across the celling and down the other side i teach about 140 of them dally and there are days when i rould go into class with a tommy gun and mow them all down but theyre people and if i have to associate with people i think id as soon associate with them as with any other class of the species roamin around recently we visited the site of a muchpubliched multi- family tenement house in the nearby comrainitv of altona we wished to learn firsthand of the condtions there that prompted the filing of rather critical reports by dr r j st john medi cal officer of health in uxbridge and mr walter smith fire chief of stouffville we talked with one ladv resident in the building and although she did not request that her name be kept confidential we feel that in all fairness she should remain anonymous if condtions in the building are below par at the present time and we feel they are then one can visualize the plight of the tenants when 10 adults and 33 children once occu pied the premises as of last week onlv three families includ ing 15 children are still in the structure one girl onlv 15 years old recently became a mother thus adding to the child popula tion from what we could learn the rem fee ranges between 40 and s50 per month depending on whether the tenant or the owner pays the hydro the furnace once a sawdustburner has been converted to oil and improvements have been made in the electrical system the building is still only served bv two toilets one upstairs and another on a lower floor if you think that is bad now said the lady you ought to have seen it when we had 43 here we had to stand in line how docs such a problem get its start ir a semirural community 7 large families no work welfare and low rent in that order rets the stage for a situation that sooner or later must be looked into bv authorities sometimes such a check comes too late a fire in this house with no upstairs exterior exit and 33 children would have been a tragedy who is to blame the parents the owner the township or the public in general unfortunately parents of nine children have difficulty in finding accommodation of anv kind let alone decent quarters that come within the means of a monthly welfare cheque the owner in this case s not happv with the situation but he is hesitant to turn anv familv out on the road often the tenants fall bohind ir their rent and under these condtions it is difficult to keep his premises in a good state of repair hes just too easy said the lady informant thats where hes run into trouble the uxbridge twp coun cil has under recommendations from health and fire authorities set certain standards for the owner to follow but they too are only another link in a revolving circle of unfortunate circum stances the public in general is quite unsympathetic and even apathetic quick to criticize but unwilling to help what is the answer 7 there is no real remedy our main concern is for the children involved and where conditions warrant we feel that an authority higher than that at the municipal level should be consulted a sure sign of spring is when the dogs begin running in packs in claremont if we indicated in last weeks column that we had dubious thoughts concerning the art of water switching we would like to dispel that idea from our readers minds here and now on saturday we watched such a man apply the skill of his trade and the result was downright amazing wm pegg baker avenue is a water diviner he used a vshaped branch from any fruit tree or willow and is equally successful with a wire or live raspberry cane he has switched for water all the way from unionville to whitby and is currently attempting to find an adequate source of supply for stouffville the fee for this service runs from s3 to s10 depending on the distance travelled and the time spent on the job hes been doing it now for 20 years mr pegg suggests that there is a lively stream running right under their baker avenue home and to prove it he walked down the hallway with a branch held tightly in both hands at one distinct spot the twig turned sharply downward as proof that this was no optical illusion we held onto the branch and we walked in unison across the house in spite of extreme pres sure the twig turned from a horizontal to a vertical position some still dont believe in it but its been proven correct hs said he said that he can guarantee that there is water avail able but cannot always stipulate the quantity or the under ground level mr pegg struck an artesian well near goodwood and found another source at audley that cut through the centre of a farm barnyard between two dry wells he noted that quite often a man will purchase a tenacre residential lot and then as a sort of afterthought begin to wonder if there is sufficient well water available he said that in the majority of cases he has been able to detect an andequate supply when mr pegg wasnt looking we tested our skill with the apple branch all alone and believe it or not we could feel a definite downward pull we havent quite reached the stage of switch ing perfection to sign a permanent contract with the puc we think that the management of the girls hockey team in stouffville is missing out on a good thing when they doni file a club and a queen entry in the annual tournament at auiston we see where ajax sent linda mccord to the competi tion and uxbridge put forward cheryl paradlne stouffville had somn real cute kids in their lineup this season who could match for or however theyre judged with any in ihe business its a fine promotion one that receives countrywide publicity and stouffville should be included any who bypassed last wednesday nights nhl telecast and watched cbc festival on channel 6 would have caught a fine performance by a local resident mrs ted roderman stouffville rr 3 the title of the play was two terrible women and mrs roderman played the lead female role she resides on the tenth line north of main street mr win petty of cherrywood has established quite record in that community hes been operating the same garage on the same site for the past 48 years starting away back in 1917 the richmond hill radio station had the scoop of the year when on a recent bulletin announcement they broadcasted a report straight from ottawa concerning the exact day when opposition leader john diefenbaker would step down from office as we all know hes still very much the top dog in the federal conservative ranks and from his recent speech in toronto he apparently intends to stay in his same regard hey say thai everyone has a double wc dont know if gord hoiisscr ninth line soulli ever strums a guitar 1ml hes he spitting image of geo jones of grand ol opry country music fame the slouffville sales arena was doing a bustling business on saturday with large crowds in attendance one farmer told us that he arrived with a load of 40 bantams and had them all sold only a few feet inside he gale weve purchased our ieltct o he stouffville players per formance doctor in the house o be prescnlcd on april 8th and 0th in he vcerans hall we hope o write a critics report on this 3nct comedy and hen go ino summer hibernation residents will lose one hours sleep on sunday april 25th when daylight saving time goes into effect at 2 am with he fire ruck parked in trout of he bacon home on church sireel saturday smoke pouring ou of he doors and windows and men clad in rubber coals running breathlessly in and out of he structure one speeaor arrived on he scene and asked whats he rouble the sunday school bus service o the baptist church in own every sunday morning is working out very well accord ing to the pastor rev gordon gooderliam at the present lime about 40 children are using it and the total sunday school attendance has increased by about twenty boys and girls wc took a peek inside he former raxlln sfore on main srcct where a major renovation job is currently in progress mr herb krlng certnlnly one of this towns most enterprising merchants has acquired he properly and plans lo transform it inlo a nins modern place of business the christian and religion a mknnonitk viewpoint we can be religious but not christian the term religion can in clude all of the worlds faiths aside from this fact all too many people who profess to be christian are religious but not christian the apostle james says if any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue but deceivcth his own heart this mans religion is vain this suggests a form of religion where the life is not changed is not enough religion alone mav reform us it may make us morally above reproach it may make us active workers in the church it may make us appear to be chrlstans hut religion alone is not enough hie bible in the parable of he good samaritan gives us an example of dead religion the priest and the levltc reveal a religion that has lost its purpose and meaning the good samari tan represents the saving and transforming power which is available in jesus christ the son of god it is only as we allow christ to perform in us the work of regeneration and as wc experi ence ihe spiritual new birth and as we make him lord of our lives that we can be trans formed and become truly chris tian