new flag unfurled all across canada tho new maple i cat flajr was officially unfurled on monday at markham ia hricf ceremony was held in front of the municipal iuidin with all members of council in at tendance left to right councillor douglas allison reeve alma walker councillor juoyd ahcr nethy councillor paul horfon and deputyreeve aiiert iaidlau york north split to f new the boundaries of the provin cial riding of york north have been redrawn to create the new riding of york centre this new riding which will serve the southern part of york county will he one of nine new seats which will he added to the legis lature following adoption of the report of the three member electoral redistribution com mission the legislature will then have 117 seats instead of the present 108 the commissioners which were named in 1962 are justice edward a richardson of the ontario supreme court chair man k grant crawford pro- lessor of political science at queens university and rode rick lewis clerk of legislature in tabling the report in the legislature last week premier john robarts said it will be en acted into law after the intro duction of the necessary legis- lrx mackenzie mla tork north member since 1045 lation and consideration of it by the legislatures privileges and klection committee this same committee will recommend how ontarios seats in the fed eral parliament will be redistri buted federal redistribution is not expected to take place until 1966 the last major redistribution in ontario took place in 1953 when both provincial and fed eral changes were made since then the population of the prov ince has risen by more than 25 with much of the growth in the urban areas an interim redistribution by the same com mission in december 1962 creat ed 10 new ridings in the subur ban metro area the new riding of york centre will serve the three large south ern municipalities of markham vuiighnn and richmond hill and the villages of woodbridgo and markham the new riding will have a population of 58607 the continuing riding of york north will contain the municipalities of king whitchurch east gwillinibury aurora new market and stoultville this riding will have 53069 inhabi tants the three far northern mun icipalities of north gwillimbury georgina and the village of sut ton will become part of the con tinuing riding of ontario this which will serve a large part of ontario county will have a pop ulation of 33098 the former provincial riding of york north extended from steclcs avenue on the south to lake simcoe on the north and had a population of approxi mately 120 thousand the fede ral riding of york north ex tends from no 7 highway on the south to lake simcoe on the north it was broken up iril54 when the new federal ridings of york centre and york scarboro were created i york north has been repre sentcd in the legislature by progressive conservative lex mackenzie since 1915 one of the most successful politicians the county has ever produced mr mackenzie first entered provincial politics in 1913 when lie was defeated by ccf candi date george mitchell he ran again in 1915 and won the seat for the tories mr mackenzie has won five general elections since then each time with com fortable majorities a resident of woodbridge he is now the oldest living member of the legislature during the hepburn era from 1931 to 1913 liberal morgan baker represented york north as a result of the changes metro will have 26 seats out of 117 in the house 10 city and 16 suburban it now has 29 seats 13 and 16 out of 10s the commission estimated that the minimum population of a riding after redistribution would he 25000 and the maxi mum 75000 it said in its inte rim report that an urban riding should have a range of 60000 to 75000 a rural riding 25000 to 50000 and an urbanrural district 50000 to 60000 this would result it said then in a legislature of no more than 120 members under its final report the largest population of a riding will be 66653 peel north a now riding and the smallest will he 32728 thunder bav southern ontario will gain 6 seats and northern ontario 3 the increase in southern on tario is mainly in urban areas and the problem in northern ontario was to reorganize rid ings that were greatly out of balance the present york north re turning officer is king city lawyer donald findlay oc the robarts administration will now have to apnoint a new re turning officer for the new rid ing of york centre for office supplies its the tribune spend lss get more specials this week sides of beef cut wrapped frozen lb 45c lean stewing beef lb 53c tb0ne sirloin steaks lb 83c lean hamburg 40c lb 2 lbs 75c fretz bros harper hijthest quality meats lowest prices free delivery 6403125 claremont ont xvfcvvkwb i altona dealer visits new idea equip show mr fred lewis of altona feed supplies ltd has been in dayton and coldwater ohio to attend dealer introductory meetings for new ideas new unisystem line of self propel led harvesting equipment the unique harvesting sy stem features a single power unit which propels powers and carries four different inter changeable implements which can be used to harvest a variety of crops it is designed to meet the