tvtt the stouffviue tri8une pun4y febnwy i 1965 one of 110 damage over 90000 in auto accidents for 1964chief parker pretty 12 year old donna bryant cone 5 uxbridge twp is literally surrounded by signs of spring on the farm of her father mr uoyd bryant rr 1 clarcmont during the month of january 110 little lamhs arrived including two sets of triplets donna is pictured here with one of the lively off spring staff jphoto buzzed rooftops pilot fined 200 the number of serious car ac cidents in the area served by the pickering township police de partment took a sharp rise dur ing 1964 writing his eighth annual re port to the police commission chief of police resinald parker says traffic statistics produce a very dismal picture with a general increase in the number of accidents with a trend to more of a serious nature motor vehicle accidents in volving personal injury or dam- ace over s100 totalled 233 a rise of 50 over the figure for 63 accidents involving damage of under s100 dropped slightly from 111 to 99 over the year five people lost their lives in motor accidents a drop of one on the previous year ninetyfour people were injur ed on the roads of the town ship a significant rise of 29 on the 1964 figure in all mr parker estimates drivers in th township did some s91057 worth of damage to their cars involved in acci dents the figure for 1963 was 510618 total number of charges laid under the highway traffic act rose from 1216 to 1610 864 speeders caught speeders have received much stiffer attention during the past 228 to 224 year the townships radar ap paratus operated for a total of 469 hours resulting in some 864 charges being said almost dou ble the previous years figure on the crime side the most significant rise was in the field of malicious damage the fig ure tor 1963 was 53 last year the figure jumped sharply to 101 cases reported and investigated by the department house breakins dropped from a total of 32 to just is but on the other hand shop breakins lose from a total of 39 to 40 16 auto thefts automobile thefts took a drop from 19 to 16 general thefts increased from 200 to 229 total value of goods stolen in the township not including cars was s16202 goods recovered amounted to s8h1 the number of drunk driving cases investigated by the depart ment dropped slightly from 45 to 42 cases of impaired driving dropped slightly too from 9 to 6 there were four attempted suicides investigated by the township police and fortunate ly no successes in all 314 charges were laid under the criminal code a rise of 282 over the previous year charges under the liquor con trol act took a slight drop from county road curve takes its toll for the second lime in five days a truck has veered out of control on the 9th cone county koail curve in pickering twp east of stouftville and rolled over in the ditch the most recent accident occurred on friday morning when a transport loaded with straw skidded oft the pavement the driver for dominion mushrooms co pickering escaped through the front window he was ljrcl staff ptofo cake throwing spree lands youth in jail a pickering township manhad his shirt torn in the fight four times a bright yellow aingle engined airplane thunder ed low over a pickering twp aubdivision at times it swept as low as 100 ft from the ground it seemed to be weaving in and out of the tv aerials housewife mrs christine griffin told magistrate harry jermyn in whitby before the court was toronto pilot george schneider of cadil lac ave downsview charged with flying less than 100 feet above the hignest obstacle with in a horizontal radius of 2000 ft xrom the aircraft 200 or 10 days schneider who pleaded not guilty to the charge brought by the royal canadian mounted police was fined s200 or 10 days in jail the decision will he pas ted on to the board of transport people were in fear for their aafety magistrate jermyn told schneider giving evidence mrs chris tine griffin of martin road martins subdivision pickering aald that she was seated at her kitchen table having a eigaret it was shortly before noon when i heard this loud noise i went outside and saw this yellow plane hedgehopping over the subdivision the plane she said went from west to east down martin rd at the end it turned and made snother run it was very low it seemed to be weaving in and out of the tv aerials the planes wing passed about 10 feet from my tv aerial mrs cordelia johnson also of martin road thought it was a large number of motor bikes she was seated she said in the living room of her home she looked up and saw a planes fuselage pass her picture win dow i ran outside and got the number of the plane as it flew down the centre of the road mrs johnson estimated