ph i we stoufryiui tr1h1ne tiurafcy aobt 16 1962 editorial why not dramatise them more after every serious highway tccident all haste possible is made to clear away ihe wreckage and get things back to normal it is almost as though a determined effort is be ing made to avoid letting motorists in on the facts of driving without proper care what would be wrong with dra matising the deplorable ontario acci dent incidence more in the hope that it might scare people into being care ful instead of clearing away wreck age leave it there as nearly as ajax at the once again this year the town of ajax will be represented at the canadian national exhibition the project the only one of its kind is an attempt by its industrial commis sion to sell their municipality to in dustry with sixty manufacturing firms already tucked inside its borders it might appear that ajax a commun ity of 8000 would tend to sit back and be satisfied with its accomplish- possible as it was found use dum mies to replace the human wreckage post adequate warning signs at the approaches slowing passing traffic so travellers would have a firsthand look at what happens when two ve hicles make contact oh it wouldnt be a pretty sight but accidents never are and thats what safetyminded people have been trying to hammer not very success fully into the heads of those who drive maybe if more could see more would heed cne ments not so the cne display that gained the town much favour able publicity in 61 will be right back in the public spotlight of attention again in 62 is the scheme paying off in in dustrial dividends the commis sions most recent press report does not say so specifically but we must assume that a return engagement is at least a tentative vote of confidence in favour of the program equipment put we hope it will never be needed but if its ever required it will be available those were the words spoken last spring by the president of the stouffville legion mr stan burkholder on the presentation of a stretcher and two woollen blankets to the town they were received on behalf of the municipality by the reeve mr timbers and the fire chief walter smith on sunday afternoon the equip ment was available and it was put to to good use good use the blankets were used to cover an uxbridge twp lady rend ered unconscious by smoke poisoning and over exertion she was trans ported to the more comfortable quar ters of her home on the portable stretcher with the oxygen inhalator the blankets and the stretcher the fire brigade and police have a three-in- one unit that canbe lifesavers in times of emergencies the legion can be well assured that their gift was sincerely appreciated on sunday business was booming in these days of austerity tight money high interest rates etc there is still one business that once start ed is likely to expand at a pheno menal rate its the art of raising rabbits about one year ago a mussel- mans lake family paired a couple of flemish giants soon there were rabbits hopping everywhere in fact the rabbitraising business was so good that it has forced the owners out of business a complaint from a neighbour cant win railway workers have just won another wage round from the com panies which could quite conceivably be the last knowing the present plight of the rail companies finan cially it would appear that each round is just one more nail in the coffin one more step down the hill towards the time when there will be few if any jobs for railway workers food for reflection is provided by realization that in the united states the number of railroad work ers has dropped from more than 815000 to less than 700000 in three years some of this drop is due to automation of course but that is regarding an unsavory odour from the adjoining premises forced whit church twp council to take action on the matter the members al though perhaps a trifle reluctant to end such a flourishing operation had little alternative since the owners cottage lot did not measure up to the standard as required by bylaw to per mit such a profession so the rabbits must go every last cottinpickin cottontail and whitchurch town ships most booming business is no more many more only one reason millions of dollars have been added to railway operating costs mostly in wages the amounts are so high that hardly any company is able to absorb them how will they be met the freight rates seem high enough con sidering the competition there is only one alternative to cut the num ber of hand employed thus railway union leaders may wake up to the fact some day soon that they cant afford to win many more big wage increases from the railroads this should be an interesting considera tion and one with definite application to the railway situation in canada as well as the united states storage tower would consideration by the stouffville public utilities commission to erect a large storage water tank at some location east of the summitview school is a move in the right direc tion towards providing safer and more adequate water service to the east end of town complaints of poor water service in this end of town have been a topic at puc meetings for many years at least three years ago a storage tower was recommend ed by engineers as a solution to the problem but no action has been taken up until the present the tank would not only assure more adequate pressure to the in creasing residents in this area but would also assure some measure of torage protection should it be ne cessary to shut off service further be good business west in the main line some move is required to give better distribution and the elevated tank would appear to be the best and most economical proposal in addi tion to providing the muchneeded in crease in pressure it would also give storage for a limited period as op posed to simply laying additional mains the fire department as well as residents are constantly comment ing on the lack of pressure and now that annexation is all but complete the suggestion of still further popu lation to be serviced in this end of town makes the need more urgent it wduld appear that all members of the commission are agreed on the need for the tank and it is hoped that action on the engineers recom mendation will be not much longer delayed lje touffinile rtliim established 1su