volkswagens are continually attempting to compete with americanmade cars on the local market but this one picked on a rival that was j ust too big the southbound auto driven by mrs gertrude spaans 26 of unionville rammed into the front of an cast bound diesei at the cnr level crossing in unionville on monday morning both the driver and her nephew 11 year old billy spaans were injured but not seriously the impact carried the vehicle fifty feet down the track the two occupants were taken by ambulance to tiie scarborough general hospital staff tlioto markham technical addition to cost more members of markham dist rict high school board appear ed before markham township council on monday night to ad vise the members that they would now require an addi tional 185000 for the large technical addition being plan ned the total cost of the school addition is to be approximately 1800000 the cause of the increase in the amount originally estimat ed tor the municipalities to pay was the fact that the overall grant was now going to be only 64 rather than 75 the fed eral government would not subsidize the alterations neces sary to the present buildings to make way for the new the board had been advised the present total money re quired to be raised by mark ham village and that portion of the district within the township is 6750 this amount is shar ed 485 by the township and 515 by the village board members pointed out that their students were no longer going to be accepted at the bayview school for technical training and while very expensive the addition was required each classroom cost is 50000 mr walter heaton speaking for the board said that the figures had been trimmed to a minimum it was also pointed out that by the time the first payment would be due the markham village share would possibly be up to 55 deputyreeve rumble com mented that he had no fear of the ratepayers not being able to shoulder the cost of the building but the maintenance which would follow was also very high the decision of council ap proval was left for council committee to decide suspect deer hunted with night lights the illegal practice of jack- lighting whereby a hunter moves quietly in on a deer at night shines a flashlight in its eyes to temporarily confuse and blind it then shoots the animal is suspected by officers of the markham twp police depart ment last week two men were questioned by sgt evan kelley after their auto was found ab andoned during the early mor ning hours on 19th ave in the gormley area ammunition was found on the rear seat the pair said that their car had broken down although it started imme diately the information was turned over to the officials of the dept of lands and forests deer are known to frequent this district charge willowdale motorist in death of n markham man mr ira shank a wellknown north markham resident was instantly killed on thursday evening of last week when struck down by a suothbound car on main street near his home he had just returned from toronto and was crossing the highway after leaving the bus his sister mrs agnes stadelbauer was waiting for him and witnessed the tragedy the force of the impact toss ed the victim over the hood of the auto and against the wind shield a charge of careless driving has been laid against john russell rogers 34 of wil lowdale the late mr shank was the ion of the late mr and mrs s v shank of markham as a young man he led the choir in old st andrews presbyterian church he was a design engi neer by profession a trade that he carried on as a hobby until his recent dcatn he had just perfected the plans for a new floorwashing device and had acquired both canadian and american patents on the pro duct he was carrying the blue prints of the machine when fa tally injured he is survived by two sons harvey in california douglas of michigan and two daughters louise mrs ralph jennings of buffalo and dorothy mrs geo murphy of kalamazoo michigan there are also three sisters mrs stadelbauer with whom he lived in markham mrs bertha mcbride of aurora and mrs clara lamb of prince george bc his wife the for mer bertha trudgeon passed away in 1956 rev grant sioss and rev earl pannebecker conducted the funeral service on monday after noon from the dixon chapel markham with interment in the victoria square cemetery the pall bearers were lambert stouffcr abe stouffer herbert ellis george laveron bert stouffer and abe stouffer jr car enters gormley garage through closed doors a northbound car entered widemans garage at gormley on thursday morning of last week but no one had time to open the glasspanelled door the 1957 model volkswagen driven by 74 year old arthur bonner of willowdale crashed through it after veering out of control on don mills road the car shot across the high way after striking a side bank of frozen snow on heise hill fortunately for the driver and his passenger wm rudd 72 also of willowdale the vehicle missed the gas pump by inches the two men were bound for lake simcoe to do some ice fishing both suffered facial la cerations and chest injuries for mr bonner it was his first accident in 48 years of dri ving damage to his car was es timated at 400 no charges were laid pc john mccague of markham twp police inves tigated heather smith wins second oratory round heather smith daughter of dr and mrs neil smith of stouffville and a student at stouffville district high school won the second round of the lions club oratorical contest on monday night at newmarket she spoke on separatism heather won the local lions contest in stouffville a week ago and proceeded along with janet button secondplace winner in to the zone contest the region finals will be held at markham on feb 20th in the actual marking mon day night our two stouffville speakers stood onetwo but ow ing to the fact that from here in there must be one girl and one boy an aurora high school boy who stood third will ad- vance into the next round lion walter pipher former district deputy was chairman of the latest round and a num ber of stouffville lions accom panied our two speakers in cluding lions wm murphy nell smith wm duxbury jim ogilvy and jack northover mr belfry hamilton