Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 14, 1965, p. 2

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at 1 ihe stooffvlue whine dwwky umvr u 1965 editariul doing a good job members of stouffville munici pal council were each presented at the meeting last week with a copy of the 3964 statistics of the local police department it was possibly the best document covering local police work for a fu twelve months that has ever been prepared we know that some of the figures cover ing the number of calls and incidents attended to by the threeman force would be quite an eyeopener to stouffville residents the policemans lot is not always an easy one and while many hours go by with routine duties they must be compared to the fire brigade theyre not wanted every minute of the day but when they are required its usually in a hurry some of their work even in a small town such as this can be dangerous only a few weeks ago one of our officers gun in hand kept two armed robbery sus pects pinned down until help could arrive a job like this in the dead of night and alone is no teaparty incidents like this are not regular but can happen at any time were proud of the personnel on the local force and we think our citi zen are too a fourth man is to be added to the department shortly and time for careful selection is being taken so that the calibre of our offic ers can be maintained at the fine level it is today the addition is necessary so that each officer may enjoy reason able time off without having to have one of the other members of the force doing double duty not only have these men made a name for themselves locally as being congenial helpful and alert but their reputation in police court is equally good stouffvilles share of fines collected this year is far above any half dozen years previously and this is due in no small part to the ex cellent manner in which the local officers have presented their evidence in court regarding various offenders whom they have apprehended while no special mention was made at the council meeting regard ing the operation of the police de partment we would like to draw at tention to the fine work they ara doing families grow and grow and grow when we take our daily walk along stouffvilles main st we al ways enjoy a pleasant thrill from the number of people who pleasantly greet us but nevertheless after more than forty years residence here the number of friendly faces to whom we can attach a name is growing smaller the reason largely be cause the little people of yesterday are the big people of today and added to these are the hundreds of new home owners who one sees very in frequently this former group grows up so rapidly and changes so quickly and so much that we cant keep track of it did you ever stop to think of the similarity between this human fam ily growth and the tax family growth in case of the human family it gradually comes to the point where its numbers do not increase the family members grow up reach adult size and perhaps even shrink a little as the years go by no so with the lax family not nly do the children keep increasing in number but they never stop grow ing remember the gasoline tax once it was just a little boy at three cents now its got to be a big fellow at eleven cents or is it more it has grown so fast we dont recognize it anymore its the same with income tax believe it or not back in 1925 if you made 1200 taxable income your contribution was 14 and today 175 remember too you had a 3000 exemption in 1925 not so today only 2000 today too social istminded politicians are grabbing off our hardearned dollars so fast with promises of tomorrows bene fits that we can hardly keep up with todays grocery bills despite all promises to the con trary to keep matters within bounds the explosion of the civil servant family is running a close second with the general population explosion every new move government makes further increases this family to check up on us and who is going to pay for all this theres only one source you and i the church should be filled jan 23rd to jan 30th has been designated as minor hockey week across canada the president of the minor hockey executive in stouff ville wilf morley and his assistants have drawn up a full program of events the most important of which is a special evening service in the baptist church on sunday jan 24th rev gordon gooderham of the baptist congregation has that rather enviable faculty of being able to talk a boys language down at the arena he is able to give leadership to his atom team from the pulpit he can impart christian teaching that a young lad can understand we attended the minor hockey service last year and the pastors message on that occasion remains as real in our memory as if it had been spoken last week unfortunately far too few hockey boys and their par ents could find the time to attend many of the local hockey promoters were also among the missing it should have been standing room only instead several of the pews were noticeably empty here is an excellent opportunity for the parents to show their interest and enthusiasm not only in the towns minor hockey program but more important in their own sons christian education and upbringing dont send your boy to church take him more talent 1 available the stouffville lions club will sponsor its 5th annual music festival next month the final date for en tries is friday jan loth this program was first held in 1961 it was well supported in 1962 but since that time the entry list has continued to diminish public inter