jl 2 the stotfffviui mtuht tagnav kbntn 1965 editorial off on th wrong foot it may be that a request put for ward by a newlyorganized ratepay ers group in markham twp was misinterpreted by the council at a meeting on friday but it was evident that it created resentment with coun cillor geary palmer and perhaps other members as well if we understood the submission correctly the organization to be known as the markham twp citi zens committee wishes to be briefed on the intentions of the council with respect to certain pending issues and problems if this is the expectations of this committee then we feel that they are expecting too much no council is obliged to divulge this type of infor mation and we feel that it would be an improper policy and practice to start one representative or the en tire executive for that matter can attend all public meetings and hear the discussion that revolves around issues of importance it is common practice too for minutes of all coun cil and planning board meetings to be forwarded to the secretary of such groups and we feel this is fine any thing more in our view would be out of line members of such organizations should realize that a council is not obligated to any individual or group of individuals as wellmeaning as they might be any exertion of pres sure is resented and only leads to hard feelings and bitterness we have seen many ratepayers organizations come and go the ma jority have killed themselves by dic tating rather than suggesting their plans before council we wish this group well but our impression on friday was that their first step was off on the wrong foot the raising of canadas new mapie leaf flag an act officially rec ognized after monday feb 15th has aroused some controversy in several municipalities what should be re garded as an important chapter in our countrys history has in some centres been handled like something sinister and foreboding the childish behaviour that oc cupied the time of parliament for so many days and weeks has settled in on some lower levels of government making them look even more imma ture acting childish ed whether the new flag should b raised at all others have agreed to carry out this duty with as little fan fare as possible we feel that such an attitude is nothing more than dis graceful and persons so biased should be ashamed the trouble with many cana dians is that we have no real prida in our country you can bet if th stars and stripes was being inaugur ated in the united states it would be a red letter day on every calendar in canada its treated like a day of mourning and we wonder why w do not remember sir john a mac- donald some municipalities have debat- how much weight will ice hold its wise and could save your life to know just how much certain thicknesses and types of ice can hold before you trust your weight upon it slush ice for example is only half as strong as clear blue ice clear river ice is 15 weaker than clear lake ice a sudden application of brakes on a fastmoving vehicle will increase its weight pressure on the ice in pro portion to the rate of decrease in speed of travel continuous travel over the same area of ice will weaken it much like metal in springs so that it gradually loses its original if canada ann one of the current topics on the international griddle is the proposed amalgamation of the united states and canada it isn exactly new it has been suggested before most re cently however ed lamb of toledo a man with a hand in many business operations in the usa and in can ada made a speech in which he ad vocated such a merger he said an nexation was the answer i was in canada for a few days recently and asked some canadian friends what they thought about an nexation strangely enough they seemed resigned to it they consider annexation to be inevitable and have roughedout some thoughts on the matter for example they are pretty well agreed that texas should be a separate province instead of being grafted to one of the presentday provinces this will make 11 separate units of government in the new align ment otherwise the canadians told me they are willing to extend the borders of their provinces straight down to the southernmost tip of what we now call our united states thus cleveland would become part of ontario and quebec would in herit most of new england and new york city this is based on the sup position quebec still would be part of canada at the time canada annexes parents get ammunition parents are continually being badgered by their children for per mission to drive the family car and last week were provided with some good rebuttal ammunition by a large insurance company the survey suggests that only a limited use of automobiles by stud ents is desireable otherwise school marks suffer school proficiency it said drops when the car is used more than two days of five during the week on the other hand it showed that students who do no drive at all or those whose driving is limitew to weekends strength following are ice strength fig ures tabulated by the lumbermens safety association showing what maximum weights various thickness es of ice should be able to carry inches of ice safe load 2 3 712 8 10 12 1 person on foot group in single file car 2ton gross 2i4ton truck gross 3i4ton truck gross 8ton truck gross 15 10ton 20 25ton 25 45ton 30 70ton 36 110ton exed the us the united states if quebec in the meantime seceded from canada then presumably it would operate as an independent