Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 8, 1962, p. 8

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rt 8 the stowfywi rsuff tkntby knokr 8 1962 deputyreeve opposed to selling of land to hydro at 3000 an acre deputyreeve mrs jean mc pherson charged at a regular meeting of pickering twp council on monday night that the sale of 1017 acres of land in an industrial area at 3000 per acre would be a foolish piece of business the hour- long debate aroused strong ob jections from the deputy- reeve we would be giving them land at a cut price she said they wouldnt even pay taxes on it reeve sherman scott pointed out that the hydro planned to erect a tower line through a rrutherly section of the munici pality that would eventually hook up with a switching sta tion at cherrywood he contend ed that no matter what route was finalized there would be objections he said that the agreement had been turned down by the township plan- ring board the reeve stated that the hepc officials had thought that the s3000 per acre figure was rather high i feel that they are getting a piece ol very cheap proper ty argued councillor hubert wank as compared with some other parcels its practically a giveaway alternate routes reeve scott said that several alternate routes had been out- deakin lined and five of these were through the same area its been kicked around for three years he said he suggested that if there was any urgency for finalization of the deal the hydro would likely take action to expropriate the land if they would take a direct route it wouldnt be so bad said mrs mcpherson but theres nothing more ugly than those big towers cutting across the country she charged that an entire strip of land would be ruined for building purposes like the cnrtthey will like ly stick to their desired route but i feel the value of the land is worth more than 3000 she said that she had discus sed the matter with hydro per sonnel at some length its like trying to get blood out of a stone she said i dont think we can stop them but i feel that they should be willing to make con cessions said councillor wank it is something worth fighting for deputyreeve mcpherson not ed that in 99 of cases the council had shown itself to be reluctant to override the deci sions of the planning board ive been on planning board for two ears now and were no further ahead than when we started said councillor ross graduates receive diplomas at commencement friday twp option on land opposed by deputy deputyreeve mrs jean mc pherson criticized any move by the council that would acquire parcels ol industrial land by op tion in the twp of pickering without first selling at least one of its present sites the matter was discussed at some length at a regular meeting of council on monday night after the township industrial com mittee recommended that such a move be made im anxious to see some inside decorating paper hanging 1963 papers now in stock get thai- room done for christmas the lang service gormley ph 8865449 form of iudustry acquired first before we take an option on more land she said she con tended that under such an ar rangement the township would be expected to pick up its op tions before the expiry date if we were to the point where we were short of land it would be different she said im not in favour of tying up land then dropping it i dont think that the people would take too kindly to it councillor milton mowbray argued that the township would not be obligated to follow through with its puchase if such a move appeared unwise by taking an option we would only be attempting to keep land prices in line we just cant wait until our property is all sold agreed councillor hubert wank i dont think we should get ahead of ourselves warned reeve sherman scott he agre ed with deputyreeve mcpher son that the township would be subject to criticism if it acquir ed an option on land but let it drop there are some things that an individual can do that a municipality cant do he said he suggested however that he could see nothirfg wrong with the council appointing an agent to look into the possibility of land options the members agieed that the industrial com mittees resolution should be forwarded to their solicitors for a recommendation thirtyone grade 13 students will receive their secondary school honour graduation di plomas at the eleventh annual pickering dist high school commencement exercises on friday evening nov 9th focussed in the spotlight of attention will be nicholas vincent baker john bandur- chin john david buttars sha ron lorraine clarke arthur eldon cresswell glennys ber- nice cresswell gladys lucille disney gordon william edmis- ton aaron harvey fenton wil liam andrew foster patricia elaine gray douglas william hortop maureen anne jack ross david james alan ever- itt johnston sharyn jane jones donald isamu kimura wayne johnston knapp anne arenia lennox donald edward lindo carol ann lumley lin da rose mccance carol jo- anne mcpherson barbara eliz abeth messes ruth anne mil ler rosslyn andrea murison marian alice pegg sandy wells ritchie ronald james tranter gail lila white and linda ann young other graduation diplo mas will be presented to stu dents who have completed their secondary school general course commercial course intermediate and schoolleaving certificates wayne knapp a grade 13 graduate will deliver the vale dictory address mr donald henshaw of maclaren adver