jeks woodland electric af rjl 1 goodwood ontario mvsk b electric wiring heating tjjjs fb estimates phone 6401577 ceo xduzbicb sfvww 0iw haribx awiruvm mcdougall pressure stcms and water conditioner wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone 6102x32 cold storage lockers for rent stouffville creamery co final winter all dresses skijackets and knitted suits price great savings oh many other items in stock franklin simon markham shopping centre phone 2942900 always fresh flavorful quality meats lean sliced cooked ham lb 95c fresh meaty spare ribs lb 43c maple leaf sausage lib box 48c meald back bacon h55 o 69 habitant pea soup moxtia 19c regular size ajax cleanser 2 39c mazola corn oil 85c heinz ketchup 2 43c delsey assorted colours toilet tissue 2 29c swaxsoys turkey beef chicken tv dinners 59c snow crop peas 2 p 39c highliner cod fillets 35c schells meat market stouffville phone 6401942 free town delivery discuss beef business at public meetings i a a wall agricultural reprevntatire york county of the different kind of farm ing in york county the beef farm have chansed less over the years than any other most of our beef cattle men have stuck to traditional systems that are well tried and psoven this may be a sood thins be cause on farms quirk changes often work out badlv i wonder a litie though when i hear about the growth of the beef business in south western on tario the stories about big feed- lots pushbutton operation and big silos come along regularly its eay to say these fellows can do whatever they like and we will go on doing things the way we like doing them as long as they are not right on our doorstep its easy to ignore the unpopular changes the danger is that a change in the beef business affects everybody beef pretty well all goes to the same market and a eedlot 200 miles away has the same effect on the market as it would if it were owned by a next door neighbour the result is that we need put as much thought time and study on the beef business as we possibly can the york county beef im provement association has set up a series of meeting to do just this the meetings will be held next week they will be afternoon affairs starting at 130 pm on monday feb 3rd the meeting will be held for king township in the anglican hall at ketlleby on tuesday feb 4th there will he one at the township hall belhaven teffcrlaw commu nity hall will be the location on wednesday feb 5th and there will be one at the vandorf hall on thursday feb 6th at each meeting thcte will be a panel of beef men jttom the community to discuss some of the new developments ill he talking about making a cowcalf business more profitable and george arnold will have infor mation on the economics of the eedlot business all armors are invited to these meetings and we will try to make he discussions inor- mal useful and practical ringwood the excelsior class met at the home of mrs harry ken nedy on thursday evening and spent a profitable and friendly time together mrs bruce hisey was guest speaker o the even ing mr and mrs fred steckley and mr g gower had sunday night supper with mr and mrs walter pipher visitors during the weekend with mr and mrs f atkinson were on friday afternoon mrs watt of bethesda and on sat urday afternoon mr milton savage sr of richmond hill also mrs ethel atkinson and miss edna were saturday visi tors mr and mrs george harmon were recent sunday supper guests with their son don lake mrs harmon and fam ily ninetythree deer killed by motor vehicles in 1963 the observed and recorded deer killed by vehicles in the lake simcoe district totalled 93 during the year 1963 accord ing to figures compiled by wlldlie management officer j s dorland at maple mr dor- land stated that this number is approximately the same as tot als in each of the 3 preceding years the estimated damage to 58 of the vehicles involved in 1963 amounted to 1156800 the largest number of known kills were reported in simcoe county with the counties of york peel and dufferin follow ing in that order so far this yesr the number of fatalities is highest in the townships of pickering and reach in ontar io county caledon township in peel county and toronto township in york the kills have occurred on highways running through privately ow ned lands where lew if any op en deer seasons have been pro claimed in recent years as hu mans and the elements are al most the only predators of deer in the lower townships in the district these actors are sel dom sufficient to harvest en ough animals lawfully or un lawfully to keep the numbers in check since 1953 there have been 794 known deer kills on high ways within this district alone and possibly such mortality may increase in future as new highways and more traffic de velops so far there is no rec ord in this area of car acci dents involving deer causing death to occupants of the ve hicles we may ask how long such a record can be maintain ed should pay own planning fees whitchurch township council has spent s221640 in arranging