tilt the stouffylue tribune twsdv february 13 1965 xx vvvxxxvvvvvvxvvvvvvvkvvvvvvv guaranteed sheridan jewellers diamonds watches cxstom made jewellert 38 main st e stouffville ihone 6101650 d f sheridan certified watchmaker typewriters for rent standard st a month 3 months for sis fortables 8 a month 3 months for 15 tribune office supplies slain st stouffville victoria square news sir winston churchill commemorative stamp kt3wx3t3ss3w3msvvvvvvv and refrigerators honen- i j t sir winston chuichul win be tuesav ev fob save a honoured on a special canadian was the regular meeting niht tlon oj a com ovcn meal posage stamp to be issued late for the womens institute which j and other food item using was held in the community kall small electrical appliances despite the inclement weather j winners of the door prices there was a large attendance i donated bv the hydro were the richmond hill hydro j electric blanket mrs pat otta- ptesented a two hour hydro wa electric mixer mrs gordon showtime which included dem- draper electric conopener onstrations of electrical appli- v gibson electric frvingpan ances washers dryers ranges i electric toothbrush this summer the announce ment was made by the honour able john k nicholson post master general you save vsissvjsm mm and price birds eye frozen eoods save 10c 601 tins orange juice 2 for 59c save 4c mixed with onion sauce soz pksr vegetables 39c fresh baked weston sunbeam 10 to pkr crisp n serve rolls 25c fresh from the bakery 24oz ioa aunt marys bread 22c supreme brand peanuts blanched 39c spanish 33c 12oz pkr 12oz pkc save 4c sweet mixed 16oz jars sweet relish bread n butler supreme pickles 3foro3c specially selected value checkd red or blue brand round rib wing sirloin tbone boneless lists j extra lean fresh minced ground chuck ib53 tasty tempting mild cured skinless wieners ib45 save 9c salco solid 7ox tins white meat save isc monarch 7lb bat tuna fish 2for69 save 10c corn 32oz bottle mazola oil 83c inarch 7lb bat flour 59c st01l pack giant tins 2 for 53c ff pack 24oi gentle fels 79c pastry save 10c 3c off pack giant tins cleanser save 16c 10c off pack 24oi produce sunshine fresh vine ripened no 1 lbs am purpose ontario no 1 yellow onions ecu 25c j crisp nnc curly 10oz poly naff spinach 2 for 39c i macintosh fancy oracle mb poly baff apples ea 39c schells red whi i stouffville miss mary muirhead and an electric heater miss judy hart au the foods prepared during the course of the evening wee distributed at prizes euchre there were 21 tables of play ers at the community hall on friday evenin prbe winners were ladies mrs patton mrs bernice toolev and mis marga ret gall lone hands mrs j orr men herman moi tson a stewart and w j muirhead lone hands leslie mgason lucky draw for a box of groce ries was won by miss mabel sanderson- another euchre will he held in the comm hal on friday feb 19th at s15 p m sponsored bv the dist lions club everyone welcome ladies please provide lunch church news mr tt whyte was in charge of the church service on sunday morning sunday feb 21 at 1130 am dr a f binnington will be in charge of the service the flowers in ihe church on sunday morning were in loving memory of mr harold cham bers father of mrs harold crane cgit explorer banquet the cgit and explorer ban quet for the headford and vic toria sq girls is being planned for monday feb 22 at 615 pm in the victoria sq church any persons who graduated frcm the victoria sq cgit or attended three years are invited and re quested to phone miss cora brodie 8s43062 or mrs v mik- kelsen ss7559s if they plan to attend neighbourhood notes birthday greetings to mary mortson nine years feb 19 mr and mrs tom stevenson margaret smith will celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary feb 18 mr and mrs vvnv san- dle their 16th feb 19 mr and mrs stanley defoe attended the funeral of their friend mrs allan lamport in toronto on wednesday mr de- foe was one of the pallbearers dr and mrs a f binnington attended the funeral of dr bin- ningtons uncle mr horace mills in toronto on thursday of last week sympathy is extended to mr and mrs harold crane and fam ily in the passing of mrs cranes father mr harold chambers last week mr and mrs leslie hart and family called on mrs harts mother mrs a p wheler at agincourt on sunday afternoon mr and mrs ray bennett and family of richmond hill had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs percy bertnett paul barker was able to re turn home from the sick chil drens hospital on friday where he had been for the past week this will be the first time in the history of the canada post office that a stamp has been produced to honour a person who was neither a member of the royal family nor a cana dian mr nicholson explained that sir winstons tremendous contributions to the common wealth and his many associa tions with this country were ad equate reasons for a departure from normal policy august 12th has been chosen as the date of issue it was on this day in 1941 that sir win ston and president franklin d roosevelt signed the atlantic charter the signing took place aboard a warship in placentia bay on the southeast coast of newfoundland the august date also coincides with the first quebec conference