tising co ltd will be the guest speaker for the commencement program a total of sixty academic and 46 athletic awards will be pre sented to deserving students of special mention is the all- round girl trophy presentation to be made to glennys cress well and the allround boy award to donald hobbs their names will be inscribed on the honour roll donated by dr n f tomlinson of claremont wayne knapp the valedicto rian will receive no less than five individual awards the mathematics prize s25 high est academic standing 25 academic athletic and extra curricular excellence school lettei s ontario scholarship s400 and j w billes admis sion scholarship 250 john buttars will receive the biology prize 25 the history prize and the atkinson foundation award valued at 400 cemetery improvement program planned for pickering tp in 1963 pickering township council will move in 1963 to adopt an organized cemetery improve ment program to include nine burial grounds throughout the municipality the proposal was recommended on monday night at a regular meeting in broug ham the brief discussion on the matter followed a letter from an official of the dept of health that pointed out that five town ship owned cemeteries had been allowed to deteriorate reeve sherman scott inform ed the members that in some cemetery locations plot mark ers had been overturned and weeds had been permitted to grow unchecked councillor milton mowbray suggested that such work a fortune was spent for bathinng suits this past sum mer but think how little some girls had to show for it nmimw canadian red cross pickering township and village branch blood donors clinic monday nov 12 c e centre pickering united church 2 to 430 pm and 630 to 9 pm free transportation and babysitter service arranged if required phone mrs h c cook te91778 please give your blood need is urgent pi ib the definition ltf ofamnfmoonlrty isavacaton v ahantakisbff08l gottttvmfor anelvscssf fc isl 1ed isivnnmmn radiator repair repairs recores- exchanges cabs- trucks- tractors guaranteed rateoflo tested dial 6403311 should be designated to one particular township department with one employee in charge he felt that mr harry ashton the bylaw enforcement officer should assume this responsibil ity i dont think that a com mittee of council should have to check into such matters he said such as cutting grass and fixing fences here and there the reeve contended that the council should make a move in this direction next year turkey shoot a deputation of green river residents including messrs john graham geo rodgerson and mr ecklund spoke to the council concerning their plans to hold a turkey shoot on the rodgerson farm nov 24th the money raised will be used to promote the construction of a natural ice rink in the commu nity reeve sherman scott inform ed the delegation that turkey shoots were quite common throughout the township and the township council had never imposed any licensed controls over such activities to hold blood doner clinic monday a bed cross blood doner clinic will be held in the c centre pickering united church pickering village on monday nov 12th it is being sponsored by the pickering twp asd village branch the clinic will be open from 2 to 430 pm and front 630 to 9 pm free transpor tation and babysitter service u ill be arranged if required phone t e 9178 mrs i l mclean on cooperative medical board mrs i l mclean of green wood was elected to the board of the cooperative medical services federation of ontario for 1963 at the ltih annual meeting held in the walper hotel kitchener on oct 26 and 27 w j mccoig ol chatham was returned as president the federation made two very important moves at this meeting one designed to guar antee their own security and the other to ensure that deserv ing young people recee assist ance in studying medicine the federation awarded the first ot deserving awards to miss margaret whitfield of peterboro a first year medical student at queens university she received the first s500 in stallment on a 2000 bursary in addition to mrs mclean other directors on the board include arthur mclaughlin bath ont r g moffat orono wm franklin brockville k e dickie hyde park and wm bradshaw wilkesport diamond wedding anniversary the road to less weight is away from the table a wife is a great comfort to a husbabnd during the distres sing times a bachelor never has now a quality water system markham mmwwl m markh phone 2943355 am phone 2943355 nov 8910 thursdayfridaysaturday tnrzan goes to india with jock mahoney together with the tartars orson welles and victor mature both in wide screen metro color last complete show 830 pm matinee saturday pm both features mondaytuesdaywednesday nov 121314 jayne mansfield fit happened in athens 4f v also air patrol with willard parker last complete show at 835 pm hatari start thursday november loth at an economy i fap for deep or shallow jellsawjter system that is really automatic adjusts itself to changing water levels and pressures automatically assures maxi mum capacity at full range of pressure switch settings no costly extras to buy comes complete with unit type motor of nationally known make automatic jet charger included to prevent water logging made ywl originators of jet pumps see it now having rouble with your pressure system or water pump why not trade it in on a new one betz supplies stouflrllle fhone 640um award costume prizes at halloween party the annual