est too has shown a decline this should not be the lions music festival gives local and district young people a mar vellous opportunity to display their vocal and instrumental talent either as individuals or in choral groups the first two years provided ample proof that there is much talent avail able among boys and girls in this area the ability should be mada public there is no one closer to these children than their school teachers and working in cooperation with the parents they can encourage these young folk to lake part last spring the total entry list numbered only 165 this district can do better than that lets try for office supplies its the tribune main st stouffville n stoitffmllr rtbitne established 1111 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association attknu4 u tea4lm mu poocv dpl ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations tssued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada so50 elsewhere s550 c h nolan publisher jas thomas editor jas mckean advertising if they make it retroactive ill tell em what to do i and spice by bill smiley and where did it get you well here it is midjanuary and another year has slipped down the drain its rather depressing o look hack over the 12 months and realize that neither civilization nor yourself has improved one iota despite the frantic scrambling of the pair of you through out the year not that im admitting for a moment that 1964 was a com plete failure there were some things from which i derived a good deal of satisfaction for one thing i remained alive with he traffic the way it is and the tension cutting swaths through the ranks of chaps my age just staying olive these days is quite a feat in the second place i hung onto my job this may seem like a trivial boast but what with computers its like staying alive ask the fellow who hasnt managed to do either or both what it meant was that i was able to continue keeping in high style a woman i never met until i was 25 and two kids who think money grows on father keeping my job also meant that i was able to keep up my payments no mean accomplishment in this age in fact i would be content to have my epitaph read he was a good man he kept up his payments as a matter of fact i did a little better not only did i meet all my interest payments but i reduced the mortgage on my house by 52864 leaving a mere balance due of s1297136 this was somewhat offset by the borrowing of a couple of gs from my friendly banker in order to replace the family trans portation which was rotting on the vine but you cant win them all im not trying to brag there were a lot of tilings in 1964 that jd do differently another time that it if id ever got around to doing them but since i didnt they probably werent worth doing in the first place figure tiial one out if you can find an irishman to help you 1 have already drawn up a program for 1965 that is perhaps the most positive plan in a negative sort of way that ive ever come up with its composed of all the things im not going to do this year for one thing im not going to worry so much my reckon ing shows that i spent 20 to 30 minutes worrying last year about trilling tilings like my son running away from home my daughter going out on her first date and my wife reporting cancer in a new location weekly thats enough to put a fellow in the hospital i aim to cut that down to a maximum of ten minutes this year and itll be worry about something worth while like my golf slice and trout that got away another thing im not going to do this year is lose so many arguments with the old battlcaxc last year i must have lost about 97 per cent of them i dont know just how ill go about it but im determined to cut thai figure to the bone maybe right back to 9 per cent once again im not going to buy my wire a mink coat im not going to build that patio that i didnt build last sum mer im neither going to start getting to bed early nor getting up early im not going to stop smoking because il mignt kill me nor drinking ditto im not going to pay my income tax with anything milder than rage im not going to pay any attention to all the silly people in the world who tell what im not supposed to do in short the next year will be much like every other year and good enough for me but perhaps we could all join heartily in repeating a little slogan for the coming year it goes lets slay alive in 65 liberal meeting i editors mail j to the editor the tribune stouffville ontario dear sir york county branch of the canadian mental heaiiii associ ation wishes to thank you and the people cf stouffville and area for the warm response to our appeal for christmas gifts this need for gifts by the men tal health association was well presented in the tribune and the citizens of the stouffville area were most generous as a result of your aid and their gen erosity no patient was overlook ed this past christmas we can indeed assure you that hope encouragement and cheer were brought to many may i again say than for oux efforts on our behalf and a liberal meeting will be held on monday jan 18 at the home of mrs grace norton glad park ave at 815 nm guest speaker will be mr john addison mp north york new subscription kates for the tribune commencing feb 1st idfis two years 700 one year 100 6 months 20 united stairs one year 600 teachers seek stronger voice ontarios 21000 secondary school teachers have reiterated their desire for a more positive voice in education matters and at the same time have urged their members to strive toward the highest possible standards of