changing needs and im prove the profitability of the diversified family farm included on the list of harv esting equipment presently av ailable to add to the power unit are a combine with an ii or 13- foot grain platform a combine with a tworow cornhcad a corn picker and a shellcr the picker and sheller are the only machines of their kind to be selfpropelled the harvesting units are de signed to separate over the front axle so that they may be mounted or removed without a hoist or special tools in just one manhour unisystem offers a distinct cost advantage to farmers there is only one investment in engine transmission tires wheels controls and related parts the farmer can use the same power unit throughout the entire harvesting season by adding the specialized machin es he needs part of the dealer introduc tory meeting included a trip to coldwater ohio for a tour of new idea farm equipment co 22acre factory where unisys tem if engineered and manu factured mennonite group urges abolition of death penalty the peace committee a subs diary of the mennonite central committee has rejected the death penalty as a legitimate prerogative of the state- the mcc canada meeting in eimira friday and saturday accepted the peace committees recommendation in view of the invalidation of the death penalty through the redemptive work of christ and in view of the ministry of recon ciliation which is the mission of the church we reject the death penalty the peace committee said in its report in view of the prophetic commission given to the church we appeal to the legislative as semblies and responsible ad ministrative and judicial ad ministrative and judicial officials of the dominion of canada and its various provinces and of the federal and state governments of the united states to disconti nue the use of the death penal ty as an expression of a positive attitude toward the offender with rehabilitation as the ulti mate goal the report also said mennon- ites have fallen short of fulfil ment of their obligation as min isters of reconciliation in prison visitation in ministry to men and women in prison in labour ing for the reform of prison pro cedures and rehabilitation of parolees and in efforts to im prove social conditions which contribute to crime we do rejoice for the modest beginning in recent years that has been made in this needy and neglected field of service in addition to scriptural rea sons for their belief the peace committee added that the best scientific evidence available casts serious doubt on the theory liiat the death penaly has any appre ciable deterrent effect so much so that the burden of proof rests with those who adhere to the theory the estimated number of murders in the lnited states in 1960 was above 900o it is high ly questionable whether 30 or 60 executions annually in the midst of the many capital offences could have much influence as a deterrent the report also said many in justices arise out of the admin istration of capital punishment i cited grave inequalities hs- cause most executions are of persons too poor to provide ade quate legal counsel for them selves it is especially significant that of 42 executions in the united states in 1961 22 were xegroes that of 412 persons executed for rape between 1930 and 1961 90 per cent were ne groes the possibility of a judicial error alone outweighs all the social advantages which may be cited in support of the death penalty the report said in deliberately taking the life of the criminal the state arro gantly usurps the role of gori himself declaring the individual beyond redemption and remov ing him forever from all possi bility of the churchs redemp tive ministry this the report concluded is a blasphemous arrogant as sumption of final judgment a role which belongs to god alone the stouffviue tribune touniiy fetmury 18 1965 pe 5 annual report of whitchurch twp police 2415 hrs overtime design contest for arkham cenotaph a cenotaph committee has been organized in markham to promote the erection of a town memorial in remembrance of those who served in two world wars in all branches of the ar med forces to instil more interest in this worthwhile project the com mittee is sponsoring a cenotaph design contest and entries are welcomed the rules of the competition are as follows j drawings shall be submit ted on paper and on sheets 14 xl8 in size 2 the name and address of the contestant shall be printed on the back 3 any person except com mittee members may enter and may submit more than one en try 4 entries shall be judged for originality of expression and design 5 all entries are submitted on the condition and under standing that the drawing and ideas and concepts expressed become the property of the committee and may be used in bethesda the icy roads of wednesday feb 10 will not soon be forgot ten many enjoyed enforced holidays a large number of those who ventured out on the slippery concession and side roads had to leave cars stranded till the ice broke up later in the day mr and mrs len brillinger were very relieved to arrive home safely that morning after a precarious drive and sliding a short distance from the lane to a road in the gravel pit