Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 4, 1964, p. 1

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a proud cub j touffnillc tribune vol 76 no 1 the tribune stouffville ontario thursday june 4 1964 fourteen pges new dept 15 man whitchurch commenced duties twp police on june 1st on saturday more than 500 cubs representing 22 packs from the south lake simcoe district attended a cuborce in lie stouftville memorial park one of this number was 0 year old steven hunter glad park ave stouiliillc shown here nt rigid attention under the masthead symbol stall photo three boys ranging in age from 18 to 20 years were fined a total of 450 or each serve 30 days in jail when they appear ed before magistrate o s hol- linrake in richmond hill court on thursday morning james thomas middleton of box grove douglas brian schottenbauer of markham and wm james wood of whitby entered pleas of guilty to three charges of malicious damage and single charges of theft and causing a disturbance a fourth charge of malicious damage fil ed only against middleton and schottenbauer was dismissed evidence was provided by pc clifford cox of markham twp police stoic bloclfflf salt tthe trio admitted stealing a block of salt from the premises of jas icowavs store at mon golia on may 27th they also signed statements admitting damage to three mail boxes holder and john blasko both of pickering rr 1 and to the erection of snowfence on the markhampickering townhne thus impeding traffic on that road middleton and schottenbauer pleaded not guilty to a charge of damaging the interior of a cell in the buttonville police station criminal record magistrate hollinrake in im posing the fines said that each of the lads had acquired a crim inal record you couldnt do yourselves more harm than to go through life branded this way he said two of the six charges resulted in suspended sentences one was dismissed and three brought 50 fines for each offense pc cox said he could not explain the reason for the da mage spree but felt that liquor may have been involved crown attorney arleigh arm- the transition of police services in the twp of whitchurch from the opp detachment to a 15man municipal department is being completed quite smoothly this week as the new force under chief fred mason formerly of southampton took over his duties on june 1st the office is located at vandorf the new cruisers have been purchased and a 24- hour roundtheclock service will be maintained all officers have been duly sworn in by the clerk mr thos kerr the personnel is as follows chief fred mason southampton sgt roy leather st catharines sgt neil raven elliott lake pc david fellows ux- bridge pc carl hawthorne kuntsville pc vic- torv harvev southampton pc wm waite winjr- ham pc ross seelev grimsby pc fred crawford ajax pc donald hillock aurora pc wm thomas port elgin cadet larry harman holland landing cadet david taylor 1 stouffville cadet edward holdsworth river drive park and stenographer mrs barbara londry newmarket when the changeover has been completed chief mason proposes to conduct an official opening of the police office when all personnel will be formally intro duced charge liquor flowed freely at dance opening a charge of indiscriminate use of liquor around the prem ises of a recently reopencd dance hall at musselmans lake was pointed out to mem bers of whitchurch twp coun cil on monday night mr pa trick cashman a member of the executive of the mussel- mans lake ratepayeis associ ation said that a delegation wished to speak on this and other problems at the next meeting on june 8th mr cashman said that the dance pavilion in question had been closed for several years but had started up again on the weekend he said that no police officers were seen in the aiea the clerk thos kerr said that the new police chief was quite aware of the dance hall problem at this particular loca tion mr cashman asked also that the council give some consider ation to a progiam of impioved lighting in ceitain aieas of the lake reeve frank williams said that the membeis would le- receive the delegation but com plaints should be put in wilt ing and presented by a single spokesman he said that police chief mason if not on duty would also attend lifetime resident dies in 89th year a resident of stouffville for the past 21 years mr george cecil wagg died at the stoutl- ville nursing home on tue may 26 1s64 in his 89th year he had been in declining health for some time born whit church twp just north of stouifville he was a i of the late james wagg and kacluel stafford in 1905 ne married the late stella davis who predec eased him in 1953 and surviving are two sons dawson and clif ford of stouffville ivan of st catharines and a daughter laurine mrs irwin dson of newmarket 8 graijhildren and a great granason brothers austin of toionto vincent and leo of stouffville and a sister reda mrs bert snowball of unionville also survive clinton and oter and a sister matilda mrs hilliard focklei are deceased he was identified with the memorial christian church in stouftville and had been a far mer at lot 20 cone 10 maik- ham twp until he retired to stouftville the funeral servic was held on friday may 29 from the oneill funeral home in charge of rev c bass the pallbeaiers weie all grandsons eldon james robeit and el- wood wagg ron dyeen and edward kiebe intei ment was in stoutlvillo cemetery symbol of safety owned by peter mccowan j strong termed it a high degree markham rr 1 water burk- or horse play stouffville municipal council has authorized the clerk to ad vertise for sale by tenders the former anglican church on main st reeve timbers said that he thought council should move along and have the church removed as well as au thorize someone to draw up some plans for a new firehall councl agreed to the sale nd removal of the church building but no action was tak en to prepare any firehall plans want jlciirinir mr robt lewis a member of the stouftville park commis- son appeared before council and advised the members that was being slighted when it was not invited to participate in a discussion concerning park pro perty he said he was only speaking for himself and was not authorised