Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 28, 1965, p. 2

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tt 7 the st0uffv1lle t6isun1 tknbr itautry 28 1965 editorial more cooperation needed immortal beacon we had another example last week of the lack of cooperation be tween stouffville municipal council and the local school board as well as the public utilities commission in order to get a proper picture of what debts the various municipalities in ontario are incurring the depart ment of municipal affairs demanded some time back that each municipal ity make a precise statement of what capital expenditures could be anti cipated in the next five year period this is to be a continuing demand each year council which is the municipal body which must raise this money through taxation has been able to estimate its debenture issues but has been frustrated continually by the other three boards in trying to come to some definite figure as was pointed out at last weeks council meeting these figures must be firm and must be in writing merp verbal guessing will not do the local high school was the first to come for ward but only with verbal figures until it was pointed out definitely that this would not do the depart ment is quite strict about this matter and council is the body which must answer in the end failure to com ply will only delay permission to pro ceed with all or any of the projects requested last week the public school board dropped a bomb shell on coun cil by advising again verbally that it would require an addition of five rooms on the orchard park school at an estimated cost of 120000 later under questioning it was found that this figure was only a minimum and should be upped to 150000 in reality council had set feb 1st as the deadline for turning in its fiveyear forecast a fact that all boards have been advised some time ago questioned regarding the public utilities commissions possible ex penditures the reeve admitted that a tentative figure submitted earlier might now have to be changed fur- ther frustrating council in its efforts to give the department the figures they demand the public school board gave as an excuse the fact that the dept of education had given tentative ap proval this of course means ab solutely nothing unless the body which must actually put up the money is willing the board spokes man said the addition was needed for next september there is doubt now whether any such deadline can be met because of the boards delay in making any mention that the money was required board members admit that the matter has been discussed for some months but council the most important body of all to be ap proached was only hearing about it for the first time the whole picture points up the great need for more cooperation among the various boards and neces sity for them to meet with council more often to discuss their plans the matter is a serious one stouft- villes debenture debt has risen to very near the top figure allowed by the department for safety and groups dropping in with requests at the last minute could well find their projects turned down by council and government alike the future of fame in doubt we were indeed startled and somewhat disillusioned to learn last week that the muchpublicized ven ture of the farmers allied meat en terprises cooperative ltd was on the brink of bankruptcy the bene fits of fame as it came to be known were strongly promoted in this area and trusting shareholders in the com pany were confident that a pot of gold would surely be found at the foot of the rainbow at the present time however it would appear that this project and the vi million dol lar investment has all but gone down the drain from what we can learn the loss per individual is not great so far in this district at least we have learned of no one who had more than 500 in the venture there is a principal at stake here however persons sup posedly with an insight into the fin ancial aspects of the project were willing to gamble with other peoples money they lost and not even a par tial recovery of funds may be real ized with their backs now against the wall the executive intends to ap ply pressure on the provincial gov ernment in an attempt to acquire a conservatives local conservatives as well as the other thousands across the coun try are definitely worried about the future of this party in canada the most recent revolt sparked by leon balcer has now revealed that mps as well as many staunch conserva tive supporters all across the cgjr believe that eithe jiieri many conservatives have been icely disenchanted with mr t nbaker ever since his last term n office when he proved that he had many ideas in opposition but was utterly incapable of making decisions to carry them out once he got into office this widespread dissatisfac tion is now being brought into the open whether a convention would un seat the leader is still a matter of being pro it would be insane to return these were the very words spoken by returned missionary who with his wife and son were able to escape the ravages of the congo area where so many of their friends were mass acred on saturday evening we had an opportunity to talk with kev and mrs marshall southard who had spent nearly ten years in the mission field around stanleyville they were visitors in stouffville at the home of mr and mrs howard mills main street v mr southard whose face mir- loan why should the government gamble one red cent of money yours and