everett preston of nipissing spent a few days lately with mr and mrs burn preston and family ivan preston accompanied by two other students from emma nuel bible college kitchener miss donna moore of strathroy and miss carla hill of michigan spent saturday feb 6 with the prestons j whole or in part and in con junction with any other idea or concept 6 all entries shall be post marked not later than march 25th 1965 and shall be mailed prepaid to the committee at box 801 markham ontario prizes submissions will be judged by the committee and all decisions shall be final the committee shall choose from the submissions three to be aw arded prizes of 2500 for first 1500 for second and 500 for third in order of merit whitchurch twp police chief fred mason has recom- mended that two additional offi- i cers be hired to the force in 1963 i raising the total personnel to 17 a comprehensive 20page report covering the departments first seven months of operation was presented to council last week it was received with favourable comment by the members chief mason praised the work of the thirteen men including 3 sergeants 9 constables and 1 cadet a secretary adds to the clerical efficiency of the office in vandorf overtime hours chief mason reported that from june to december of last year the force had put in a total of 2415 hours of overtime work additional remuneration involv ed in extra duties totalled 614499 on a 12month period total payment of overtime would be 51053420 or more than the salaries of two filltime 1st class constables the chief said that although two additional officers would not eliminate all over time it would do much to reduce this extra expense and also al low for the completion of duties that cannot be handled under the present system to put it plainly we ate understaffed for the amount of work this de partment is doing said the chief the chief also advocated the purchase of a portable radio unit a movie projector and the setting up of a training pro gram for its fulltime members cases solved during the sevenmonth period 161 major crimes were investi gated and 103 were successfully completed under the liquor control act 238 persons were charged seizures amounted to 1921 bottles of beer and ale and 48 bottles of liquor and wine the value of property stolen amounted to s1322462 stolen property recovered amounted to 924510 as the result of court convictions 925900 was paid out in fines there were 151 major acci dents over 100 damage and 31 of a minor nature under 100 three persons were killed and 38 were injured under the highway traffic act 366 charges were laid the majority of the major accidents occurred on the don mills road other accident prone areas included the resort police chief fred j mason centres of musselmans and wil cox lakes the intersection of cone 6 markham and the whit church townline and the corner of gorham street and cone 3 whitchurch by an odd coinci dence none of the three fatal ac cidents occurred on the don mills road in spite of the num ber of collisions on that high way over 107000 miles the two regular police crui sers plus one spare car travelled 107021 miles in seven months operational expenses incurred by the vehicles during this pe riod totalled 382756 staff photo total expenditures in the oper ation of all departmens within the force during 1964 were 73- 01561 minus the fines collected in court the total is cut to 69- 01460 revenue from licences issued according lo township by laws totalled 70300 parkins tags brought in 48200 in concluding his report chief mason said that his de partment had received excellent cooperation not only through the courts and with other polica forces but also from local citi zens who had volunteered infor mation and assistance when it was required doityourself quickly easily its so inexpensive with new readypasted sunworthy wallpaper clear outs as low as 50c single roll complete line of decorating supplies hendricks hardware 29 main si w- stouftville phone fijn3622 n malibu super sport coupe a general motors value new luxury new rider new power chevelle by chevrolet is still the newest car in its class here is 1965s look of luxury chevelles lithe light lines invite you to look and look again slide behind the wheel theres more luxury with curved sideglass for lots of shoulder room smart new fabrics and softly textured vinyls on the foamcushioned seats now drive chevelle right away youll thrill to hov smooth a road can be with chevelles redesigned and refined front and rear suspensions flattening bumps chevelle for you nev thicker body mounts make the ride extra quiet too and youll enjoy the way chevelles practical size makes traffic handling a breeze parking finger tip easy chevelles nev power is exciting from the 120hp hithrift six with its gassaving ways and brisk efficiency to the 350hp turbofire v8 see what youll like at a price youll like chevelle 65 at your chevrolet dealers now chevrolet chrvrolxtchtvluchtvybcovaicovtttt authorized chevelle dealer in stouffville s chevrolet oldsmobile limited stouffville ont phone 6401610 be sure to see borurua on he c8ctv network each sunday check your local lisfmf for channel and time lux