Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 11, 1964, p. 4

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tm thi stouffyau tttwni throfay at ft hu goodwood news mrs b- may a social evening will be held on june 16 in goodwood united church basement in honour of our retlrinz teacher mrs wazz- au are welcome indies please bring lunch sponsored by the school board of ss 7 good wood have a barbeque chicken sup per at filth line church on tuesday june 16 before attend ing the farewell program congratultions to mr ronald james who passed ms second year at kyerson institute of tecknology with honours the community was deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of mrs fintelman who passed away very suddenly at her home the funeral was held at dicksons hill church with interment in the adjoining cemetery- sympathy is extended to mrs herb wage whose mother pas sed away recently after a leng thy illness miss ruth collins was recipi ent of many useful gifts given to her at a bridal shower at the home of mrs gordon todd on wednesday may 27 mr and mrs frank collins motored to toronto with mr and mrs jack collins on satur day evening to attend a pre- nuptical wedding party for their daughter ruth the party was given by mr and mrs w clay ton aunt and uncle of the groom mr john paxton a community shower was well attended and gifts most beautiful at the home of mr and mrs frank collins on june 4 in honour of their daughter ruth and mr john paxton miss terry ann ferguson has returned to the position ihe held last at premier service in toronto and will live with her grandmother mr arnold mcdonald will be the speaker at both services at the baptist church next sunday and june 21st balsam mtzion a number from here attend ed open house last thursday night for mrs wm hopkins 80th birthday at her home at ashburn miss mary jean jamieson at tended a shower last wed night at stouffviue for miss faye madill of claremont rr 2 quite a number from here attended brooklin fair on sat urday mr and mrs winton white attended the whitedouglas wedding at bobcaygeon on saturday mr and mrs leslie harbron and lloyd and mrs wm har bron had dinner sunday with mr and mrs bruce neale at west hill mrs wm harbron is spending this week with rela tives in toronto mr and mrs art harvey and family of cobourg visited sun day with mr and mrs frank mcavoy mr and mrs r day motored to gravenhurst sunday and mrs f noon returned home with them for a visit the active service club will meet next wed night at the home of mrs b jamieson with mrs lome jones group in charge of the meeting pine orchard sympathy is extended to mr and mrs j ash in the recent death of mr ashs sister mrs calvert mr and mrsrmcgee spent a few days with their son and family at cooksville misses florence and eileen fair were dinner guests on sunday at the johnston home miss doris gibney visited her uncle mr sam gibney and cousin miss helen reid on sunday bob hope of huntsville spent the weekend with his parents here the sr ball team play their home games this year on wed night give the lads your sup port by attending the games a very promising jr team is or ganized also lets show the see the new high style twinstripe whitewall 10day size introi tube or tubefess ucto side- wall ry offei 1st tire reg catalog price- 2nd tire 39060013 tubo tubefess tubefess black black white 1995 2395 2660 free free free 64065013 tube tubefess tubefess black black white 2130 2555 2815 free free free 7s014 tubefess tubefess black white 2965 3265 free free 80014 tubefess tubefess black white 3325 3660 free free 85014 tubefess tubefess black whifo 3620 3980 free free 67015 tuba tubefess tubefess black black white 2470 2965 3265 free free free 71013 tube tubefess tubefess black black white 2775 3325 3660 free free free 76015 tuba tubefess tubcfesii black black white 3020 3620 3980 free free free 80083415 tubefess white 4435 free plus 3 frcseln urn to introduce this handsomely distinctive new flying cloud heres the most amazing tire offer youre likely to see this summer buy one flying cloud and you receive the second tire absolutely free of extra cost yes if you hurry you can get two of the most advanced construc tion tires when you pay the regular catalog price for one enjoy a floatonair ride with double plies of double strength nylon cord wraparound continental shoulder twinstripe whitewall see premium flying cloud today drive premium flying cloud tomorrow guaranteed and road hazard insured m use the bonus coupons for free installation and wheel balancing coupc heres another special deal nylon tires- ft si blackwall tubetype 59060013 64065013 75014 67015 60016 easy terms add 110 for tubclen tubeless whitewalls 59060013 tfbk 4 64065013 pn 75014 k9 80014 h 195 67015 wm 71015 mfl wr easy 760 5 a t wwmm terms mt terms extra bonus coupons unlimited road haxard insurance see actual guaranfeo boys we appreciate their desire to take part in clean organized sport rather than spend their time in so many questionable places the ladles of the union church lived ui tc their name of willing workers on wed when they were busy with dus ters and polish brightening up their