ftyt 4 thi stoufryiue town tfauny juowy 28 m3 toewnk sr miscelune0us alumiriijth products wvaiiws doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6401891 38tf custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hethenngton phone stouffville p102033 32ti sanitary contractor septic tanks pnmped drains cleaned and itepalred o stuxdkx lstf richmond hill ph to 41245 stouffville radiator repair and exchange lor cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6103311 38tf wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile 29tf phone 8875337 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call stouftvuio 6102826 6103803 gormley 8875525 unlonville 2071186 36tf gormley 8875240 articles for sale baled shavings for sale nigh bros phone 6401680 or 6402006 32tf johnson floor polisher for sale in good condition phone 6402382 after 5 pm one double door commer cial refrigerator for sale 17 cu ft phone 6492007 adding machines type writers for rent call tribune office supplies phone 6102100 34tf wallpaper sale many beautiful patterns greatly reduced to clear an over stock hendricks hardware snowmobile for sale 10 hp motor 2 seatcr used pull up to one ton make offer merv bunker 6401427 for rent goodwood area comfort able 4 room selfcontained apartment with all conven iences in warm country home s60 monthlv with garage 63 call 6101336 or 8323443 we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in your home by the week or month your rent may be applied to purchase if desired herb kring furni ture and appliances 23 main sl w phone 6402092 40tf real estate television set 21 hifi for sale both in working or der phone 6492246 after 6 pm 2 snow tires with rims for sale size 800x14 price s1600 each like new phone 640- 2315 after 6 pm paint sale cil super kem tone and kem glo many popular colors at i price at hendricks hardware ratcliff lumber co stouftville gormley unlonville 6402351 8881991 2971661 slabwood and fireplace chunks for sale comet welders supplies new and used welders also compressors grinders aug ers etc smithroles comet dealer m jones phone 649- 5201 278 walnut table with six legs an antique with large drop leaf sides good westinghouse refrigerator pine glass top cupboard phone evenings 640-3225- electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouftvuio 6402252 plastering clean neat winter repairs arch ways ceilings and new work bob wood phone 8881135 22tf mortgage funds we have funds available for first and second mortgages at current rates wo will purchase your mortgage or lend you money on it at a saving to you of over 50 over finance com pany rates you will be pleased with our fast same day service on every inquiry phone or write to john m itaird mortgage broker 360 main st markham onl phone 2911431 334 member of ontario mortgage brokers association hoover vacuum week see the hoover constellation upright models at greatly re duced prices during hoover week at hendricks hardware house on commercial proper ty main st e stouflville seven rooms and garage ex cellent condition new gas fur nace whole house newly dec orated in and outside for in formation call 6401060 work wanted manure loaded trucked phone atlantic 41270 34 3 parttime housework baby sitting wanted phone 6492125 mrs e newell 332 woman will care for child while mother works east end stouflville phone 6401742 pet stock good watchdog free to a good home phone 6403674 cars trucks transportation 1956 international itont transportation wanted pickup reasonable ph 832- 3s92 333 03 lmmmr bargains bargains germanshorthair pointer puppies for sale registered phone 6403764 342 june possession custom built 6room bungalow at tached garage and full base ment hand cut credit valley stone fireplace established lawns and many trees 5 nha mortgage call j h couse 6401955 for sale stouffville main st 6 room home on 2 floors new forced air oil furnace 3pc bath ideal for store with living quarters 155 acre farm just off don mills rd 20 miles north of gormley large brick house with all conveniences also 6- room house with bath all steel barn pig pen 2 implement sheds pond very large front age full price 55000 with vi cash to see these and others call floyd marlatt 21 tenth line north slouflvilla 640s822 margaret ballard realtor pumps pressure syctems shallow well and deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction phone stouff ville 6401424 26tf refrigerator and range sale general electric and mcciary appliance prices greatly reduced on pre models buy now for big savings your terms at hendricks hardware office equip typewriters adders cashiers duplicators cheque writers files furni ture we buy sell rent ser vice largest