Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 6

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pj 6 the stouftville tribun twy lunnry 31 1963 for best classified results dial direct from markham unionville claremont gormiey no charge dial 6402100 or 2101 miscellaneous custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6102033 32tf sale register auctioneer w d atkinson phone stouffville 363 a s farmer plume gormiey 5311 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit kor information regarding films talks in memnrinm cards welfare and services call- stouflvlllc b10282b 6103803 gormlcv 8365525 unionville 2971 186 36 tf sanitary contractor kepttc tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden lslf richmond hill ill to 412tb stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup mid delivery ph 6103311 38 tf radio and tv repairs at reasonable rates tv sales service smitn radioelectronic service 23tf sloultville lh 6102110 aluminum combination windows and doors siding and awnings quality and service guaranteed you will like our prices use our ibc budget plan free estimates 46lf stouffville rome improvements ballantrae ph stotiftviile 0101891 ken 4 clarke prentice ma 316 stouftville 96208 keg johnson sunderland onl saturday feb 2 the 616th weekly auction at tho stouffville stockyards selling livestock by weight or tho dollar selling by weight is growing each week tito farmers market misc auc tion also the arcade alley with its new merchandise and bargains galore sale starts 1230 noon always something different atkinson pollard wilson auctioneers wednesday feb 20 auc tion sale of farm stock imple ments hay and grain the pro perty of berton tindall lot 6 con 8 east gwillimbury twpii 1 vi miles south of mt albert ion centre road no of hoi- stein heifers fresh or spring ers 13 good stocker steers i iereford i approx 700 lbs 5 fat hereford heifers large quantity of baled hay approx 701 bus oats and 350 bus wheat massey ferguson no 33 tractor nearly newt ford tractor geo white threshing machine mil grain and fer tilizer seed drill massey fer guson power mower good frill line of good machinery farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 130 reg john son auctioneer thursday feb 2s clear ing farm auction of 10 head of registered and high grade guernseys including fresh springer cows bred and open heifers also 2 tractors sp combine forage harvester like new forage wagon power grain drill power mower spreader hy duty cul tivator and grain also surge milker and bulk cooler the property of cecil ashbury located at lot 4 con 10 brock township being 3 miles se of pefferlaw or 7 miles nw of sunderland selling owing to sickness faulkner and woods clerks sale 1 pm sharp w d atkinson sale mgr auctioneer for rent 2 bedroom heated apartment for rent attractively decorated ss0 monthly phone 6401726 2bedroom apartment for rent main st stouffville phone 8s63210 markham village- 5 room equipped duplex light and heat provided ph 2911626 after 5 313 exclusive 2 bedroom apt for rent stove frig washing ma chine diver heat light water garage broadloom immediate possession 110 monthly ph s m sinclair 6101914 for rent mar 1st equivalent twostorey on or before heated apartment to a sixroomed house with base ment and laundry room no dogs please phone 64037441 mrs f burkholder 169 main st w 342 wanted cars trucks 1954 chev for sale good con dition ph 2941193 richard fivev markham rri pet stock pups for sale 2s17 phone 640- help wanted collie dog to give away to good home very good with children phone 6402303 clerical position young man or woman wanted apply staling education age exper ience box 530 stouffville reliable married man wanted with car to take over established route no sales experience needed we train phone ax 33710 38 tf 1 pair girls figure skates wanted size 3 in good condi tion phone 6102635 small furnished apart ment or fiat wanted for young married couple phone 640- 3717 after 630 pm want to rent farm house 3 or 4 bedrooms and conven iences prefer furnished if possible phone 640223s used furniture wanted pianos and used furniture cash prices paid call franks movers and stor age tu 42613 av 55101 29tf fleet floorcleaning service stores offices etc expertly cleaned and floors waxed store windows washed john foulds tf ph stetiltville 0103702 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k ii midiltcmlss tf ph 6103822 stouffville shoe repair your shoe repairs can all bo handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair scissors sharpened located two doors east implements rumble equipment masseyfcrguson sales parts service gormlcy at the cnk crossing 33tf phone 8865851 pedlar utter carrier track used with hangers 2 switches a poles and barn yard pole ph 29121s5 312 n goldkind wc buy all