education the 400 delegates to the an nual assembly of the ontario secondary school teachers federation held at the royal york hotel dec 2830 asked the federation executive to appoint an ontario secondary educa tion commission of five mem bers to initiate stimulate direct and coordinaate osstf activ ities in the field of educational studies and to spend up to 150000 on the program in the forthcoming year the program is intended to place the federation in the fore front of educational leadership in ontario educational studies are planned on such topics as community colleges the grade 13 revisions team teaching and audiovisual aids among the delegates at the assembly were alex andrew whitby norman brunne ux- bridge douglas kettle picker ing ray litt port perry e p rogers pickering m sissons oshawa j chard whitby j carson oshawa teachers were told that it was their responsibility to con tinue upgrading their qualifica tions speakers stressed that the former goals of salary and ten ure of office were now of lesser importance than professional influence and teacheing ability the report of the salary com mittee in fact avoided specific financial objectives instead tell ing teachers that the way to higher pay brackets was through improvement of qualifications a key phrase of the report of the committees acting chair man james russell of barton secondary school hamilton was quality salaries for quality teachers school boards he ad ded were most anxious to pay for quality teaching but they also have the right to demand quality thus no teacher can in these times afford to stop learn ing and improving his compe tence the teachers were warned that unless they sought to achieve a true professionalism which meant control of their own destinies and standards they would stand in jeopardy of increasing state control of edu cation the statement was made by harry dawson past pres ident of ihe national union of teachers of england and wales speaking at the annual dinner mr dawson showed that there was a good deal of similar ity between problems of teach ers in his country and canada in that both bodies were asking for a much more influential voice in such education matters as cur riculum examinations and teaching standards doctors lawyers and other learned pro fessions had attained control over their own affairs he said and therefore had arrived at an enviable status this was a real istic objective for teachers but at the same time one which placed a good deal of responsibil ity on every teacher we should he stated de liberately set down for our selves the overall and long- term aim of achieving profes sional selfgovernment the federation was asked to petition the minister of educa tion to ensure that a wide rep resentation of teachers be con sulted on major chances of educational policy extend best wishes for 1965 sincerely faye c dcallaghcr convener christmas gift project 1961 york county branch cmha box 492 stouffville ontario roamin around we paid an all too brief visit to the site of the stouffvilla stockyards ltd on saturday afternoon although this place is within walking distance of town we would bet that many local folk have yet to attend one of these weekend auctions you should if you think for a minute that all there is to see are cows pigs and chickens then youre in lor a big surprise theres everything there fiom nanny goats priced at 18 down to baskets of bananas for 50 cents the crowd on saturday was tremendous many coming more than 100 miles parking space in the huge lot was at a premium its amazing the things that people will buy especially if they feel they are getting a bar gain men were carrying chickens away by the bags lull a chap displaying a small glasscutter was attracting plenty of attention one middleaged woman aid that she brought in a rabbit to sell then traded it for a dog and sold the dog with no place to house a litter of pigs or a fullgrown steer we spent little time in the auction stands this for the farmers is the main centre of attraction this indeed is where buyer and seller meet one could write a book on a single afternoons highlights at this market centre it would make interesting reading but why read about it when you can see it for yourself theres no admission charge to enter and it doesnt cost any thing to look but a word of warning io pa dont turn ma loose in the market with the monthly milk cheque or she may- come home willi an sis nanny or far worse a pair of rabbits councillor ken bclz presented each member on the local hoard of control and the clerk with a beautiful coloured photo at the inaugural meeting on thursday night the picture was taken inside the council chambers by ted cadieux if the 65 property committee budget can stand it a framed enlargement would look well in the council room o preserve the identity of the town fathers the metro toronto and region conservation authority is promoting a program of winter picnicking in the two local parks at claremont and greenwood one advantage of such an offseason outing would be the acceptable absence of flies and mosquitos if youre the kind of driver who takes advantage of gas oline price wars it pays to check the per gallon rate on the pumps before you tell the attendant to fillcr up recently on the don mills koad between buttonville and gormlcy there was a price spread of nine cents on the gallon on the same day one could hardly blame daws hare of burkholder st if he rubbed his eyes a little when he looked out his kitchen window there large as life so the story goes was a real live cow standing on