stock budget terms new and used low overhead low prices bill hamilton raglan north of oshawa 6tf for sale near sutton so acre sod farm kentucky blue grass full price 30000 per jre greenbank lovely clean 6 room home new oil furnace new 3- piece bath completely furnished with almost new furniture ill ness forces sale owner must retire to dry climate immed iately full price 8000 with reasonable terms police dog pups large pure bred champion stock silver and black and tan phone 640- 1289 sale register auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouflville 6401494 a s farmer rhone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone markham 2943161 or stouflville 6103686 reg johnson sunderland ont near sunderland 150 acre clay loam stream nice large brick home with all conveniences large barns etc full price ask ing 25000 with terms 10 wooded acres with stream full price 2000 with low down payment you too can make money raising chinchillas stonehouse chinchilla ranch rr 1 uxhrldgo at siloam 33tf seed time if we are to give all our cus tomers good service we must process at least 50 order in february your cooperation in handling our increased volume could be especially imperative should there be an early seeding this year again no expense has been spared to make our service and plant seeondtonone in the in dustry rates 20 cents per cwt for cleaning 10 cents per bus for treating for your appointment call 6402766 any evening after 630 jones seed plant 18 highway 344 hay grain baled hay straw for sale nigh bros phone 640- 16so or 6102006 32tf television antenna do it yourself kits chimney an tennas 1495 roof antennas 1995 30lt tower 3995 40 ft tower 4995 above items contain all necessary material herb kring furniture and appliances 23 main st west phone 6402092 40tf used appliances 6 clean refrigerators 8 reconditioned ranges 8 wringer washers recently traded in priced low to clear were running out of storage room hendricks hardware markhams oldest skate exchange we buy trade and sell used skates new speeders figure and hockey skates in stock at reasonable prices tradeins taken lawton shoes a repairs 82 main st marklmm phone 2941542 18tf metro wrecking cedar avenue richmond hill new and used lumber plumb ing soil pipe doors oil burn ers oil tanks pipe clearing new glazed sash 50c and up open daily until 630 pm saturday until 5 pm vi mile east of yonge south of markham road av 53942 tf deliveries arranged hay 45c per bale 2000 bales of mixed hay phone don i sanderson rr i brooklin 6553568 ashburn more profit to you when you plant robson seneca adop ted hybrids for silage and grain unique 3way cross every plant producing far greater yield increased stand- ability mel johnson clare- mont rr3 ph 6195151 34 2 last day rat jan so everything must be sold less than h price shelvedore electric refrig erator 4995 sale price good heavy plate mirrors 18x26 reg price 1695 sale price 849 2 white metal single bedi reg price 5995 sale prict 2993 1 full size mattress reg price 5995 sale price 2949 a quantity of iccond hand galvanized pipe 1 and li 10c a foot tarpaulin hvxllv will sell for 10 few table lamps reg price 1295 sell for 850 2 single springs reg price 1595 sell for 1095 baxlin furniture ph 6103131 we have building lots from s300 up farms and ranches from 5500 up houses and summer cottages at various prices see us before you buy margaret ballard realtor sunderland ontario phone 303 sicuffvpllejsrflrd 2323 9a3fs75ll retirement home income 9300 full price excellent clean home with 2 self contained apartments of 1 and 2 bedrooms living rooms and kitchens situated on large lot in east end of village close to shopping etc easy terms call and see stouffville area 3000 full carries for 4500 month about 1000 down cosy 2 bedroom cottage with large bright living room nice kitchen 3pc bath basement oil furnace etc owner must sell 10 acres markham township only 2000 down with full 7- 300 full price close to no 7 highway ideal garden soil and homeiite hobby farm 12 acres located close to stouffville has solid 3 bedroom house with din ing kitchen and 20ft living room modern fa oil heat 3- pc bath etc barn is 35x50 pig pen good trout pond asking 21000 with terms owners sacrifice your down payment considered 16900 for this oversized l- shaped 6 room brick bungalow situated on large landscaped lot in west end of stouffville con sisting of 3 large bright airy bedrooms family size living and dining rooms plus modern kitchen fa oil heat etc quick sale required call now harold wood real estate 280 main st- west stouftville progressive real estate office saturday jan 30 gigan tic auction sale to be held at stouffville stockyards ltd