ftp 4 the stowfylui towns twty umvr 31 1963 public skating at stouffville arena every saturday night admission 50c children every wed 1 to 5 pm admission 20c girls hockey friday feb 1 st 915 pm richmond hill vs stouffville community league hockey 8 pm ballantrae vs stouffville 1015 pm greenwood vs ringwood junior hockey tuesday february 5 fh 830 pm orangeville at stouffville fo- office supplies its the tribune your mp reports by michael starr m f iiniter of labour the house resumed business on january 21st after an ab sence of approximately one month in the interval the conserva tives had held one of their largest annua meetings in ot tawa and the leader of the opposition had committed his party to a nuclear arms policy thus the house resumed operations in a heightened at mosphere of tension during the conservative an nual meeting the prime minis ter had indicated his desire to have an expremuoi from the delegates on major issues in cluding the nuclear one and at the same time had outlined the danger of adopting fixed posi tions in view of the constantly changing military and intera- tional situation thus when the house resum ed this week the positions of both major parties were gradu- allv sharpening on the issue the social credit and ndp had both gone on record against the adoption of nuclear aims at the present time and under present circumstances the defence problems were stealing the spotlight from a number of important and press ing domestic issues such as the expansion of the economy and the provision of now jobs the prime minister had stat ed during the convention that a new fiveyear program would be undertaken to push econom ic expansion particularly in 111 secondary industry field where incentives and encouragement provided hy the government in the past four years had already achieved a record expansion this year this expansion must be kept up for on it depends largely the extent to which canada will maintain record employment levels the house resumed business against a background of eco nomic expansion which placed canada in the forefront of all nations in the western world insofar as economic growth is concerned this year the main factor in this tremendous eco nomic expansion has been the stabilization of currency or the socalled pegging of hie dollar which was so severely criticized during the last elec tion another issue looming large 1 in the present parliament while it continues is the matter of confederation- in the face of demands from quebec for a re shaping of confederation the conservative convention went en record in favour of biiingua- sm and the prime minister was at pains to recognize the bculturai nature of confcdera- ton yet he pointed out on two occasions that separatism was not the solution to any prob lems and indeed had no place in canada he added that to talk of states in the canadian federal system was just not being realistic there is no telling how long the present session will go on but in his address to the ladies at tiie convention the prime minister pointed out sig nificantly that the longer the government stayed in the moie people would have the chance to realize that the policies be ing carried out are the light ones for canada at the present time opportunity isnt likely to knock at your door if bill col lectors are blocking the en trance coinop to save stouffville coin laundry main st stouffville discount on beef short cut standing rib roast ib 1h prime rib rqast rolled ib 88tf blade bonk kkmoved blade roast ib 55tf blade roast boneless ib 63tf short rib roast ib 60tf boneless cross cut rib roast ib 1u boneless shoulder roast ib 66tf inner rib roll boneless ib 881 outer rib roll pot roast ib 63tf plate beef bone in ib 31tf rolled plate boneless ib hit boneless brisket point ib 1 boneless stewing beef ib 5u rib steaks ground chuck beef steakettes beef liver sliced beef kidney lb 31c beeftoxguks lb 47c braising ribs lb 39c vs trices effective jan 3031 feb 12 we reserve the right to limit quantities ib m lb 63tf ib 55tf ib mi a hearty energy food prince edward island potatoes o ib ba 39 new cabbage each 19c t us no 1 grade cucumbers 2 for 29 us no 1 grade crisp large stalks celery 2 for 29 receive e fi00 in bonus tapes with fxtra strawbfrry j u a total of c rvcc duncan llln iaive mixis triatiidactlj twt pruu4itt 1 oo 1 hraa 1 h sprcii itk receive 200 in bonus tapes with a s rr mailk lival- zouu spinach no 1 vnflc sausage i lb 10- oi in bonus tapes strawberries tmrit sunwi rr fnrk ilh nt frfr tmtm isii pks thurs fr sat only black diamond old s pkc cheese stix 45tf monarch lib pkgs margarine 2 lor 45 mccains frozen bonus tack 21b pktr french fries 49tf hospitality cherry pie ea45 atlmer halves 15oz tins choice peaches 2 clarks irish stew nescafe 20c off 10oz jar instant coffee crispy critters airhabits sugar crisr post cereals 3 or 39 119 89 ratcliff s i g a foodliner stouffville ontario by the way anne ross not too long ago i visited a friend who had benn confined in hospital for quite sone time and just like everyone else i had said when i entered and how are you today well i guess after many weeks of painful traction for the correction of a slipped disc my friend had had it for instead of her usual pieasant greeting she gritteu her teeth and muttered not again i was rather set back on my heels for a minute until 1 reafoed what was bothering her then after a long chat i promised her id air the subject just in case someone else felt as strongly as she did about this jiow are you bit standard greeting when you visit a sick friend in the hospital sr at home what do you say being concerned and anxious about the patient you say how are you of course thats what every body says its a standard greeting and we can hardly realize how standard it is until weve been on the receiving end of the greeting for a week or two or in cases like inv friend for many weeks and 1 can see why she rebelled just suppose you had to make some sort of a reply eight ten or twenty times a day seven days a week you might of course get into the spirit of the thing and make up a standard reply to that standard question or if you felt vengeful you might take the question literally and answer with long tedious details or you could move your lips wordlessly indicating that you were too far gone to talk when the question comes from your nurse you could simply open your mouth for the thermometer she is waving around hats what she expects you to do anyway but no matter who throws the question at you in time youre likely to reach the point where youre ready to throw something at the nest person who asks how are you and resolve never lo perpetrate this offense against any longsuffering friend you ma visit welcome change well now were going to look pretty silly arent we not even inquiring for the patients state of health and pro gress but maybe