they will help you live better cheaper and more comfortably 1 you can buy almost anything with a want ad almost everything is sold through the classified columns of this newspaper whether you need household goods livestock farm supplies or some item that you dont think you would find it is probably in the for sale column or can be found in the wanted column 2 you can sell almost anything with a want ad everything sells through the want ads and sells at little cost too dont throw it away and dont keep it around if you dont need it you can sell it for cash with a want ad 3 you can place a want ad easily want ads are easy to place write them out and mail them in or dial the phone and call them in or better yet drop into the newspaper office and let our trained staff help you write it out you will be amazed at the results 4 want ads are cheap as little as 100 will place most ads in front of 15000 readers one of whom is sure to have what you want or want what you want to sell so whatever it is you can use a classified ad economically easily and quickly stouffville trade area covered by t rttrant main st sfouffville phone 6402100