mine until a full investigation of the setup is completed nor is it likely that a loan will be received from any source until this step is taken while it is hoped that the large investment made by ontario farmers can be saved they can hard ly expect public money to be tossed in unless the venture appears sound it would appear lo be a pure and simple case of gross mismanage ment men with their sites on the stars and their heads buried in the sand operating a cadillac project on a chevrolet budget our sympathy lies not with the executive heads of this organization but with the lesser lights the local promoters who were indeed sincere in the ultimate success of the scheme they have taken an even stiffer kick in the pants than the local share holders for they must shoulder the burden of responsibility in the loss inflicted on their friends and neigh bours one farmer we talked to put it this way i have lost 100 but gained 100 worth of experience as the saying goes once burned twice wary worried guesswork a close vote would mere ly aggravate the split in the party the solution as agitation for a change builds up is surely obvious that would be an offer to resign mr diefenbaker hit lerests ve admire the man io ignt with his back to the wall but we admire the man who is willing to accept the truth however unpleasant it would certainly gain him more respect and do more for his historical record merely fighting a rearguard action along with a few diehards can do the party no good mr diefenbaker could do much lo redeem his reputation if he wer to yield gracefully to the facts and help present his successor with a party united in the interests of can ada as a whole ctical rored the horrors of the rebel inva sion as she described some of their experiences said that canadian and american newspapers did not in any way exaggerate the incidents that occurred there in fact rev south ard said that as areas were temporar ily liberated by paratroopers scenes of atrocities were repealed that even exceeded the stories that were pub lished here rev and mr southard feel they are fortunate to be alive they do not intend to tempt fate again and stick their head in the lions mouth and they said so sugar and spice by bill smiley h ho hum war is hell is there anything sillier than an old soldier wait a minute jack i dont mean honest veterans like you and me who fought our wars then forgave and forgot no i mean the professionals and especially the generals my feelings toward the lop brass were rekindled recently when general omar bradley took a swing from out in left field at genera montgomery claiming monty had been too slow and too seared to close the falaise gap when he should have twenty years after the event the old boys are still bickering i didnt blame bradley much montgomery has been blam ing every oilier general ever since the war ended for every thing that went wrong apparently lie was the only big shot who was always right and lhat reminds me of the silliest thing montgomery ever said it was a few years ago during an interview it was to the effect that he likes lo see soldiers soaking wet hungry filthy and exhausted then he knows they have been soldiering that sort of poppycock is fairly typical of the intelligence of a general this may have been true during the kaisers war old sweats of that one knew all about dirt wet lice slim rations and exhaustion but their troubles were all physical ones being blown up or sniped or caught on the barbed wire or gassed or eaten alive by rats they didnt face the psychological honors of my war it was sheer hell at times for us pilots especially if we were officers even today after two decades trying to heal the scars memory of those ordeals sends a cold shudder through me sometimes for example lie batman would forget to put sugar in the morning tea he brought when he wakened you but you never complained you drank it down stoically without s whimper editors moil 77 mountland dr scarborough ont the editor the stouffville tribune stouffville ont dear sir i would like to offer a word of encouragement to the edi tors of the high school news not so long ago i was a stu dent at sdhs and am conse quently interested in all that goes on now i have noticed re gretfully that there has been a lack of actual news on that page since this project was un dertaken i am sure that i am not the only one who takes an interest in the goings on at the school however in spile of this lack of news this page is still very interesting the editorials that are supplied every week are not indicative of the impression normally given of teenagers they are witty interesting and quite often revealing for in stance i would refer to the ed itorial last week by elizabeth mcdowell on the word dont the author here does a first rate job of expressing her ideas on the subject my self i now have the greatest respect for that much overwor ked chap dont keep it up people youre do ing the job very well sincerely yours tim wees i gave my bigg roamin around you cant please all the people all of the time w hard heard at least two complaint with regard to the location of street postal deposit boxes one resident in the westend of town argued that the container was too close to his home while an other in the easlend said thai it wasnt close enough for the most pari however the project has been well received and appreciated yukon eric a favourite performer in the wrestling ring here for many years and a longtime drawing card at the