i gormley news mr c mintd days with her parents mr and we welcome mr and mr mrs harold doner kenneth maclean and son who rev l k sider attended the i have moved into the home on j general conference of the unit- doner st that they purchased cd missionary church in elk- from mr frank nicob this is hart indiana last week the house where mr and mrs i kev and mrs lloyd deeks don weeks lived until a few and son of willowdale had din- months ago j ner on sunday with mr and tte also welcome mr and mrs mrs s n doner rev deeks r woud and children who have f had charge of thesunday serv- rented the berry house on the town line congratulations to mr and mrs geo banns whose third daughter was born at york county hospital newmarket on mar it mrs frank harvey came home from york county hospi tal newmarket on tuesday in the very high wind on wednesday night part of the roof was blown off the barn at ices at the um church miss reatha briuinger of to ronto spent the weekend with mrs frank harvey mr max hazel spent sunday with his son and daughter-in- law mr and mrs derek hazel and family of kingston mr and mrs g campey and sons spent sunday with mr and mrs norman campey of trenton recent viitors of mr and the nessary farm and the i mrs geo french were mrs coke machine was lifted off the clifford winger mrs russel milsted verandah and thrown heise mr and mrs orland on the pavement teal of springvale mr ross congratulations to mr and briuinger mr and mrs harold mrs david bennett who were schiedel of kitchener and bis- married on sat mar 20 in j hop and mrs byers of cham- palmcrston united church j bcrsburg pa mrs paul heise and mrs i mrs archie duncan moved vernon mcllroy of palmorsion recently to the home she pur- spent a couple of days with chased in slouffville their sister mrs frank bennett j mr robert cober who is at- mr and mrs clifford winger tending the david lipscomb and ivan mr walter kelly college in nashville tenn is mr and mrs jos wldemaii spending this week with his mr and mrs harold widemari mother mrs john cober mr ralph baker mr and mrs ralph empringham and ronald and rev and mrs roy nigh keith and helen were guests at the bennett wedding at palmcr ston on saturday mr and mrs john sollen- bcrger mr and mrs frank wingerd and bishop and mrs c b byers all of chambers- burg pa had sunday dinner with the misses henderson mr and mrs harold schiedel of kitchener spent the weekend with rev and mrs alvin wing er mrs john bond of markham spent sunday with mr and mrs harold doner mr jack horner who lived in gormley for several years with mr and mrs ralph baker was buried on monday at queens- ville cemetery mr horner had lived in nova scotia for a num ber of years miss fern doner nurse-in- training at the east general glen major mr and mrs albert lee is lington spent the weekend with mr j a hingston mr and mrs ralph faulkner spent saturday evening with the faulkner children in stouftville mr and mrs howard lang- ille and boys visited saturday with mr and mrs george pick ett mr ross walls and friend of brooklin visited sunday with mr and mrs jim jones kevin holman brooklin is spending some time with his grandparents mr and mrs ed gar johnson while his mother is in the hospital with a new baby sister mr and mrs clare mcguck- in and family stouftville mrs percy pugh and stan of good wood visited sunday with mr girl guides of canada 1st gormley guide and brownie thinking day ceremony hospital toronto spent several i and mrs ralph faulkner 2 or 3 bedroom brick bungalow must be close to shopping ec iot should be large enough to have a garden my client has sold his farm and is pre pared to pay up lo 1100000 cash if property is suitable also a 3 or 4 bedroom house with up lo 10 acres within a 10 mile radius of stouftville a barn preferred but not essential if you have such a property and wish to sell please contact peter wallcy at 64020s2 or write box si9 stouftville ont thos n shea ltd guides and brownies stand ing alternately formed a large horseshoe inside toward the base of it stood a large elevat ed world globe with white red green blue and yellow ribbons extending fanshape to 5 white candles in silver dishes in the centre of the horseshoe and re presenting the 5 continents forming another smaller horse shoe around the other side of the globe stood small gold wooden stands closer to the open end was the brownie toadstool atop which was a big snowywhite candle this was the friendship candle with the world flag emblem under the toadstool sat the brown owl keeping guard over the large gold trefoil moneybox to the right of all this were pictures of lord and lady badenpow ell before which was a yellow candle next were pictures of our internationa guide homes and a green candle to the left of the toadstool were the guide promise with a turquoise can dle and the guide laws with a red candle at the opening of the horse shoe stood the leaders and di rectly behind them was the world flag guarded by three lifesize dolls dressed two as guides and one as a brownie the stage was set captain began the script the strength of our nation lies in its youth this was said by lord badenpowell many years ago and was used