kinds of poultry highest prices paid for live poultry 16tf 31 fraserwood ave toronto pit ru 17851 collect career position my firm requires a representa tive in this area at once you can start on a earn while you learn parttime plan that may lead to a full time position no lay offs no slack seasons you should be over 21 with a car areas filling fast rush your name and address to sales man ager box 817 london canada for full information no obliga tion 311 live stock sucking pigs for sale mr tom hastings phone 6103896 2 holstein cows due end of january also 27ean bulk milk keeper 5 yrs old in al con dition garry beach siloam ph mt albert 35gj2 332 small puppies budgies all colours and chickens for sale phone 6403127 irish setters for sale pure bred from champion stock males s75 females s30 ready to go february 1st ul 2- 3s93 33i lost found in memoriam lost mans elgin wrist watch lost near sales arena on sat jan 26th ph 610- 1171 hay 6 articles for sale dominion piano for sale in good condition ph 6103576 1955 fairlane ford 48 inch brown bedstead and springs 39 inch brown metal bedstead and mattress in good condi tion all are reasonably priced phone 8865577 vt price sale of half size dresses size 14 vi to 20s regular to 2493 marguerite shoppe 21 admiral television used in good condition phone 291- 2185 342 new babcock b300 are avail able weekly this bird lias been bred to cut the cost of producing eggs to order or for information phone collect fleming farms limited beamsville lo 37712 free delivery 323 2wheel car trailer for sale ideal for small car 15 phone 6102505 used automatic dryer in good working condition 69 crest hardware ph 6102771 westinghouse electric 40 range for sale oven warm ing oven 2 utility drawers good condition 30 pit mrs d hare 6402096 1000 bales alfalfa hav for sate phone ss656sl a quantity of straw for sate 35c a bale at the barn albert brown nhone 6103426 323 kiln dried corn and certi fied treated garry oats 2bus bags by truckmari write box 67 co the stouffville tri bune stouffville ont 313 derusha in loving memory of a dear husband and father frank who passed awav jan 31 1961 no morning dawns no night returns but that we think of you those left behind are very good but none replaces you many a silent tear is shed when we are all alone the one wc- loved so very much the one we called our own ever remembered by wife- pearl and family work wanted experienced business girl would like to do bookkeeping payroll or typing in a local office or at home box 69 co the tribune married woman wishes habv sitting work phone 610- 1262 parttime work wanted day or night write box 68 co the stouffville tribune work wanted chair cane- ing and ladder back seats in stalled refinishing phone 6101677 xv greenbury 184 church st n stouffville 26tf carpentry alterations kit chen cabinets recreation rms closets tile floors and ceilings free estimate j r steeklev phone 8865219 343 derusha in loving memory of a dear father frank who passed away jan 31 1961 we do not need a special day to bring you to our mind for the days we do not think of you are very hard to find if all the world were ours to give wed give it yes and more to see the face of father dear come smiling at the door lovingly remembered by luella bill and family emmerson in loving mem ory of a dear husband and father arthur g emmerson who passed away february 2 1952 loves greatest gift remembrance ever remembered by wife and family mcnair in ever loving mem ory of a dear husband father and grandfather william j mcnair who passed away jan 31st 1962 we who loved you sadly miss you and as it dawns a year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever near lovingly remembered by his wife and family holstein bull calf for sale fred palmer phone 610- 2437 highest cash price for live poultky norm davis phone 2941682 32tf cash on the spot dead and crippled farm stock removed promptly for fast service call margwill fur farm tyrone ontario phone hampton co 32721 collect 5247 license no 149162 miscellaneous enfd welding clinic bring your problems in welding and learn about latest practices and materials lincoln personnel will be on hand 342 tues feb 11 8 pm reesor farm service of cnr tracks main si slouffvllle pi e 6 102306 tf wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile phone 2971289 29u gormlev well drilling co rri gormlcv pumps installed and repaired owners w 15 mccauley w bishop rhone 88653 16 15tf dillons driving school government licence automatic standard special attention to nervous older or discouraged persons instruction permits arranged 21tf call mt albert 55j2 collect newmarket tw 56301 lllingworth construction brick block stone work floor and wall tile free estimates tf rilone 6103281 stouftvlllc ont water delivery 1200 gallon capacity aylmer carter phone 