mecillm bope your day is tcreaihed tcilh happiness and your holiday season is one of joy and good cheer merry chrutmasl joan and ted cadieux cadieux studio stouffyiui out 7x9pe your holiday begins and ends on the happiest of noleswith joy and peace for you your family and friends merry christmas stouffville nursing home management and staff the holiday season is here and in the midst of all the mcrrf- jnakinjj wed like ta extend best wishes and greetings to our friends chas richards and sons ltd and staff stouffville christmas zvirm and sincere greetings from all of us to all of you and many thanks too canadian imperial bank of commerce stouffville ont farm news telecast produced by cbc ontario farmers will have an opportunity to see and hear ex pert discussion on several fac ets oi modern agriculture dur ing january when the ontario department of agriculture in association with the canadian broadcasting corporation will present three one hour ty pro grams under the general title lets look at farming the films produced by the cbc and the department of agriculture cooperatively will be shown over a network of fourteen tv stations january s 6 and 7th from 1030 to 1130 each morning the program on tuesday january 5th under the title cropschanging systems will give viewers a look at how and why tome farmers decided to make changes in their opera tion there will be discussion of crop management decisions ba sed on farm records and on the experiences of others wednesdays program will be devoted to the subject o livestockmanaging for pro fit a subject of particular in terest to those in the livestock industry with the application of sound business principles becoming increasingly evident thursdays program farm businessrec ords plans decisions will prove of particular interest the program will deal with the importance of farm records and their use in arriving at deci sions and management the programs have been de signed to be practical in appli cation and will have over fif teen ontario farmers as parti cipants in addition to special ists in each field from the de partment of agriculture dr w s young of the de partment of crop science ont ario agricultural college will act as host of the crops prog ram hosts and specialists on the livestock program will be h mcgill livestock branch ont ario department of agricul ture toronto and a wall ex tension branch ontario de- sanders service station s sloulfville east end from margarets beauty lounge stouffrid partment of agriculture at newmarket the farm business program will have r- heard farm man agement specialist of the ont ario department of agriculture london as host and commenta tor announcing the joint presen tation of the ontario depart ment of agriculture and the canadian broadcasting corpor ation mr stewart said that the television broadcasts had been designed to acquaint ontario farmers with the latest devel opments in the three important sections of the agricultural in dustry i am confident that the pro grams will prove of value to the farm people of ontario said the minister in these ra pidly changing times and high er costs of production it is im perative that the newest meth ods of production and manage ment be made available to those engaged in agriculture dickson hill an event of interest took place at the local school on mondav mr irwin principal mrs elscn mr saunders and their pupils assembled to wit ness the presentation of a bar to be added to the plaque plac ed in the school by the safety league a few years ago mrs willard moyer sectreas of the school board received the bar from police mr wm shearn she congratulated the childen for their obedience to the safety rules and hoped they would be able to earn another bar in the coming year a member of the police force visits the school oc casionally to speak to the boys and girls on the matter ci safety the dos and donts of walking on the highway to and from school the teachers continue these instructions in an effort to impress the safety rules we be lieve the folks of the entire school section will rejoice in this fine record and appreciate the teaching of safety as part of the curriculum chickenpox is making its rounds attacking children and interfering with christmas plans we wish all a speedy re covery be of good cheer christmas is here have a happy holiday the raxlin family raxlins furniture and appliances we take great pleasure in sending you our cry good wish for yule tide happiness and the best of health and success in days to come bud spang construction and staff stouffville ont ivii christmas day the light of the star ever guide us and inspire us in our daily lives gormley garage george brands proprietor christmas cheer heres hoping scmlas reindeer delivery comes through with your special wishes including all of the joy and cheer thai goes with christmas kamps upholstering 39 main si l sloufmjt bloomington on wednesday afternoon misses doris and betty nesbitt held a party in the church school room for the members of the bible school junior pilots their mothers and friends the children entertained in christ mas songs dialogues and reci tations the girls with their mother mrs nesbitt have been holding these sessions after school every friday since last september lunch was served also candy treats the community was sadden ed to hear of the sudden death of mr bruce barnes in st john newfoundland on tuesday mr and mrs ernie nesbitt and family and mr and mrs frizzel atended the choral christmas service at toronto bible college last thursday ev ening mr john williams mrs mel thomas and mrs i smith were up to newmarket to help mr alec rutledge celebrate his s6th birthday mr and mrs cliff lemon were guests to a surprise birth day party at their daughters mr and mrs rae foord rich mond hill on saturday evening many happy returns lena and mr r macaloney had a birth day party last fri the macal- oneys are spending christmas with his mother in nova scotia mrs sooley was the recipient of a christmas ticket bringing toys and christmas baskets from princess margaret hospi tal the sunday school concert was presented to an apprecia tive audience in the church friday evening the theme of the plays presented by each class kept to the real spirit of the season keeping christ in christmas with rev benson presiding musical numbers were given by the choirmaster danny doner on the accordion and his brother ricky singing and the beginners in their cho ruses mrs d clark was pianist a beautifully laden christmas tree brought many gifts to tea chers and pupils mr and mrs o h tranmcr spent sunday at mr w tran- mcrs mount albert mr and mrs a w storry were dinner guests with mrs w brillinger orchard park boulevard mr and mrs j k tranmer were guests at the christmas concert in variety village thursday evening jerry retur ned home with them for the holidays the stourtyiui tribune thurdiy deteaow 24 m fey an old lady crossed the street against the traffic and made it safely to the opposite curb where a traffic cop was glaring at her with strong disapproval didnt you see that sign lie questioned what sign the lady asked the policeman pointed at the flashing warning on the traffic signal dont walk oh i saw it all right the lady answered but i thought it was an advertisement for the bus company r glory shone in a heavens may great joy be yours stouffville bowling centre may your day be bright tcilh 9al the joyt of j chrislmat mickey hunts sunoco station stoufnble ont o s 1 sieni w i i jlw y a u- iwl j w j caritmtor den and ruth kidu gobd mutch d a den kidd lawn and garden equipment stoufjville ont tribune classified ads are tops abound in your home on christmas day and fill the hours irith love and cwtfcatosnu thos n shea realtor and staff stouffville ont x greetings imqa at thisutime- wewish to thank our many friends for making it possible to move to our- new expanded location no 7 highway and laidlaw blvd to all best wishes for a merry christmas i and prosperity in the new year i talpark motors ltd no7 highway i and laidlaw f blvd r your franchised dealer for the ford family i of fine cars phone 2941500 markham