a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association attkatb imnilitin ul ttmoott dipt otuwa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere s450 i h houk mfcw ui thomas editor us mckean adrtrtisi fly in the ointment for parents only by nancy cleaver sugar spice i by bill smiiey raswi there is something deeply comforting to the human spirit in fire whether its a log in the fireplace chuckling cheerily or burning with a slow dream- making flame a bonfire on the beach pushing back the dark ness or just the gleam and warmth from the kitchen stove fire soothes and renews the in ner self im writing this column by the tiniest flame of all a candle theres been a hydro break and the lights have been out for hours with the soft little yellow glow of my candle beside me i dont care if they never come on again at the mo ment i would not trade this one candle for all the lights on broadway all the power that pours over niagara falls and a light bulb personally autograph ed by thomas edison m m its a brave small red candle left over from christmas there are only about three inches of it left and in an hour it will be just a burnedout candle but right now it brings me comfort companionship and memories its flame brings back the nights of wonderful cosiness as a child at the cottage in sum mer snuggled in bed with my young brother id watch the grotesque shadows flicked over the ceilingless interior by the fireplace flames but there was no real terror in the weird leaping figures on the other side of the par tition my parents talked in the low peaceful tones of people halfbemused by the open fire the coaloil lamps cast a sturdy orange glow that chased the leaping shadows the whip-poor- will on the hill behind the cot tage called his cheerful good night and i diftcd into sleep with a sense of security ive never had since the candle flame reminds me of the first time i fell in love it was at a huge bonfire i was 11 after the marshmallows and the singsong we grew silent watching the deep red of the hottest inside of the fire as it burned lower this freckle- faced girl with the brown eyes and the white teeth and the golden arms was sitting beside mc she got a bit dopey leaned against my shoulder and fell asleep i didnt move just sat there being madly in love next day i proposed to her believing it was mutual she save me a bloody nose and i was off women for years my candle flame brings other arc memories prison camp in germany december 1944 the wind howls out of the baltic the only light in the room is a red flame shining through the crevices of the crude stove the only sound is drip drip drip eighteen young flyers of half i dozen nations lie silent and watch the firelight dance on the walls they are of a single mind escape home and loved ones a thick juicy steak no theyre all listening intently to that drip drip emanating from the homemade still hooked up to the stove and wondering if the potato whisky its producing will be fit to drink in time for the new years party yes fire is truly a blessing under its soothing light and warmth even the chattering of womens tongues will desist under its influence businessmen who would sell their own grand mothers into slavery if the net profit were right wax imagina tive sentimental and idealistic we have come a long way from the days when our prim itive ancestors crouched before a fire in a cave dimly wonder ing what was for breakfast we dont wear skins any more we wear bikinis and strapless bras we dont kill people with a club any more we use pushbuttons we dont tear the liver out a newly killed animal and eat it hot and raw and juicy we pay 60c a pound and eat it dry and gristly with onions but firelight has the same magic for us after all the pro gress as it had for our ancestor slob the caveman it can take the bitter lines from around a womans mouth and turn her into a madonna in tshirt it ran put a look of sheer hellery into an old mans eyes as he looks into the flame and sees himself as he was so years ago v it would be a sorry day for mankind if he lost somehow the great gift of fire in the meantime however my column is- finished i feel like eating a fried egg sandwich you cant cook eggs over a candle and i wish the hydro boys wouiu pull the pickle and get the power on again sunday school lesson golden text ye my flock of my pasture are men and i am your god saith the lord god ezek 3431 approach to the lesson in our lesson last week we learned that ezekiel was a god- ordained prophet during the ba bylonian captivity that he minis tered to the exiles along the lines of both reproof and en couragement the response to his prophesyings was extremely ly meager however but of this he had been previously warned by jehovah so that he was not taken by surprise selfish religious shepherds were perhaps responsible for the atmosphere of complaint that prevailed among these dis contented deportees the lord therefore pronounced woe upon all of these and promised to provide for the flock one true shepherd who would ultimately gather them together in a secur ity and a blessing hitherto un known he dearly loved them and would not forsake them in the end they would know that he was the lord their god the heart of the lesson a general murmuring against the lords dealings with them had prevailed among the jewish captives the way of the lord is not equal they complained they apparently based this in dictment on the plea that gen eral judgment upon the nation was unfair to the individual god therefore accepted the chal lenge and declared the principle of individual conduct as deter minative in his dealings with men like a watchman on the wall appointed to warn of approach ing danger ezekiel was com missioned to convey jehovahs word to the people failure to warn them would bring condem nation to not only the guilty but condemnation to the negligent watchman also heavy responsi bility therefore lay upon both and none could charge god with unjust actions the spiritual decadence of the captives was due in good meas ure to their greedy and oppres sive shepherds these hirelings were to be severely punished and their removal would make way for the true shepherd of israel the lord jesus christ markham twp july building the value of new building in markham township in july was 138925 with the most