where in 1943 sir winston met with president roosevelt and cana dian leaders to plan the prose- cuion of the war bloomington mrs d burnett entertained her sunday school class of boys at her home on church st last saturday afternoon rev and mrs howard l shantz misses janet and gwenne of st catherine were friday visitors at her parents mr and mrs otto tranmcr two of our quite young lad ies had birthdays the last week debbie vaughan and donna lee herbert mr and mrs jos assinck of markham celebrated their four teenth wedding anniversary with a family galhering a mr and mrs m thomas and mr john williams on sunday mr and mrs w ross and children gormley a number of ladies had a surprise farewell party for mrs b urquhart at her home on monday afternoon they pre sented her with an oil painting done by miss doris dewsbury mrs n h brown presented mrs urquhart with a cup and saucer from the womens insti tute master douglas elliott enter tained his friends on the occa sion of his birthday on satur day miss anne robinson of oak ridges spent the weekend with miss marlene ash miss bonnie ross is confined to bed for several weeks with hepatitis mr and mrs howard doner and family had dinner on sun day with his grandparents mr and mrs s n doner mr and mrs chancey connor of snowball had supper on sun day with mrs beulah jones mr harry kruse spent the weekend at his cottage near parry sound mr peter stickley came home from york central hos pital richmond hill on mon day mr and mrs urquhart and children moved on thursday to toronto they have sold their farm here miss ruth byce and mr ev ans from gait spent a pleasant evening showing anniversary pictures at the home of mr and mrs elliott mr tripp of montreal visited recently with mr and mrs e elliott mr and mrs carl reesor and miss nancy barkey are visiting in quebec with mr and mrs harold reesor and their new daughter the 4h boys were visiting their provinces largest city on their annual bus trip when a girl walked by she was the fin ished product high piled hair do bluetinted eyelids gaudy lipstic and silvered nails one boy stared after her for long minutes gosh it looks like it must be mighty poor soil to need that much topdressing of vivian and mr and mrs i smith were present we join in wishing them many happy re turns mrs eugene lemon has been a victim of the flu for a couple of weeks we hope for a speedy recovery cupid and his arrows were very happy and busy at our public school on monday when the pupils held a valentine party a lot of carstsiindeir 2000 accelerate like you stepped on a wet sponge one doesnt renault 8 the renault 81100 goes 060 in 138 seconds car driver magazine says it will blow off anything in its class in acceleration vet the renault 81100 costs you less than s2000 at port of entry and has fully independent suspension and 4wheel disc brakes and 5inch deep foam rubber seats as well as up to 45milespergallon put these features together with things like complete soundproofing a great heater an engine that starts instantly when its 30 below and antirust dipping and youve got yourself quite a car all for under s2000 poe cab drrver ma6a2ine rctd ita renault 8 voted car of the year by track traffic magazine stoufml les wilson motor sales t i stouffville swimming pool invites applications for the position of life guard for the 1965 summer season applications should be forwarded not later than march 1st 1965 to d hiles box 707 stouffville ont state age and qualifications west end barber shop hours tuew thurs fri 8 am till 9 pm wed and sat 8 am till 6 pin len david and bill keeping 3 registered barbers 153 main st w stouffville twtvjvwtwvvvvvvvv mnxwuwvuv cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamerv to have our truck call rhonc 6402822 cold storage lockers for rent stouffville creamery co 3a3aamaoc3oobsiacs3ts the staff students of stouffville district high school invite you to attend an english fair an evening of exhibits music and drama friday february 26 815 pm admission adults 50c students 25c 0 notice of annual meeting the annual meeting of the farmers union mutual fire insurance company will be held in the council cham ber in the town hall situated at the corner of kent and cambridge streets in the town of lindsay on saturday february 27th 1965 at 200 oclock pm to receive the financial statement and auditors report to elect directors and auditors and to consider proposed amendments to the company bylaws as follows 1 resolution nf the board of directors to amend com pany bylaw number 33 to increase the per diem allowance of directors from twelve dollars to fifteen dollars 2 resolution nf the board of directors to jrlve effect to the proposal advanced at the last annual meeting that the name of ihe company be chanced to the farmers mutual fire insurance company and to transact any other business that may properly come before the mccliiur by order of tdk board lindsay ontario ii ii mcfadden january 27th 1905 secretary 3 hill nmisl m when fed on marmill 20 chick starter crumbles higher egg production higher profits we manufacture our own chick starter crumbles right on the premises to assure you of the freshness and quality for the best results reesors marmill ltd box 20 markham ont 2942323