earl hoover and art jackson of stouffville john wilson mr and mrs harvey bunker and don of goodwocd attended the speedsport show held at the cne grounds on saturday wants a kennel license for 31 cats 17 dogs 1 horse donkey a softhearted animal loer whp is a friend of a friend who picks up vagrant felines on the streets of toronto has asked the whitchurch twp council for permission to operate a ken nel in the municipality her re quest aired at a regular- meet ing of council on monday t ight was accompanied by a sio li cence fee mrs joan roberts of summer- hill gardens toronto said that she owned 4 dogs and 10 cats she said thai an employee who served as a caretaker was the keeper of 2 dogs and 1 cat she proposed to transform their whitchurch residence into a duplex and these 6 dogs and 11 cats would be permitted to livein mrs roberts suggested fur ther that her animal kingdom would be expanded through the addition of 11 dogs 20 cats 1 donkey and 1 horse that had been befriended by a close friend of hers who was now ill she proposed to keep this stcay stock in outside enclosures turned down the council were of the opi nion that this miniature zoo could be more easily accommo dated down at rivcrdale than in whitchurch it was pointed out that a kennel licence was issued only to owners of purebred pets reeve frank williams said that mrs roberts would resent paying a licence fee for each an imal and residents adjacent to the proposed kennel site would resent the invasion of so many dogs cats and even perhaps the horse and donkey rifottt vol 75 no 35 the tkmone stouffville ontajuo thursday february 6 1961 fourteen pages youths charged filter brawl in restaurant two stouffville dist youths were charged by markham vil lage police with causing a dis turbance following a fight in mings restaurant no 7 hwjv on friday night joseph dart cone 9 whit church and murray pete fock- ler of stouffville will appear in court on feb 18th fockler came out of the brawl with a 10stitch cut over his left eye damage to the premises was estimated at 65 the pair were arrested by pc rod junkin and pc gordon bull as they left the grill the owner said that he never wanted to see dart inside his restaurant again the case will be continued in two weeks time two horses die in morning fire two thoroughbred horses va lued at about 800 died in an earlymorning fire that gutted the interior of a barn on the property of mrs jacob hummel cone 9 whitchurch on friday the animals were owned by harry lee of stouffville a passing motorist spotted the blaze and the stouffville brigade was summoned to the scene four thousand gallons of water was poured into the build ing although the shell of the structure was saved it will like ly have to be torn down offici als of the ontario fire mar shalls dept were called in to investigate the cause church annual meeting shows 21000 givings the congregation of stouff ville united church in annual meeting on wednesday night heard reports of the work dur ing 1963 and a treasurers re port showing total contributions of 2117709 of this amount 435028 was for missionary and maintenance work envel ope givings amounted to ap proximately 11000 and there was a thank offering of 4390 membership in the church stands at 451 there were 32 baptisms conducted during the year and twelve marriages the increase in membership in the year was ten the trustee board acknowl edged a gift during the year from the f e rae estate of 26704 which brought the total assets of the church reserve fund to 4722057 in addition to reports from various church boards resumes of the years work were also given by the sunday school the boy scouts the cgit the ex plorers the choir the uc wo men the couples club and the hic group twentyone new elders were named to the board of session and were in ducted on sunday morning they are gerald acton dr d brodie h r button mrs ken campbell howard davis roy dowswell wm duxbury nor man fretz wilbert gower lloyd hamm don hope lloyd jennings chas kerswill alec logan mrs jas mccreight ron mercer dr wm murphy stan schmidt keith steckley bert taylor ken wagg and w winn 20 year old stouffville driver charged with criminal negligence after chase lads jailed after fracas four youths three from mark ham and one from scarboro were sent to jail for one week and will reappear in newmar ket court on monday when their case will be aired james wideman charles plax- ton and barry middlcton ail of markham and paul stockton of scarboro were charged last week with causing a disturbance at the crosby memorial arena in unionville a teen dance in progress at the time had to be halted wideman is currently out on parole ian jefferies a fifth member of the group facing a similar charge did not appear before magistrate o s holllnrake his mother asked for a remand and her request was granted the case is slated for feb 25th a 20 year old stouffville dist driver has been charged with criminal negligence following a police chase that started on main street sunday afternoon and ended in the cherrywood district of pickering twp allan anderson cone 9 markham south of town had his case remandeu until feb 11th when he appeared before magistrate o s hollinrake in richmond hill court on tues day he has also been charged with having liquor the anderson vehicle a 1963 chevrolet was never stopped al though three other police de partments had been alerted to intercept the auto the driver was later picked up for ques tioning when he returned home later the same night two claremont girls pas sengers in the car jumped out of the auto when it slowed for an intersection they were taken home by stouffville officer p c edward grimshaw far crashes hydro pole seat belt saves driver a stouffville driver wearing seat belts escaped with only minor cuts on his chin when his 1963 ford convertible veer ed off the markhampickering townline road friday night and snapped off a hydro trans former pole warren sandy smith of church street was able to keep his auto upright although it skidded through the ditch for several hundred fct damage to his car was estimated at 1000 pc glynn forrester of markham twp police investi gated at the