selling all classes of livestock including springers fresh cows stockers feeders pigs sheep goats horses etc by the pound or by the dollar also the farmers market with its fresh fruit vegetables meats eggs furniture cloth ing so bring the whole fam ily and take part in the ever growing auction this being the endofthemonth sale it should be a big one so make sure youre there your neigh bors are 3 rings operating at the same time sale starts at 1 pm bennett faulkner browning auctioneers thursday feb 4 special twilight auction sale of hol- stein ayrshire guernsey jer sey springers and fresh cows and heifers to be held at the stouffville stockyards these sales have become very popu lar and we ate receiving many high class cattle for these sales with a good demand for top cows and heifers it you would like to enter any in this sale please contact f bennett unionville 8875570 or n faulkner stouffville 6403813 sale starts at 730 pm f bennett n faulkner sales mgrs auctioneers thursday feb 4 twi light auction sale of fresh cows and springers holstein guernsey ayrshire jersey to be held at stouffville stock yards ltd this has become a very popular sale for both buyer and seller with good quality cows and demand good for such classes anyone wishing to consign all cattle please contact f bennett unionville 8875570 or norm faulkner 6403813 sale starts at 730 pm bennett faulk ner sales mgrs and auction eers thursday feb 11 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay grain and furniture the property of gor don tremeer lot 6 con 4 mariposa twp 5 miles west of little britain on county rd or 5 miles south and 2 miles east of manilla 45 head of hereford cattle roan mare 5 yrs good to work ferguson no 35 tractor good shape i new holland baler no 67 pto 3 yrs allis chalmers combine 6 ft 3 yrs pto mccormick threshing ma chine john deere manure spreader full line of machin cry 1500 bales of hay 800 bales of straw qu of grain large qu of furniture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1230 sharp reg johnson auctioneer thursday feb 28 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements including fresh holstein cows and springers some milking and rebred heifers bull 35 pigs massey ferguson tractor like new ferguson tractor good new holland baler cockshutt pow er mower 1963 liton chey truck only 4000 miles ihc spreader plow cultivator disc sedore manure loader thresher seed drill wood sprayer milker hay grain straw and furniture etc many antiques the property of moses norton at lot 11 con 4 uxbrldge twp 2 miles south of 47 hwy or 2i miles north of uxbridgepickering town- line on cone 4 these imple ments have been well taken care of and will be some of the best offered for sale this spring the 5th line ucw will serve sandwiches hot coffee sale starts at 1 pm furniture sells at 4 pm no reserve as farm sold r e faulkner clerk norm faulk ner auctioneer 63 austin 79500 60 buick 10950c 64 chev bisc 219500 63 chev belair 167500 62 chev bisc 155000 61 chev belair 1 37500 61 ford galaxie 500 212500 63 ford galaxie 1 55000 62 ford galaxie 117500 60 falcon deluxe 75000 62 rambler 105000 60 ttudebaker 75000 62 wliant 105000 60 vauxhall 57500 before you buy try us 6401582 produce arriving king and yonge 830 am or yonge and eglinton bv 800 returning 515 ph david ever 6402679 live stock coming events anyone interested in joining the 4h homemakers club con tact mrs cairns 6101365 valentine lucky draw you may win your valentines gift free at houstons the rexall drug store see ad in paper 1700 dekalb started pullets ready to lay in april vaccin ated debeaked will sell now phone ss75460 31tf 300 yearling hens for sale laying good 70c each chas r jackson phone evenings goodwood 6402726 black standard bred mare for sale registered semper fidoles 16 hands phone 8s8- 1928 342 no 2 potatoes 75 lbs 150 feed potatoes 10 per ton john bosworth potatoes mt albert phone 8955422 34tf for sale m baby beef 100 pounds cut and wrapped ready for the freezer allan jones 6403428 oboyles slaughter house beef pork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing our specialty bus 6401343 res ron 8875607 stan 6102902 2512 boars for sale improve your herd with govt certified sires we have boars of all ages available at reasonable prices ph 8523892 333 implements rumble equipment masseyferguson sales parts service gormley at the railway crossing phone 8875851 44tf reesor farm service your dealer for 39tf cockshutt oliver gehl rr1 unionville 8875265 hutchinson farm supply stouftville rr4 dealer for john deere and papec farm machinery for repairs parts and service phono 6402699 2tf bingo every monday night in the claremont legion hall cash