nation like mississippi annexation of the united states would mean some rearrange- ment of course otherwise most of the provinces would be bottomheavy speaking of the geographical weight of population most of the western provinces would be light at the top the northern end this would make it necessary to relocate millions of people in order to even up things the entire state of kansas for example may be transplanted into one of the upper territories the seat of government natur ally will remain at ottawa except for the winter months when it will be transferred to mobile alta a far- western branch of the government wou3d maintain quarters at los an geles washington dc would be preserved as a huge museum there would be no language problem because united states resi dents already have a working know ledge of english the baseball situa tion would be clarified because base ball would be supplanted as the na tional game by ice hockey all in all my canadian friends were of the opinion annexation was none of their business but if we wera in such desperate shape as to need it they would cooperate by taking us under their wing for driving offspring have the best grades this firm urges parents to ba firm in restricting their childrens use of automobiles to ensure that studies come first and in addition that the prospective young driver gets proper driving training their figures showed that students who passed proper drivertraining course have 50 fewer accidents than tha untrained of the same age its up to the parents to keep cars and school work in their proper perspective and to provide the guid ance and example in the use of the car insurance officials say only as strong as her mast sucar and spice by bill smiley from everywhere they come ive had a preview of what im going to feel like when my daughter is married ive just been through two piano recitals not by glenn gould or van cliburn or arthur rubinstein no by hugh smiley marrying off your daughter must be just like it a heady brew of emotion and exhaustion bills and bouquets that leaves you feeling like a catepillar that has been run over but not quite killed by a tractor in short you wind up absolutely flat but rather proud that youre not dead the first recital was af the conservatory in lie city we picked the date six weeks before and boy can we pick cm it was 18 below zero and the humidity and wind gave it a discomfort index of 47 below the old girl was sick physically mentally spiritually i was sick sympathetically we figured 35 relatives tried and true and five friends to whom i owed money would turn up bless the human race and all dear friends we had 350 bodies in the place straggling in on such a night from all over the country some made a round trip of 500 miles to hear the kid play it was a curious combination of characters in the audience basic were the relatives who live in the city and heir friends they made up the two score we had expected but then they started to trickle in old college friends old fighter pilots old weekly editors my sons former public school principal the chap who has the mortgage on my house the fellow who handles my column the orthodontist who straightens my daughters teeth a girl i hadnt seen since we went skinnydipping at a beach party 20 years ago and they ail bless them brought their wives and or husbands children and friends last but not least came my sisters one drove for 6 hours in 20bclow weather with her daughter to make it the other came the same distance by train with two kids neither knew the other was coming neither had seen the great artist since he was pickingupandkissing size it was heartwarming to say the least and i was a very proud father and husband when it was over a proud father because my son showed a poise and polish i wish id had at tliat age and a competence ive never had at any age a proud husband because my wife had crawled out of what she claimed was her deathbed to get there and looked better than any body despite the facts that shes liscd with me for 18 years and coached the kid for ten next day at noon we hiked for home 90 miles and went through the whole thing again that night a recital in the home own it was not 20 below for a change it was 30 below but 1500 people left their television sets and shivered through the knifing night to hear my young virtuoso as he doesnt like to be called what impressed me most about the whole weekend was the kindness of people my sisterinlaw wanted to hold a reception for the whole mob in the city our neighbor insisted on making the sandwiches for the bash at home even my wife goi carried away and told me during one lapse that i was a good husband and father which shook me up a bit the only thing thats bothering me is the kids attitude one of my misguided friends sent him a bottle of champagne a dear lady sent him ten bucks and perhaps worst of all lie got a clutch of fan mail after the weekend we had a heavy fall of snow i told him to get out and shovel the driveway i handed him a shovel he handed it right back and asked how many fan letters did you get this week pops i shovelled editors moil stouffville ont feb 15 1965 the editor stouffville tribune dear mr editor that great man the late sir winston churchill had many things to say on many subjects and when he spoke the world listened in this day when there is a systematic and deliberate at tempt to discredit the bible when it is being taught that genesis is composed of myths or parables