expens ive home priced at 20000 ex clusive of land public buildings were valued at 46700 mostly a wallet is always a nice gift but its not much use to dad until some time after vaca tion there must be some place like home the way men stay away from it popular bus tbavel not long ago we went from winnipeg to the canadian authors convention at edmon ton by greyhound bus it was very interesting to see the large number of people using the bus lor a vacation trip this in cluded several famlily groups going to visit grandparents and others on a sight seeing tour to an area they had never visited before we went the northern route via yorkton and came home the southern way passing through parts of only three provinces we were impressed by the great contrast in canadian scenery and by the beauty of the flam ing colors of the dawn across the vast expanse of prarie the green loveliness of woodclad hills in the northern area and the thrilling outline of the mountains which can be seen along the horizon on the road from edmonton to calgary we chatted with a mother with her daughter who had been to van couver and who described the rockies as seen from the bus window the most magnificent sight they ever hoped to see each summer on increasing number of men women and children travel long or short distances for pleasure a net work of highways from east to west including the transcan ada route via the north shore of lake superior lures visit ors to unfamiliar places bus travel is the choice not only of thousands of individuals but also of a large number of families it is true that with the ten sion and pressures of modern living by vacation time some mothers and fathers have had almost too much of together ness and a bus trip to a spot they have longed to visit all by themselves may be the very thing they need they may agree heartily with william hazlitts verdict one of the pleasantest things in the world is going on a journey but i like to go by myself part of the fun of a holiday is the anticipation and planning for it before it begins after a family decide how they are going to travel and where they want to go let them delegate an older boy or girl to write away for tourist information from the areas and centres which will be visited keep the attractive folders and literature which will be sent on request with one or two maps in a large durable envelope plan to let the chu- ldren purchase post cards of i local scenes at the longer bus i stops a picture diary of pub licity material plus colored post cards can be kept en route with a small plastic squeeze pasta bottle blunt scissors and a dur able scrap book after the trip is over this record will recall tappy memories of places vis ited enjoyable experiences and new acquaintances the safety of bus travel ap peals to may people who are horrified by the number of road accidents involving private cars public transportation ve hicles such as those owned by greyhound and other large bus companies have a safety record of which they can be proud on our trip we were impressed with the good judgement of the drivers in heavy traffic and with the stop they made at every ailway crossing as well as opening and closing the door at this time last summer a father who must do a lot of driving in con nection with his job chose to take his wife and son by bus to vancouver he remarked i wanted to enjoy the scenery too and really telax how could i have done that with my eyes glued to the road on the twist ing highways through the moun tains a highlight for children who must have a stayathome va cation is a guided tour of their own or a nearby city this will open their eyes to interesting places on their doorstep if the man of the house has a short holiday a bus trip makes good use of every vaca tion day the packaged tours are carefully planned not only for economy but to give thu sightseer the maximum of in teresting scenery without being too exhausting men are sometimes very cii- tical of their wives driving a mother under her husbands eagle eye may find her turn at the wheel in the car on a fam ily motor trip far from a pleasure a bus trip removes this source of conflict it also gives a commuting father a rest and change from the daily driving routine children who have been coached by their parents ahead of time are of ten very well behaved on a bus trip they learn to amuse themselves and often practice the courtesy which according to james thomas fields gives its owner v passport round the globe your qarden corner the slug is one of the most common pests in the garden evidence of his work is never hard to find especially in cool wet weather nothing is more annoying to the gardner than to see those plants that have just been sot out reduced to shreds in a few hours slugs are not particular about their diet and just about anything goes so any of your plants are liable to be attacked even sudden periods of cold drought or heat wont slow them down much here are a few tips from hor ticulturist with the ontario department of agriculture on how to control this pest one of the most important factors is sanitation slugs hide under all sorts of rubbish during the day so get rid of any debris lying around as well as weed beds and brush piles the fact that slugs like to hide under rubbish can be made use of in establishing traps set a piece of bark about 6 inches square close to the area to be protected this will at tract the slugs and should be regularly checked for their pres ence preferably early in the morning any slugs present can be killed an old roofing tile also works well mctaldchydc baits are also ef fective and are sold in many commercial forms apply the bait at dusk in- small piles about the size of a fiftycent piece in the area to be protected fresh applications are needed after rain this is one of the most common forms of control is your most important date approaching 7 make sure the wedding invitations and announcements are correct in every detail we have a large choice of wedding stationery and offer you thermo- graphed type in various styles we also have printed napkins place cards thank you cards and other supplies we invite you to stop in and see our samples when your wedding date approaches order your printed supplies at the stouffville tribune ii phone 152 s3 main street