as a corner stone in his scouting for boys from this beginning sprang guiding in 1909 and it has spread throughout the world division commissioner we are celebrating today the joint birthdays of our founder lord badenpowell and of our world chief guide lady badenpow ell this day is better known to guides and brownies the world over as thinking day i light this candle in memory of the founders lights yellow cand le one of his great wishes was that guides and scouts working together everywhere might help build a lasting peace in the world dislrict commissioner gui ding spread across the ocean and soon there were guides from one end of canada to the other i light this red candle for all the rangers guides brownies la members and many others of our guide fam ily in canada lieutenant now there are guides on every continent in the world and we have four international homes olave house in london england our chalet in switzerland our ca bana in mexico and last but not least sangam in india i light this green candle for all the kind and generous people who have helped guiding on its way over the past fifty years captain thinking day is the day we take to remember guides all over the world dif fering in details of uniform and halfpast teen programme but united in our promise and law i light this turquoise candle to kep that promise and law shining brightly throughout the world company leader to link us all together the world associa tion was formed and a symbol of this is the world flag now we take this time to remember all our sister guides throughout the world here the names of all the member countries were called out one at a time and a brownie or guide came for ward and placed a small doll dressed in the uniform of that country and the countrys flag on one of the gold stands ar ound the worldglobe white owl as guiding grew so our younger sisters wanted to join and thus the brownies were born now whiie the russi orbit ac brownies love to remember robalie cosmonauts and the birthdays and birthdays are americans send ordlt char days of lights and candles so astronauts into space some here brownies come forward prcttv wonderfui things gre matousv the stouffvuie tribune tburxby mitch 25 1965 ha 13 cedar grove news to light the candles at the ends of the coloured ribbons jean rumney lit the candle at the red ribbon for all the guides and brownies on the continent of europe wendy hart green for africa patty rice white north and south america deb bie watson- blue asia kathy thornton yellow australia then the brownie pack leader taking brown owls place read the brownie thinking day greeting captain as girls grew too old for guides the rangers were formedland sea and air here the rangers stepped for ward to show the uniforms it was soon found that guiding had something to offer the blind and handicapped girl so we now have extension guides for them girls in isolated pla ces were not forgotten and were soon enrolled as lone or post guides guiding offers a programme of fun and training based on democracy and aimed at making good citizens it helps us feel one with other guides from all over the world during the last war cana dian guides helped their sister guides in other lands through the empire guide gift fund which was later changed to the world friendship fund this fund helps guiding anywhere in the world and so we light this candle candle atop the toadstool as this candle burns brightly we hope to keep guiding burning brightly throughout the world now our guides and brownies will take a walk around our world and place their pennies in the gold trefoil for the friendship fund anyone who wishes may do nate to this fund to help guid ing the world over at the conclusion of the cere mony division commissioner mrs p rumney presented to mrs c hornby the warrant of lieutenant 1st gormley guide company then followed a short candlelit campfire ses sion guide and brownie taps and dismissal by mrs rumney happoning to some of our earth bound people yvonne housser won the 1000 baxter purchase award at the ontario society of art ists 93rd annual exhibition this is a splendid accomplish ment since her painting was chosen from 77 entries and wiii hang in the toronto art gal lery title of the pointing is spring stirs the earth and must surely have been inspired dur ing her years in cedar grove but cedar grove can take an other bow this week jo pirdir- amo won honourable mention for best actor in the prelimin aries of the simpson drama festival on friday night mark- ham hs was competing against west hill and st michaelsst josephs productions it is inter esting that the play chosen was endgame by samuel beckett and is one of the theatre of the absurd school it was chosen and directed by frank liebeck a grade 13 student at mdhs and has only four players it is a fascinating horrible absorb ing and difficult play a satire on our world situation it is to nc hoped that it will be on view in the high school so we can see what these talented young people have done notes about neighbours we welcome another son into the home of lome and carol smith this week early sunday morning dick dare is on the broken list with a