prizes share the wealth and lackpot game time s15 pm everyone welcome 32tf bingo every saturday night in the veterans hall stouff ville sponsored by the canad ian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors open 730 pm games start at 800 sharp admission 50c 23tf cards of thanks i wish to thank my friends for the many acts of kindness during my stay in the hospital and since i returned home for the lovely cards and flowers and the many phone calls i have received alfred michell my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for their visits flowers cards and gifts which 1 have received during my long stay at brierbush hos pital also for the many gifts i received at christmas and on my birthday all were greatly appreciated mrs anne beech tuesday february 9 york county branch canadian men tal health association will hold its seventh annual meeting in st andrews united church markham dr stuart e rosen berg rabbi beth tzedec con gregation toronto will be guest speaker a proceeding coffee party from 730 to 830 pm to the public a sincere invitation is extended 332 the stouflville home and school association will meet next wednesday evening feb 3rd at 830 pm in the summit- view public school a play sponsored by the canadian mental health association will be put on by our local stouft ville drama group this play deals with three mothers play ed by mary harris molly mum- ford and jeannette waite their imaginary five year olds and their ideas on child rearing it will be directed by ruth ded- low group discussion will fol low help wanted beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or st locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat marked stouftvuio th 6401942 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for ireezer we also do custom killing 4tf fast freezer service fretz bros harper bus 6403125 res lee 6402098 norm 6401876 wanted welder wanted acetylene only w e nixon co van- dorf phone 7279211 or 023 3746 332 class a mechanic wanted must have experience on all makes including british cars write box 89 co the stouff- ville tribune 332 serviceman wanted on pow er mowers chain saws etc experienced or mechanically minded man willing to learn altona feed supplies ltd phone 6401621 real estate salesman wanted male or female to work from our stouffville office call office manager mr floyd marlatt 6403822 or margaret ballard realtor sunderland ont phone 303 wanted to rent unfur nished house that can be heated above 70 at reason able cost couple girl 12 pay good rental 90 mthly now always paid before due date with garage garden or small farm 6402713 cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19u margwill fur farm tyrone license 389c65 nicks dead stock service higl prices paid tor dejd and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbrldge ul 23319 colled 24 hours a day 7 days 3 week service nick montague license 172c62 44tf wanted dead i fy horses crippled 1 and old i 1 cattle highest prices paid according to size condition small animals removed free phone zenith 328c0 no toll charge dial 6101641 power equipped trucks call anytime 37ti ed peconi son ltd rr tz woodvllle collector licence 302c64 mechanic wanted by chev olds dealership gm automatic transmission exper ience preferred good working conditions and benefits apply service manager conlin mo tors ltd 2941440 markham notice uxbridge township take notice that the date of the regular february council meeciti has been changed for this month only to saturday february 6th 1965 at 100 pm j e foskett clerk female help wanted i take this opportunity to thank dr socol for his part in my recovery and the nurses and stall for their courtesy and kindness to me while in the york central hospital for the kind friends who visited me and for the flowers and i received and thankyou mac samuel winger the family of the late mrs herbert burnett and mr and mrs arthur storry wish to ex press their appreciation of every kindness shown them during the illness and death of their mother and sister gratitude is extended for flowers the staff of stouffville nursing home for their kind care oneills for their thoughtful efficiency the bloomington womens christian fellowship group for provisions and serving of lunch and to rev d benson for his words of comfort help wanted waitress wanted experienced uniform supplied phone 8875411 342 earn that needed money the avon way for details write miss ziegler box 141 guelph giving phone parttime waitress want- cd fri evenings 530 to 930 saturdays 930 530 apply in person to the coffee shoppe in houstons drug store permanent or temporary or parttime registered nurses applications for the posi tion