it is very revealing and heartening to read what britains greatest statesman sir winston spencer churchill had to say on this very matter he wrote as follows we reject with scorn all those learned and labored myths that moses was but a legendary- figure upon whom the priest hood and the people hung their essential social moral and reli gious ordinances we believe that the most scientific view the most uptodate and rational conception will find its fullest satisfaction in taking the bible story literally we may be sure that all these things happened just as they are set out accord ing to holy writ we may be lieve that they happened to peo ple not so very different from ourselves and that the impres sions these people received were faithfully recorded and have been transmitted across the centuries with far more ac curacy than many of the tele graphed accounts we read of go ingson today in the words of a forgotten work of mr glad stone we rest with assurance upon the impregnable rock of holy scripture let men of science and learning expand their knowledge and probe with their researches every detail of the records which have been preserved to us from those dim ages all they will do is to forti fy the grand simplicity and es sential accuracy of these record ed truths which have so far lighted the pilsximage of man onoted in bible handbook by halley page 151 sincerolv m e batt ringwood a number of folk attended the opening of the new first bap tist church in aurora on sun day afternoon a former mem ber of the sunday school and church rev dann filycr is the minister of this church mr and mrs harold sljcklcy and family of hamilton spent saturday with his parents mr and mrs fred steckley to cele brate his dads birlhjay mrs tom forsyth formerly of this village passed away in lon don ont on saturday the fun eral was on monday afternoon from oneills funeral home sympathy is extended to the family on the passing of a one time neighbour mrs jos focklcr visited her mother mrs harry preston pine orchard or sunday after noon 3tablished member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aulboril iwdriit miei tmlofif dp ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 400 elsewhere 600 c o solas publisher jas thomas editor jas mckean adverttttng roamin around a sure sign that spring is on the way is the appearance of extended auction sale registers in the tribune of the flva listed last week four are in this area and all should attract record crowds the first on the moses norton farm lot 11 cone 4 uxbridge twp will lead things off on thursday feb 25uu this property has been in the norton name for the past 70 years the 10o acres has been sold to john kaptyn of willow- dale and surveys have already been completed to divide tha land into 10 acre building lots mr and mrs norton will move to claremont norm faulkner will handle the gavel at this on and bidding will begin at 1 oclock with the furniture to go at 4 the list of items looks excellent including a likenew massey ferguson tractor and many pieces of farm equipment cows heifers and pigs will pass over the auction block plus a h ton 63 chev truck driven only 4000 miles in case you become cold hungry or thirsty the ucw of the 5th line will look after your needs the next auction swings south to the farm of john and bod torrance at the corner of cone 10 markham and hwy no 7 on tuesday march 2nd ken and clarke prentice of markham are in charge and the sale will begin at 12 oclock noon pos session of this property in the torrance family goes back to 1917 with alex torrance and now his son john and grandson rod the remaining 13 acres has been sold to dr richard all- man of toronto the rest has been split into 10 acre lots mr and mrs john torrance will take up residence in locust hill mr and mrs rod torrance already live in a spacious new home on the farm fronting on no 7 a total of 65 head of registered and grade holstein cattle will be sold plus about ten young cattle the equipment includes a 36can electric bulk cooler tractors a combine and many other items of first class machinery the following day wednesday march srd a large auction is listed for the farm of charlie reynolds cone 7 pickering twp mr reynolds holds the crown deed on the 225 acres that dates back to sept 4 i860 his father fred purchased the property in 1921 mr and mrs reynolds will take up residence in stouffville when mr reynolds claims he has everything from the day of the indian he means just that he has retained scyeral old indian stones that were once used in the grinding of corn walter atkinson is the auctioneer and in spite of the 12 noon starting time it will take some fast talking to finish it up in half a day in addition to a large herd of holstein cattle the list of machinery is extensive and includes no less than four tractors a combine baler hay conditioner 2 spreaders power hay mower and many other articles too numerous to mention several items of farm equipment are nearly new two auction rings will be set up to handle the cattle at 3 pm the furniture will go at two oclock a refreshment booth will be set up on the grounds on thursday march 18th walter atkinson will once again enter the auction ring to take the sale on the gordon wagg farm lot 1 cone 10 whitchurch twp 4 mile east of stouff ville here the cattle will provide a big attraction with 70 head of registered holsteins up for bids in addition buyers will be eyeing the new selfpropelled combine and