west end barber shop hours toes thunw fri 8 aun till 9 pan wed and sal 8 sun tul 6 pjn len david and bill keeping 3 registered barbers us 3iain st iv stouffvelle tribune classified ads ate tops neville appliances for the best our service excels our prices match the rest our year guarantee sells admiral zenith lowrey simplicity tv radio hifi organ kitchen and laundry equipment 6403395 g liiisls now the conveniences of modern living are yours with lp gas delivered anywhere for ranges water heaters refrigerators etc lp gas is thrifty too altane propane gas and appliances 216 alarkham rd richmond hill phone av 552s1 toronto wa 35851 j r alty stouffville 6401874 vori iiet us all pray for this new year to bo peaceful and prosperous thank you for letting us serve you v- f g alsop insurance agency i stouffville ont in public school board of the township school area of whitchurch requires a secretarytreasurer preferably experienced in public school administration salary open for negotiations duties to begin january 1065 written applications should be addressed to public school board of the township school area of whitchurch offices rri gormley ont applications must be received not later than december 29th 1064 i markham ph 2943355 roxy markham ph 2943355 starts xma3 xtte fbi dec 23 thbtj wed dec 30 in widescreen technicolor viva las vegas elvis presley ann margret also the sound of speed in color and cartoon i complete shows at 7 pm and 9 pm boxing day matinee sat dec 26 2 pji above show how the west was won starts thur dec 31 tmmmmmommmomoommmmmmaoommoammmmmm by john addison christmas the time of year when we all remember the be ginning think of the past and anticipate the future i had the opportunity this year of visiting israel and tra velling near the holy city through nazareth to the sea of galilee there i stayed at a kib butz on the israel jordanian border where lighting had broken out the day before an historic land fl of the memo ries of jesus christ and here almost two thousand years ago man gave meaning to our civili zation when we think of the words peace on earth good will toward men canadians are proud of their contributions to maintaining world peace and the betterment of mans life for years we have had the technical ability to manufacture and assemble atomic weapons we have not done this but rather have turned our efforts towards the peaceful use of the atom our prime purpose in advocat ing a united nations peace keeping force with canada mak ing a full contribution is to set tle international disputes before any escalation takes place ca nada next year has pledged 80 million dollars to the colombo plan in south eastern asia to initiate a higher standard of living in these underdeveloped countries as a person travels through foreign lands your prospective broadens and it becomes abun dantly clear that the under developed countries main con cern is to defend themselves maintain their independance and raise their standard of liv ing they look to us and- the united states for support to keep us strong both militarily and economically is in their best interest and the overiding con siderations of the governments in ottawa and washington must be the predication of this principle 1964 has been a good year for canada employment is at an all time high unemployment on a seasonally adjusted basis is the lowest it has been since novem ber 1956 canadian business is expanding at a record rate and has never been so prosperous construction and the house building industry is booming most important of all our ex ports are much higher than they were a year ago which was a record as a result of the growth in our economy we have been able to further advance social schemes such as youth allow ances student loans and the canada pension plan j what of the future the first half of 1965 appears to be good it will be up to finance minister walter gordon with his budget in march to in sure continual expansion for the full year and well into 1966 the recent aimed cuts by the soviet union and the renewed efforts by the united states to negotiate a further test ban treaty should produce a thaw in the cold war obviously pockets of unrest will- remain i but this is to be expected particularly with emerging nations- it appears now that the house of commons will recess until the middle of february during this six weeks i will make every effort to travel about our constituency and speak with you if there are any particular problems that you would like to discuss with me i can be reached at my home in king at 7735193 or my office in richmond hill 8841351 may the roads rise with you may the windbe always at your back and may the lord hold you in the hollow of his hand a very merry christmas and a happy new year early cards bore familiar message christmas cards were not very popular for some two decides after they first appeared