to come by the board deputyreeve laushway ex plained to mr lewis that at the meeting at which the rupert st park was discussed it was the land developer who inject ed the subject into the meeting it was called to deal with the proposed home for the aged not any park and only came in to the discussion by chance however it is the duty of the park board to administer what ever land council decides message from queen for local couple larried sixf years in his opinion the park board j should be park property mi- and mrs fred campbell wellknow and highly respected residents on victoria street in stouffville were the recipients of a message from the queen on monday june 1st it was the occasion of their diamond wedding anmveisary in addi tion the couple received many dozens of cards and a home fil led with good neighbours friends and relatives through out the afternoon and evening hours both are still blessed with good health and appear much younger than their 80 years mr campbell was borri on the vandorf sideroad near 6th cone of whitchuch twp the son of the late edward clark campbell and louisa hunter mrs campbell the former ger trude drewery was born at mr albert the daughter of the late thomas drewery and eliza thomas mr and mrs campbell moved to stouffville in 1938 they have been most active in the work of the united church especially the sunday school where they have retained a keen interest in young peoples christian edu cation mr campbell was the secietary of the stouffville diit high school board for c yoais and a onetime ardent worker in the local lions club mrs garmpbell has one brother living mr orval drew ery of baker hill a second brother russell drewery is deceased mr campbells one brother stuart and one sister eniily are both deceased county wont dabble in flag business a motion to refer the matter of which flag should be flown on the york county building to the warden and commission ers for study was lost last week reeve norn gainock introduc ed the subject but most mem bers indicated in their no vote that they would like no part of the controversey fiflythrcq pupils of ring- wood public school attended the raising of the elmer safety flac on ki iday nioriiiiur part of a program promoted by the teachers and trustees to make the boys and girls more safety conscious 1rov constable j b lee of i he bond lake detachment spoke to the students prior to tho flagraising ceremony rlns- wooil is the first rural school in whitchurch township to acquire their elmer banner a move to allow those enter ing- the york county home for the aged to keep any property they might own was defeated in county council lajt week heretofore any person having property m their own name must sell the same before being admitted this rule is to contin ue an amendment was introduc ed to make it necessary for ap plicants to sell everything und er 10000 and that over that amount relatives should give a bond however the change was defeated ot to brow flans for new wimr commander 15 a lllingwortli will conduct the inspection of stouffville air cadet squadron xo 94 in the memorial park on saturday afternoon at four oclock about sivfy cadets will parti cipate led liy a 30 piece royal cauadan air force itund from camp itorilen case dismissed affiro3ii threatening charge is adjourned a charge of threatening filed by a 14 year old markham girl gail maw against mr travis sugden cone 5 whitchurch has been adjourned until june 18th it is a private complaint both appeared in magistrates court richmond hill on thursday may 28th air sug den was represented by solicit or donald hindson of mark ham mr hindson requested that the case be postponed until a later date aftei it was learned that the date on the informa tion was incorrect miss maw is a daughter of the proprietors of mings res taurant on no 7 hwy mark ham village receives b sc degree evidence termed by crown attorney arleigh armstrong as unappctizing and centred round an alleged assault on a oung married markham vil lage girl resulted in a dismissal for the accused travis sugden cone 5 whitchurch twp the case that lasted more than an hour was aired before magis trate o s hollinrake in rich mond hill court on thursday morning sugden was represen ted by solicitor donald hind son of markham mrs diane nibbs in a private complaint charged that sugden had entered the apartment bathroom while she was pre paring for a shower during the carlymorninj hours of may 17 she said that he picked her up end threw her bodily into the on the shoulder she said that she suffered a cut lip and bruis es to her side and ribs she said that three days later she took her baby to the office of dr robt shaver for a checkup and her injuries were also checked at the same time she reported the incident to pc wm cunn of markham village police had been drinking under crossexamination by solicitor hindson mrs nibbs at first denied having consumed any alcohol but later admitted to drinking two or three mouth- fuls of scotch constable gunn said that the plaintiffs breath smelted strongly of alcohol when she contacted him around 1225 ajn on sunday morning he said she was crying but not vatcr then hit her several urn- i hysterical he said that a row cs across the face and bit her i of teeth marks was visible on her shoulder but he did not feel that her condition warranted an assault charge by his depart ment mrs nibs said that several boys and a girl had come to the apartment she described the conduct of the party as a little horsing around she said that two of the boys left with only her and travis in the bathroom together acted giddy sugden denied that he had ever entered the bathroom with the plaintiff or that he had hit her he said that he left the ap artment earlier in the night and later returned to pick up his companion bob galbralth who was asleep there he described mrs nibbs as giddy and dead drunk he said that she became hysterical obnoxious and used profane language he said that she was wearing only a nightgown that was wet and you could see right through it he said that she suddenly grab bed her coat and ran outside sandra fisher a companion with the accused on the night of the alleged incident