m shoes for ah the family rr to make room for our spring md summer stock see our huge selection of winter spring and summer footwear 39 main st west phone 6403614 hendricks iha hardware mppeim very attractive styling with simplicily of lines clean looking no installation necessary can be used wherever there is water supply and a drain rolls on rubber casters to prevent marking easy convenient storage compact its almost any where even in kitchen use top for extra counter space timer switch controls wash cycle 1 to t minutes turns off automatically imagine a 2 door mcclary easy refrigerates hoover constellation fast compact portable efficient will wajlt mni kid spin dry a s pound load in just 8 mlnutas spin dry ona load whllt anothar vathas no pluibki ncasiaiyean b ntd in kitehan bath of utility tooa computaty potublasiovas from link t twij ji on aaiy lollinc castats wuhti a full pounds of clothes and esas only 10 jallons o watai has suds saw loo see a demonstration now combination nozzle rugandfloor dusting brush crevice tool fabric tool tool rack only 4995 g iasilkl wclary 7 easy zero zone automatic only with trade toronto prices stouffville service low interest rates hardwware 29 main street w stouffville phone 6403622 announce schedule of 64 stamps a detailed schedule of cana das 1964 postage stamp issues was made public today by the postmaster general the hon john r nicholson as will be the case in the maj ority of stamps planned for ap pearance between now and 1067 nearly all the 1964 issues will be related to the centen nial year the charlottetown conference will be the subject of a five cent stamp to be issued on 29th july and on septcmbr cr flth a stamp of the same de nomination commemorating the quebec conference will go on sale a five cent stamp bearing a design of maple leaves will ap pear in may 14th this will be the first of a scries which wijl highlight the floral emblems of the provinces two five cent stamps will be issued on 30th june and the focus of the de signs will be the floral emblems of quebec and ontario respect ively official flowers of the other eight provinces will be isf sued between now and 1966 the first stamp to appear in 1964 is a new regular issue of seven cent denomination this stamp which goes on sale 11th march will replace the blue goose design which has been in use since november 1952 anticipating this change of a twelve year old design and in order to continue the use of the canada goose in the regular stamp issues a new fifteen cent stamp was issued lastnovcmb- er showing four geese in flight a five cent stamp stressing peace among men and nat ions will be the second stamp of the year arid will be issued on 8th april it will be one of the few issues not related to the centennial observations for tho first time in our hist ory canada will have stamps with a christmas theme in 1964 the special yuletide issues will be of the three and five cent de nominations and will be avail able to the public during the second week of october the visit of her majesty queen elizabeth to canada during early october as part of hc prcccntennial celebrat ions will be commemerated by a special stamp to be iisued dur ing her vfsit due to necessary changes in the stamp program for the year it is not possible to proceed with the unity stamp as had been proposed three colours will be used on a number of canadian stamps for the first time this year this will- add individuality and brightness to the overall effect and is being obtained bjr a com bination of lithography and steel engraving processes