of school attendance officer for the township of uxbrldge will be received by the undersigned until 5 pm february 4 1965 j e foskett clerk goodwood ont help help i need help to meet the demand for ontario automobile association mem berships i will fully set up the right man in this pleasant dignified good paying work experience not necessary car required no age limit full or part time contact super visor howard davis box 241 stouffville phone 6403735 333 unusual opportunity high commission earnings witli a growing 61 year old company selling world famous goodyear maintenance pro ducts rod tormo earned over 24000 not typical but indic ative of potential last year m w frank earned over 13000 age no barrier di versified year round line no investment required we take care of all financing shipping and collections start on part time basis if you like write consolidated paint varnish canada ltd east ohio bldg cleveland ohio usa the to for greenacres home for aged salary range 33920 39200 graduate nurses also required apply greenacres home for the aged 194 eagle st newmarket or 387 bloor sl e toronto 333 coathup mere words are in adequate to express our grati tude to all our friends neighbors and relatives near and far mem bers of the order of the eastern star masonic order ladies orange benevolent association rev mr and mrs butt for their words of comfort the dixon funeral home markham and others who have helped us through these days of sorrow in our sad bereavement of a loving wife and mother eva with many beautiful flowers cards words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness we can only say thank you so much husband harvey and daughter marion mrs clarence green farnuy one of the earliest books dis cussing the probability of life on other worlds was written about 300 years ago ssssssssssssssssssssss junior typist must be neat and accurate typist general clerical duties apply amalgamated electric corp ltd bullock dr markham village of stouffville requires a man for the works department salary 400000 per annum plus fringe benefits applications will be received by the undersigned in appli cants handwriting until 12 oclock noon february loth 1965 duties will include caretaklng of the cemetery road work sewer maintenance sidewalk repairs and general mainten ance for further particulars con- fact elgin wagg works super intendent duties to commence on or about march 1st 1965 342 r e corner clerk box 419 stouffville ont notice to creditors province of ontario county of york in the matter of the estate of norman o boyle late of the village of stouffville in the county of york butcher notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named norman oboyle who died on or about the 25th day of september ad 1964 are hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the executrix full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 30th day of january ad 1965 after which said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated at stouffville this 8th day of january 1965 frances edith oboyle stouffville ontario 323 executrix h r button qc barrister and solicitor box 220 stouffville ontario notice to creditors province of ontario county of york in the matter of the estate of walter well ington uens late of tho township of markham in tho county of york gentleman de ceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named walter wellington uens who died on or about the 30th day of december ad 1964 are hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the executor full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 6th day of february ad 1965 after which said date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated at stouffville this 11th day of january ad 1965 mr arthur uens rr 1 unlonville ontario 333 executor ii r button qc barrister and solicitors box 220 stouffville ontario notice to creditors province of ontario county of york in the matter of tub estate of albert ern est lageer late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york retired farm er deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named albert ernest lageor who died on or about the 8th day of august 1964 arc hereby required to send by post pre paid or to deliver to the under signed solicitor for the execu tors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or be fore the 30th day of january 1965 after which said date tho said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated at stouffvillt this 8th day of january 1965 mr albert r lageer rr i woodvllle ontario mr stanley g lageer rr 2 stouftville ontario 323 executors h r button qc barrister and solicitor box 220 stouffville ontario