Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 2

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t9 2 th stouffviui wusht twvjjy fw 4 j965 editorial just plain bored at the amiuaj convention of the markham township sunday school association selected members in a panel discussion pointed with obvious frustration to the fact that while church school enrollment remained stable church congregation member ship was on the wane the reason is all too obvious as the panel agreed too many of todays young people are not regular churchgoers why are they staying away t we feel that the problem lies not with the young people as individuals or the congregation as a whole but with the man behind the pulpit the minister like an afterdinner speaker he can command the atten tion of his audience or lull them to sleep in their seats many are guilty of the latter we live in a modern age and the for future at a regular meeting of stouff- ville council this week tonight the members wiu consider certain rules and regulations as laid down in the present transient traders bylaw with the suggestion that changes are in order we are not denying the fact that there may be loopholes in the bylaw that need plugging but well have no part of any change that would dis criminate against one individual al ready in business here it would seem rather strange that the operator of a mobile fish and chip truck should be granted a licence in 1964 but one year later there is gome question as to the justification of this operation we feel that the council is with in its rights in taking a long hard church must keep pace or die many pastors fail to take note of this trend but still wonder at the reason for diminishing memberships many ministers preach solely from the bible without application to the day in which we live any lay man can read from the scriptures in the quiet of his own home many ministers attempt to frighten their congregations with quaking descrip tions of the sinful hereafter but todays generation isnt frightened so easily young people today are a practi cal people and they wish only prac tical guidance to cope with practical problems if they cant gain this type of information from the pulpit theyll go elsewhere and theyre going elsewhere at the rate of s6 per cent protection only look at this law for future protection but we feel they would be sticking their necks away out if they cut off one mans livelihood to quell a com plaint from a competitor it would be similar to zoning a piece of pro perty commercial land and forcing an established homeowner to move his residence to comply these kind of problems are bound to crop up from time to time this particular one is of minor im portance there is a principal here that is of major importance however and we would suggest that the mem bers proceed with care and caution perhaps the chip vendor should never have been issued a licence in the first place but in our books to cancel his permit now would only prove that two wrongs do not make a right the magnitude of the men and machines have already moved in to the site of pickering townships huge nuclear generating station few people realize the mag nitude of this new plant nor can any one judge the importance of this pro ject to the area that surrounds it the initial plan calls for a 2unit system but according to reports this could well be expanded to 6 units or more to put the program in lay mans language one unit producing 500000 kilowatts would service five highly industrialized cities the size of oshawa pickering project will this project provide an in centive for industrial interests to lo cate in pickering we would say yes and point to the generating plant at lakeview as an example the work there was started in 1958 there was little or no industrial de velopment in that area at that time look at it now the site is surround ed by factories ontario hydro has handed pick ering twp a real gift that could open the door to industrial growth that has been anticipated and promised for many many years spoiling the chance many people now use ballpoint pens where they formerly used pen cils this change has put an end to the earlymorning trip to the pencil sharpener and a start at the days work by doing nothing if he had several pencils giving the impression of a big plan to do a lot of work the sharpening operation could last quite n while well on towards the first coffee break a fellow could look busy and feel busy and this was good for the nervous system now with the ballpoint pen the only escape is that it may not write which has been to do nothing known to happen anyway theres always a hope otherwise immed iately at the start of the days first work period a man is in danger of being faced by the reality of needing to do some actual work this is well known to be bad for the nervous sys tem unless one goes ahead and really does the work those who have tried the system of working report that they feel fine there are cases where people found it so stimulating that they almost forgot to stop for that midmorning cup of coffee lemonville sunday feb 7 will be an other special youth service theme faith in orbit the jr choir school choir and sun day school will participate stewart smith will offer the beautiful violin solo ava ma ria ucw will hold their feb meeting at the home oc mrs morris smith tues feb 9 at 8 pm mrs inglij and mrs price are in charge of the pro gram mrs t mccrcight will be guest speaker and mrs le- roy soper the soloist an invi