stouffville homes all dressed up for christmas -i- eleclricia runert street in sfounmlle is a gala aenue of chrhtmas colours but no horns is more strikinjj that the residence of a colourful duspav of exterior lighting is pictured here at the home of mr and mrs ken laushway on fark- drive in c ross jietherlngton start photo stouffville more photos on pages s and 5 start photo mrs laura stapleton active at ninetytwo make final draw for merchant prizes the last of thirty lucky draws for 15 merchandise aw ards was completed in stouff ville on saturday night clar ence bunker of goodwood sel ected the ten winners names they are as follows mrs j valleau stouffville mr v le wis stouffville mr harold doner gormley mrs gerald acton stouffville mrs p bright stouffville timothy herbert stouffville miss san dra swash stouffville mrs tom hastings markham r r 2 mr bill sanders stouffville and mrs shirley hanson stouffville itr- fflf s3 fju mrs laura stapleton 92 of mf albert staff rhofo mrs laura staplelon will celebrate her 92nd christmas tomorrow a little less than a month after she celebratedher 92nd birthday laura margaret graham was born on november 28 1872 ori- f t a ij lhcjcotfl 111v1ic1m m made a dominion she was born on the lolh cone north othe stouffville sales barns laura attended ringwood school and as a young girl she enjoyed christmas then as much as she docs now in 1894 shcmarricd ambrose hciscy they were wed at glas gow by reverend elder hainer following the wedding the young couple lived in union- villc mr hciscy died in 1911 and it wasnt until 1929 that married mr david stapleton mr stapleton passed away in 1s39 mrs stapleton has a son and daughter living a second son is deceased she has nine grand children and nine greatgrand children lives at mount albert at present laura is living with her daughter mrs carl moorehead of mount albert she resided formerly on church street stouffville but moved from there 13 years ago mrs stapleton was a di ess- maker by trade and learned the art in stouffville she carried out her work in her home ra ther than in a shop laura still mends and sews for her grandchildren and re fuses to sit around idle as a teenager laura was ac tive at most garden parties sleigh rides and church gather ings the youngsters of those bygone days were entertained by musical instruments the fa vorites being violins organs and pianos continued onpage three more than 2000 visited santa here during the past three weeks santa claus has been the most popular man in town up to saturday dec 19th a total of 2013 children have visited his chalet on main st it is expec ted that final figures will ex ceed the 2500 mark kiddies from near and far have dropped in for a chat with st nick including such places as burlington thistletown streetsvilleland beaverton i their wants have ranged from big bruiser trucks and loaders forboystp tinytears dolls and dishes for girls vol 76 no 29 the tribunk stouffville ontario thursday december 24 1964 sixteen pages reeve hooper wages losing fight against cty assessment plan ask truck parking ban in subdivisions works dept to maintain town cemetery stouffville municipal council agreedby resolution on-thurs- day night that beginning in 1965 the town works depart ment should take care of the town cemetery with the excep tion of machine gravedigging this work has been done now for some years by mr e pil- key the cost of this added work on the department is 2500 council tiicmucis uibcuamfd the possibility of adding anoth er man to the works depart ment considering the addition al work load and this new man would then be available for other town work markham twp reeve char les hooper waged a bitter but losing battle last week in his bid to delay york countys takeover of all municipal as sessment departments but be fore he was through he left no doubt in the minds of anyone as to his feelings on the controver sial issue a motion to approve the pro gram and to hire an assessment commissioner at 11000 was passed on a recorded vote of 28 to 19 both reeve win timbers m reeve chas hooper and deputy- reeve ken laush- way of stouffville voted ag ainst the scheme at one point in the heated de bate reeve joe dales of north gwillimbury attempted to cho ke off argument on the issue but chairman garlott allowed reeve hooper to continue mr hooper producing a copy of the new assessment manual charged that under the county system farm land presently as sessed at 40 per acre would climb to 100 it could cause a farmers revolt he taid he was supported by warden ab rutherford reeve of vaughan and deputyreeve ross farqu- harson of whitchurch mr far- quharson said that eight new members would be in county council in 1965 and he wished the discussion to be carried ov er into the new year mr c d wright has been appointed the new assessment commissioner as a prov gov- ernment employee he had re ceived a salary of 8500 the new county post pays 11000 until more accommodation is available in the county build- ing at newmarket present as sessors now cmployedby indi vidual municipalities will con tinue to work out of those of fices salaries will remain un