place of worship weed centre will beautify lawn broadleuf srsms become a problem in lawns at this time of year two of the most com mon weeds dandelion and plan tain can easily be controlled by 24d say botanists with the ontario department of agricul ture for small areas use 1 ounce of pure 24d acid in 4 gallons of water apply when the tem perature is above 65 degrees f and the weeds are growing rap idly drift and cauent da mage to nearby flowers and shrubs is a big problem with 24d spray with low pres sures at a time when there is little or no wind and use the 24d amine formulation to re duce this danger for hardtocontrol weeds such as creeping caarlie black medick chickweed and clover use mcpp mecropop or stl- vex apply at the rate of 1 oz of active material in 4 gallons of water these chemicals if ap plied thoroughly to wet the fo liage will cover approximately 2500 square feet of lawn mixtures of 24d with either mcpp or silvex should be used where several species are pres ent in the lawn follow the manufacturers directions on the label when using such a mix ture neither 24d or silvex should be used on bent grass lawns mcpp may be used however where patches of bent grass are crowding out more desirable species repeat ed treatment with silvex fol lowed by topdressing with soil and reseeding will give sat isfactory control spray roses for better blooms fungi and insects often cause damage to the foliage and blooms of roses although the pests vary with local condi tions almost all areas are men aced by them horticulturists with the ontario department of agriculture suggest a regu lar spray program during the summer months to protect ros es against various troubles that may arise black spot and mildew are the most troublesome of the fungi among the insects aph- lds are generally the most com mon but in certairi areas rose chafers do extensive damage there are many brandname special rose sprays and dusts containing both fungicides and insecticides that are available from trade sources the use of these specials sprays will pro vide a general control of most pests from the time theleaves appear apply the sprays or dusts thoroughly and regularly according to the directions on the manufacturers label to prevent black spot infec tion spray or dust thoroughly particularly during may and june for best results apply in early morning or evening when there is no wind and foliage is damp the under surfaces of the leaves as well is the upper surfaces should be well cover ed any leaves with black spot infection should be picked and destroyed where mildew is troublesome dust or spray with sulphur or karathane to keep it in check malathion will control aph- ids and ddt may be used to keep rose chafers in check where rose chafers are very destructive it may be necessary to spray surrounding areas to provide effective control atka mr and mrs leslie burch and sons of lockport ny were visitors on sunday with the er nie carruthers family the burch family are amateur radio operators and have been friends of carruthers for a number of years mr and mrs murray dunk- eld had dinner on sunday with their daughter mr and mrs murray jones mt zijn mrs thomas dunkeld is spen ding a few weeks with her daughter mrs james melton of burketon mr phillip of dunbarton spent sunday afternoon with mr ernie carruthers mr allan mcbride had din ner on sunday with mr and mrs norman lehman and fa mily markham no 7 highway phone 2941830 or ax 32511 we buy mortgages if you wont to cosh in a first mortgage we will be pleased to discuss it victoria and grey trust 308 duiufas st w whitby tpo many farmers feel loans private personalag rep a a wall agricultural representative york county loans and mortgages have never been popular words in the farming business talk about credit has usually been done behind closed doors far mers swap information on crops livstock and machinery quite freely but discussion on interest rates repayment plans and where to find some mort gage money has been consider ed too private and personal to talk about borrowing money is not a pleasant job it has been a len ders market and lenders can be very selective about who they wish to do business with the result of all this is that frequently when borrowing has to be done the source that looks the easiest and quickest is the one that is used the inter est rate may be high the terms may be bad or the amount may be too small to really do the job but if it can be arranged without a lot of fuss or embar rassment this point alone can have a strong appeal im quite sure that we as an industry have to bear down on using credit more wisely there are farm businesses around that are being held back seriously by bad credit arrangements the job is gettmg more and more important as we need larger amounts of both long term and operating capital we are beginning to talk about it more freely the next step is to start shopping for the kind of credit that suits the need best the old system of takmg the most easily available credit has some pretty serious hazards to enable people to do this kind of shopping better the de partment of agriculture has arranged a series of