tation is extended to everyone to join the evening fellowship mrs j nauta was a luncheon guest at the home of mrs beth toole mount albert on tues- mrs a hartwick attended the ucw annual meeting at newmarket on tups several who planned to attend were forced to remain home due to the very unpleasant weather the lemonvillp cgit group enjoyed a very invigora ting skating party at cedarena on thurs evening mr and mrs lambert and family moved on friday from the i d ramcr farm on the th cone mr and mrs j denton and family of belleville spent sat with her parents dr and mrs s s crouch mr and mrs grant wells and family were sat evening dinner guests with mr and mrs w d atkinson also mr a m wood and mr and mrs glen evans and family mr and mrs h hirsch sus ie and georgie were sunday guest with mrs j nauta and family wayne houghton son of mr and mrs keith houghton vjs involved in a nasty tobaggon- ing accident on thursday even ing sustaining a broken leg mr and mrs ross thompson and dean of uxbridge were sunday guests with mr and mrs jas rae and family mr and mrs henry steele toronto spent sunday with mrs j gibbins fourteen boys registered for the cub pack al the church on wednesday evening excellent leadership is being provided for the boys in the person of mrs it ashbridge an invitation is extended to any boys ages 8- ii in our community who would like to become members of such a very worthwhile group halfpast tun getting the bus on the road atfi sucar and spice by bill smiley he was forever england with his usual superb sense of timing winston churchill hose to die during a rather dull winter period when it was possible to attract the attention of the entire world without fear oi anyone stealing the scene from him it was time to go there is nothing more pitiable than a great man reduced to dotage and senility he was spared this despite the avalanche of anecdotes and eulogies and re prints of his speeches i dont hink iliere was deep and wide spread sorrow at his demise certainly there was none of the heartinfliroal grief that accompanied the death of president kennedy it was more of a nostalgic sadness a sense of the loss of ah institution one can imagine the english feeling like this when queen victoria died after 60odd years on the throne quite a man was sir winslon and just that not a super man but a man and that was why he was able to seize and shake and straighten ihp hearts of the free world with his courage and his tears his defiance and his prayers during those days when europe and the world were threatened with a thousand j ears of darkness most of us have several elements in our character chur chill was a kaleidoscope of the colors of life he was reaction ary and reformer he was earthly realist and pool he was dreamer and doer lie was selfish and selfless lie was arrogant and humble he was part pirate part prophet part imperialist anj part imp he was ruthless but he wept easily he was a hundred other things just as contradictory i was 19 when the phoney war ended and the german legions smashed through belgium and life suddenly became very real and i shall never forget the thrill the sense of hope and of resolution that surged through us when the lions giowl rasped over thp atlantic on the airwaves we shall rever surrender its difficult to realize that he was 65 then an age when most men are retiring from life and the struggle i saw the old fireeater once and was almost trampled to death in the process jt was on an airstrip in normandy i he summer of 1944 a few weeks after the invasion we were drawn up on parade in the dust and heat officers in front other ranks in the rear and we stood there mutter ing curses for half an hour suddenly a little twoseater scout plane popped over the horizon and squatted 60 feet in front of us the pilot climbed out we could see his airvicemarshalls stripes and grumbled our disgust for all brass then the back cockpit opened and a vast cherubic visage with a cigar in it beamed at us he came out of the thing like a baby whale coming out of a iiickens egg he stood on the wing grinning he stuck up two fingers in the worldfamous vsign but with just a sugges tion of the servicemans naughty gesture which looked much hie same hut nuaiit something quite different then he waved an embracing wave that said come on in closer our total complement of officer pilots was almost wiped out when the rear ranks surged through around and over us to cluster within touching distance of the old war- horse he talked for five minutes earthy vocabulary caesar em ployed when addressing his legions and then he was off the incredibly foolish and gallant old man hopping to another air field risking his skin to have a look at us and let us have a look at him and human he was my favorie story is ihe one involving iariy astor the hardnosed asptongued old aristocrat she became enraged during an argument with churchill and fired what she thought was the parting shot if you were my hus band id poison your coffee to which the groat man replied piomptly and politely madame if you were my wife id drink it we shall not see his like again editors mail ottawa 8 ontario jan 29 1965 mr james thomas editor the stouffville tribune stouftville ont dear mr thomas another christmas season has passed and from a postal stand point we feel it was a success the expeditious handling of the record volumes of mail well within the periods prescribed bore this out one actor which i feel contri buted greatly to this success and deserves special