changed but years of employ ment will be recognized no rebroadcast of tv show the across canada televi sion show which will originate in stouffville on christmas kve at 630 pm will not be rebroadcasl on the following morning as is usually the case with this show the program is from 630 to 7 pm and will only appear once local police turn santa claus the colour of lis uniform will be different but the role will be the same as members of the stouffville police dept turn santa claus on christmas eve and distribute gifts to de serving families two boxes of loyshive been collected from local stores and members of the lions club the officers spent four hours on monday night repairing and cleaning them up about 20 children will benefit tom phillips home for christmas fifteen year old tom phil lips son of mr and mrs ken phillips of ringwood will spend christmas at home seriously injured in a tragic auto accident last june tom has spent the past 166 days in both hospital and convalescence homes he was released perm anently on tuesday since ear ly in october he has been able cocome homeonweekendsr tom must still use crutches when he walks but he plans to return to stouffville dist high school in the new year he will move from class to class in a wheel chair he is a grade 9 student the accident occurred during the first week of the summer vacation period when tom and two companions were return ing home from a fishing trip the car rolled down a steep embankment at the intersection of cone 2 uxbridge and no 47 hwy mr phillips said that his son might possibly have to return to hospital for further treatment next summer we are pleased with his recovery he said hes been through a lot we couldnt wish for any better christmas gift too costly to enlarge proposed fireball building stouffville municipal council meeting for the final 1964 ses sion on thursday night took no action when confronted by a deputation requesting council help in providing some accom modation for the boy scouts and cubs reeve timbers said that while council was in sympathy with the fine work being done they had only so much money to spend mr a r mcfadden spokes man for the deputation said that they wished to know if council had considered erecting another storey on the new firehall to provide a hall for the scouts as well as other youth groups deputyrecjve laushway in re ply said no additions to the plans of the building were being considered at the present time he added that there would be a room about 22x32 on the main floor which would be available he also suggested that the ceil ing might be lowered in the south part of thcmunicipal of fice building to allow some space reeve timbers said the fire- hall was already planned for and it would add considerable ex pense to put on another storey mr mcfadden said the scouts group was growing and consid eration was being given to form ing a second group but needed morespace the group present ly- meets in the united church sunday school ropm s thre nights aiweek are needed sand i to three thousand squai feet mr bob winfield spokesman for a deputation of the stouff ville ratepayers association ap peared before the municipal council on thursday night to press for some restrictions on the keeping of heavy trucks in rl 7onc subdivisions he told council that these trucks were detracting from the property values hut safety was a prime factor and they were dangerous considering the number of small children around reeve timbers said it could create a hardship if a trucker had to rent other premises just to park his truck wed have to get some informationfrom our solicitor he said a a minority we have to give considera tion to placing restrictions on the property owners said coun cillor parsons mr winfield said it was only a minority of proper ty owners councillor parsons said it was not right to take way the owners privileges and change the use of his property after he had purchased it deputyreeve laushway said there was a lot of fastdriving in the subdivision and not by trucks he said the speed limit couldnt be lowered under 30 although this was too fast with so many children on the road im not sold on why you should restrict a certain area the menace ive seen jias been cars iaid mr parsons nkko new appointment stouffville municipal council will be seeking two new appoint ments in1965 one for the town library board and one for the planning board both mr geo foord and mr chas nolan ad vised council by letter last week that they wished to retire from any further service on these individual boards each has served about thirteen years the appointment of mrs june button as representative of the public school board to the high school board for a twoyear term was confirmed by bylaw ladies auxiliary distribute gifts members of the legion lad ies auxiliary of stouffville spent tuesday evening at the veterans hall packing boxes for families and shutins for christmas on wednesday afternoon the ladies in uniform completed their deliveries around town this practice is carried out on a monthly basis throughout the year but at christmas time the boxes contain extra items in keeping