hay conditioner plus a power mower power fertilizer drill and many other good pieces of machinery the property has been sold to mr frank vivian mr and mrs wagg and family have already taken up residence in their new home just east of town several residents in file greenwood community peered from their living room windows on thursday morning of last week to observe the rhythmic gait of pastor flcetham waltz ing gracefully down lie ccnre of he icecoated road a biblo grasped firmly in one hand and a umbrella held high in the other the mystery of the reverends surefooted balance was solved when it was observed thai he was actually wearing skates and striding out like a veritable donald jackson the galeforce winds on friday toppled one of the light standards from a pillar at the entrance to the stouffville memorial park weve all been involved in minor accidents from time to lime but ronald rutlcdge of north gwillimbury doesnt believe in picking on any ordinary cveryday driver when lie collides with a car last thursday he backed his loaded gravel truck up on main street in markham and when lie heard the ominous sound of crumbling metal and breaking glass he jumped from he cab to observe the damage there in startling reality was he village cruiser willi r c rod junkin behind the wheel fifteen year old rita busato a grade 10 student is the new posture queen of stouffville dist high school she was so honoured on friday night at a valentine dance in the school auditorium rita resides on the 10th cone of markham twp her favourite subjects are french and math she plans to com plete grade 13 but has yet not finalized her chosen profession she studies piano rita has three brothers frank 17 bob 12 jim 9 and two sisters helen 19 and anne 10 months if you arc one of those who has neglected to purchase your new 65 licence plates remember here arc only eight days left mrs marlon murphy is he local issuer a 311 main st k standingroom sales will begin on saturday feb 27h if youre wise youll no be caugh in the lineup i just hopo someone comes around with he coffee and doughnuts while im standing here two of the most recent members on the whitchurch twp police department have come in for words of commendation from chief wm j langdon of aurora pc ronald ranklne and pc darwin paradis were on routine patrol along yonge street when they observed two men leaving a service station they decided to question the pair and subsequently learned that they had broken into the premises the incident occurred during the early hours of the morning their alert action was praised by whitchurch chief fred mason speaking of he whitchurch twp police department he annual report prepared by chief mason and covering seven months of activity shows no less than 1909 bottles of liquor were confiscated by the force from june to december this figure includes 1921 bottles of beer almost enough for the department to establish heir own brewers warehouse in van- dorf stouffvilles own polly minton took part in the clippers practice session on sunday afternoon and looked pretty spry despite his lengthy layoff he and others from the 195152 champion team will stage a comeback on thursday feb 25th against the junior lads it should be quite a contest while on lie subject of hockey we received a brochure from harry watson of markham chief instructional super visor anil coordinator a ihp tain oshanier summer hockey school near agincourl since quite n number of local lads at tended his course last year we will pass on this information the camp for boys 8 to is years will function from july 2nd to sept 3rd there is also evening instruction on a monthly basis the fee ha includes sleeping accommodation meals hockey instruction and all facililtlcs on lie grounds is 65 for 1 week and s240 for 4 weeks for he endre 9week season he cost is s500 such names as bruce hyland horry watson king clancy kent douglas john henderson and jim pappin are connected wih this organization with every application each boy will receive a zippered hockey equipment bag the activities arc too numerous o mention in his column but it sounds like good clean fun and recreation for any boy during the summer vacation period markhams bob galbraith has been in and out of court so many times within recent years that he probably has difficulty in keeping his diary up to date a rather regrettable incident occurred last week when he appeared in richmond hill court on a public mischief charge and later learned that he should have been in toronto on an appeal case that had been sched uled several weeks before the judge sitting in on the appeal ruled that he should be rcarrcstcd and he is presently serving the remainder of his six month sentence stouffville road foreman klgin wagg and his assistant eddie grimas will be hoping that they have seen the last ice storm of he currcn winter season klgin pu in a oal of 17 sleepless hours on he job while eddie worked nonstop for 10 hours on the next shift the home of dr and mrs a t oconnor glad park ave has been blessed with the arrival of twins twin lambs the pair are currently thriving on a formula of bottled corn syrup eggs and milk one feeding every two hours the chore has become a family project with even the children karen kevin chris and mary angela taking a turn at least until the novelty wears off tiie markham chrytlerpodge co has commenced iha construction of their new garage and showroom building west of their present site on no 7 hwy e