clarernnnt hal loween party in the communi ty hall was an excellent success and the costumes far exceeded all expectations the program was promoted by the recrea tion committee the decisions of the judges are as follows girls 5 yrs and under sherry evans julie ann ward terry pilkey boys 5 yrs and under ricky ward lome peters ernie anderson girls 6 and 7 yrs karen martin cathy loyst rowena williams boys 6 and 7 yrs norman levick leo samarillo wayne roszell girls 8 and 9 yrs carol le vick christine blake debbie loyst boys 8 and 9 yrs david williams robbie evans glenn hanthorn girls 10 11 12 yrs susan levick carol anderson boys 10 11 12 yrs michael levick alvis mein- ers girls 13 to 16 yrs shan non carleton valerie samarillo boys 13 tp 16 yrs jim desjar- dins peter russell adults vi mr and mrs walter a thomson former claremont district residents celebrated their diamond wedding anni versary at their home main street markham on sunday more than 300 neighbours friends and relatives were present for the occasion mrs thomson is the former sa- bina tian daughter of the late mr and mrs geo tran of atha mr thomson is ths son of the late mr and mrs harry h thomson of clare mont staff photo new p s board to have 5 members the recently formed public school area no 3 that in cludes both greenwood and kinsale will hold a nomina tion meeting to select five or more trustees on friday nov 30th the nomination will be held in the township hall at brougham between the hours of 7 and 8 pm an election it necessary will be held on saturday dec 8th the polling hours will be from 12 oclock noon to 7 pm a new fiveroom school to serve the area is presently under construction at green wood boniface norrine hill helen anderson shirley pilkey mau reen ward marion loyst ashburn mr and mrs james miller of carman manitoba were recent visitors at the home of mr john miller mr and mrs douglas ashton sons ronald and arnold and mrs h ashton spent sunday mr and mrs donald purdy to ronto mrs h doble returned home with them after spending thiee weeks with her sons in toronto mrs robt cromie of toronto visited her sister mrs edgar heron last week mr and mrs tony stigter and family of agincourt were sun day visitors in the village mr and mrs raymond taylor and nancy spent the weekend with relatives at bloomfield mrs russell taylor is visit ing her son at guelph mrs russell batten mrs ed gar heron mrs fred daw mis a deeming misses mary he ron judy batten and nancy taylor attended the school for leaders held recently at wood- ville several of our young peopl attended the halloween party for the presbytery of lindsay at woodville on saturday eve ning miss faye heron will leava by plane for chatham new brunswick on thursday to spend a couple of weeks with rev and mrs k a heron cherrywood the u c w will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of mrs risebrough on wednesday nov 14 at 115 this will be a dessert luncheon woid for roll call remem brance rev little will begin a course of bible study using the word and the way as a guide a number of our local men have gone deer hunting mrs jones of london is spend ing a few days with her daugh ter mrs wilmot gates mrs p pigott is in the hospi tal l uxbridge pickering tp news i claremont the stork and you when there hu been an addition to the family its time to think of an addition to your life insurance eatate b aure you hava enough life intur- ftsce call jim abell fhone 6403712 sun life assurance company of canada sympathy of the community is extended to the relatives of the late hilary redman who fassed away at richmond hill last week interment was made in the claremont union ceme tery on friday many friends and relatives from the claremont community attended the diamond wedding anniversary for mr and mrs waller a thomson in mark ham on sunday mr ihomson is the son of the late mr and mrs harry h thomson of claremont mrs thomson the former sabina tran is the daughter of the late mr and mrs geo tran of atha mrs hazel carruthers a for mer operator on th- local switchboard has accepted a position in uxbridge mr and mrs al robertson motored to smith falls for the weekend to visit with mr and mrs mclntyre mr mclntyre was a former coop manager in claremont mr and mis bill browning of olillia spent the weekend with mr and mrs earl cook and family mr randy carruthers left on sunday for a oneweek deer hunting trip into the northern ontario regions of bear lake mr and mrs eric wallace and family of weston visited on the weekend with mrs earl beare the claremont womens in stitute convention bus left the village at 11 am on thursday morning today and will re turn at 11 pm the gathering is being held in the royal york hotel toronto district leader truman wil cox was pleased to find every boy in the 1st claremont cub pack in uniform when he com pleted an inspection of the group recently the claremont cubmasler is bill kccvii re cently cubmaster kecvil paid a visit to the greenwood pack the cubs arc reminded tu help out with the christmas pro gram in the community hall on dec 8th at 2 pm mr and mrs ross rcdshaw and mr and mrs jack rennie visited with mr and mrs h gilford of srarboro on saturday evening the annua armistice parade will be held on sunday nov 11th those taking part are asked to be at the legion at 230 pm the service open to i the public will be conducted in the baptist church i mrs gord benson 11 samarillo mrs frank hayward mis