that the plane passed within three or four feet of her tv aerial there were she said hydro poles in the road and hydro towers nearby also just a mile away was a school close to aerials duncan c murray also of the subdivision estimated that the plane was no further than 100 feet from the ground and only 30 feet from the rooftops and tv aerials in the witness box george schneider said that his plane was capable of some 85 to 95 mile per hour cruising speed on this particular day he had been out for a pleasure trip some very close friends of his he said lived in the martin sub division in passing low over the houses he added he had been looking at a nearby field to see if it was good enough to land on after making 4 circuits of the field west of the subdivision he had decided that it was too rough for a landing he had been flying he said since 1940 and had gained most of his experience during the war in canada he had logged about 100 flying hours will spend the next 30 days in jail thomas albert joyce of 876 liverpool road south was found guilty by magistrate h jermyn last week on a charge of causing a disturbance in a pick ering store joyce 17 was said to have entered the store with two other youths on january 20 he said crown attorney bruce affleck lifted a cake from a rack and threw it to one of the other two it fell on the floor the store manager told the three to leave and they ignored him joyce then used the pay telephone for about 10 minutes during which time the three blocked the store aisle again the three were asked to leave a short scuffle then en sued between joyce and the store manager the manager outside joyce demanded that the manager come out and fight and used bad language auto stolen appearing for sentence on a charge of auto theft peter c moynihan 30 of rr 2 stouff- ville was sentenced to nine months definite and 3 months indefinite on a new charge of failing to remain he was sentenced to an additional three month definite and three months indefinite the car was stolen from ux- bridge on dec 11 it was later found in markham with damage totalling 100 the failure to remain after an accident was said to have occur red in toronto a driver was hit from behind when he got out to inspect the damage the driver raced away jr seed judging competition the annual ontario county junior farmers seed judging competition will be hed in the uxbridge secondary school on saturday feb 6th beginning at 930 am contestants will judge clas ses of oats wheat barley alf alfa hay and corn silage and be required to identify weeds cop plants and seeds or rea sons will also be taken on sev eral of the judging classes all farmers farmers sons and daughters under 29 years of age are eligible to compete the contestants will be divided into junior and senior sections there will also be special clas ses for high school teams and junior farmer clubs the competition is supervis ed by the ontario county office of the ontario department of agriculture whitby twp clerk accepts area bd post more than 20 years of service his regrets at mr robinsons claremont news surface temperature of the sun averages 10000 degrees f asxwsxsvssrwwresc when fed on marmill 20 chick starter crumbles higher egg production higher profits we manufacture our own chick starter crumbles right on the premises to assure you of the freshness and quality for the best results reesors marmill ltd box 20 markham ont 2942323 3tvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvvavvvvvvvvxvvvvkxvvvl plan to attend the womens institute euchre in the commu nity hall on wednesday feb 10th at 8 pm prizes and lunch will be provided mr and mrs jack morgan en- tertained mr and mrs norman king of belhaven on saturday also mr robin nicholson of whitby mr nicholsons many friends in the district will be pleased to hear that he is en joying good health and at 75 continues to play the organ in all saints anglican church mrs ellis britton organized a toboggan party for her sunday school class on saturday at the britton farm mr and mrs robt salzman of claremont have taken up res idence in brampton members of the brooklin jr farmers held a skating party at cedarena after skating 25 young people enjoyed refresh ments at the home of mr and mrs murray carson mr hollingshcad attended a senior wardens district meet ing of the masonic lodge in toronto on the weekend barbara pugh spent the week end at the home of her parents mr and mrs lloyd pugh at the present time she is in the middle of writing examinations mrs june miladinov and daughter susan visited with her parents mr and mrs jack morgan and brothers recently june a registered nurse finds the emergency ward at the hospital for sick