Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 11, 1964, p. 1

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uxbridge twp council rejects request to hold motorcycle rally a request to hold a motorcy cle rally at a site on the 5th cone of uxbridge twp june 21st was turned down by the council at a meeting in good wood on monday night the property east of no 47 hwy is owned by mrs ethel wynn of unlonville david mclean barry whit man and john mckeown all members of the nortown mot orcycle club toronto outlined their plans and promised that the program would be conduct ed in an orderly manner al though the council was impres sed with the appearance of the boys they felt that their scheme posed a very real fire hazard in that area deputyreeve robt nesbitt said he had watched such a ral ly or scramble near kitchen er and could not see any bene fit to the municipality by al lowing a similar outing in ux bridge with respect to fire he said that if a blaze ever started adjacent properties would be in danger so favour you are not doing the town ship any favour by holding this program here said councillor terence akerman you are just planning an enjoyable after noon there is only one thing i am interested in he contin ued is this in the interest of the township or the interest of the citizens councillor chas forsythe said he would not be opposed to the rally if a more suitable location could be found club spokesman john mc keown replied that this might be possible but he wished the assurance of the council that their program would be sup ported the members declined to admit support for the ven ture regardless of the site iouffnillr vol 76 no 2 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday june 11 1961 eighteen pages lake parking fines to be hiked to 10 bylaw to borrow 225000 for new municipal bldg in twp of pickering defeated on split vote in council illegal parking in a restricted area around musselmans lake will be costly when a revision in the whitchurch twp no par king bylaw becomes effective the penally will be raised from the present 300 to s1000 president delvin danford and a delegation representing the musselmans lake ratepayers association appeared before the council on monday night to air several problems power boats mr danford questioned po lice chief fred mason concern ing the dangers of power boats on the lake during the summer months the chief stated that his department could intervene only after someone had broken the law mr snider a member of the ratepayers executive said that suggested that if this property was owned by the township it should be fenced off the council agreed to check into the ownership particulars of the land sew dance hall one member of the delega tion said that dance hall opera tors of former years had taken pride in their premises and had control over their patrons he suggested that the operation of a more recent establishment should be asked to do the same a survey of the lake area will be conducted by the hydro to establish a cost estimate for better lighting facilities around the resort centre with respect to the proposed lake zoning bylaw clerk thos kerr re vealed that a meeting with the planning director would be councillor donald waring took a last minute leap to the other side of the fence on mon day night and voted against a portion of a bylaw that would have given tentative approval to the borrowing of s225000 for a new municipal building in the twp of pickering it went down to a surprising defeat in spite of a move by councillor hubert wank to keep the s300 000 program alive he moved that the borrowing bylaw should be reduced to 18200 with the hope that a centennial grant would be made available this motion too was lost councillor wm newman who had argued vehemently against the project from the very first moved that the bylaw in its present form should be with drawn the motion was carried by a split vote of 43 unsure of grant councillor wank said that he had personally contacted ah of ficial of the dcpt of municipal affairs to find out what moneys would be available from govern ment sources for such work he admitted that he could not gain a direct reply on whether a centennial grant would be paid or not he said that in his own mind he was quite confident that the 44000 figure would come through he suggested that even without the centennial grant the council should pro ceed with the project we cant continue to operate with the staff scattered throughout the township he said all depart ments should be brought to gether his thinking was sup ported by reeve clifford lay- cox councillor newman suggested that the townships debenture issues withjn the next 12 months would be staggering there comes a time when we must stop he said he charged that the present structure at brougham provided adequate accommodation for the person nel now located there not proper site deputyreeve mrs jean mc- pherson argued that the site at no 2 hwy and the brock road was not large enough nor was it located in a central part of the township she contended too that the estimated figure of 300000 would likely be over spent before the project was ever completed councillor waring voted in favour of two clauses in the borrowing bylaw but voted against clauses 4 and 5 al though some confusion sur rounded the sudden switch mr waring explained that he could not favour the project unless assured that the centennial grant was applicable reeve laycox criticized some members of council for their comic treatment of the bylaw from now on i want the levity to cease he said many power boats were placed held this week and the associa- in the water from a point op- tion would be told of the date posite the old post office he when it was finalized site for proposed new firehall is undecided local firemen receive emo certificates the site for stouffvilles pro posed new firehall still re mains undecided following thursday nights regular coun cil meeting the building of a new firchall was proposed some time ago as a centennial project and reeve timbers has stoutly maintained that a mo tion to purchase the anglican church property was for the purpose of erecting the new hall however this has remain ed a point of argument for some weeks and last weeks meeting brought the matter no nearer to solution councillor parsons introduc ed the subject and took the op portunity of questioning mem bers of the fire brigade who were present in