ftf the stoubvttle tribune thtjiav deccaixr 20 1962 stmas memories it does no good to comment is so many do at this time of jea- xn how much our christ mas has chang ed bethlehem celebrates three christmases bethlehem celebrate three christmase each near the western church obserxe december zs the greek ortho dox church celebrates christmas according to the gregorian calen dar jan 7 and the armenia on jan 19 annually pilgrim worship in j the grotto where chrat wa born and laid in the manger tower- your mp reports the candles on our trees are now electrical and thereby much safer and the carols are more likely to come from a thrceju vv sraph and will therefore be church and the armenian share more musical if not more dedi- the basilica roman catholics cated than our own efforts celebrate mass in their own we do not regret really that church adjoining but all three our christmas has changed for tng ocer the grotto is the ba- i silica of the katnity built in tts i present form by the emperor justinian in the sixth century j after centuries of religious come from a threespeed phono- j controversy the greek orthodox whatever havoc progress has ureaked on this day of christ it remain still a day that stands out in each year as bright as the tar that shone over bethlehem we mark our mlleposts by our christmases- we remember the new flivver the family got because it was ucd for the happy occasion of christmas or we remember how good a cook our mother was because she excelled at christmas and all the uncles and aunts and cousins and nephews isomp of them fun and some of them pretty unbearable fit into our memories because we rcmembo them from christmases memory is among our gieat treasures and no mechanical contrivance can ever take its place as a source of pleasure christmas as the focal point of memory can never be changed fundamentally despite the gnaw- ing away at its spirit by the growing commercialism memory made of christmases is brighter than any string of lights sweeter than any wine and more beautiful than any phonograph in wishing all our friends a meiry christmas therefoie we aie wishing ou all another day that will soon become a pleasant and mellow memory nci patrick motors w share the grotto the holiest spot in christendom aint no santa ap parently this young lad be lieves that the real santa is off somewhere else and from the expression on the young sters face he intends to ba off somewhere else loo make ornaments by michael starr jip minister of labour control of drugs and the use of chemicals in fertilizers and insecticides will be studied by a committee of parliament as announced by the minister of national health and welfare and introduced in the house this week mr monteith pointed out the growing public concern on the effects of chemicals and chemi cal products used in industry and agriculture and the grow- ing dangers of pollution not only of water resouices but of the land as well theie is no doubt that this is an uigent pioblem and that the committee of parliament which has been set up will have a great deal of useful work to accomplish recently the cabinet met with a delegation of automobile workeis uaw from windsoi headed by mr burt on econo mic conditions in that city and with particular refeience to the shifting of ford operations from windsor to oakville the major pan of which took place several yeais ago this week was labour week in ottawa with large delega tions coming to meet with cab inet lepresenting the canadian ldboui congiess the kedeia- tion of national trade unions from quebec and the legislative committees of the railway biotherhoods these meetings were scheduled for december 11th and 12th the clc annual picsentation is always an important occasion and this year has been no ex ception traditionally it has been an occasion for labour and government to get together and to air their views their dif- feiences and their mutual agreements i must say that in the past i have been appiecia- tive of the extent to which the clc while bluntly express ing their differences with cer tain government actions have at the same time expiess ed approval of those piogiams which have been beneficial to labour mich as winter works and vocational training of interest in connection with the visit of the lailway unions to work with sfc lou can fashion your own christmas tree ornaments with aluminum foil plates with scis sors paint glow papers bau bles and foil plates ou can construct various designs and many color combinations foil tstj and e3sy s the rnt aptomtment j a pete robertson a foi- mer railway employee to the senate of canada this appointment could cei- tamly be consideied as part of a process of democratization of the senate since mr robertson is probably the first woiking representative of labour to be appointed to the august posi tion last week the prime minister announced that the house would adjourn for the chnst- mas recess on december 20th and would resume on januaiy 21st for most members this would mean a longawaited opportuni ty to return to their constituen cies and to report to the elec tors as to the progress that was being made in parliament after aome preliminary skir- may your heart be filled with peace and happiness this christmas malloys plumbing stouffviile mishing in the early stages the house has now gotten down to serious business with some for ty pieces of legislation still to be dealt with among important matters now under consideration are the bill relating to