engineering on the new water supply for oak ridges clerk thos kerr was instructed to request that this amount be in cluded in the financial figures to be borne by the area securing the benefit and not spread over the entire township musselmans lake v hearing feb 25 a hearing by the ontario municipal board will he con- dueled tuesday feb 25th at 1030 am regarding the appeal of michael sorosko against whitchurch township planning boaid the board had reused to accept a subdivision which mr sorosko wished to develop on a road which was undeveloped and had never been taken over as part of the township road sys tem guaranteed investment certificate at british mortgage 9 5100 or more 0 1 to 5 years approved for trust hind interest beflns the day you invest invest now to earn this high interest just mail your cheque or come to the office we will handle all details since 1s77 british mortgage trust company telephone 8s41107 a 2851308 r a holmes manager s3 yonge street south richmond hill council to be more active in emergency measures the stouffville trkwe thnr utovy 30 f pj ii v t a preston emergency measures ccordlnatcr lor york county attended the regular meeting of markham township council on monday ke requested that council oas a bylaw ex pressing support for the county project deputyresve rumble stated it was his impression that this was a ederal project but it now ap peared the council was being asked to take more active part mr preston said that previ ously the ait had read that councils mas adopt a plan of cooperation but in the revision the act states that the reading has been changed to make it mandatory he gave a resume of the benfits foi council but added that reeve hooper was well informed on the subject having attended the emo course at arnprior the program he said is to assure that all levels of govern ment will be ahle to carry on in the event of hostilities while world matters seemed encourag ing at present with large stock piles of arms on hand it was up begin construction of new 54000 cannington arena construction of s 554000 are na at cannington to replace one gutted by fire early in decem ber started last week hugh wilson manager of the former arena will superintend con struction which should be com pleted in about five months mrs harold graham can nington council member and trustee of the community cen tre board said the project is classed under the government winter works program and is therefore eligible for grants local labour will be used on the project said mrs graham the new arena will have a concrete block front 40 by 95 feet with concrete floor as phalt roof and metal clad sides the former arena was a zrame structure in which a new hard wood floor had recently been laid the building will be 216 feet by 95 feet about 15 feet longer and five feet wider than the old building in the old building the trusses came down to seat level and crowded the pasageways but in the new building there will be ample distance between the trusses and the seats added width will be used or a pas sageway behind the seats mrs graham said seating capacity will be 1200 roughly the same as could be housed in the ormer arena an auditorium is planned or the second zloor with glass panel ling which will aford specta- tora view of the kej an audi torium to be added later will push the total cost of the build ing to about 60000 mrs graham said insurance on the old building amounted to 40000 and a 10000 grant from the agricultural department and additional government aid will cover the whole cost of the new building tcsveltnesl we read top write personal vlewst0 keep up tomtewith beauty news 24m markham 6401932st0uffville t6v6ffe why not suggest to your husband that he talk to me about sun lifes family income policy here it an economical plan hich guar antees a regular income for you and your children should your husband die prematurely jim abell phone 6403712 sun life assurance company of canada to all to be prepared he said that the township would be pro vided with a mobile radio set to be located in the police office the government is providing sixteen sets nine of which are now in use the bylaw supporting the county program was reauested prepared on a motion of coun cillors palmer and sloane hinq fill up old mk winter is on the run another battle our oil has more by using marmill 20 chick starter crumbles we manufactuer our own chick starter crumbles right on the premises to ossure you of the freshness and quality for the best results higher egg production higher profits reesor s marmill ltd box 20 markham onr 2942323 early birds get the best car buys i new car sales are up 20 volumi selling enables coffey and bartley motors to savi you dollars new comets meteors mercurys 40 lata modal used cars wmnm the largest selection of new and used cars in the area sb protection policy used vehicle coffey and bartley motors limited payments to suit your budget phone 6402600 west end of town where price and quality meet main street w stouffville mercury