his front lawn to make the tale even more un usual the wayward bovine had actually come home to roost for you see the animal was one of a herd of 92 that had escaped from the ray grant farm down the 9th of markham it was formerly the hare property before it was purchased by mr grant one neighbour reported that daws in all the excitement reached for a rope and a stool at the same time the wreck of the latemodel chrysler that overshot the intersection at the corner of cone 10 markham and 16th ave on new years eve has been the centre of attraction at williamsons ksso station no 7 and 48 ilwys in markham village what was once a smartlooking car was in a matter of seconds transformed into pile of twisted junk we hope some of the young chaps will take a lesson from what they observed and ease up on that heavy accelerator foot the flower store operated by graham hudson on main st in stouffville during christmas week will remain open on a permanent basis mr hudson plans to display a shoppers special at a price every thoughtful husband can well afford we can think of no better way to keep on the right side of your wife and its certainly a lot cheaper than a mink coat or an automatic dishwasher there were no new years arrivals at the brierbush but on christmas day a baby was horn to mr and mrs david taylor of allona the local dairy report that they were completely sold out of their eggnog drink over christmas we dont know tha formula that is used in this mixture but regardless of tha ingredients its real great stuff and we only wish it was avail able for fiftytwo weeks of the year the des kerr family cast of alfona have a pet duck harvey that just loves to go tobogganing with the kids harvey will park his feathered form on the sleigh and fake off down the steepest hills harveys name is a little deceiving because he is actually a she mr and mrs harry b can render some assistance to town postmaster jack sanders if he or she will identify himself or herself as the sender of a card to miss lois davis at tha university hospital saskatoon saskatchewan the party il unknown and the card has been returned in the same connection a card lias been received at tha post office in markham from a hubert bowcn of torrence california this obviously elderly gentleman is seeking infor mation about a family named mcgary he writes my people came from there markham about 100 years ago i must find relatives if possible the card is addressed to the postmaster at markham and passed on to mr sanders here in town any one with any knowledge of this family should contact either of these men it is said that the girl who sleeps with rollers in her hair spends approximately 2920 hours a year being uncomfortable the report doesnt mention anything about the discomfort caused the poor husband who gets an unexpected poke in the eye every time he turns over dislricf ambulance service or lack of ii was he subject of discussion this week within a committee of markham township council at least with this matter in he discussion stage it is possible hat some concrete local legislation may be enacted ron may of goodwood possesses that rare quality in an athlete known as intestinal fortitude last fall after under going major surgery in hospital he came back to play a heros role in goodwoods bid for the claremont community softball title last week he showed this same competitive desire again while playing for uxbridge against aurora on monday night he suffered a 6stitch cut in his head he was released from hospital and returned to finish out the game he scored 2 goals on the following thursday night he played against new- market and scored two more goals what a coach wouldnt give for a camfull of players like thai wc have no complain concerning highpressured salesmen- ship of newspapers on the main streel each saturday morning hut wc wish someone would he responsible for the leftovers that are blown from one end of ihe own to the other this little edict attributed to wall todd manager of the canadian imperial bank of commerce in town and supposedly written for his employees benefit is rather good it reads as follows effective immediately we are asking that somewhere between starting and quitting time and without infringing too much on the time devoted to lunch period coffee breaks rest period storytelling ticketselling horseselection vacationplanning the rehashing of yesterdays tv programs football games and the world series that each employee would try to find some time that can be set aside and be known here after as the work period signed w todd manager the next time you lake a drive through any of the neigh bouring townships including uxbridge whitchurch markham and pickering take note of the number of for sale signs posted on dozens and dozens of properties it would tend to convince his wrller hat farming just isnt a paying proposition any more or at least lie land is more valuable in he form of real estate than in ihe growing of grain six new homes arc now under construction in the new varley village development at unionville in total the number of houses could run close to the 1000 mark it is reported that a shopping plaza is also proposed for the area the main street in slouffville is a veritable lover lane on a sunday afternoon with a kind of 3 for 1 deal behind the wheel last sunday we saw a switch with he girl handling the controls and her companion packed in like a veritable sardine as if women drivers dont have enough problems tribune classified ads are tops

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