broken collarbone sustained while playing hockey adeline naomi ina and an nie recsor have returned from a wonderful visit with wayne and margaret they went by train to winnipeg and then had 350 miles to go from there but every minute was thoroughly enjoyed gordon dimma celebrated his 87th birthday on march 13 and enjoyed a hockey game in toronto with the harold lapps many happy returns of the day mr and mrs dare sr not on ly attended the st patricks party at st patricks church last week and not only were they the life of the party but they also came home with the prizes the euchre series came to a close last monday with margar et coathup and allan jefferson taking home the series prizes night winners were vera taylor mrs ed williams mrs mildred wilby allan jeffer son henry ogden and levi coathup dates to remember march 29th monday com munity club will be held at the home of marg and les mil- roy march 30th tuesday the 5th annual laymans banquet will be held in zion church at 645 pm bob dowse president of york presbytery laymen will be present and mr ranee saun ders chairman of the muskoka sands laymans conference will be the guest speaker mu sic will be provided by a local quartet all the gentlemen in the community are invited april 2 friday cgit will be held in the church at 4 pm april 18th sunday the youth groups of zion church will have a sunrise service at 630 am easter sunday morn ing breakfast will be served following the service and the young people invite all who wish to attend to join them if you plan on going please con tact either alleyne worden 2942117 or dorothy miller 2946647 before april 11th tiiiormoexgr by the creators of the bouquef invitation line thermoengkavixo is rich raised lettering dutinctivo to sec luurious o the touch os elegen as you could possbly wish tkermoexgkavixg has thot ind viduol loolt that iti epet no crcftsmonshp but it isnt neorly cs costly as youd expect only about hof os much in fact many other styles from which to choose tribune office supplies telephone 6402100 6402101 on sunday afternoon mrs ernest stccklcy visited her son reesor in humbcr memorial hospital where he is having treatment for injuries received when struck by a car recently sunday evening supper guests with mr and mrs harv ey widcman were mr and mrs clarence heatwole and son last week mr william em pringham entered the ortho paedic and arthritic hospital 43 wellesley st e where he has undergone bone surgery his room number is 408 miss hazel atkinson of stay- ncr visited a few days last week with mr and mrs allan em pringham mr and mrs harry hunt and boys were saturday evening dinner guests with mr and mrs ron elliot and family of gormley one of the newer residents of bethesda is the family of john and irene gordon with their 2 very attractive daughters di ane 17 years and donna 13 years of age the gordons acquired land on the bethesda side road off the 5th concession they have established a new home and stables to accommodate 8 hors es the stable was built from a plan provided by the dcpt of animal husbandry with a view to providing the best in com fort for the horses the family believe in that old rdage a family will stay to gether that plays together this the gordon family do to the fullest the gordon family hobby is the care and training of and love of animals they have acquired two horses three dogs and two cats the riders of the family arc the two daugh ters diane began to ride horres at the age of 12 and it has since become her full time interest this interest was aided by- membership in the internation al pony club diane is now a fully qualified competitive equestrian having participated in many horse shows and ral- j lies with a total of 45 ribbons including 4 ribbons at the roy al winter fair her steel grey mount a thoroughbred gelding named nicklcx nick had an illustrious sire acara who was winner of the queens plate a few years ago close behind in this interest is her 13 year old sister donna who has also through member ship in the pony club acquired a keen interest in horseman ship and is presently training a new member of the family ro bin o day bobby a 5 year old registered hunter the gordons new home and stable will be known as the didonna farm and will be a busy spot this summer as dianne plans on gi ving riding instructions to as piring riders plus the boarding and training of horses new books in library the burden of god gillcs marcottc lord haw haw and william joyce j a cole markings dag hammarskjold a rortune in the junk pile dorothy jenkins the lost colony edison marshall rasputin and the fall of the romanovs colin wilson complete plays of goergc ber nard shaw history of the english speaking people winston churchill your heredity and environ ment amram schenfield juvenile drums in my heart mildred lawrence one of the family catherine magec the melon patch mystery flavia gag the wild swans fly pauline lnnls mystery at lynx lodge joan scagcr the young reporter max braithwaitc big city office junior scott young tv career girl june dennis jenny kimura betty cavirma lemonville sunday evening at 730 mr a zeidman of the scott mission will be guest in the lemonville