special meetings on farm credit there will be detailed informa tion given at these meetings on all kinds of farm loans includ ing those available from the government sources of credit interest rates terms and uses will all be dealt with these meetings offer a good chance for anyone to know the credit business better the clo sest one for york county is be ing held at barne on friday afternoon june 12th at the central united church a sim ilar meeting is being held at oac guelph on thursday june 11th both meetings start at 130 pjn and all farmers are invited brougham the 1st brock pickering scout troup and their leaders ken ramsay enjoyed a week end of camping by mrs sodens creek there will be no paper drive during the month of june the next group committee meeting will be at the home of mr and mrs len liscombe on sunday june 7 mr and mrs bill ellicott and girls spent sunday with mr and mrs john harvey of niagara falls mrs wm ellicott is spending a few days with her daughter mrs ford at highland creek a number of brownies and by the way anne boss it is sunday afternoon and i am sitting in my home enjoying the peaceful quiet of stouffviue and i am marvelling at my good fortune in living in this lovely little town perhaps my thinking is influenced by a recent visit with relatives in the city where the continual roar of passing traffic the sudden squeal of stopping wheels knotted the nerves the ugly forest cf concrete and steel apartment buildings offended the eyes and the rapid pace of hurry hurry fretted the mind i wonder how many of us express our appreciation of our home town in any tangible way do we add to the beauty of stouffviue by improving our gardens and the appearance of our homes do we support our local merchants so they may prosper and develop their business premises when we dash off to the modern shopping plazas and spend our money out side of our own area we run the risk of forcing our local businessmen to fight a losing battle and i cant conceive of anything more dismal than a main street with one or two or several empty stores do we contribute anything of our selves our time or effort or concern to our schools our churches our park our community clubs and associations making a token appearance or a small financial contribution as it suits us is not enough we take advantage of and take for granted the services offered by all of our organized groups but do we actively suppoit them or are we just takers if we are honest citizens we are givers and more important doers it is our duty as well as our privilege if we have any personal integrity to think about stouffviue to talk about stouffviue to honour and cherish stouffviue and expend ourselves in keeping stouffviue our fine and lovely home guides with their mothers at tended the mother and daugh ter banquet at claremont on thursday evening the follow ing brownies won awards el izabeth harden stella trotman anne gibson nancy roberts brenda ramsay sheilah annis debbie brown rosemary hen ry mrs g gray mrs n burton mrs h malcolm and mrs m annie attended the district annual convention of the wo mens institute at greenbank on tuesday mr and mrs m annie and sheila attended a bridal show er for miss janet jones at the home of mrs harry mingay at markham on saturday evening the womens institute will meet in the hall on june 9 a special meeting is being arrang ed congraulations to gall rog- erson white on successfully passing her second year exams at the university of toronto the united church women packed over twenty boxes of good used clothing last week this is to be sent to the fred victor mission in toronto mr and mrs howard plaxton attended open house at the new home of mr and mrs bruce neale at highland creek on sunday afternoon the regular meeting of joy rebekah lodge took place on monday evening noble grand sister shirley knox conducted the opening exercises assisted by vice grand sister louisa pukey who also reported for the visiting and card commit tee lunch was served by sisters irene phillips and evelyn sur- phlis township of whitchurch notice to destroy weeds notice is hereby given to all persons in posses sion of land that in accordance with the weed control act 1960 ontario sections 3 9 11 12 13 and 19 unless weeds growing on their lands within the township of whitchurch are cut or destroyed by monday june 22nd 1964 and throughout the season the weed inspector of the township of whitchurch may enter upon said lands and hav the weeds cut charging the cost against the lands as set out in the act the cooperation of all con cerned is earnestly requested herbert wells weed inspector township of whitchurch ssssssssssssssssssssssssssasssssssssssassssssi dairy farmers dont neglect dairy ration for your high producing cows just because pasture is good master 16 milk producer krums or pellets will fill the bill advantages o no waste 2 no separation of ingredients 3 easy to handle 4 no caking or lumping 5 stays fresh 6 very palatable cows like them 7 economical l use a granary bin buy bulk call your local master feeds dealer stiver bros ltd phone stouffviue 6403400

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