children very interesting and rewarding work the almark family were din ner gnosis at the new home of mr and mrs jack mansell and family on friday evening rob ert stayed over and went skiing on saturday mr and mrs willard peddie were weekend dinner guests of mrs arthur peddie we were sorry to hear of the injury to hockey player tom benson last week who suffered two cracked ribs during a game in stouffville mrs towner was a dinner guest on sunday at the home of mr and mrs jim peddie mr and mrs l macfarlane and daughter judy were guests of mr and mrs j anonby on friday evening judy has been confined to a cast for the past four months in bed mr and mrs rae ward and family were visitors at the home of mr and mrs w p jones of new toronto on sun day mrs b r merritt celebrated her birthday on sunday and vis it ed with her daughter mrs j anonby and family rev t fleetham of green wood conducted the marriage on saturday of mr dave bate and miss karen clarke at his parson age the groom is the son of mr a r bate local postmaster a tea and bake sale sponsored by the ucw will be held in the sundav school room on saturday feb 13th at 3 pm mr and mrs fred madill en joyed dinner on sunday at the home of their son and his wife mr and mrs ross madill of ajax mr and mrs bruce lehman of brooklin visited on sunday at the home of his parents mr and mrs wes lehman miss linda beelby entertained at a toboggan party on satur day miss donna madill also had a few ot her friends in lor a birthday party mr and mrs ed sima and family of scarboro visited on sunday with her parents mr and mrs wm welsh mr and mrs boh barton of scarboro called at the home of his parents mr and mrs robt barton sr on sunday mr and mrs al boles enjoy ed a visit from miss patsy matt hews of letete new brunswick and grandparents mr and mrs r hoyt of toronto at a family gathering on sunday derrick curtis son of mr and mrs jim curtis has returned home following a trip to austra lia to attend the world scout m jamboree the evening group of the ucw will meet on feb 8th mrs wm gliddon and mrs robt hockley will be in charge of the program mrs r f cooper and mrs jim curtis will take charge of the lunch mr and mrs russell hamil ton enjoyed supper on saturday with miss ruth hutchings of green river mr and mrs stan warburlon of toronto visited at the home of mr and mrs russell hamil ton on sunday a hockley heads ont county potato growers association the ontario county potato growers met in the department of agriculture ofnct- uxbridge for their annual meeting on monday january 25th mr albert hockley and mr richard colwell reported on the annual fruit and vegetable growers conference held in toronto last week mr bob timbers director for ontario county on the ontario fruit and vegetable growers association reported on a number of meet ings that were held by the onta rio food council with represent atives of the companies proces sing potatoes mr lynn fair agricultural representative in his talk stres sed the importance of accuracy in doing soil testing work he demonstrated how soil test labo ratory reports were used in re commending the amount and analysis of fertilizer to be used the election of officers and directors for 1065 resulted as follows honorary president milburn meek sandford presi dent albert hockley clare- 1 vicepresident bob to whitby township officially ended last week when town ship clerk murray robinson tendered his resignation to council mr robinson began his carecr with the municipality in 1942 and outside of three years in the wartime service he has served ever since when i started here it was only a saturday job and the pay was 560 a month he told coun cil we opened for business on saturday and i was hard press ed to find enough to keep me busy tremendous change the past 15 years have seen a tremendous change and now my staff and i are hard pressed to find time for many things mr robinson has accepted the post of secretary of new whitby township school board reeve john dryden expressed i resignation and said one of the most important decisions this council will have to make in the following year is the choice of a man to replace mr robinson his long faithful years of service have been appreciated by many members of many councils and his skill and abil ity will he sorely missed council passed a resolution to accept mr robinsons resigna tion with regret and agreed to advertise for a man to fill his chair dog licences a problem has been solved for many township dog owners in the past many persons have not known where and when to buy a licence for their dog in future years the licences will be sold at the municipal office in brooklin and residents will he notified of