gardens is dead apparently he found it much easier to dispose of his ring adversaries than his domestic problems and ended up by disposing of himself he was found in the front seat of his car at the side of a us highway a suicide note was located near the body we can recall one night 15 years ago when 11000 people jammed mlg to see yukon meet whipper billy watson the match lasted three minutes with watson the winner contractor chas mctaggari of greenwood had ft close call recently while building a new home near alha he was working in the basement during lhat recent midjanuary cold- spell and had iii an oil space heater lo keep ihe temperature above ihe freezing mark one of his workmen left early in ihe afternoon but decided lo return he found mr mctaggari asleep he was awakened but on reaching outside he slumped over unconscious he was revived quite quickly and taken home apparently none ihe worse for his experience it is believed lhat oil fumes from ihe stove had filled ihe basement and wilh insufficient ventilation could nol escape lloyd turner long an ardent supporter of sports here in stouffville showed his generosity recently dmin a trip to bobcaygeon by treating the entire team and their girlf i icd companions to a postgame dinner not only did he pay the expenses out of his own pocket but he also took a load of players to bobcaygeon in his own car lloyd is the timekeeper for all clipper home contests and theres no more capable clockwatcher in the business he is also quick to assist in other games at the arena when his help is required we have learned that the may 1st dale for the official opening of ihe new sr citizens home in town is only tenta tive since it is slui loo early to set ihe lime with 50 per cent of the work now completed home officials are confident that they will be able lo cut ihe ribbon some time during lhal month but not necessarily ihe 1st we noted that every member of the ajax girls hockey team now wear boys hockey skates as if they werent good enough before we still say that minus bodily contact the ajax gals could give a bantam or even a midget boys club a real run for their money they can shoot harder and skate faster than some bantam lads weve seen to date in regular league competition they have not lost a single game although they have come out second best in a couple of tournaments many people may consider 11 a sin to shovel off ihelr side walks on a sunday for the condition of most walks last sunday morning was terrible some didnt even bother lo clear a single- lane path all day hoping perhaps lhat ihe ensuing rain would wash the white stuff down the drain it seems lo me that theres a motheaten bylaw on the books somewhere that says something here again perhaps sundays are excluded wed bet lhat there were some pretty soggy silk stockings parked under the pews just the same we noticed that in ihe report of the markham township sunday school association lhat the united missionary church school in stouffville has had as many as 250 in attendance and on sunday jan 10th when mr hugh boyd made his visitation there were 215 present this is indeed a wonderful record and speaks well for the future of this congregation the general superintendent is mr carl reesor with mr lloyd wideman and miss louie hoover as his capable assistants the stouffville minor hockey assoc have quite an eye catching display in ihe window of oboyles butcher shop on main street in keeping wilh minor hockey week across canada the gremlins were at work in our column last week and a couple of items became mixed up in the shuffle by way of explanation it was the staff of the stouffville 5c to 100 store that prepared the decorated birthday cake in honour of mr howard pat malloy who was 89 on jan 15th perhaps you didnt know it but there are iwo new arrivals in ihe geo baldwin family on the glasgow sideroad jn uxbridge twp the babies possess tremendous apf- each consume two ounces of a prepared formula hours from 7 in the morning until 11 at consists of eggs corn syrup and milk thi when se eniira wh even 7 year old latest report the lambs one an orphan and the i mothers homemade supply ffij baldwin family lake a turn susan doing licr shar children are all wfi ketch u e kg another experience that left ils mark on many of us was the time they took the batmen off altogether and substitutejtrfg waafs for them some of the chaps were totally unnorvedgh be wakened in the morning by a chubby little alrwoj ng eres vou tea luv drink it up while itsof some of the other hardshiofe recounted in a family ioiiriiafsif i ad uie incredible bad xrm0si vas eight miles from t jgsgsgflilil o b there was btaassssfi i xnditions oi i ng we went through and those of arvveu wore prematurely aged by the pitiless circum- ij es under which we strove lo ensure thered always be an england seared in my brain forever is one horrible day we were drafted by a brutal group captain to play rugger the morning after a farewell party in the sergeants mess rugger is a peculiar british game in which you never stomp a man in ihe face until he is down and only then if you cnnl stomp him in ihe stomach another painful memory is that of fat senior officers standing with their backsides o lie fireplace while we junior officers shut off from the only heal in he place shivered miserably around ihe bar old sweats talk about marching 300 mies in len days they dont realize what we went through on those trains in england sometimes we officers even though we had