church mrs d sheridan will be soloist this promises to be a wonderful fellowship service and an invitation is extended to everyone come and bring your friends mrs a hartwick mrs lang mrs m preston and mrs m turner were lunch guests with the guides and brownies st patricks day in stouftville mrs g wells entertained sev eral neighbours in honour of mrs m turner friday on the occasion of her birthday linda hunter recently took part in the flyup ceremony with ballantrae guides she is now a member of this guide croup mr and mrs j gibbins of toronto visited with mrs j gibbins on friday mr and mrs h nauia and family mr and mrs j nauta and family spent friday evening with mr and mrs vanvlcet for a birthday celebration sunday guests with mr and mrs b burton were mr and mrs burton sr mr and mrs a burton mr and mrs patti- son and marsha and mr wm mccarthy over tile evening dinner hour the lemonville quintette made alex barris column in the telegram monday evening hope you didnt miss it mr and mrs b burton en joyed saturday evening with a group of friends at the st fran cis room toronto where mr wally koster has been special guest and entertainer for the past two weeks mr and mrs morris smith and family enjoyed the per formance of my fair lady in toronto friday evening word has been received from rev and mrs allan grose an nouncing the arrival of their son at st johns newfound land congratulations to the happy family the community north of lemonville was in darkness for several hours wednesday even ing although we missed the power for a short time mr and mrs c hood will iniss much more the beautiful evergreen in their front yard which fell on the lines during the height of the storm mr and mrs chas preston will celebrate their rsh wed ding anniversary this week they both enjoy good health and we wish them the very best of happiness during the coming year mrs j nauia estextaised dr and mrs s s crouch on tues day evening at the conclusion of a stewards meeting to remem ber them both with birthday greetings mr and mrs compsall and family of kingston spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs a hartwich mr and mrs c hood were to see the performance of my fair lady on friday evening mr reg gibbins and peter mr grant wells and kevin wayne forsyth attended the hockey game tuesday evening at the bell arena weston bloomingtqn miss doris ncsbitt attended the banquet for 3rd year stu dents of tbc at park plaza toronto rev and mrs wilkinson and family of aurora were guests of mr and mrs j smith last monday mr jerry tranmer of variety village spent the weskend with his parents mr and mrs j k tranmer mrs r snowball who is stay ing with miss norah stapleton stouftville was at her daugh ters mr and mrs elmer bur netts mrs e lemon and son mr jonathan lemon celebrated their birthdays on march 11th a unique happening for same date congratulations to mr and mrs wilfred ferguson who are having their 25th wedding anni- ooooooooo markham fh 2943355 roxy markham ph 2943355 zast too days dont miss it i thuhsdav fbiday makch 25 26 father goose caby grant leslie cabon tbevob howard in technicolor 2 shows each evening 7 pjn 910 pan starts saturday mte mon tues wed mabch 27 si one of the best and most controversial films of the year the americanization of emily julie andrews james garner melvyn douglas 2 shows each evening at 7 pm 915 pm admission adults l00 children s5c adult entertainment j woooo e3sss3333833s333s333ss3sssssssss33838s83sssgs3 at your carload food mkt laylmer tomato wuues stouftville kaspbekky or strawberry catsup strawberry aylmer jam kelloggs corn flakes jug milk homo 55c plus deposit is oz mi 29c 24 oz jar 4c 12 oz pkg 59 14 oz pkg 45c 2 49c this weeks meat features mesh shankless picnics lb 35c fresh pork butts lb 45c mjrjvsjr itiim ljj too side bacon fresh sliced lb pkg 59c p0bk liveh lb 27c hamburg 3 lbs 100 grapefruit oranges size 180 grade c maclntosh apples 10 for 69c 2 doz 85c bushel 250 jet spray 15 oz 65c store hours thursday till 9 pm friday till 10 pm open all day monday prices effective this weekend wed sat mar 24 27 versary this week mr and mrs murray ramer joined with the smith families at mr and mrs everton smiths mill st last tuesday evening mr and mrs noel storry and family were sunday visitors with mr and mrs c barkey markham ringwood our sympathy to mrs nor man fockler and family in the passing of her mother mrs mc- nicoll scotland miss ruth fox miss mildred smith and miss shirley steck- ley had saturday night supper with mr and mrs fred stock- ley mrs h atkinson and miss edna spent saturday afternoon with mr and mrs frank atkin son mrs bert gower visited mr and mrs fred steckley on monday the excelsior class group have planned a quilting on monday in the church base ment mr and mrs gordon holdcn mr and mrs bill holdcn and stephen spent the weekend with mr and mrs bob mcclan- ahan and family at chatham mrs herb yakeley came home from york county hospi tal on sunday we wish her a speedy recovery fishermen save 50 fly rods and reels smelt and sucker nets tropical fish and pet supplies bicycle repairs markhmcyclesports closed mondays w 85 main st markham phone 2943412