recognition was the excellent cooperation and coverage extended by a number of news media during the peak mailing period grant ed mail volumes of such magni tude may be a newsworthy item in themselves but for organiza tions such as yours to provide a service beyond what normally would be expected is certainly commendable and appreciated by spreading the word of early mailing and by encouraging correct addressing and bundling of mail you have rendered a service of inestimable value to our postal operation conceivably the public may not fully understand or even ap preciate the value to them of your public service announce ments but i can assure you that we in the department are fully aware of the benefits derived and take this means of convey ing our appreciation and thanks yours sincerely sgd w h wilson deputy postmaster general rrastlo used to stop frost road heaving a method to- prevent heaving of roads has been devised by the soil mechanics section of the national research council the city of sudbury and dow chem ical of canada limited the aim of the project is 1o evaluate ihe effectiveness of us ing foamed polystyrene a plas ticto insulate the subgrade or natural soil under road sur faces heaving of the asphalt surfaces of roads occurs when the subgrade soil freezes sudbury was selected for the tests because of ihe serious frostheaving conditions encoun tered in this city due to the frostsusceptible nature of the subgrade soils two 100foot sections of road in sudbury were selected for the tests one on bvng street and ihe other on antwerp street the normal design for road construction in sudbury is to place 18 inches of subbase or rough gravel on top of the sub- grade soil the subbase is cos- eml willi three inches of base coarse or fine gravel and this is topped with 3i inches of as phalt surfacing on ihe 100foot section on ryng street foamed polystyrene boards measuring two by four feci and two inches thick were placed 15 inches below the surface of the asphalt this means that the boards are in the subbase nine inches above the level of the subgrade soil the tests will show whether the polystyrene boards will re tard frost penetration and pre vent the subgrade soil from freezing and causing the as phalt surfac to heave at the antwerp street loca tion the same construction de sign was used on half of the 100foot section of road how ever on the other half the poly styrene hoards were placed di- clie jsfoitffiirue enbuite established lilt member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aduummd aa aaconddaaa mall roawcea dapu ottawa mcmber of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 550 c n noian ruhllshar jar tiiomas ryiitnr 4as mckkav advertising roamin around a recent editorial in the high school news of the tribum written by grade 11 student nancy paul brought forth som very good arguments in favour of a teenage coke shop i town where young people could gather after four and on week ends without disturbing other adult patrons the suggestioi has started people talking and comments have been both fo and against the idea in markham village there is such establishment the premises known as hazels kourtn kitchen is located on the south side of no 7 hwy directl across from the shopping plaza to obtain an unbiased lm pression on the benefits or otherwise of this teenage meetirut place we visited the restaurant on friday evening and again or saturday afternoon we learned that the management is liter ally a family affair hazel watkins her husband and twe daughters mary and wendy operate this popular place or saturday during our brief time there we counted eighteer persons at the tables consuming everything from pizza pies tc hamburgers the atmosphere was exceptionally pleasant and although long past the teenage lttraclion to popular music we found the highvolumed tones of the juke box quite bearable conversations consisted of everything from grade 11 french to the engine power of a lads rebuilt hotrod the dress was what one might expect to see young people wearing on a saturday practical enough to change the oil in the car and good enough to walk to the post office for the morning mail most of the girls smoked it was obvious that this spot holds two main attractions for young people music on record and informali ty we talked with the proprietor hazel as she is known to most of her regular patrons she and her husband opened the snack bar in october of last year they keep long hours from 7 in the morning until midnight she said that during their more than four months of operation they have experienced ro problems she admitted that one or two known troub- makcrs were told not to frequent the premises she said that it was not uncommon for school kids to come in after four and complete some of their homework over a coke or coffee she denied that their patrons were 100 teenagers but during our saturday visit only three out of the eighteen present could be classed as senior citizens over 21 treat kids as adults and theyll behave as adults she said this may be ihe secret of their success anyway as one of those three senior citizens we could find no cause for complaint pickering twp road department employee lloyd fascoe found himself in a rather embarrassing position on monday morning of last week when his partially loaded sand truck became stuck on a patch of ice his source of sand supply was quite handy however and a couple of shovelful under the rear wheels solved the problem speaking of ice fifteen