theres another way to express concern a positive remark might be a welcome change from the trite question perhaps youre looking well today or so glad to see you getting such good care or its great lo see you look so much better to be sure we go to see sick friends to hear how they are and while asking the question quite simply would seem to be the most direct way of finding out we may be the cause of raising the patients blood press ure to the boling point while we ask the question but once the patient may have had to answer the same question two dozen times that day it could be by the twentyfourth time she isnt feeling quite as well as the first one by the same token when we deviate from the usual we can find ourselves in trouble too when friends meet casually ive discovered the usual im fine or very well thank you to the how are you inquiry is generally the safe course several years ago when the minister of our church asked the usual and it being one of those spring days when i felt on top of the world i answered just wonderful thanks and he proceeded to take me to task for my aripsance granted he was only half serious but i got the message that in all modesty i should not have the temerity to apply the term wonderful to myself and all i meant was that all has right with my world well im more cautious in revealing the state of my wellbeing now im just fine thank you treats for treatment this is the time of year when there seems to be so much illness colds and flu and so on and when children are confined to bed for a few days its usually a problem to keep them occupied so theyll stay put urul its safe for them to be up and about it is good to know that fun is perhaps the best medicine for soothing tempers and turning treatments into treats quite often a rebellious youngster is won over completely to the foods and liquids he scorns even to the medicine he dislikes if theyre masked by gay disguises animal crackers floating in the cup of milk or soup with colored straws for sipping t food served in dollsize dishes so that several tiny servings add up to a regular meal before he knows it let the patient doctor himself by helping rub his chest or time his own doses of fruit juice or even medicine by setting the alarm clock to go off by his bedside if the patient is a girl perhaps shed like to doctor her doll too and play hospital with bandages and chest rubs children love pretending so anything we can dream up to turn necess ary nursing care into play or makebellve makes the period of convalescence easier for both the patient and the nursing start dont nag in one of the toronto daily papers last week there was an article on the canadian heart foundation and its advice on the prevention of heart attacks with this list of dos and donts for wives dont be a nagging lady macbeth dont tamper with your husbands diet without your doctors advice do learn to cook sensible fatcontrolled meals do meet him at the door after work with his pipe and slippers do encourage him to exercise to keep hi3 weight down dont let him become a chain smoker do encourage him to play golf and go for long walks dont let him bring home work from the office this seems like very sound advice but what id like to have is advice on how to put the dos and dont into effect the first dont cancels out all the rest for it lakes more than a please dear lo persuade a husband lo change his likes and dislikes in food cut down snoking or take a long walk and if we were to meet him at the door with pipe and slippers the shock would be too much for the poor man buttonville news jan 2ltli clcn alan donaldson infant son of mr arrd mis iae donaldson was christened al a private baptismal service per formed by key dr a f bin- nington in browns corners uniled church sunday jan 11 among the guests were the habys grandparents mr and mrs john donaldson aunts and uncles included mr and mrs sam snider alan snider marylyn snider the babys brother john and mr and mrs douglas trlbbling mr mel menoish has spent the past two weeks in the east general hospital with a leg ail ment paul jr andrew- and martha mingay spent last weekend with their miller grandparents while their parents mr and mrs paul mingay markham attended the conservative con vention at ottawa mis bryce jacksie was host ess last week when members of the happy timers unit no 1 of browns corners uniled church women held their elec- j lion of officers mrs jacksie and cohostcses mrs bert craigie and mrs don peesor rondircted i a devotional service and mrs john brumwel was in the chair mrs harold steffier presi- dent of browns corners united church women conducted elec- i irons and officer for lofi1 arc pres mrs john rrumwell vice pres mrs allan strike secretary mrs gordon brum- 1 well corresponding secretary mrs d melwlrr ireas mrs a martin publicity mrs ii cormack supply and social as sistance mrs rae donaldson mrs donald reesor social con venor mrs bruce armstrong mrs c carr ladies ladies stouffville district mens christian fellowship will hold their annual ladies night on mon feb 4th in the stouffville united church at 8 oclock the entire service will be given by the chorale group of 40 voices from the toronto bible college under the leadership of rev w h crump of toronto men this is your opportunity to see that the lady attends bring the family every one is most welcome xxxxv n nnltn1 used skate exchange only 195 tins your skates trade 7nthoseold skates that are too small for a pair of your fit kxrert precision skatk sharpening with modern equipment ice fishing equipment we carrv a full line of tropical fish and gold fish aquariums p killers grave food etc markham cycle and sports main street naagas phone 2943412 t lullb eoggpaa a tsasessbxbse itti ululg coffey and bartley motors limited 1962 comet 4 door custom bijr six motor finished in a beautiful sandshell beige 7000 original miles 1962 ford galaxie 500 4 door sedan v8 automatic power steering power brakes power windows radio plus many other extras finished in gleaming green this par ticular automobile is like brand ncw 1961 ford galaxie 2 door hardlop v8 automatic power steering power brakes radio etc bronze finish immaculate throughout 1961 pontiac 4 door laurontian automatic 6 cylinder radio plus many other extras 1959 ford galaxie 2 door bardtop vs automatic radio etc finished in a beautiful coral 1958 ford custom 2 door v8 automatic radio finished in a hvotqne blue and while 1956 monarch 4 door standard v8 payments to suit your midget phone 6402600 west end of town where prices and quality meet main street stoiillvllb mercury rttxiitxxaj mjm peggep 8eebg annual meeting york county hog producers association to be held on wednesday february 6 1 1 am parish hall newmarket draw for door prizes al 12 noon cameron mrclitre president john sylcnia sectress muuimuitriiiiumitllllluimuluimhil