the sale with their taxbills pickering blood donor clinic february 8 the next blood donors clinic sponsored by the pickering township and village branch of the red cross to be held in the united church c k centre in pickering on monday feb 8th stresses an urgent appeal for donors the need for blood is greater than ever althoush donations increased last year the demand for blood has increased in a greater degree so although the 800000 bottles collected across canada in 1964 constituted a record the need for 196s is es timated at over 850000 bottles some 314000 of which will be required in ontario this means that blood must be given by a number of new donors as well as by the estab lished donors who have been so generous in the past some people are not yet a- ware that since 1959 all blood is provided free in canada sometimes a technical charge may be involved but the blood itself is free of charge in fact the canadian blood transfusion service is the best in the world clinic hours will be as usual from 200 to 430 pm and from 630 to 900 pm also as usual free transportation and baby sitting are availablein the south call mrs bilton 2826817 in the north mrs green 649- 2122 please help to make this an other record clime for the bunch timbers mt albsrt 3 secre tarytreasurer gordon rynard zephyr directors yv sav age uxbridge 1 stan lunney zephyr walter kerry port terry bill kennedy ux bridge 2 ii schmitt zephyr h george wicsner pefferlaw hi heintz kooning zephyr 1 richard colwell claremont 1 nick koot beavfitoil 1 mr bob timbers was elected as director for ontario county to the fruit and vegetable growers association with rich ard colwell as alternate director three farms sold in brougham district bloomington the young people held a to boggan party and social friday evening at the home of mr and mrs douglas clark sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late mr frank irven of toron to mr irven is survived bv his wife the daughter of mr kill- yard fockler and their two children mis caulficld and son of oakville were church visitors sunday and with mr caulficld were at her mothers mr and mrs vince wagg stouftvihc the annual meeting of the sunday school vas he on wed evening reports were ta bled from all department the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars was given to the cana dian sunday school mission the oflicers and teachers were returned much as in 1964 sup erintendent is mr howard do ner there are classes for all ages plans are being formula ted to organize a young adults class rev d benson attended the ministerial association service at bcamsville on monday and the induction of their resident minister mr and mrs larry tranmer and steven of mt albert ere sunday visitors at his grandpa rents mr and mrs o tranmer caller whos the respons ible man here office boy if you mean the follow who always jets the blame its me the sales have been reported of three brougham district farms and each has been in the owners name for many years to the north the property of mr and mrs norman burton has been sold to mr r m bro- phy who resides across the road mr howard burton plans to move his woodworking shop to a 2 acre piece of land at the south end of the farm to the south of the village mr and mrs wesley slack have sold their property and to the west mr and mrs geo duncan have disposed of their land workmen have been busy du ring the past week renovating the interior of the church tile ceiling is being lowered and tiled on sunday services were held in the hall mrs wallace ellicott of tor onto caled on mrs wm elli cott and dianne mrs eldon carter on thursday the boy scouts have been meeting on tuesday evenings for the past several weeks some of the brougham firemen have been providing the lads with firefighting instruction and safely and also points on the care and operation of the fire truck teachers in public school area no 1 met in the brough am school on thursday after noon to discuss problems of mutual interest congratulations to mr um- phrey and mrs ellison on their marriage friday evening in a hockey game between the local boy scouts and greenwood on saturday david miller was hit on the head by a puck and required several stit ches io close the gash mrs m annis visited with her mother mrs ll honey of port perry on sunday congratulations to mr arn old burton who was married in oshawa on saturday his bride is the former phyllis crawforth of oshawa neil mcleod heads county jr farmers ontario county junior farm ers annual meeting was held in cannington on saturday jan 23rd the 1065 slate of officers elected are as follows county director neil mcleod blackwater 2 past president neil raines blackwater 2 