Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 11, 1965, p. 9

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the stouffvlue trisune thotxfcy febwy 11 1965 p 9 editors mail good used cars here now 1963 impala station wagon 6 cylinder automatic power steer injt radio electric tailgate one owner low mileage only 2195 1963 galax1e station wagon vs radio electric tailgate washers radio only 1995 1960 thunderbird convertible automatic radio completely power equipped including windows only 1895 1962 falcoh 2 door excellent car throughout only 1095 1963 pont1ac laurentian 4 door automatic radio immaculate condition throughout only 1895 1962 econesisse bus 9 passenger an excellent buy for the large familv only 1395 1962 vobkswcagen deluxe radio excellent condition throughout only 895 1961 meteor 4 door two to choose from in excellent condition only 1195 cheaper models 1958 vauxhall 195 1959 austin 4door 295 1952 chev pickup 245 1954 chev coach 60 talpark no 7 highway and laidlaw blvd markham phone 2941500 motors ltd february 6 1965 the editor siouffville tribune dear mr editor your editorial just plain bored leaves me with the im pression that you must have spent the night on pierre ber- tons comfortable pew and with the conviction that were you a medical man and x a sick man i wouldnt care to have you as my doctor at least if your attempts at diaz- nosis were comparable to your diagnostics in church matters according to your under standing os per cent of our practical youth are remaining away from church because so many oreachers are boring that many preachers are bor ing i concede and i would make little objection if some one should hint at my being boring but to lay the blame upon this particular class for the fact that s6 per cent of our young people are missing church is an absurdity in the extreme has it occurcd to you that many of this 36 per cent have never even been inside a church to endure boredom why not lay some of the blame where it rightly belongs upon par ents who themselves never darken the door of any church upon some teachers who have an almost sadistic delight in downgrading the bible and ex pounding the theory of evo lution as though it were a sci entific fact upon certain news paper columnists and radio an nouncers who preening them selves in their fancied intellec- tualism make hundreds of youthful disciples to their anti- god and antibible cults while they fill the eye and regale the cars with blasphemies and near- blasphemies all these work together to sa turate the thinking of our youth with the idea that to be lieve in god is naive christi anity is a superstition church- going is for the old and the sissy and the immature how long do you suppose our practical youth would go to school if the educational insti tutions were subjected to the contempt and petty persecu tions the church undergoes it is difficult enough even now to keep the young people in school it comes to me now that per haps the boring teachers are better off than the boring preachers the government backs them up you make a rather peculiar comment on preaching that many ministers preach solely from the bible without applica tion to the day in which we live i am one minister who hastens to plead guilty to the first half of the charge frank ly i wouldnt preach anything jttffistcred ttxft mitk st0uffville coop phone 6401550 lemon juice recipe relieves arthritic rheumatic pain if you nuffer rheumatic urthntis or neuritis pin try thu simple inexpensive recipe that thousands are uxinit let a can of ittjkx compound 2 weeks supply today mix it with a quart of water add the juiee of 5 lemons its eajyl no trouble at all and pleasant take only 3 tableanoonfuls 2 time a day often within 48 hours sometime overnight relief is obtained if the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better return the etnpty ean to us and rukx will cost you nolhincyou are the sole judge as rukx is sold on a mney back fuarantee over 8 million csiu used at all druc counters adrem- ltd 2j1 brtley drive toronto 16 roo else thin is what i was ordais- ed to do actually some ol the most boring preachers i know are among those who have graduated from the bible and are now lamely trying to con duct a seconorae course on how to win friends and in fluence people we nave alto gether too many amateur psy chologists sextheme lecturers and petty politicians in the pulpits iney ought to be turn ed out with the money chan gers as for the second half of the charge how can any man preacn solely from the bible and not deal witn the day in which we live any man who seems to do this must have his own special version of the bible this is one of the wonders of the book it touches every age here let me repeat in suo- stance what one lecturer in preaching has said preachers deserve more understanding than they get loaded with a variety of timeconsuming tri vialities carrying on a routine of pastoral calling they must yet meet a deadline three times a week with talks that are ex pected to inspire convict and challenge the uninitiated will find this difficult to swallow but the average politician news columnist and other producers of writings and speeches have it soft in comparison to the aver age preacher pity us if we are sometimes boring but remem ber that even mr churchill was less than inspiring in many of his house of commons speeches i must mention one more thing you speak of preachers attempting to frighten their congregations with quaking descriptions of the sinful here after in all my 28 years in the ministry this is the first time i have ever heard of a sinful hereafter but theology is a deep subject and i would not pretend to compare my theolo gical training with that of gor don sinclair pierre berton hugh garner and other of their noble order of agnostics who have pontificated on the here and the hereafter as for the matter of frightening the con gregations where a minister believes in an impending judg ment he has as much right to raise his voice as one who sees his friend in any other danger if any preacher does not be lieve in