6103781 314 general construction carpentry masonry concrete repairs alterations collages built 15tf phone 6102374 shoe sales and repairs gary smith 17 if stouffville rr2 al llwv 47 phone 6102031 dead stock service john megens we fy kinds of pick farm up all j animals ph stouffville 6101611 or zenith 32800 no toll charge 34tf 24hour service license no 20162 10 pigs for sale 8 weeks old phone 6402027 jersey heifer maple breed ing and maple bred due in 1 week jersey heifer 6 weeks old maple breeding warren rae phone 6402367 real estate cosy 1 storey sixroom white frame house small barn 20x30 small chicken house good well situated on half acre land 2 miles from stouffville asking price s7200 tejms call margaret holder thos n shea ltd stouffville 6402082 640161s sunmaster five year light bulbs from 25 watt up order yours today delivered any where in the stouffville area victor foote phone stouffvile 6402596 33tf used moffatt electric range in good condition 3900 crest hardware ph 6402771 for sale tv aerials do-it- yourself kits complete chim ney aerials special only at s1495 herb kring furniture appliances ph stouff 6402092 13tf tv towers for sale easy to install complete with anten nae lead in wire etc 30 ft 3995 40 ft 4995 herb kring furniture applian ces ph 6402092 13tf coming events stouffville home school will meet at summitview school 815 pm feb cth panel discussion will be the main event wc hope everyone will plan to attend tranmer fo wm t tranmer ba january 30 1914 gave his life over berlin germany so young yet that life is long which he most lives who thinks most feels noblest acts the best mother father sister gwen walter and kenneth euchre and dance in the brougham community hall on sat feb 2nd cards 830 to 1030 pm dancing 1030 to 12 prizes admission 100 per person refreshments proceeds for green river home and school udora village near new lv4 storey frame home with 3 bedrooms 11 x 30 living dining room with picture win dow aluminum storms and screens all around full base ment with oil heating 2car garage full price only 700000 call laurie wagg ul 23671 j m farquharson realty limited produce for sale beef by half or quarter cut wrapped and delivered reasonable carl reesor phone 6103292 323 feed potatoes 10 per ton john bosworth potatoes ltd mt albert 231 29tf electrical equipment tv a radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts si service neville appliances your admiral a iowrey organ- dealer uik st stouftville phone 6103395 44tf electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouffville 6102252 tf gords marine boats and motors sales and service winter storage 22tf tuneups and repairs gords marine claremont ontario rhone 6j92007 choice young beef by the side or quarter cut and wrap ped for the freezer s a stotiffer ph 6103320 344 boiling fowl 30c per lb dressed and packed for the freezer 33tf elmer reesor phone 8865591 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker we also do custom killing cur ing and smoking of meat oboyies meat market phone 6102532 2stf wanted 60 acres good market garden soil wanted will pay s10 an acre rent for one year witli option of buying must have barn on property wanted 10 acres workable land with house and small barn close to stouffville call margaret hol der thos n shea ltd stouff ville 6402082 6401618 harold wood real estate all types of properties required list now for the fastest possible results used tv popular makes all guaranteed good condition good selection 4995 up at herb kring furniture ap pliances ph stouff 6402092 13tf pumps pressure systems shallow well and deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction phono stouff ville 6401424 26tf painting for a beautiful finish try magl- cote hundreds of colors to choose from tinted from our automatic color machine while you watch flat semigloss latex or enamel finishes crest hardware ph 6402771 for sale freezer unit 3 hp complete suitable for box 212x8 almost new cost 1595 cash sale 600 walk- in cooler unit 2 fan type complete cash sale 300 pickling pump 2 needles for pumping all cured meats 40 1 vi horse power motor with compressor 90 phone 297- 1392 fri feb 8th a dance will be hold in the mount albert community hall sponsored by the mount albert fire depart ment music by leo paxtons orchestra admission 75c 342 bingo every monday night in the claremont legion hall cash prizes share the wealth and jackpot game time 815 pm everyone welcome 32tf euchre in the masonic hall tuesday feb 5 1963 at 830 pm under auspices of the ioof and rcbekahs procced- for cpt fund lunch provid ed admission 50c bingo every saturday night in the veterans hall stouff ville sponsored hy the canadian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors op en at 745 pm games start at 815 sharp admission 50c 14tf lotton