automation and technological change the nati onal economic development board the development board for the atlantic provinces and the bill dealing with safety in industries under federal juris diction a great deal of interest has been aioused by the automa tion bill and there is no doubt that both labour and manage ment will have a great deal to tay in the application of this measure in various industries the bill provides for joint studies by labour and manage ment on the effect of automa tion in particular industries and for the retraining of work ers in plants with the co-opeia- tion of both ihe fedeial and provincial governments theie is also the provision 1 elating to government assistance in help ing ttained woikeis to move to jobs where theie is an opening for their pai ticular skills the extent to which the pio- visions will be woikable will of louise depend on the degiee to which labour and management aie piepaied to woik togethei indications so far have been quite favourable in this lespect the biewing industiy in can ada employs 12000 people dnecly an eveiage of one member out of every 400 fam ilies in canada silent night we sing out worm greetings and best wishes fof m veiy joyous christmas herb kring furniture appliances stouffville management and staff consumers gas co richmond hill ontario t christmas christmas is not complete with the traditional eggnog today it is possible to buy eggnog from the rrilimin or the corner grocer or make your own as folks used to do here is a tvpical recipe traditional christmas eggnog 6 eggs separated n cup sugar 2 cups light or whipping cream 2 cups milk teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla freshly ground nutmeg beat egg yolks and sugar until thick and lemoncolored beat in cream milk salt and vanilla beat egg whites until they hold stiff peaks fold into egg yolk mixture serve in chilled punch bowl sprinkle with nutmeg hakes mi quarts cedar grove the fog has lifted and cedar grove is lightly brushed with snow not much but enough to lemind us that chiistmas is not far away no christmas concen at zion chuich this year has cut down on some of the practices that aie usually on the agenda at this time of year the white gift set vice was held on sunday evening with children even the veiy little ones pi oviding- music foi the occasion the mitten tiee will appear in zion chuich for two sundays following the childrens paity on dec 13th theie will be a chiistmas vespeis seivice on dec 23id at 730 pm in the chinch to which the girls of the cgit invite all who would like to participate mrs arthur lapp will be at ihe maikham nursing home 55 george si foi the next few weeks and would enjoy a visit fiom anyone in the vici nity barry gaston visited in dunn- ville last weekend and lepoits 11 inches of snow ifi that area the tegular meeting of the ucw was held at zion chuich on dec 4ih the meeting open ed with worship service under the leadership of mrs arthur gaston assisted by seven of the members the theme being the christmas story mis lloyd tayloi piesident con ducted the business and mr robin skuse piesided over the installation of new officers ucw officeis elected foi 1963 as follows pies mis lloyd taylor vice pres mis m ryan rec sec mrs robert lapp treas mrs russell ree- soi corr sec mis beit tap scott committees christian citizenship and social action mis w reesoi community friendship and visiting mis l beare mrs a little coopera tion in christian education and missionary education mis c milton miss m hamlll miss olive macintosh mrs a d reesor mis a c little fi nance mrs a reesor miss m hamill mis c whittaker floweis mis m dean mis j walton liteiaiuie mis ted allchuich membership miss ruby reesor nominations mis l m milioy mis fiank ree sor miss jessie beaie pi ess and publicity mis garnet bee piogiamme miss jean miior mrs ivan beaie mis c bielby mrs c whittakei mrs a gaston mrs g whittamoie mrs r miller mis l c scott social functions miss mabel reesoi mrs garnet beaie mis giant burkholdei mis jack shoudy mrs dave macdonald ims l mihoy stewardship and reel lilting miss m hamill mrs f sewell mis e riseborough supply and social ass mis f beare mrsj j w reesoi mis e harrington rep to official board mis lloyd tayloi rep lo boaid of stewaids miss m hamill happy holiday a happier chiistmas and a brighter new year aie upcom ing foi those who do not en gage in excesses financial or physical during ihe holiday season plan giftbuying and christmas spending that is well within the income dont ovpi woik oveieal or oveiexeit youiself needlessly east end grocery frank and ted east end stouffville fxf w hark back in reverenc to a night of wonder ond fioty joy nearly two thousand years ago may the spiritual blessings of ihot first christptai bo with us oil from all of us at stouffville bakery greetings merrily merrily we sing out our wishes to you for the happiest holiday season tverl lehmans shoes main street stouffviile schell lumber ltd and staff stouffville ontario ltoui ontario 1 1 k li 11 compliments of the season we wish you a healthy and happy new year throughout the year it has been a pleasure discussing health in ontario with you through our regular columns in this newspaper we look forward to the coming year and to the opportunity once again of keeping you informed on the important aspects of health in our province it n a ril rt ml it 11 n 11 x4 ontario department of health mot 1 r komrtj q c ilo rno hwnlfr km ukuwe orawii if j c m kinl1 hun jt