president bruce mcmillan blackwater 1 vicepresident anne dryden brooklin 1 secretarytreasurer ralph hon ey seagrave 2 the annual banquet was held in the united church canning- ton mr george mclaughlin bcaverton delivered a very in formative and thoughtprovok ing address on canadian agri culture during his address he drew many comparisons of the farmers position today with yesterday and related some of his impressions gained while visiting europe this past sum mer a tribute was paid to morley davidson blackwater the retir ing county director and to neil raines blackwater retir ing county president the evening concluded with the presentation of trophies fol lowed by a dance in the ioof hall cannington late mrs frank chapman who passed away on wednesday at oshawa general hospital mr and mrs chapman lived for many years on the grassmera farm here in audley and wera very active in community int erests sympathy is also extended to mr and mrs leonard waltham and his family in the passing on j friday of leonards mother in quccnsway etobicoke general hospital bethesda wesley brillinger returned home from york county hospi tal newmarket on wednesday month there a day of quilling will take place of the regular meeting of he bclhesda womens insti tute on wednesday feb 10 at the home of mrs allan wide- man there will be a pot luck dinner at noon mrs m swash and mrs e smith who were our leaders taking the course at newmarket in january will in troduce the womens institute course in block printing this is a free course provided by the department of agriculture which teaches the making of patterns with which a coloured pattern may be stamped on cloth or paper you may make your own christmas cards or print patterns on clothing or linens offerings of cookies or candy will be received at this meeting for valentine remem brances for the patients of the stouffville nursing home the bethesda womens insti tute invites all interested ladies to join with them in this inter esting day glen major mr and mrs albert lee is lington spent the weekend with mr j a hingston miss lois dclancy oshawa and mr david bradley ash- burn visited saturday with mr and mrs jim jones congratulations to mr brian hingston on winning third prize on his antique sports car at the car show in toronto on saturday mr and mrs paul banter of sudbury spent the weekend with mr and mrs jim jones mr george gibson toronto spent the weekend at hlj cot tage the ladies enjoyed lovely luncheon and had their meetinz on thursday at the horn of mrs dclma nokes mr hoyle brethour ux bridge called on mr j a hingston one day recently mr and mrs joseph johnson and family mr and mrs allan holman and kevin of brooklin visited on sunday with mr and mrs edgar johnson mrs george johnson and ga ry spent sunday with mr and mrs ray munro epsom audley the hic group will meet this sunday evening at 8 pm at the church the explorers are planning a crokinole party in the church on friday evening feb 12 at 8 pm ladies are asked to bring lunch the community club spons ored a social evening at the red wing recreational hall on fri day evening when about sev enty members and friends en joyed bowling and dancing sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the claremont comm bowling lg team standings al roszell 17 pts ivan booth 16 pts lloyd macgregor 16 pts jean bradshaw 16 pts lloyd pascoe 15 pts dave ferguson 35 pts marge samarillo 15 pts ken field 12 pts jack brad shaw 11 pts pat lord 7 pts ladies high scores high average agnes ferguson 107 high triple flat marge samarillo 760 high single oat joyce norrish 324 high triple hdep joyce norrish 825 high single hdcp joyce norrish 351 men high scores high average vic binelli 229 high triple flat vic binelli 880 high single flat ivan booth 369 high triple hdcp jack bradstiaw808 high single hricpl jack bradshaw 348 over 209 agnes ferguson 311216 ken held 292200 marge samarillo 276203 vic binelli 252238208 dave ferguson 244240210 lloyd macgregor 241200 fern redshaw 238 jean brad shaw 237 alvin redshaw 229 cliff wannop 226 marie nelu 226 jack bradshaw 224217 lloyd pascoe 223 joyce norrish 221220 helen pascoe 220 earl pilkey 219 doreen alexander 218 charlie killey 218 kathy fitzwilliams 215 chuck sur- phlis 213 sub joyce jardine 212 jo derusha 211200 amy clark 207 frank hcndy 203- 202 rene rennie 201 gem diamonds are being dredged from the ocean bottom near south african shores 1t3 leffis now the convenience of modern living are yotira with lp gas delivered anywhere for rangei water healers refrigerators etc ip gas is thrifty too i altane propane gas and appliances 216 markham rd richmond hill phone av 55281 toronto wa 35851 j r alty stouffville 6101874