the council chambers he said that it should not be continually as sumed that the hall would be built on the church property as this was something on which council had not yctagrcod fire chief waller smith said that he was not entirely agreed that the church property was the best site but he thought this was a matter for council to decide the main thing to the fire brigade is that the hall be built he said he commented that the site might be alright on a long term basis if one of the adjacent houses was remo ved but the house is there and could be there for a long time replied deputyreeve laushway mr fred castle said that the apparent idea was to have the properly tied in with the park he added that there were more desirable sites council has never picked a site this needs a lot of thought we need a place that is easy to get in and out of and it doesnt necessarily have to be on the main st ii could be at one end of town or the other said the deputyreeve chief smith said that a posi tion close to where some of the firemen worked was a consid- continued on page 18 mr and mrs eldon b leh man of islington were visitors on sunday with mrs john leh man edward st nine members of the stouff- ville fire brigade received cer tificates on thursday night as graduates of an emergency measures bssic rescue course the certificates were presented by reeve win timbers to firemen walter smith fred castle charles jackson lloyd jennings edward grimas jas rennieharry -madden- grant turner and stouffville emo coordinator brian gbddard the presentation was made in the council chambers just prior to the regular council meeting present for the occasion was york county emo director major preslon who spoke brief ly on some of the new projects the organization was undertak ing he said that starting june i5th five radio setups would be established for emergency mcaurcs work one each in stouffville markham mark- ham township vaughan twp and woodbridge he stressed the need for these sets to be used as much as possible so the operators could become as fa miliar as they were able sup ply 7ones were also being es tablished he said emo volunteers are not only trained for possible nuc lear warfare but are ready to take their part in natural dis asters such as hurricanes ex plosions and floods if called on to do so the cost of the cours es is two hours a week of the volunteers time volunteers are required for rescue cor munications and staff for cour ses which will be starting in the fall names may be given to the local coordinator brian god- dard at franks shell service centre during the presentation reeve timbers was assisted by deputyreeve ken laushway who isstouffville councils rep resentative onthe yorkcounty committee on saturday june 13th the community of atha will mark the centennial year of their little red brick schoolhouse that has served the section since its erection back in 1864 the program secretary cliltord dunkcld complete with top hat and flowing red beard holds a list of the events that will take place on the weekend anniversary occasion staff photo atha community to mark schools 100th year with weekend centennial program miss beverley a kcffcr daughter of mr and mrs kllsworth g kcffcr grand- view ave markham grad uated from the toronto western hospital school of nursing on monday june 8th 1064 beverley is a student graduate of markham district high school this weekend marks an im portant milestone in the life of the rural residents of atha in pickering twp it is the occas ion of their schools 100th birth day and a weekend program of events has been arranged dr m b dymond mpp will be the guest speaker and will open the ceremonies on saturday oclock he will be joined by other township and county of ficials sporjts events will round out the days activities with a supper providedby the section a variety concert with master of ceremonies cy leonard will be held in the evening at 8 pm a sunday church service is planned for- 2 30 pm the guest speaker will be rev a d leh man with music by the baker family built in 1864 the present school was erec ted in 1864 the site was pur chased for 10 the building was opened on jan 1st 1865 and has served the section con- tinuously to the present day the first teacher was t c smith who held the position for seven years the oldest school pupil i still living istmrjs jacob smi jb no w a resident of altona four gen erations still live in the com munity who are past or pres ent pupils there they are mrs thomas dunkeld herson mur- ray dunkeld her grandson do nald dunkeld and a great grandson douglas dunkeld- the centennial program will mark a reunion of many form er students and teachers who took advantage of the educa tional facilities provided and went on to make their mark in the world markham man gets six month jail term bike receives police approval on saturday morning 139 boy and girls took part in a bicycle safely rodeo in the stouffville prk each rider was required to pavt through an obstacle course and the entry marked according to hu success pictured here police safety promoter edward grinuhaw of stouffville checks the bikes ridden by sharon wright 10 left and her brother daryl of baker avenue suit fhoto cpl wm glover named top cadet cpl wm glover rr 3 new market has been named the outstanding member of no 94 squadron stouffville air cad ets the honour the highest lo cal award to go to any cadet was announced at the annual inspection parade in the stouff ville park on saturday after noon cpl glover 16 has been a member of no 94 squadron for three years and is a grade 11 student at newmarket dist high school only recently he was graduated to his present rank from an lac cpl glover was presented with a bulova watch an award made annually by k n wagg of stouffville in mr waggs absence the presentation was made by mr chas nolan a member of the cadet committee no 2 flight received the proficiency award and this award was presented by mr jim ogilvie to sgl jim wylic the inspection officer was wing commander r a wing- worth of toronto he praised both the dress and drill of the squadron reeve win timbers also spoke briefly fifty cadets took part in the formal parade headed by their commandine officer flu lieut jas mckellar library assoc seeks centennial grant for improved facilities a delegation from the union- ville library association and the thornhill y public library board have requested that a portion of the governments