jack rennie and mrs n hill attended the hadassa ba zaar in the automotive build ing toronto on wednesday the regular weekly bingos will be held at the legion on monday evening nov 12th at 815 pm mr and mrs h ingham of west rouge were sunday din ner guests at the home of mr and mrs jack rennie the halloween party pro moted by the recreation asso ciation was an excellent success the prizewinners appaar else where on this page lloyd macgregor continues to set a sizzling pace in the mens section of the claremont community bowling league he holds both the high single and high triple with handicap and the high single flat do rothy field marge samarillo and olga dunec are three of the top competitors in the ladi es department a complete breakdown of both team and individual standings appears on the sports page of this issue the lesult of last weeks liq uor plebiscite in pickering twp was summoned up by one individual in these words north of no 7 hwy was dry soulh of the 4th cone was wet and bay ridges was soak- en wet mr and mrs jim curtis visit ed his mother in oakville on sunday there was an excellent at tendance at the united church on sunday for the sunday school anniversary service rev i e kennedy a former pastor was the guest speaker mr frank hayward plans to move his office from its pres ent location to the building south of hedges store mr and mrs wilf glddon of toronto were sunday visitors with his parents mr and mrs bill gliddon the uxbridge united church anniversary services were held on sunday messrs harold dean and don hedges assisted in he choir skyloft at dagmar will be reopened this winter it has been leased for the season by mr mel emmcrson of stouft- villc mrs e enfield visited mrs robt barton for a few days this week mrs lillian empringham spent the weekend in toronto with her nephew mr and mrs bruce boyington shelly and greenwood unit no 1 of greenwood united church women gather ed at the home of mrs a rob ertson on thursday mrs trol ley was in charge of the wor ship service and conducted the business portion of the meeting plans were discussed for the presbytcrial mens dinner on nov 28th the meeting will be at mrs moores home and mrs brooks is in charge of the pro gram miss e ormerod was a visi tor with the closson family in whitby on sunday alfred pegg ken brooks lloyd pegg ken mctaggert and don pegg left for the north country last week on a hunting trip rev m buttars of pickering occupied the pulpit in the church here on sunday morn ing mr and mrs joe pegg ac companied by mr and mrs wayne lambert of dearbornc mich were visitors with mr and mrs m pegg on sunday mrs mabel ormerod of to ronto spent sunday with the ormerod family in greenwood mr and mrs geo moore en joyed a trip to belleville to vis it friends on the weekend mr and mrs fred byers spent thursday with mr and mrs j middleton of ashburn the united church ladies ba- zaar on saturday was largely attended and more than 200 was realized for church pur poses mrs kcddel of toronto spent last week with her daughter mrs john brooks mr and mrs t campbell and family have disposed of their home here and moved to the golden mile area mr and mrs d morden and family were sunday dinner guests with mr and mrs les wilson mrs c flynn and children of ajax were visitors with her father stanley byers on sun day audley mrs fred puckrln dr ii s shepherd of st georges anglican church pick ering delivered the message at the audley church anniversary service on sunday afternoon mrs stanley outhouse of the fifth cone sang two solos thy will be done and spirit of god sunday school will be at 115 pm followed by church serv ice at 230 for the winter months the community club met at the home of fred and mrs puckrin on saturday evening provincial constable w f hil- liard of whitby opp gave a very interesting talk on police work he told of some of his experiences and answered many questions he pointed out a change in the law a boy driv ing a tractor on any public road must be 16 mrs arch bell led a singing game mrs a h jones is iii at the home of her daughter mrs frank murray mr stewart mcgrandel downsview spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs aleck richards sincere sympathy of this community is extended to mrs roesch and mr george roesch in the sudden death of mr fred roesch on wednesday morning mr roesch was killed at the audley road crossing as he re turned from work in toronto in the heavy fog mr and mrs roesch moved into the home formerly owned by mrs james cowic in july of this year atha a dale rev and mrs i e kennedy were sunday dinner guests at the home of mr and mrs victor symcs mrs cbwle was also i present mr and mrs wilmer ham entertained mr and mrs fred draper to sunday dinner in toronto the occasion was mr 2nd mrs fred drapers 30th wedding anniversary nov 5th congratulations fred and verna mr and mrs david tran mr and mrs joe tran miss betty jean tran mr r hall mr and mrs john williams and janet attended the 60th wedding anni versary of mr and mrs walter thomson in markham on sun day two of our local hunters left for the north country to search for deer they were mr elroy clodd and mr david mcdowell belated congratulations to mr and mrs norman lehman who celebrated their 21st wed ding anniversary en nov 1st mr and mrs clifford dunkcld and family were dinner guests with mr and mrs norman leh man on sunday t

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