Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 12, 1962, p. 8

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p9 s t stoufrvttu trjhjni twf my jluwtdwnark destroyed rsandwnark ms estretl a longtime landmark bow- structure located on the posed roadwidening pro- ed to progress in the village southwest coiner ot the giam mr cy wannop at t claremont on monday county intersection was top- the contiols ol a barclay when a 115 year old stone pled to make way lor a pro- firm bulldoer completed the demolition work in less than an hour the building was elected in 1s47 befoie the village had acquired an ofxicial name landmark toppled to allow improvement to intersection the public school trustees be restored to a place of land was shipped to toionlo claik of gicciiwood in the at s s no 9 pickering prom on a new 5room for use in st james cathe- mid1800s its chime can be gieenwood have agieed that a centuryold bell atop s thal w be built dial 1ouiid unsuitable it was heaid lor a radius of two the old school building should neat by the bell cast in eng- purchased by the late wm miles another longstanding land mark in the village of clare mont has bowed to progress on monday morning the solid tone structure erected by the late john hamilton in 1847 was toppled to permit recon struction of the southwest corner of the brock roadcone 9 intersection the work is part of a county program planned to eliminate the hazard through poor visibility to the south the building that had with stood time and tide for 115 years was levelled in less than one hour cy wannop at the con trols of a bulldozer from the barclay construction co com pleted the work while local res idents some young some old looked on the structure was actually erected before the village had a name it was built on the corner of a farm owned by mr hamil ton who intended it to be used as a dwelling by his brother-in- law robert d paterson mr paterson lived in the building for only a short time however and later moved into toronto it was then rented by thomas noble who opened a grocery store at the site and dispensed other miscellaneous articles to the settlers of the neighbour hood this originated the name of nobles corners in the early 1850s the nameplate was changed to claremont although the structure had been standing vacant for seve ral years it was the property of the late john brignall few residents expressed any sentiment at the buildings pas sing from the local scene aside from constituting a menace to car and truck traffic fiom the west the landmark had fallen into a bad state of disrepair and its use even if lemodelled would have been limited claremont news mrs bruce douglas ot wood- ville called onfriends and rela tives in the village last week after visiting with her father j mr fred lynn who is confined to a resthome near dunbarton she reports- her father is im proving and is expected home in two or three weeks mr and mrs ross alyes- worth and four boys of scarboio visited with mr and mrs grant taylor on sunday mr and mrs got don taylor and mr and mrs william glid- don spent the weekend at mr grant taylors cottage at hawk lake the claremont lawn bowl ing club held their annual meet ing last week and elected new officers as follows president thomas hammond vicepresi dent ernest baker scctreas mrs margaretbaker mr robert redshaw sr was rushed to ajax hospital last week and at the time of writing is much improved dr tomlinson mr and mrs allan tomlinson of ham ilton left last week for a motor trip east and expect to be away about two weeks mr and mrs giant taylor attended a 25th wedding anni versary celebration of mr and mrs earl newall in oshawa on saturday evening miss joy green entertained a number of her friends at a bar- beeue on saturday evening mrs frank loyst is visiting at present with her daughter mrs roy thompson at tweed and with relatives at deeronto larry towner infant son of mr and mrs wm towner was rushed to sick chlldrens hospi tal last week but is improved and expected home early this week mr and mrs roy timms and family have purchased the c j burton house and moved in last week mr and mrs kenneth jones and family moved on sat into the brignall house whlrh they recently purchased mr and mrs ivan beverley and family of oshawa are living in the house vacated by mr and mrs jones mr and mrs clifford cun ningham and family gail 13 dianne 10 jimmy 4 and mat thew 2 months formerly of scarboro have moved into the home previously occupied by mr and mrs jack rennie and family the united church young peoples society will hold a camp fire and swimming party at the maples park on thurs day mr fred moore is the president of the organization the routley reunion will be held on sunday july 5th at hilo park pickering twp the spencer property will be the scene or a cup pack camp- out from july 20 to 22nd the united church sunday school picnic was held at the greenwood conservation park on wednesday mrs david gillingham of lakeview sister of mr wm voss left on friday aboard the s s corinthia and will spend several weeks in england on her return in august she will be accompanied by her sister miss elizabeth voss who will spend some holidays heie mr and mrs jim norton of whitby were sunday visitors mr and mrs jack lehman recent visitors with mr and mis wcs lehman wore mr and mrs bruce lehman and family of brooklin tom hammond don hedges and jimmy briscoe were local entries in a mens trebles tour nament on wednesday in stouffville mr geo mcconncll has re turned home after a thiee- week vacation trip to ireland mr norman lehman of atha was a recent guest speaker at a regular service in the baptist church the norrls hardy farm north of the village has been sold to mr roy coppin the tribune is appreciative of a call from mrs al robertson on the tragic house fire thurs day afternoon that destroyed the home of mr and mrs wm blundcll and family on monday morning mr lloyd peters took the time to tip off the tribune to the demolition of the 115 year old building on the southwest corner of the village intersection two local jounsr men john local merchant