in loving memory of a dear husband and father clias lotton who passed away jan 30 1962 remembrance keeps him near lovingly remembered by wife and family schell in loving memory of harvey schell who passed away feb 5 1960 true was his heart his actions kind his life a pattern to those left behind god knows best for reasons divine- but memories will last for all time so treasure him lord in your garden of rest for while on earth he was one of the best ever remembered by his wife and family buttgnville neighborhood notes dorothy craigie celebrated her twelfth birthday by enter taining at a spaghetti party last week dorothy is the eldest daughter of mr and mrs bert 3 craigie and her party guests b were sixth and seventh grado f classmates at buttonville school i and still the mumps are with f us kathy brown is missing a a few classes because of them j and in the grownups division george hooper and mike me- quay have been confined to their homes last saturday mike otto mcquay was unable to attend his brother jims funeral because of his illness next saturday feb 2nd all i their friends are invited to re ioice with mr and mrs wm mcgimnsey when they eclebrata their 50th wedding anniversary ii mr and mrs andrew grant will entertain for them at the grants t no 7 highway home unionville from 25 in the afternoon and 79 in the evening on thursday jan 31 the date of the couples anniversary miss margaret matheson is en tertaining approximately thirty guests family and friends of the couple at a dinner party rick and jean tribbling en tertained their friends at a sleighing party last weekend j real sleigh real horses j when the york presbytcrial united church women held a winter rally at st andrews f united church markham re- cently mrs h steffior mrs wm rodick mrs f oliver mrs d hood mrs n roid and miss m rodick were among tho browns corners united church women present a meeting of local liberal women was held wednesday evening at the home of mrs j geo kelly buttonville while a good number attended some were prevented because of the stormy weather and it was felt wise to delav formation of a buttonville womens liberal group until a later date when an election of officers will ba held winter icuchrc series the second game of the series at buttonville wi hall friday mmrr fnnnrt 61 nrosont ml beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for ircczcr we also do custom killing 1tf fast freezer service fret bros bus 6403125 res lee 6102098 norm gi01876 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker 31 tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouffville ph 6101912 carries 50 month 5 rooms extra building lot 6900 full price comfortable home on nicely hedged lot quiet yet handy location about 1000 down with one easy carrying mortgage for balance 1 acre house garage 8900 full price stouffville area about 3 mile east comfortable 6 room home in lovely treed setting furnace garage pig pens etc call now must sell to settle estate 1000 down 10900 full price 2 car garage brick 6 room homo on 2 floors in nice clean condition through out oil heat etc kelvinator for the best in automatic laun dry equipment before you buy see ours in action in our show room a free demonstration any time you wish convenient time payments your present washer or dryer may be used as part payment crest hardware ill 6102771 your kelvinator dealer rent s5 monthly modern home 6 large rooms plus sunroom lovely lot 2 car garage one block to schools central stouffville no 7 highway 50 acres lovely scenic location wide everflowing stream 3500 full price courteous service guaranteed list with sell through buy from harold wood real estate ax 35731 stouff 6102323 markhams oldest skate exchange new hockey figure t speeder skates in stock we buy trade and sell used skates a w la1vton shoes and repairs s2 main st markham 2911512 221 f notice uxbridge township take noiico thai the dale of the regular february council meeting has been changed for this month only lo friday feb ruary 8th 1963 at 100 pm j e foskett clerk cards of thanks rin6w00d the excelsior class ladles met at the home of mrs e brownsbergcr on thursday eve ning miss shirley steckley was guest speaker shirley and miss ruth fox favoured the group with two duets wc extend our sympathy to the family of the late mrs elva kirk she was a friend in the neighbourhood locality mr adam johnstone is at present in uxbridge cottage hospital wo would like to commend the stouffville dist high school board on their decision to al low any local religious sect to use their facilities if one group is turned down your own de nomination might have their i would like to thank each and every one for the lovely get- well cards flowers and fruit which i received during my stay in hospital miss lena king hopkins we wish to thank friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and ex pressions of sympathy shown us during the illness and death of mrs mary hopkins the family service station equipment for sale 1ton tow truck with gmc winch snow plow attachment wheel balancing machine tire changing machine chain blocks jack tire tools rear end wrenches wheel wrench 12 volt battery for olds or buick new tires 670 x 15 used tires and tubes tire patches and stems small tools and equipment coca cola dispenser herb yakeley nione 610 2785 i wish to take this opportunity to thank my relatives and my many friends for their remem brances of cards fruit and flow ers sent ta me during my stay in uxbridge hospital and since my return home e a button i would like to thank my friends and neighbors for lh lovely cards flowers gifts and baking for your visits and in quiries all those who remem bered me in prayer the past 4 months everything was very much appreciated elva dike 1 would like to take this op portunity to thank the many friends and neighbors for their visits baskets of fruit and get- well cards received during my stav in hospital a special thanks to drs button and petrle also the nurses and staff of uxbridge cottage hospital for all their care and kindness to me their prayer and all were much ap preciated john crawford the stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles kor saif livestock for sale hal estate wanted cars for saif lost found etc cah r- it otr word i at waak le ira rnnaartjtlaa waaha with minimum of v iii wtrk fiflr far vitr ronacdtlv wlc mutit b pam wrlc of lnrtlori if eharcl an artlitinnnl will hr anmm 50c additional will he charged for use of a box no notices comiso events cards of tmanxs t a word with a minimum of 1100 births encacemksts marriages deaths la a word with a minimum ol 1100 in memoriam llftu minimum for 4linr wm rlu r for aarh additional tlinw rwr oispiat ciassikirira al2 pr inch with a ranlmum of awia inch additional tanatutlva tnaartlena at 1100 r inch i clawtftm ada moat ba in lila onva not latar than la aaa wadnaadar ctia this 9ut for rafaranra evening found 61 present mr alvin klinck won the lucky draw and game winners were mrs alvin klinck mrs r boy- ington mrs charles sinclair alvin klinck george toolcy and jim rodick the freezoul was won by mr and mrs weidmark against mr mizen and mrs lucille cummings mrs richard pralet mrs o brooke mrs lloyd baker and mrs john donaldson provided refreshments which were served by wi members a date was set for the next i game other than the regular night but players please note the 3rd game of the series will be held on the regular night friday feb 8 at 8 pm james mcquav last week friends were griev ed to learn of the sudden passing of a lifelong resident of this community mr james welling ton mcquay his deatli came early thursday morning jan 24 at scarboro hospital whera he was taken wednesday follow ing a stroke suffered at his unionville home mr mcquay was a member of a local pioneer family and until 12 years ago he farmed land on don mills road south of no 7 highway at that time part ot the farm was sold and he be- came proprietor of mcquavs service station on don mills road where he was later joined by his son donald rev dr a f blnninglon took charge of the funeral ser vice which was held at the dixon funeral home markham on saturday morning jan 26th interment was at highland memory gardens don mills road and pall bearers wero longtime friends of the deceased elsworth and lloyd stone house clarence and gordon scott stanley fierheller and deputyreeve charles hooper mr mcquay is survived by his wife the former gladys irene french a daughter bev erley mrs albert jones of gormloy a son donald of markham brothers stewart stouffville and olto union ville and a sister rhea mrs thayne graves of california turn next we especially agree with the second paragraph in a recent editorial mr and mrs dean fockler and family visited his parents mr and mrs aimer fockler on saturday evening notice to creditors and others in the estate of eli b shank late of the town ship of whitchurch in the county of york de ceased all persons having claims against the estate of the said fii b shank who died on or about the 14th day of november 1959 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned executors of the last will and testament ot the deceased on or before the 28th day of february 1963 full particulars of their claim im mediately after the said date the executors will distribute tho assets of the said deceased hav ing regard only to such claims i of which they shall then have notice dated at markham this 29th day of january ad 1963 john williamson fred williamson executors bv their solicitors cattanach and ilindson markham ontario 313

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