in england in the 1840s very little is known of the earliest cards except for two primitive prototypes found in the british museum these two hear the me message of peace and good will which hasnt been im proved upon even in the modern cards we favor today luther simulated christmas scene most everyone hu heard the story of martin luther and the christmas tree luther lived from 163 to 1540 and ao the story goes was one night so impressed by the sight of inowcovered evergreens sparkling in the moonlight that he returned to his home and tried to reproduce the memorable scene for his family he chose a small evergreen tree and to simulate the reflec tions of the starlit heaven hi attached a number of lighted candles christmas tress ef course did not become popular until years later eggnogs popularity is such that at christmas and new years the drink can be found in nearly every average american home it is generally believed that eggnog came to us from the old english sackposset a hot drink which contains the same ingredients milk eggs sugar and nutmeg no one really knows who invented eggnog researchers just say that it goes way way back and like topsy it growed and growed the flavorful taste of eggnog is not the only reason for the drinks popularity eggnog is easy to make it goes a lss way and it allows the hostess to have as much fun a anybody else without hating to worry about the guests eggnog is a serveyourself drink and most folks seem to prefer to fill their cup themselves eggnog is flexible that is you can make a lot of it in one batch if youve got a large enough punch bowl ana your refrigerator is particularly spacious on the other hand eggnog car be made in smaller quantities which are equally delightful and flsvorsome a typical recipe would include 6 eggs separated 2 cups milk h cup sugar js teaspoon salt 2 cups light or whipping 2 teaspoons vanilla cream freshly ground nutmeg beat egg yolks and sugar until thick and lemoncolored bjat in cream milk salt and vanilla beat egg whites until they hold stiff peaks fold into egg yolk mixture served in chilled punch bowl sprinkle with nutmeg makes 254 quarts good tv3she8 childrens cheery voices raised in christmas sens express the good will we feel for all our friends thanks and merry christmasi stouffville district credit union thristmas foy sn the madonna and child mankind sees an everpres -niboi- of the love of god the t oi unnsxuas may joy be yours at tins holy happy time maple leaf dairy co and staff stouffvme ont hals snack bar stouffville the stouffyiue tribune mtr detev 24v 1964 qt tv general grant tree among most famous one of the most most famous christmas trees is the general grant tree located in general grant national park 64 miles east of fresno california this tree was designated the official national christmas tree for christmas day 1925 the general grant tree is esti mated to be about 270 feet high and services are held under the tree each year due to severe- weather conditions usually prev alent in the area however the number of visitors is somewhat limited oldfashioned christmas wishes vi a wish you the hopplett of holiday filled with all the friendly wdraih of a good oldfashioned christens stouffville antique house evelyn and bert jackson friendly folks herald approaching holiday you can often detect the near ness of christmas in the attitude of the people about you eleva tor operators become mora cheerful bus drivers will wait that extra moment for you to catch your ride store clerks are more courteous and helpful the greeting of friends and neigh bors is more enthusiastic most everybody has a good word to say about everyone things just seem brighter and more cheerful everywhere you turn early card what some investigators be lieve to be the first card print ed specifically as a christmas card was the one designed in 1s43 by j c horsley for sir henry cole the card had one center illustration and two side panels the center panel de picted an english family rais ing wine- glasses to toast a missing friend scenes on the side panels showed the feed ing of the hungry and clothing of the naked it was the only card sir henry cole ever liad designed reaction to the toasting scene from temper anceminded friends was far from what he had expected n earth peace good will to all men a jojful christmas fretz bros butchers rr3 claremont ont christmas cacti will drop their flower buds in a too dry atmos phere daily syringing with a mist of water will often prevent this wb vnshtoihankyou for your good will and hope your christmas is a merry one taylors fuels stouffville ont juetu3zememjberaswecelebiatohisbuthj tfatowdutytomaaiatdbeverawginawdtld that gropea tor peace azvttrierrtanmwiih- trvstmhimamwlttitfie8pmtoiiweyremuatremmqtttj iaith and dedicate our efforts to accowpliah ifiatidsnf frank and ted ryfa v i east end grocery cl stouffville r mass sji