plans to erect modern food and dry goods store if work proceeds accoiding to plans the first sod will be turned in august in the erection of a modern new lood and dry goods store on the west side of the brock road in claremont the future owner of this two- storey cementblock sti ucture is mr gordon mcgrath the site in the old bundy block is almost across the road from his present place of businees the frame apartment dwel lings will be demolished one family has already vacated the piemises and a second is plan ning to leave shortly it was pait of the estate of the late john brignall i the lot which has a frontage of 132 feet will permit ample space for display windows lac ing the street in addition to a multicar parking lot to the north the contract for the con struction work has not been let and cost estimate has not been revealed mr mcgrath hopes to torrance and terry green have reached banff alberta and are presently employed at a sum mer resort in the vacation centre the tribune is pleased to have mrs mildred taylor back as a local correspondent in claremont rev a wigby of markham was the guest pastor at the fourteenth annual drumhead service conducted on sunday afternoon the parade led by the caledonia pipe band includ ed members of local organiza tions in the village barbara gifford of scaiboro is enjoying her vacation at the home of mr and mrs jack rennie i mrs s graham was admit ted to the oshawa general hos pital last week but is now mak ing satisfactory progress miss grace benson celebrated f birthday on friday and was the guest at a party held at the home of mr and mrs e pilkey a barbecue party was held at the home of miss joy green on saturday mr and mrs jim mcguirc and family attended the ameri can motors family picnic at woodbridge on saturday the response by local iesi- dents to the aid of the blundell family was very good on satur day when a shower was held in the community hall mr alvin redshaw has been one of the chief promoters of the drive to aid the parents who lost all their belongings in a house fire on thursday afternon mrs nelms and family of ottawa spent a few days last week at the home of mr and mrs a samarillo bingo will continue in the legion every monday evening the next date is july 16th 40v rkbkkak iodgk the regular meeting of the joy rebckah lodge no 355 was held on monday evening june 25th noble grand sister elli- cott wa in charge asited by vice grand sister iobel annis the sick and card report was given by vice grand sitcr annis the measurers report was presented by sister irene phillip two members were honoured on their birthday occasion sisters jean ellicott and pearl twcedie the nevt hireling will be held on monday evening sep lolh have the work completed this year there will be over 2000 square feet of floor space in the stoie a complete line of dry goods will be featured in addi tion to the legular food com modities mr mcgrath feels that his present premises is in adequate to carry sufficient quantities of stock especially dry good supplies the family will leside in the second storey living quarters mr mcgrath still retains ownership to his store on the east side and the future of this business has not been finalized we have enough faith in the community to feel that such a venture can be a success said the owner in conveisation with the tribune this week we think it will be a good thing for the village as a whole claim pit bylaw penalizing many for faults of few we realize you have a prob lem but we dont feel you should penalize all gravel pit operators for the faults of a few stated mr kenneth cooper addiessing pickering twp council last week con cerning a proposed bylaw to regulate pits and quarries with in the municipality mr cooper spoke on behalf of other legiti mate operators in the township one of the prime objections concerned the erection of a chainlink fence around the out skirts of the pits i dont think that legitimate people should be asked to put up a security fence continued the spokesman councillor ross deakin agreed i personally feel that i is a hardship he said he new engineer will commence duties aug 1st pickeiing twp council has finalized its selection of a new municipal engineer mr poul poulsson p eng was hired last week from a total of 18 applica tions his official duties will commence aug 1st mr poulssons salary will begin at 833333 with an an nual increment each year to a maximum of 9000 mr poulsson will be placed on a three months probationary ar rangement as is the case with all new employees brougham mr and mrs t english and family and mr and mis grant- miller and family of whitby mr and mrs jas wroe and daughter of bracebridge and mr and mrs bev english and little son of brooklin held a get- together at stevensens park on sunday mr and mrs e morfsen of queensville visited with mr and mrs allan ellicott on sun day mr and mrs aylmer reaman of burlington was at the home of his mother mrs s reaman during the weekend for a family icunion and also to celebrate his mothers birthday miss mary jane puckrin is spending a few days with don nadebbie and denise pascoe mr thos stpvenson of toron- suggested that a 9strand farm- to spent a few days last week typo fence would he adequate councillor hubert wank pointed out that one or two open pits constituted a hazard due to a collection of water in their base quite often our attention is not drawn to these dangers until after someone has drowned he said there is a need for regula tions and controls i agree commented mr cooper wc are only too willing to co operate councillor milton mowbray noted that gravel operations was possibly pickerings largest industry they employ the most peo ple stated reeve sherman scott the reeve informed the spokesman that his proposals would be considered by the council prior to any finaliza- hon of the bylaw no flag for pickering twp no special flag has ever been designed for the twp of pickering and it is unlike ly that he council will be come involved in the issue the subject was discussed briefly at a regular merlin last week mrs nora living ston secretary of the picker