fm 14 the stouffviue trjeune thankf uwiry 11 1365 hoover appliance sale buy your best girl one of these lovely hoover appliances for valentines day week vriniiiiiiff washes in 6 minutes spin dries in 2 minutes no plumbinjf needed its portable anywhere canadas fastest washer only hoover constellation vacuum 9 long stretch hose attachment rack its a buy only 49 during hoover week hoover deluxe upright convertible vacuum reduced for hoover week only 7995 your terms hendricks hardware 29 main st w stouffvilfe phone 6403622 york county guernseys win four gold star awards three guernsey females and one guernsey bull owned by york county breeders have re cently won gold star awards on the performance of their off spring these awards are made by the canadian guernsey breeders association guelph znd the owners are a v and c l gundy jamaica farms newmarket ontario henry borden tannery hill farms kin ont and c f w burns kingfield farms king ontario jamaica farms won two cold dam awards mollie of mint view excellent 1477664310 vr 3052 with bcvs of 1ssm163k was made a gold star dam by two excellent and one good plus daughter that had bcas averaging 139m111f this cow- has eight daughters and a total of 28 descendants in the jamaica farms herd and is expected to receive additional stars as they mature allor farm rose mary good plus 1108396 yr3052x is the second gold star award winner during the month at jamaica farms this makes a total of four gold star cows and one gold star sire at jamaica farms rose mary was qual ified by one very good and two good plus daughters that had bcas averaging 141m- 126f brooknill b r deressa excellent 1027552s3 yr-305- 2x a gold and seal producer with a lifetime production total of 9315 lbs of milk and 4ssi i lbs of butterfat in 10 lactations and owned by henry borden tannery hil farm king ont won a gold star dam award on the performance of one excel lent one very good and one good plus daughter who have 16 bca records averaging 135m 129k one of her daughters is the well known tannery hill d r deressa excellent 116225467 yr3052x all canadian 3 year old 1959 brooknill b r deressa was bred by v s brooks paris on tario kingfield banner excellent all canadian bull calf in 195s was the only bull to receive a gold star sire award during the month banner is owned by c f w burns kingfield farms king ontario but most of his daughters are in the herds of w r cochran and son almonte and kenneth duncan almonte where he was in heavy service for two years he has fourteen tested daughters with bcas averaging 126m116f and 21 clasiified daughters 1 ex 5 vg and 9 gp which average hatc good plus or better banner is sired by plus proven triple gold star sire maplewood royalists brigadier and he is out of parkhaven vals joy very good 1s918-755- 3 yr3052x an honour roll producer 4 of ik wee aj0ne5 patent attopwet a general motors value beaumont sport deluxe coupe bmf vs steel doing rural development program urged by ofa before cabinet in the presentation of its an nual brief to the ontario cab inet the ontario federation of agriculture placed particular emphasis on the need for em barking on a comprehensive rural development programme that would involve rural peop le in all walks of life at the local level the presentation was made to the cabinet at el even oclock this morning in its brief the ofa expres sed grave concern over the pos sibility of a misconception in the purpose of the arda pro gram which they contend is basically a selfhelp program the ofa warned that a sound rural development program could not be carried out suc cessfully by any one depart ment of government and that it would require close coopera tion between all departments as well as close cooperation with farm organiaztions and local in stitutions such as municipal governments churches cham bers of commerce conservation authorities and local business men as well as farmers the ofa insisted that in the im plementation of arda projects should not be imposed upon a community by government ra ther action programs should be undertaken only after careful study to determine the needs and resources of the commu nity the ofa urged the govern ment to establish an advisory committee composed of rural people to give assistance to those responsible for carrying out the arda program in ont ario farm tabmir shortage the critical farm labour situ ation was also brought to the attention of the cabinet and it was pointed out that workers were discouraged from accept ing farm work because in most instances they were not cover ed by workmens compensation and were not eligible for unem ployment insurance benefits the ofa asked for assistance in solving the farm labor shortage the government was also re quested to review and revise legislation under which conser vation authorities are granted wide powers in the expropria tion of property the ofa also requested that consideration be given to chan ging the name of the depart ment of agriculture to the ont ario department of food and agriculture following the meeting with the cabinet the ofa submit ted its brief to both opposition parties african violets require lukewarm water originally african violets saintpaulia came from the african jungle whre they grew on the forest floor in subdued light horticulturists with the 65 beaumont is a genuine honesttogoodness lowprice car it costs much much less than its luxurious looks suggest 65 beaumont is sized right in the middle between big and little itll fit your garage and park with ease 65 beaumont is beautifully styled and luxuriously appointed just look now you see why most people think its higher priced 65 beaumont is made by general motors so you know its packed with all kinds of value 65 beaumont is sold by your beaumontpontiacbuick dealers hes a good reliable man to do business with 65 beaumont is a very remarkable car indeed big enough inside to take mom dad and a gaggle of small fry yet small enough to shoehorn into the tightest parking spot it has the kind of headturning beauty that gathers a crowd yet its responsive and agile as a hardmuscled sportscar and you can pack it with exactly the 6cylinder or 8 power you like for your kind of driving there are 12 models in 4 series including 3 completely dif ferent convertibles all of which proves quite conclusively that 65 beaumont would make a remarkably good choice ior your next automobile 65 beaumont wing on telev neil patrick motors limited chas cooper limited bo sure to watch telescope and the rogues now showing on television check local listings for tima and channel stouffviue ont phone 6492115 6492114 claremont ont ontario department of agricul ture say that they do not thrive in strong sunligh and have to be shaded or placed in a north or east window during spring and summer but during winter they will do we in a south win dow water when required with lukewarm water taking care not to splash the foliage do not keep the soil saturated since a saturated soil is injurious to the plant yellow or white spots circles or streaks on the leaves are caused by allowing cool water to come in contact with the leaves or by condensation of moisture from the air due to a sudden drop in temperature watering with cold water also produces this condition it is advisable to water in the morn ings so that the foliage is dry before nightfall thus reducing the chance of fungus diseases developing do not immerse the p when watering it is better to water from the top this pre vents a toxis concentrations of salts at the soli surface 1 contentment u comethlns that depends a little on por tion but i lot on diipoiluoa i like this armchair banking banking by mail saves time travel and park ing problems for customers of a chartered bank its one of many ways your local branch helps make modern banking so simple so convenient from your own arm chair you command nearly the full range of bank services you can send deposits make withdrawals transfer funds or handle almost any other banking busi ness including some types of loans special mailing forms are available there are no extra bank charges at home or away you can count on prompt personal attention to all your banking needs the chartered banks se your commun through 5650 branches all across canada the chartered hanks bring fullrange banking within the reach of everyone i r