minutes after a truck belonging to dominion mushroom co skidded out of control on the 9th cone county road in pickering on friday morning the sand truck appeared on the scene in case youre interested ihe paper back book of pierr bertons the comfortable pew is on sale at houston drug store at 250 and going fasi many readers students and adults alike would like to know the identity of stouffvilles ann landers who gives advice to the teenage lovelorn in the tribunes high news column so far our attempt to pick the right writer has been wrong you have probably heard ihe humour connected with read- lug your own obituary in a newspaper well if kev geo davi son of melville united church had picked up a jan 21st issua of ihe ajax weekly he would have read just that w have learned that kev davison is very much alive although on th sick list for a time since our automatic dryer has gone on the blink w hava been spending some time at the main street laundromat we have come to the conclusion this establishment is a boon to the local housewife for she can pass this weekly chore off on the husband a large per cenlage of users are men some arriving duiing the wee small hours of the morning laden down with baskets of towels pajamas and diapers how times hav changed we have learned on reasonably good authority that th don hunter farm on the 6th cone of markham ha boon sold to auctioneer frank bennett we can think of no more frigid occupation than working on the roof of stouffvilles new sr citizens home in subzero temperatures with a 25 mile an hour wind blowing in from ths north speaking about the cold it is not uncommon to see birds sitting on the top of chimneys as the heat and smoko filter through their feather such a sight was brought to our atten tion recently at the home of mrs wm connor mate street apparently this sparrow considered smoke poisoning a less painful death than pneumonia gord lewis once one of stouffvilles most profilic goal- scorers in intermediate and senior ranks has come out of retirement to assist as a referee he has handled several games in the midget group schedule and has done an excellent job gord doesnt hold an omha card but on his work here could easily qualify for additional duties gasoline advertized at 379 cents al a station outside of brougham last week attracted our attention as the gauge hand hung heavily on the empty mark a closer check found thn pumps under lock and key in fact eacli unit had been boarded up either for shipment or preservation wc were not quite sure how nine girls could obtain any romantic thrill out of keeping company with some members of the vagabond motor cycle club that we viewed in richmond hill court last week is a leal mystery to this writer prior to admittance to the cooler a few of the male members should have been hustled off to the nearest barber of course ever since the advent of eve a seg ment of the girl population has posed a mystery to man glenn rennancn main st k is undoubtedly ihe envy of many young lads in town he is lie owner of a sleek 61 model thundcrhird a real beauty of a car if fish was number 1 on the menu at the white lunch restaurant in markham village on friday it came as no sur prise to their patrons for you sec the proprietor peter hajduk landed 23 beauties near pefferlaw on lake simcoe the day be fore it is understood that one or two were sooo big that they had to be weighed at brillingers elevator scales jim kailford cone 6 whitchurch may have to toss a coin in decide wliicii or his two sons bradley 12 or timiiiy will accompany him lo maple leaf gardens next saturday night mr kailford won vo nhi tickets in ihe lucky draw in dm slouffvilli arena on thursday night mid both his boys are avid hockey fans the prize was part of ihe program hat concluded minor hockey week in own last week a queensville feed truck overturned on a curve iast of town although very little of the load was lost in the up set some became scattered on the ground during its transfer onto another transport residents in the area reported that the pheasants enjoyed the free meal to such an extent that they couldnt fly due to the overload if an hi wind that doesnt blow somebody some good iook o your laurels boys theres a mens howling league lliil operacs a he local alleys every second friday affernoon and although ihe ages of the participant range from 50 to 82 years some of the scores are downright amazing alex rat- cliff for instance counted a 425 fiat single recently with 11 strikes and a spare the membership now totals 34 the league alternates between agincourt and souffville some of the local participants include del jennings andy williams bert jjekorlsh henry slack harvey houck john underwood harold carrulhers bill grove alex ralcliff herbie simpson ray fleury bill rlsebrough and chit rmon any of you young fellows who would like o polish up on your game drop down o he alleys on a friday and pick up a few pointers the next actionpacked afternoon is scheduled for feb 12th theres no admission charge for spectators rectly on top of the subgrade soli and covered with only nine inches of subbase material thren inches of eoars base and za inches of asphalt the construction work w done last summer and tests now are being made with automatic recording equipment officials ol the city are assisting in th observations dow chemical provided thi insulation and issubtd with it installation normal construe tion costs were borne by thi city

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