Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 12

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p9 tt the stourryiue tribuhe twvjt hnuty 31 1963 public notice township of whitchurch 1963 dog lags are available at the municipal offices vandorf ontario the provisions of bylaw number 1721 require all owners of dogs to procure a tag for the current vear male dog 3 female dog 5 commencing february 15 1963 oliver pellett and john murray are authorized to make a system atic check john w crawford clerk rui gormley ontario wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our thick call ilione 6102822 cold storage lockers for rent stouffville creamery co dismiss shooting charge against ballantrae man late last september vernon sedore rr2 pefferlatv was taken to hospital alter under going emergency treatment by dr george burrows in sutton the youth was struck by pellets from a shotgun at cedar brae north ol sutton and lost the sight ot one eye atthat time sedore and two companions james beachner 20 and william a lutt both of sutton were charged by investigating police with theft carl rossi ballantrae ap peared in newmarket court in front of magistrate o s holl- inrake on a charge of shooting with intent the accused carl rossi tes tified as follows we parked our car on top of a bridge in the area and walked into the bush to hunt my friends went further in while i only walked about o0 yars from the road i heard a noise from the direction of the road and i observed a car stop i saw some men get out of their car and open our car door they took something and i jelled at them asking what they were doing they didnt answer but got in their car so i yelled stop or ill shoot twite i called that but they kept going i didnt expect to injure anyone i shot at the ccr i didnt have a very clear view and i thought i had miss ed completely i thought may be if i hit a tire it would stop them but i couldnt see very well and i hit the window newand exciting later my friends joined me on the road and we were going to chase the car but before we could get our car started the other car came back we thought at first that they had come back to argue but when vie looked in the car we saw sedore with his hand to his eye they told us they had come back to ask us to forget the incident and not to report it to the police sedores eye looked bad so we told them to take him to a doctor about three quarters of an hour later we decided to report the inci dent to the police so we drove to the police department in sharon thy told us it was out of their territory and advised us to go to vandorf rossis defence told magis trate o s hollinrake that rossis position was that of a man quite suddenly confronted by a situation seldom seen by the average citizen and that rossi had only two seconds to decide what to do the natural tendency of any individual who is honest is to prevent the escape of a person who com mits a criminal oftence he said there ws some confusion rossis defence continued as to where to report the incident but he did report it as quickly as he could after giving the case much thought magistrate o s hool- inrake dismissed the charge a compromise in the lexicon of the teenager is reached with an agreement he can have the car when his parents want it jlanfe stye zfocotetfet the rexall drug store 1 main st w stouffville houstons the exclusive agent for jenny lind candies phone 6102222 twentytwo twentytwo gbbssasaaassssacessasg have fun while you learn modern square and round dancing ontario county square dance club sponsored by the junior farmers 8 lessons commencing feb 6 to mar 27 wednesday 8 pm to 10 pm registration at port perry public school auditorium on february 6tli from pm to 815 pm first class commences at 815 pm to 1000 pm instructors are the wellknown rod elsie oxford price s500 and 300 for school students for further information call ted gordon 4322243 cecil noble ul 2655g donna johnson ul 23577 neil raines 9857842 bruce mcmillan 61r24 aubrey carson 6495525 howard philip ajax don lynd bay ridges diary of a vagabond by dorothy barker bles you my readers ever watch a little child busting with excitement w3ting for a birthday to happen that is the way i feel every year about this time when the anniversary of the dkiry of a vagabond rolls around again when the idea was first conceived four years aso and the column launched v was well aware of the fact it was an experiment in communication happily i can boast it was an almost instant success and judging by the letters and com ments made by both weekly newspapers and readers and their editors across canada the proof o its continued reader ship has been in its apparent appeal to manv if life recently i happened to remark 1 thought u uiil had diminished to a dribble then the holiday season arrived and heartening messages which any columnist will admit are dear to the heart arrived with every mail delivery writing a column as i am sure i have remarked before is like fighting a punching bag with a feather duster a columnist is seldom sure whether he or she has hit that vulnerable spot the readers interest especially in respect to a column of the vagabonds nature it is seldom con troversial and has little editorial comment with which a reader might want to agree or disagree vehemently these are usually the reasons people write to editors or columnists that is why when the cards i receive have encouraging remarks about the content or subject matter i chose for some particular column during the year i am grateful for the trouble many take to wish the venture continued success comments from suburban and rural residents who read their weekly newspapers ragged are highly valued by me naturally i often wonder it 1 get through to these super critical readers there were a number of expressions of appre ciation on the articles i wrote this past summer about the hydro developments on the prairies and the polai mine in saskatchewan one reminded me that canada is to have a worlds fair during its centennial year 1967 this wellwisher suggested that i start plugging this enterprise on target this latter suggestion was of particular interest to me because we must all realize that publicity of any sort is an intangible the fact that someone thinks i can promote a canadian worlds fair with the same success you seem to have in getting motorhabited citizens to take the train from one end of canada to the other is ample repayment for any effort i put into writing about tourism