centennial grant be used to build better library facilities in markham twp mrs arthur toogood of un- ionville and mr r w jackson of thornhill presented their re quest before the council at but- tonville on monday night it was reported that the lim ited library service in union- villcis not adequate to fill the needs of the community the building is open only one night per week and on saturday af ternoons all help- is voluntary with a small budget and anti quated quarters the deputa tion asked lhata township li brary board be established must be careful reeve chas hooper warned the delegation that there were many worthy projects for which these funds could be used you have to bear in mind that over such a large ar ea we have to be careful the people at stouffviile might think that the people at thorn hill or unionvillc were getting a better deal he said that he felt sure the council would be pleased to consider the request he noted too that if a public library board was established funds would be raised through a levy of a municipal tax up to soc per capita and this would be supported by substantial government grant mrs toogood said that no suitable building wis available in unionvillc but if centennial funds were used more than one such structure could be provid ed- reeve hooper asked the del egation to put their request in writing and submit it to the clerk so that a bylaw to create a public library board may be considered he agreed that the request for centennial funds would be studied no dump site markham problem complaints keep pouring in and garbage keeps piling up in the twp of markham but the council still hasnt found a sol ution to their problem their old dump site on the townlinc road near the 5th con was closed several weeks ago at the request of the conserva tion authority who have ac quired the land since that time no new location has been found councillor chas hoover said he planned to contact a party in whitchurch twp in an effort to work out some arrangement deputyreeve stewart rum ble suggested that there was a large hole on the braces mill premises that couldbe filled in the dump in pickering twp has also been considered but it is some distanceaway some irate residents have piled their refuse outside a locked gate leading to the old dump site the council is anx ious that ratepayers realize that everything possible is being done to alleviate the problem a 24year old markham man withiajastrecordpt varied of fenses was sent to jail for a-pe- riod of six months by magis trate 6 s hollinrake in rich mond hill court on tuesday robt galbraith was convict ed last week of causing a dis turbance outside a markham village restaurant and resisting arrest when apprehended by pc gordonbull he received a 6 month sentence for resisting arrest plus three months for disturbance they will run con current which means he will remain in custody for a six month period on a liquor charge filed by stouffville po lice a suspended sentence was registered magistrate hollinrake order ed that galbraith should reside with his mother on his release and she will be required to post a 1000 bond the accused must also disassociate himself from former friends and re frain from consuming liquor mrs galbraith told the court that she planned to leave the village as soon as she could find another place of residence v any declares dividend stouffville arena company limited has declared its second successive dividend and share holders have received 7 on their investment for this year last years dividend was 6 this years shareholders meet ing will be held on thursday evening june 18th at 8 pm this years income exclud ing investment income amount ed lo 3612323 approximately 2000 higher than the previous year the increase came almost entirely from the rental of ice time public skating revenue oc 3327 was almost identical with last year expenses for the operation of the arena wers higher for 1964 and net profit dropped about 2000 it is interesting to note that the arena paid into the town between four and five thousand dollars in municipal taxes hy dro and water charges 113 business places checked by police bill ratcliff son of mr and mrj harry ratcliff was suc cessful in passing his 3rd year of university in mechanical engineering and for the sum mer is with the toronto hydro stouffville municipal council and others will be surprised to learn that there are 118 busin ess places within the municipal ity to be checked regularly by the police department chief o keating made this comment at the regular meeting of stouff- yille council thursday night in the latest police report 23 of these places were found to be insecure at night the may report as read by chairman councillor spang list ed 441 occurrences during the month there were 27 summon ses issued with 10 for the li quor control act and 16 for the highway traffic act five le- quor seizures were made the report stated 87 warn ings had been issued to motor ists the town cruiser travelled 2178 miles in the month and total value of fines collected was 342- council authorized the instal lation of a radio monitor in the local police office as heretofore the officers had to be in the police car to receive radio mes sages from the other depart ments in the area smoke nuisance several local ladles attended the regular council meeting to protest the heavy smoke which asked councils help in- alleviat ing the trouble reeve timbers said council certainly sympa thized with their predicament and members would discuss the problem with the dairy owner he added however that stouff ville has no antismoke bylaw to force ratepayers into action catches more than dogs if wayward dogs were the only problems for markham twp canine control officer jas ryan to handle his life would be a little better than the animals he attempts to control in a twomonth report to coun cil however it was revealed bn monday that he could easily es tablish some kind of zoo from his collection during march and april he apprehended 121 assorted spec imens including 2 rabbits 1 chicken 1 muskrat 11 raccoons and 11 fish this area of patrol takes in vaughan twp and richmond hill in addition to markham twp in markham he picked up 30 dogs in the two months eleven were destroyed thirtyfive belches from the maple leaf dairy building and has been cats were also collected in this more prevalent of late they same period

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