ing you 111 trumpet kami asked that a township flag be added lo the colour guard unit kecvr sherman srolt said that the municipality had neither a flag nor an official errsi councillor ross deakin noted that he had designed crcsj for the township but it bad neter been adopted with his sister mr and airs randal ellicott mrs honey of port perry spent the past week with her daughter mrs annis the duncan families held their reunion on july 2nd at springhill park the ellicott family get-togelh- er was held on july 1st at the home of mr cecil phillip on the 5th concession mrs arthur carlton had the misfoitune to trip over a rug one day last week breaking her left arm just below the shoulder mr and mrs jas wroe and little daughter of bracebridge spent the holiday weekend with her parents thos and mrs english a car load of ladies journey ed to oshawa one week to attend a miscellaneous shower for miss doris bolton and mr robt pciry who are being married shoitly mr and mrs k c pascoe and girls visited with mr and mrs john puckrin and family at lake simcoe on sunday mrs w hamilton who has been a patient in brier bush hospital was removed to scar boro hopital for further treat ment we all join in wishing her a speedy recovery unit no 3 of brougham ucw will meet on thursday evening july 10 at the home of mrs n burton assisted by mrs j white program con vener mrs h malcolm and roll call faith mrs tanli and daughlc miss alma of toionlo visited with mrs geo perry on sunday north ontario plowing match to be held on forfar farm the north ontario plowmens association held their summer meeting on friday june 29th tor the purpose of making plans lor their annual north ontaiio plowing match the meeting was held in the department of agriculture board room ux- bridge president stuait ball was in charge of the meeting the plowing match this year will be held at the farm ot mr russell forfar uxbridge rr2 on wednesday october 3rd mr heber down brooklin was appointed judge for the horse show the prize list was levised and supervising directors were ap pointed for each class arrangements will be made to hold this junior competition as a joint effort with the south ontario plowmens association junior match on saturday sep tember 22nd the ontario county farm safety council is sponsoring a coloured slide competition in ontario county this year this competition is open only to residents of ontaiio county all slides are to be coloured and 2 by 2 in size entries close december 8lh 1962 and all slides are to be mailed to the department of agricultuie of fice uxbridge the subject matter of the slides will be in the category of any of the following classes accident hazards actual ac cidents results of accidents pievcntion of accidents substantial prize money is be ing offered in each of the four classes the besl six slides will be selected and entered in the pro vincial farm safety slide com petition as the ontario county entry the ontario county commit tee in charge of the competition is mrs walter carruthers ux bridge rri wallace mclean udney harold page uxbridge rr2 and lynn fair depart- to move century old bell to new greenwood school the chimes of a bell that has beckoned students to the cen turyold greenwood public school s s no 9 pickering twp for more than 100 years willbe preserved on an agree ment reached by the members of the trustee board the bell that can be heard for a radius of two miles on a clear day will be entlnoned in a special cairn atop a new 5room school building on an adjacent lot the boaids decision to re tain the bell has met with the unanimous approval of long time greenwood folk who cherish the historical back ground it depicts it was originally cast in eng land an shipped to toronto to be installed in st james cathe dral it did not meet the neces sary i equii ements however and a new one was ordered the late wm clark of greenwood then a tiustce purchased the bell and it was tiansported by schooner to fienchmans bay and hauled by oxen to its pies- cnt site the bells weight is estimated in excess of 500 pounds the i ooftop belltower lias been sketched into the plans ot the architect stefan sherbo- wich the contract for the new school structure has not yet been let absence from meetings forced dismissal cliffoid laycox west rouge resident and former member ot pickeiing twp council was dis missed from his post on the rec reation association due to his absence fiom meetings this action was taken at a regular monthly session of the committee in june mr laycox was ousted from his municipal position when he elected to oppose mrs jean mc- phcrson for the deputy-rcevc- ship and was defeated at the polls last december he had previously been an ardent worker on the recreation board and was responsible for some of ihe programs that are in practise at the present time prior to 62 he had missed few meetings the parks and recreation committee has a motion on its ment of agriculture uxbridge further information on this safety coloured slide competi tion may be secured by getting in touch with the department of agriculture office uxbridge hooks that any member who misses three consecutive meet ings shall automatically forfeit his position the secretary was asked to notify mr laycox of the committees action new backstops the committee is pressing its piogram to have a parks in the township supplied with softball backstops it was agreed that new ones should be ordered for parks at liverpool and east woodlands and that repairs should be completed on the ones at claremont and brough am the greenwood park board is anxious to have another back stop erected in their community park mr geo moore of green wood was present to submit his i quest committee member donald hopkins suggested that if the structure could be instal led for 17500 he would favour the project he noted however that there was some doubt le- jarding the cost mr moor agreed to provide more informa tion on the matter at the next regular meeting in july picnbc table paper j00 ft rolls special 195 at he stouffville tribune

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