industry scenery the interesting people i meet or just some homey happening usually while writing this particular annual column acknowledging the thoughtfulness of readers across canada i announce what is in store for the months ahead where i shall be traveling and some of the interesting things i plan to investigate there are still some areas of canada i have not visited but my travel plans for 1963 are not yet definite but wherever i may be i can promise news discoveries and people lots and lots of interesting people 1 am sure to meet and write about during my 1963 tours wrexvirem uses beauty salon hair stylist wsxvxs33csjcjs3tt new to stouffville stouffville home improvements shi presents the latest in water con ditioning equipment to the residents of stouffville stouffville water is almost twice as of toronto hard as the water soft water gives sparkling lustre to your hair softer beautiful hands cleaner radiant skin plus a whiter wash and brighter clothes gleaming dishes and sparkling glassware spotless sinks and bath tubs no ring or curd savings on appliances and plumbing no scale better tasting coffee and tea plus plus a soap and detergent saving that will pay for your softener over the years illustrated here is a softener which features elcctromatlc fully automatic controls automatic bypass during regeneration reinforced fibreglass tank heavy polyethylene brine tank 200 lb capacity 20 year warranty on tanks victoria square news for a free hardness test and survey call or write stouffville home improvements shi water conditioning rr2 stouffville budget terms availabieif required tel 6401891 fcvwwvlvwkxvv mrs w sandle the regular meeting of the lions club was held in the new community hall on tues day evening of last week mr bill hodgson former reeve of king township was the guest speaker speaking on the local municipal govern ment and county council he felt we were in danger of los ing our individualists through growth of metropolitan toron to he was introduced by lion lawson mumberson and thank ed by lion dick jones mr ed gibson again en livened the meeting with his accompaniment at the piano zone chairman roy bick of the thornhill club paid his first visit of the year the lions club is sponsoring a bingo to be held in the new hall at the community centre park on friday feb 8 at 8 pm the january meeting of the ucw was held on wednes day evening in the sunday school room with a good at tendance despite the inclement weather mrs george joyce was in the chair for the worship period with mrs r glover mrs n bell and mrs a wilson as sisting mrs edgar campbell and mrs cowan representing the canadian arthritic and rheu matic society of ontario gave an informative address and showed a film on their work the president mrs l mum berson conducted the business session refreshments were served at the close with the remainder of the group assisting mrs a binnington mrs ii mccaguo and mrs l mumber son attended the york presby- trrial of the united church women held in the st an drews united church mark- ham on tuesday last lions euchre bridgo there were ten tables of euchre players and two of bridge held in the new hall on friday evening the event was sponsored by the lions club euchre prize winners were ladies 1 mrs edna boyd 2 mrs connie ash consola tion miss mabel sanderson gents 1 bert nichols 21 martin gall consolation bill cox lone hands winners were ladies mrs ashby gents bill mccoy lucky draw on a box of groceries was won by gits almstedt bridge winners were mrs attridge and mr frank williams another euchre sponsored by the park committee will be held in the new hall on friday feb 1 at s pm everyone welcome dr a f binnington was in charge of the church service on sunday morning as this was the beginning of christian ycuth week emphasis was on this theme the tvro bovs group with their leaders mr norman tyndall and mr bruce mortson attended in a hodv paul tyndall peter vander- kooy marshall boyd and jer- rctt farquharson members of the tyro group took up the of fering the jr choir under the di rection of mrs alan orr and mrs j barker as accompanist sang two numbers dr birnington gave the ser mon bound to be free next sunday feb 3rd at 1130 am conclusion of chris tian youth week the service will be in charze of mr ken neth deer mr and mrs motley ryan and family had sunday dinner with mr and mrs j p sy- mons at uxbridge mr and mrs harvey collard had sunday evening dinner with the newlyweds mr and mrs george collard at their home at don mills mr and mrs archie camp bell and john of milliken had sunday evening dinner witli mr and mrs wm orr bethesda the ladies of the ucw will meet on wednesday feb 6 at the home of mrs clifford burk- holder for a day of quilting for downtown mission work and overseas relief maurice pike had dinner on saturday night with mr and mrs a b pike and on sunday with mr and mrs walter ro- ham and family of toronto winter illnesses are making their rounds again and we are sorry to hear that murray wil liams has measles larry bray has returned to school after having mumps 0 permanent 0 tinting 0 tipping 0 bleaching 0 cutting open moo to sat tue to frl evenings stouffville 6402932 main over sloffords store markiiam 2948p3 are you protected with medical insurance or fed up with high premiums for medical care if so why not inquire about the cooperative way surgical major medical in hospital care ah inclusive plan designed for you at a cost you can afford group plan or individual send for information to york cooperative medical services rr2 maple ontario paul snider secretary xsaresaewbatxssxsssxxsxsxxxaata your choice buy or rent now available from the federal housing agency cmhc in various centres within easy driving distance of metro toronto and osliawa y attractive nha purchase arrangements lease terms to suit tenants i variety of sizes and designs is immediate occupancy enquire today central mortgage and housing corporation 650 lawrence avenue w suite 2mb toronto 19 oshawa shopping centr 7812451 oshawa ra 86256 or consult a real estate agent in your area shorgas gas merchandising centre 46 levendale rd richmond natural and propane gas hill heating cooking drying water heating cozy live modern for less with gas give your kitchen that modern look with a new automatic gas range dry your clothes in the modern manner with gas most hot water at the lowest cost phone 2852634 8844186 or fcjfljmjfa liukjkauajfc idhp ia alll s j

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