scene new car wrecked a 1964 pontiac only three weeks old was completely wrecked on friday night when it rammed into another vehicle stranded in the ditch on 17th ave markham twp the first car driven by harold samuel hoover 17 of obrien ave stouffville was struck by the second auto owned by geo s noble of richmond hill the diiver of the hoover au to had gone to a farmhouse to call for police and a tow truck when the second collision oc curred markham twp police had 4 accident calls within a period of 14 hours on friday night officers father hurt the father of a markham twp police constable was in jured on saturday morning when his 1960 model ford sta tion wagon skidded off the 3rd concession road and hit a tree gordon mcwhirter father of pc barry mcwhirter rr 2 gormley suffered a fractured left leg face cuts and concus sion he was admitted to the york central hospital rich mond hill for treatment the car was completely wrecked congregation votes to buy new church land mr and mrs harvey bunker of goodwood attended the speed- sports show at the cne in toronto on saturday there were over 100 cars in the show mr bunker exhibited his road ster model winning a trophy for 2nd place in the restored class the 1st prize went to mr harold rcdinbo piqua ohio mr stanley topham of tor onto spent a few days with his mother mrs lucy topham mill st and with his sister mrs earl cook of lcmonvillc the annual congregational meeting of stouffville united church voted last week to pur chase land west of the high school on edward st with a view to erecting a new church within the next few years mr walt todd is chairman of a committee which has been in vestigating the possiblity of ob taining land for some time present zoning regulations re quire churches to have consid erably more parking accommo dation than is available on the present church property while the building itself is not believ ed adequate for todays needs particularly in the sunday school department the present building was er ected in 1892 and the members at that time numbered two hun dred being methodist an addi tion was made to the north side of the church in 1951 to make way for a ministers study a church parlours for smaller ga therings and added sunday school accommodation how ever in recent years the condi tion of the present building has deteriorated considerably the view was expressed at the con gregational meeting thai the spending of additional funds on the aged building was not sound business since larger pre mises would be required with in a very few years as the com munity continued to grow the diewery home on cone 10 south was sold to mr and mrs w davidson of scarboro thos n shea completed the deal mr gord birkett and don lehman left on friday for three weeks holidays in florida to close peachs united church on a ballot vote of the peachs congregation at a spe cial meeting on monday night it was agreed that the united church cone 7 markham twp should be closed down the move was discussed at the annual meeting on jan 20th but the step was postponed un til this week services will be continued until the end of june the present membership which numbers about 40 will likely affiliate with the united church charge at melville the peachs church erected in 1890 will be retained until some other plans are finalized the pastor at both melville and peachs is rev geo davison farmer catches hand in pto of tractor jack nigh wellknown far mer on the 7th cone of mark ham twp is confined to the scarboro general hospital fol lowing an accident last week when his right hand was caught in the power takeoff detachment between the trac tor and manure spreader although he was wearing a heavy pair of gloves the sec ond joint of his thumb was pul led from the socket dr john button rendered treatment at the stouffville medical centre he was later admitted to hospital 50 doll dolls are common playmates ot most little girls but very few are dressed in dollar bills this one held here by pretty eight year old brenda tunney daughter of mr and mrs bernio tunncy montreal st stouffville is worth 50 it was won by brenda on thursday night in the grand prize draw to conclude minor hockey week at the arena staff photo judge lowers assess on christmas tree farm county court judge shep- pard has ruled that a whit church twp man acquired the major portion of his income through the sale of christmas trees and ordered that his pre mises should be assessed as farm land he presented his findings at a hearing last week into an assessment appeal filed by mr les ogden lot 22 cone 10 east mr ogden was listed on the assessment roll as a builder but he told the court that he had not been connected with this profession for seven years his house and lot had been assessed separately from the remainder of the farm judge sheppard ordered that the assessment should be re duced by 1100 out of six appeals only two were allowed reductions the remainder were dismissed those dismissed included ap peals filed by dr r w morn- ingstar lot 6 cone 6 chas manchce lot 8 cone 5 east fred kurkois lake wilcox and frank valko cone 7 an appeal registered by bar bara patton gormley sideroad was granted an assessment re duction of 130 officer answers domestic call is assaulted a markham village police constable attempting to play the role of a peacemaker was attacked and assaulted in a home on friar tuck road in the sherwood park subdivision markham ernest bardocz 27 has been charged with assault the inci dent occurred on saturday night jan 25th after p c wm gunn answered a complaint at the residence of the accused a fight ensued and the officer was unable to reach his cruiser to summon aid he was finally able to subdue the man and quiet him down constable gunn injured his left arm in the scuffle and required medi cal treatment mr bardocz is married with two children on thursday evening- mr in shank wax instamly killed near hit home in north marlcham when atrnck by s aouthbonnd car on slain st the victim had stepped off jhe bus and was crowing- the highway when the accident occurred the motorist john russell rogers of willowdale has been chanced with careless driving staff fhotov