firstclass tickets had to ride in the thirdclass coaches with all those rude nasty soldiers and sailors and things looking hack i cant help hut marvel at the way we faced up to the hardships of those grim days without a murmur but it was war and we were trueblue except in the mornings when we were a little green around the gills thats when theyd give you a kipper for breakfast hardships i could write a book for office supplies its the tribune er in with blood however their beneficial one jiing ladies two register ed nurses and 10 nurses aides were part of the annual blood donors clinic held at the leg ion hall in stouffville the la dies all from toronto drove to stouffville tuesday morning bringing with them all the ne cessary items for a successful clinic at the end of the day the nurses had extracted 126 pints of blood from the citizens of stouffville myself included i have given blood before so i wasnt petrified just pleas antly frantic the clinic was set up in the basement of the le gion hall and as i entered i met a few ladies of the hoyol canadian legion who were as sisting in the operation mrs mary hamerston stouffville poured me a stiff shot of orange juice which i downed with true professional ism mrs aurelia smith filled out my id card and i was sent to the technician a redheaded technician and she held my hand i got such a charge from ii i could feel a picking sensa tion in my right index finger my romantic ideas were soon quenched when i noticed that she had actually cut me and my finger was bleeding furious- lv i must have lost close to 2 c cs of blood she sampled my spilled blood said i look rela tively healthy for a reporter and cleared me for donation lite stoufftorlu srrbuttp established 1jm member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aathomaa aa aaceaadaaa atail faalacm dttrt ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s350 elsewhere s550 c h olan iublixhcr jas thomas editor jafc mckkax advertising iou could put in the top of a knowing our love for commercial a doityourself recipe and believe it or amazing were passing it on to you for we i great stuff its called instant nog 1 pkg of ia pudding mix onethird cup of granular sugar iaspt n of vanilla 6 cups of milk 2 egg yolks 2 stiffly beaten egg whites nutmeg method in a large mixing bowl beat together the vanilla pudding mix sugar vanilla milk and egg yolks carefully beat in the stiff egg whites and add a dash of nutmeg chill makes 8 glasses if it doesnt turn out as expected its possible that you may have omitted some of the ingredients like the eggs or the milk anyway ours was okay until we can turn out another hatch well chalk it up to beginners luck believe ii or not but the stouffville figure skating club has a little girl in ils membership of 110 who is only two years old shes cindy wilson daughter of mr and mrs geo wilson rose ave this utile lassie is actually skating on her own now after a rather wobbly start earlier in ibis season a sister bch i and terry 7 are also in hie club another future donald jackson may be in ihe making in 2v4 year old handy brown son of mr and mrs jim brown he like cindy is making good progress under the guiding hand of his mother and club instructress mrs jean barclay while on the subject of ihe figure skating club their annual spring lee carnival lias been scheduled for saturday evening april 10th reserve this night on your social calendar ils pretly hard to protect the foolish but the depl of lands and forcsls is allcmpllng lo save the foolish ice-fisher- men from an unexpected dunk in ihe iakc as of 1065 it will no longer he pcrinissalile to use a lint or place one on the ice alter march 31st on the waters of lake tlmagami or south of this point ii is strictly a safety measure and a very good one loo recently we attended a local cattle auction the enclosure was crowded with farmers both buyers and sellers midway tiirough the sale a little red and white calf was led alone up into the ring bidding started rather slowly and the auctioneer appeared ready lo lower his gavel in the very front row a small boy sat motionless on his fathers knee his eyes fixed on ihe calf inside suddenly in a voice that could be heard above ail the clamour of the crowd and with tears running down h fjce he turned to his father and said buy her back dad shes the bestesl one of the whole bunch into the main room with girls and girls and more girls mrs mary iron a two-and-a- half year veteran beckoned me in 1 entered slowly at first summoning my courage for the adventure ahead she assisted me onto a com fortable cot wrapped this long strip around my arm and took my blood pressure which i might add had risen the mom ent i entered the room mis j isaacs all the way from india came over smiling and humming sure she could be happy she didnt have to lose a whole pint she was car rying a bottle with a tub and a needle a needle oh no you dont itll hurt ill cry after 1 cooled down they told me the needle had been in my arm for about two minutes i didnt believe that so they let me look sure enough there was this red river flowing down the tube into the bottle i was being emptied while the drainage program wai on mrs iron chatted with me at my bedside she inform ed me that actually only thi of a pint li taken the other ona quarter of the bottle haa an an ticoagulant in it to prevent tha blood from if youll pardon the expression clotting continued on pais 4 ri

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