with the season they visit the hospital and nursing homes in addition to private residences of veterans families no licence or insurance a 30 year old slouftville driver who had neither a licence nor insurance was fined 75 and costs in richmond hill court on friday norman r mitchell of main street admitted to pc david lladden of stouffville that he had never taken a drivers test or tried to obtain a permit he had purchased his car in no vember for this infraction he was fined 525 and costs by mag istrate russell pearse constable hadden further stated that mitchell was of the opinion that automobile insur ance or payment under the un satisfied judgment plan was not necessary for this offense magistrate pearse added another 50 and costs quick action by markham police described by holdup victim sam mckucn of church st markham can recall more exci ting experiences in his life time than most people but dur ing the early hours of wednes day morning last week he sam mckucn came face to face with an inci dent that was new even to him he looked down the muzzle of a loaded 22 cal revolver in an armed holdup mr mckucn a night watch man and gasoline salesman at the markham boat and car sal es no 7 hwy recalled how he saw two men approaching the station at about 1 ajn he said he thought their car had run out of gas down the road not an unusual experience at such an earlymorning hoir he recalled that one man pulled a gun and ordered get me the cash do it quick were not fooling this is a stickup he said that he was pushed be hind two boats and tby scoop ed the money 58 out of the cash register leaving about 11 in change i thought the gun was only a toy he said when they threatened to lock him in a small room mr mckuen bluf fed them into thinking that there was no key for the door when they left he telephoned the police i dialed 2941300 and the po lice markham village were herein two minulcsor maybe less he said all of york county was immediately alert ed p c ed grimshaw of stouff ville was parked at the ring- wood intersection when a car turned east on no 47 hwy at a normal rate of speed he de cided to check it ths vehicle turned south on albert street in stouffville and was cornered on the property of the goldfish supply co the driver fled walked as far as markham and took a taxi to toronto a sus pect wayne king 21 of new toronto was later arrested two lake wilcox men barry pal- ncau23 and frank fayne 34 were held in the car by consta ble grimshaw until more police help arrived the gun was re covered all three have been charged with armed robbery and will reappear in court on dec 28th altona famjly reunited with pet dog charkie iihhmfr i c kd grimshaw meanwhile back at the serv ice station business went on as though nothing had happened they left me enough money to make change said mr mcku cn i sold 25 worth of gas that night the 53 taken by the holdup men was returned by police f charkie a pet black labra dor retriever is back homeland mr and mrs desmond kerr and family of altona will enjoy their merriest christmas the dog disappeared on nov 28th three weeks ago and with each passing day hope dwind led that it would ever be found and returned the children di ane 5 paul 8 linda 9 arid cathy 12 never sloppcdhcping and praying on saturday their prayers were answered a railroad employee mr larry wilson of orillia had found the dog wandering cold and hungry near ajax he took it into the district signal station at pickering and later to his home in orillia saw tribune photo t a photo of charkie pub lished in last weeks issue of the tribune was seen by mr wil son he telephoned longdis tance to the kerr home and the dogs rabies identification tag was all the proof that was re quired he agreed to bring the pet down to ringwood where the exchange was made mr kerr and the four children were on hand for the joyful re union mr wilson whose own family had become quite at tached to the animal refused to accept any reward 11 is believed that the dbg was taken from the kerr property by hunters and either let out or escaped from their car tipping the scales at 95 lbs it appeared none the worse for its exper ience a photo appears on page 8 of this issue offers of help mrs kerr said that calls were received from many people ov er a wide area who had seen dogs that fitted charkies de scription she said that no one was interested in any reward one ballantrae resident mr m fitzpatrick offered to give the children one of his prize puppies mr ezra brownsberg- cr of rr 1 stouffviilewas wil ling to give up his own dog to the family on sunday afternoon when the tribune revisited the kerr homecharkie rollicking about on the living room rug ordinarily we dont allow him in here said mrs kerr but today he has special pri vileges slorcsjin stouffville will b closed on saturday boxing day but the majoriywul be open for business on monday dec 28th century old this lighted lamp post to taled at the home of sir and mrs harold murphy slain seln stouffville ursver 100 years old it was taken from a verandah of the old arthur clarkson house y at the corner of t juin and montreal slf i i- guff rhofo elffva