responsibility and a coming judgment why on earth is he preaching he should run off and join a cult of moralists and leave the christian church to its original business of recon ciling men to god personally i do not believe in needlessly and senselessly frightening peo ple but i do wonder if one curse of our day is that young of nothing and no one par ents teachers police or any authority this letter will probably con vey the impression that i am earnest to the point of annoy ance but reject the impression and believe that i have only said this because of a strong feeling that it should be said by someone faithfully j arthur walsh on the farm front committee prepares for 1965 int plowing match a a mali agricultural representative york county there is lots of activity these days planning and organizing for the international plowing match for 1965 this huge event comes home to york county this year after rambling around the province for the last 31 year the last malvh in york was in 193 on the maryvate farm at wexford say its coming home to york because it origi nated here in 1913 on the sunny- brook farm masseyferguson farms at milliken will be the location with tented city taking up about 60 acres of land between the main office at the farm and steeles ave bill sutherland the farm manager has been busy for the last two years planning crops so that there will be sod in the right places and stubble where its needed too dates for the match are october 13th to 16th inclusive a very large local organiza tion is needed to get all the work done already over 150 people in york county are work ing on committees win timbers of stouffville is general chair man sheldon walker of sharon is vice chairman with m mao- kenzie of unionville the treas urer i am the secretary for the committee and olhei members of the executive are kay jen nings stan watson e j xor- ris and jesse bryson chairmen for subcommittees are as follows land fred tim bers parking traffic trevor watson tractors lloyd grove county exhibit al- oavieison special events norman tyndall finance wm sellers public relations kobf timbers billet ing w l clark banquet floyd perkins tickets lawson mum berson tented city walter kate parade fred armstrong publicity gil shepherd horses jack wood lunches elson miles wagon tours york cty junior farmers farmstead improvement york county fed of agriculture i expect that nearly everyone will have something to do with the match before it is over one part of it thnt some thought could be given to new is the farmstead improvement con test its an appropriate year to do some improving on the ap pearance of farm homes and buildings and its all the more interesting when there is a con test with lots of good prizes there are prizes for each town ship and judging will be done around august and september editors note the editorial made reference to many and not all ministers with reference to pierre bertons novel i have not yet had the opportunity to read it but i fully intend to stouffville swimming pool invites applications for the position of life guard for the 1965 summer season applications should be forwarded not later than march 1st 1965 to d hiles box 707 stouffville ont state age and qualifications further information can be ob tained from our office or from any directors of the federation of agriculture spring is just around the corner have your decorating done now the lang service 28 3 yrs guarantee per room we hang and supply paper in room 10xll your choice of large assort ment of designs of wallpaper washable now booking kxtkbior work also phone now 8881 92s bethesda mr and mrs roy smith were sunday evening dinner guests with mr and mrs bus- sell herbert miss lois wayman of toron to spent the weekend with mr and mrs clifford burkholder mr and mrs burkholder at tended the funeral of mr c p wayman on wednesday in to ronto we are sorry that mrs beryl bonnar has been suffering from a foot injury received in a serious car accident three weeks ago when her friends car was wrecked after sliding on ice and striking a hydro pole both ladies were taken to hospital for treatment we wish mrs bonnar a speedy and com plete recovery a baby girl susan elaine was born to mr and mrs bob clubine in jamaica jan 28th mr and mrs edgerton club ine attended the fiftieth wed ding anniversary held at maple of cousins mr and mrs charles clubine of elmvale cycle sports main street rhone 2943412 equipment golf clubs 2 woods 5 irons keg 4995 sale 3995 models and hobbies 1965 cars in stock pet supplies dog brushes 79c dog combs 125 1 eldon race car track accessories ernie richardsons curling boots all colors 1395 up used skate exchange 195 with a trade wild bird seed 25lb bag 275 i curling brooms ladies and gents 425 to 1485 closed mondays parking at rear of store i stamp club meeting monday feb 15th 8 pm at dr crouchs residence guest speaker g vvesru stamp collectors are welcome dairymens meeting wed feb 10 8 pm masonic hall stouffville thurs feb 11 8 pm sharon hall how to make more money milking chalk refrigeration rr3 kinff city 7735502 the staff students of stouffville district high school invite you to attend an english fair an evening of exhibits music and drama friday february 26 815 pm admission adults 50c students 25c pybuc howe lehmans shoes open all day mondays during huge stock liquidation sale lehmans shoes 9 main si w siouffville phone 6403753 color tv fully qualified sales service we now have several colour sets in our charge personal demonstration by appointment admiral zenith uf lowrey simplicity tv radio hifi organ kitchen and laundry equipment neville appliances for the best our service excels our prices match the rest our year guarantee sells 6403395 mark 7 smoke and gifts your headquarters for 8 heart shaped boxes of chocolates smiles n chuckles moirs nielsons ticket agency for maple leaf gardens hallmark a gibson card chinaware an ideal gilt for your valentine imported from all parts of the world plaques etc sec our large selection mark smoke and gifts phone 2940128

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