testified that she did not see anyone strike mrs nibbs mr hindson said that since so much conflicting evidence had been introduced he felt his client should receive- the bene fit of the doubt the evidence is both incon clusive and unappctizing ag reed the crown attorney he asked that the charge be dis missed a second charge against sugden of having liquor in an illegal place was also dismis scd a little over one hundred members of the congregation of stouffville united church voted on tuesday night on the ques tion of having the church board proceed to plan for the election of a new church within the next five years- about 65 of those present vdted in favour and thechurch boaid will now take the action ol the congrega tion under consideration negotiations have been going on for some time by the united church to acquire approximate ly foar acres of land on edwaid st immediately west of the high school tentative proposal for the new building would provide an auditorium to ac commodate five hundred per sons plus a christian education building parking would also be available for at least a hundred cars reports given by various members of a factfinding com- mittee showed tiiat there were 250 families having one or more members and 200 families listed as adherents mr walton todd chaiiman of the factfinding committee presented a leport along with mr jas ogilvy dr wm murphy mr cec hen dricks and mrs roy dowswell their reports dealt mainly with the condition of the present church building which is over seventy years old what facili ties were needed along with pic tures of new churches recently built five charges filed against markham man a 24 year old markham vil lage man faced a list of five separate charges when he ap peared before magistrate os hollinrake in richmond hilj nt tlje affair- was supported by court on tuesday robert gal- braith was convicted on charges of causing a disturbance and resisting arrest markham vil lage and having liquor in an illegal place stouffville a second liquor charge by the markham village was with drawn while a charge by mark ham twp police of selling li quor to minors was remanded to june 16th a sentence on the three convictions will be handed down on june 9th swung with flashlight the initial disturbance occur red on the premises of mings restaurant no 7 hwy p c gordon bull said that when he arrived he found a noisy crowd in the restaurant but no violence he said that he gave the accused an opportunity to leave and go home but instead he walked across the parking lot and picked up two bottles of beer the officer then attempt ed to put him in the cruiser but was swung at with a flash light and insulted with obscene language he handcuffed tha accused to bring him under con- trol constable bulls description an eyewitness mr bob mc donald of markham salbraith denied that he had used foul language in the res taurant and this was backed up by ltis witness travis sugden of bethesda sugden charged that the accused was threatened by the officer convictions were iegistcied on both counts he has been retained in custody to await the sentence big fun may stouffville lions club is plan ning a monster barbcue and games day in memorial park on wednesday june 24th this is the clubsbig annual fundrais ing- project birth t coon mr and mrs david are pleased to announce the birth of their son on june 2 1964 at scarborough general hos pital a brother for jeremv and peter s moi eeduced a four month jail term hand ed down by magistrate o s hollinrake several weeks ago against allan anderson cone 9 markham and later appealed was not altered in court on may 27th andeison was charged i with dangerous driving following a police chase between stouffville and chorrywood early in feb six character witnesses at tended the appeal hearing last week but the judge refused to reduce the sentence anderson had already served ten days prior to his temporary release pclor kennedy son of mr and mrs donald s kennedy kr 3 stcuitvillc received his bachelor of science hcstcc at the university of waterloo on may 23nd he plans to enroll as a volunteer in the canadian unierslty overseas service ami wllf be positioned in the wes indies for a period of two yssrs he is a graduate of uxbridgc high school hereford assoc sale at r0danz farm on sat the 7th annual consignment sale of registered hereford stock sponsored by the central ontario hereford association will be held at ringwcod farms this saturday beginning at one oclock fortytwo head will be up for auction from highclass breed ers in the counties of ontario york halton and peel each animal is government tested youth loses licence i drove down sidewalk an 18 year old stouffville youth who diove his mothers volkswagen down the side walk in town then attempted to pass a row of cars on the right- hand side at c5 miles per hour had his licence suspended for an indefinite periodln richmond hill court on tuesday robt m connell main st w was arrested by pc edward grimshaw and charged with careless driving in addition to the licence suspension he was fined s50 on a second charge of having liquor in an illegal place a suspended sentence was handed down and the youth was placed on 6 months probation magistrate o s hol linrake ordciod him not to consume any liquor and to be home by 1130 pm every night breach of probation lome marshman of stouff ville convicted several months ago of forgery was back in court on tuesday charged with a breach of probation the youth said that he had no transportation to see the proba tion officer magistrate hollin- and approved by the ontario dept of agriculture it is the first time that the sale has been held on the rodanz premises a large crowd is expected to attend rake said he had no alternative but to leopen the forgery case it will be dealt with on june 9th receives b sc degree r david astonfrcr will r ecivcjliis bachelor of science decree from the university of toronto at the convocation to be held on june 5th a graduate of stouffville dim high school he has accepted a position on the staff of excelsior life tnsnrnnce co in toronto jle is the son ft mr and mr iter slonffer stonrtvwe

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